UML - What is relationship when a class instance is declared in method - oop

I would like to know how the following relationship is called in UML and how it is marked on a class diagram ? Is that a constrained dependency relationship, marked by dotted arrow ?
public class A {}
public class B
public foo()
A a = new A();

Yes, exactly. It's
B - - - > A


UML class diagram relation with mother class if every child class uses the same thing

I have two questions:
I have a Singleton class with a property Layout that I use in creating child objects of an abstract class (example below). The abstract class has an abstract method where the layout file is given as a variable. Do I connect that Singleton class to the abstract class or each child? The following example is written using pseudo-code:
public class SingletonClass
public static Instance;
public var[,] Layout;
public abstract class AbstractClass
public abstract void DoSomething(var[,] Layout);
public class ClassA : AbstractClass
public override void DoSomething(var[,] Layout) { some code }
public class ClassB : AbstractClass
public override void DoSomething(var[,] Layout) { some other code }
Is it even needed, or "cleaner", to give the Layout as variable in the method, or is it ok to just call Layout from the singleton class?
The following UML is an equivalent of your code
under the following assumptions: Instance and Layout are assumed to be attributes of analogous classes.
SingletonClass has two owned attributes (denoted by the big dots): public layout of type Layout and instance of type AbstractClass (it's abstract, hence the italics). The latter will later hold either an instance of the concrete ClassA or ClassB.
Whether or not the design is ok depends. Basically there's nothing wrong with this.

How to handle more than 100 classes through Polymorphism without violating Open Closed Principle

Suppose I have a class called A and there are two versions to it A1 and A2.
class A{};
class A1 : A{};
class A2 : A{};
and I have one more class which would use these.
class B
B(A obj)
if(obj.type(A1)){}//do this
else(obj.type(A2)){})//do this
1) Suppose there are 100 or 1000 of classes derived from A,then how do I implement it in the constructor of B, by using "switch" or "if"> In both cases if I have to extend the class I will violate the "open closed principle".
2) if(obj.type(A1)) is this implementation the best way to implement for detecting which class object is there.
If you have a 100 classes derived from the same base class, you need to re-consider your design.
That said, sometimes you have a large number of classes doing similar things.
One option is to use an interface, have your different classes implement that interface, and the "do this" implemented in each subclass separately:
class B { B(A obj) {
if(obj.type(A1)){}//do this
else(obj.type(A2)){})//do this
} }
interface AInterface
public void doThis();
abstract class A implements AInterface
class A1 extends A
public void doThis()
class A2 extends A
public void doThis()
class B { B(AInterface obj) {
} }
Another, more advanced approach is to use the Visitor design pattern.

What is the benefit of base class variable holding derived class object?

I know that it is possible to base class variable holding derived class object. Like below....
class Animal
public void printName()
System.out.println("Print your name");
public class Tiger extend Animal
public void Print()
System.out.println("My Name");
public void static main(String args[])
Animal type1 = new Tiger();
//with this new created type1 varibale. I can only access members of Animal class.
type1.PrintName() // valid
type1.Print() //In-valid
So what is the usefulness of this? Still I don't see any benefit. Can someone explain me, may be I am missing something. Thanks.
In this case, where the variable is initialized from a child class variable, it isn't terribly useful. The usefulness comes in two cases:
When you have a function parameter with a base class type and you pass in a child class object as the actual argument.
void CareForAnimal(Animal anm) {
While it's technically possible to allow you to do things with formal parameters you can't do with regular variables, as a language designer it's a lot of complication to make them different for not a lot of benefit.
When you have a base class variable initialized from the result of a method which is itself virtual:
Animal Breed(Animal father, Animal mother) {
Animal child = mother.mater(father);
return child;
Now, you don't know right away which child class child is being initialized with.

C# OO Design: case when only ONE abstract method is needed

I have 2 classes that have the exact same logic/workflow, except in one method.
So, I created a abstract base class where the method that differs is declared as abstract.
Below is some sample code to demonstrate my design; can anyone offer suggestions on a better approach or am I heading in the right direction.
I didn't use an interface because both derived classes B and C literally share most of the logic. Is there a better way to do what I am doing below via dependency injection?
public abstract class A
public void StageData()
// some logic
public void TransformData();
public abstract DoSomething();
public class B : A
public override void DoSomething()
// Do Something!
public class C : A
public override void DoSomething()
// Do Something!
There is nothing wrong with what you have done. To introduce dependency injection into this design would be messy and overkill - you would have to pass in a delegate:
public class ABC
public ABC(Action z)
_doSomethingAction = z;
public void DoSomething()
private Action _doSomthingAction;
There would be few reasons why you want to use this approach - one would be if you needed to execute a callback. So stick with the pattern you have, don't try to overcomplicate things.

Base class and derived class

I have a question, I have a base class and an another class which derived from the base class. Can we access derived class in the base class.
Thanks in advance
You can access the code in the derived class from the base class code, but only from within an object which is actually a derived class object, and then only if the methods involved are virtual methods.
If you have an object which is itself an instance of the base class, then from within that instance you cannot see derived class code from the base class .
public class Baseclass
public void Foo()
public virtual void Bar()
print("I'm a BaseClass");
public classs Derived: BaseClass
public override void Bar()
print("I'm a Derived Class");
var b = new BaseClass();
x.Foo() // prints "I'm a BaseClass"
// This Foo() calls Bar() in base class
var d = new Derived();
d.Foo() // prints "I'm a Derived Class"
// in above, the code for Foo() (in BaseClass)
// is accessing Bar() in derived class
No you can not. If you happen to know the an object declared as the Base class is actually the derived class, you can cast it. But within the base class you can not access the derived class's members.
There are a lot of ways that a base class can access members of a derived class (depending on programming language), but generally it is considered a design smell.
Instead, you usually want the base class to only directly access its own members, and allow derived classes to override methods.