Doxygen Alias with multiple commands - alias

I do have some problems to define an Alias definition in doxygen when I have to use multiple commands in the alias definition.
What I am trying to achieve is actually the output of sample DD_32 below.
I currently don't know why the output of #DD{22, Test Description} looks different. Also tried to provide escaped quotes to the ALIAS definition, but still. No luck.
My alias definition is as follows:
ALIASES += DD{2}="\page DD_\1 \"Design \1\" \brief \2 #par Implementation:"
For testing I use the following code:
* #page DD_31 Design 31
* #brief Descrition
* #par Implementation:
* #DD{22, Test Description}
I would suspect, that the output is identical, but it looks like in the screenshot provided below:
As you can see, the \brief description is actually part of the page name.
Any hints how I could fix this issue?
Thanks a lot.

For completeness;
As proposed in the comments by albert, his pull request implements physical newlines in an alias by placing ^^ in between separate commands.
So, for example:
ALIASES += DD{2}="#page DD_\1 "Design \1" \brief \2 ^^ #par Implementation:"


what this sign mean in sql query

i have the following code :
FROM tbl_doc
WHERE Prim_id='2121212';
What is /*_archive*/ mean ?
in my database we have :
From a /* sequence to the following */ sequence, as in the C programming language. This syntax enables a comment to extend over multiple lines because the beginning and closing sequences need not be on the same line.
MySQL Server supports certain variants of C-style comments. These enable you to write code that includes MySQL extensions, but is still portable, by using comments of the following form:
/*! MySQL-specific code */

How to escape symbols in Kotlin documentation Dokka/Kdoc?

I want to add a comment like this
* #param scrollFraction In range [0..1].
But Dokka/Kdoc interprets stuff inside square brackets as a reference. This leads to badly rendered comments when you check the function's documentation in the IDE or generate the docs. How can I escape square brackets/other symbols in Dokka/Kdoc?
You should be able to do it using ` symbol, like this:
* #param scrollFraction In range `[0..1]`.
However, using ` symbol will show everything in between as a code block.
To just use square brackets without a reference inside, use HTML symbols, like [ and ] from the #yuvgin's answer.
You can use HTML escaping:
* #param scrollFraction In range [0..1].
should output in Dokka as range [0..1]., since [ escapes as [ and ] escapes as ].
Note this will not work inside a section of inline code (between grave accents - like this). For such cases use square brackets ([ and ]) normally, as was suggested in Demigod's answer.

VB.NET LIKE comparison with # and *

I have the following file name: d#cument.txt
I want to compare to see if it matches pattern: d#cument*
I do this like this:
return "d#cument.txt" Like "d#cument*"
This returns false. The ending asterix seems to be the problem. Because if I change file name to just "d#cument" and Like pattern to "d#cument" it returns true.
Any idea why and/or workaround?
Documentation states that # has a meaning in a Like pattern so you need to "escape" it by putting it between brackets :
Return "d#cument.txt" Like "d[#]cument*"
Alternatively you can use String.StartsWith to do the same thing without worrying with special chars.
Note also that though Like is convenient for simple patterns ; for things more complex it could be better to switch to Regex instead.

Incorrect doxygen formatting on only one line

The heading at the start of the comment block shown in the C code below is formatted incorrectly in both HTML and PDF output as \verbatim text.
All other Doxygen comments I have in this file work perfectly (they are all VERY similar as the file provides functions that conform to a type).
I have tried removing all preceding Doxygen comments from the file (except the #name) to rule out incorrect block formatting closing, removing the heading spec (#'s) changing the heading text (eg "foo") in case of incorrect characters, removing the later \verbatim block, removing this entire comment block itself to see if the problem transferred to the next one, but nothing seems to change!!
How can I get the heading to format correctly?? Thanks.
/** # *IDN? - Identification query #
* This query allows the instrument to identify itself. It responds with a `<`string`>` consisting of four fields
* separated by commas. The four fields are determined by constants defined in the application
* specific settings in config.h and appear in the following order:
* \verbatim MANUF,MODEL,SERIAL,FIRMW \endverbatim
* See the config.h file description for information on each of these fields.
* #param parameters None
* #param query `*IDN?`
extern int16_t IDN (double * parameters, bool query);
How this looks in PDF:
How this looks in HTML:
EDIT: The comments for the OPC function:
/** # *OPC - Operation Complete Command. #
* This command causes the device to set the operation complete bit in the standard event status register when
* all pending device operations have completed.
* The query responds with an ASCII "1" when all pending device operations are complete.
* #param parameters None
* #param query `*OPC?`
extern int16_t OPC (double * parameters, bool query);
Finally solved this, though Im still unsure as to the cause.
Basically I rewrote the documentation comment a bit at a time (I was trying to see if I could isolate any one item that caused it).
I started with a one word comment, when that appeared correctly I slowly added more bits, rebuilding after each addition. I now have the full comment, exactly as before, but now working as intended
Puzzling... maybe doxygen only rebuilt that part after it detected the comment being deleted and started again and that cleared whatever the issue was?? Meh, it's fixed anyway. Thanks for the suggestions.

Is there a way to continue doxygen lists across multiple comment blocks?

Basically, I'm trying to do document code along the lines of:
//Description of Step 1
//Description of Step 2
I want the two comment blocks to turn into an ordered list in the Doxygen output. I've read the documentation on creating lists, and I understand that I can just use HTML tags, but it looks like there is extra stuff generated between to the tags that would be generated, that results in whitespace between the two items. Ultimately, I'd like to not have to use HTML tags; that is, I'd prefer to just use
-# Description of Step 1
-# Description of Step 2
or something along those lines. Is this even possible?
Okay, so I may not have described the results I'm getting and the results I want. The HTML generated from the above code is something like:
Description of Step 1
Description of Step2
Note that there are 2 paragraph tags that I don't want, since they result in unwanted whitespace.
Of course this is possible. I use it successfully. For more details, read my answer to that question: How to be able to extract comments from inside a function in doxygen?
EDIT: After having read your actual and expected result
Unfortunately, I didn't find a way to get rid off the whitespace between list elements.