How to read a list of values in Pig as a bag and compare it to a specific value? - apache-pig

{"name":"abc","id":"1111"} {"name":"xyz","id":"10"}
{"name":"z","id":"100"} {"name":"m","id":"99"}
I want to filter employees whose id exists in the given list.
Expected Output:
{"name":"xyz","id":"10"} {"name":"z","id":"100"}
Existing Code:
idList = LOAD 'pathToFile' USING PigStorage(',') AS (id:chararray);
empl = LOAD 'pathToFile' USING com.twitter.elephantbird.pig.load.JsonLoader('-nestedLoad') AS (data:map[]);
output = FILTER empl BY data#'id' in (idList);
-- not working, states: A column needs to be projected from a relation for it to be used as a scalar
output = FILTER empl BY data#'id' in (idList#id);
-- not working, states: mismatched input 'id' expecting set null

JsonLoad() is native in pig > 0.10, and you can specify the schema:
empl = LOAD 'pathToFile' USING JsonLoader('name:chararray, id:chararray');
DUMP empl;
You're loading idList as a one column table of type chararray but you want a list.
Loading it as a one column table (implies modifying you file so there is only one record per line):
idList = LOAD 'pathToFile' USING PigStorage(',') AS (id:chararray);
DUMP idList;
or as a one-line file, we'll change the separator so it doesn't split into columns (otherwise it will lead to loading only the first column):
idList = LOAD 'pathToFile' USING PigStorage(' ') AS (id:chararray);
idList = FOREACH idList GENERATE FLATTEN(TOKENIZE(id, '[,]')) AS id;
DUMP idList;
Now we can do a LEFT JOIN to see which id are not present in idList and then a FILTER to keep only those. output is a reserved keyword, you shouldn't use it:
res = JOIN empl BY id LEFT, idList BY id;
res = FILTER res BY idList::id IS NULL;
DUMP res;


I am getting perfect result by doing illustrate on the result of join, but dump not working on the same

I am using the below lines of code :
student = load 'test/Pig/student' using PigStorage(' ') as (name:chararray,roll:int);
result = load 'test/Pig/results' using PigStorage('\t') as (id:int,status:chararray);
passroll = FILTER result by status == 'pass';
store passroll into 'test/Pig/passroll';
pass = load 'test/Pig/passroll/part-m-00000' using PigStorage(',') as (id:int,status:chararray);
stupass = JOIN pass by id, student by roll;
studentname = FOREACH stupass GENERATE student::name;
illustrate studentname is giving perfect result of student names those who have pass.
but dump studentname is giving Encountered Warning ACCESSING_NON_EXISTENT_FI
ELD 19 time(s).

Pig : Adding new column to existing inner Tuple in Pig

I want to add new column to existing tuple column in Pig.
Example:Input Schema:
name: chararray,
attribute_list: {innertuple: (height: int,length: int,size: chararray)}
Output Schema:
Using generate statement I want to add new column in tuple which will hold the same value as length but with some other name.
name: chararray,
attribute_list: {innertuple: (height: int,length: int,size: chararray, len : int)}
I tried below approach but its not working:
op = Foreach input_data generate
attribute_list as attr : {(
length as len)};
Please suggest.
Thanks in advance
Option 1:
Add a rank to each row, flatten attribute_list bag then recreate bag with additional columns.
--Rank input_schema(ip) using rank function:
ranked= rank ip;
-- flatten each value of bag.tuple to row level
a= foreach ranked generate rank_ip as id, flatten(attribute_list.$0), flatten(attribute_list.$0.length) as len;
b= group a by id;
op= foreach b generate flatten($ as name, $1 as attr;
--The name also will be part of attr bag.
Option 2:
a. The DataFu has a pig udf to concat multiple tuple around bag.
b. Create UDF BagConcat.
define BagConcat datafu.pig.bags.BagConcat();
c. Flatten elements:
a= foreach ip generate name, flatten(attribute_list.$0), flatten(attribute_list.$0.length) as len;
d. Reproject your bag:
op= foreach a generate name, BagConcat(height,len,size,len) as attr;
A = LOAD 'PATH' USING PigStorage() AS (ID:INT);
B = FOREACH sourcenew GENERATE *, null as len:int;
You can also give any integer value in place of null.

how to define a constant array and check if a value is in the array for Pig Latin

I want to define an array of user Ids in Pig and then filter data if the userId from the input is NOT in that array,
How do I do this in pig latin? Below is the example of what I intend to do
inputData = load '$INPUT' USING PigStorage('|') AS (useriD:chararray,controllerAction:chararray,url:chararray,browserName:chararray,IsMobile:chararray,exceptionDetails:chararray,renderTime:int,serviceHostId:int,auditEventTime:chararray);
filteredInput = filter inputData by controllerAction is not null and auditEventTime is not null and serviceHostId is not null and renderTime is not null and useriD in ('2be2df06-f4ba-4d87-8938-09d867d3f2fe','ac1ac6bf-d151-49fc-8c7c-2b52d2efbb58','f00aec16-36e5-46ae-b7cb-a0f1eeefe609','258890f9-102a-4f8e-a001-ae24d2e25269','cf221779-a077-472c-b377-cca4a9230e1b');
Thanks Murali..I tried the approach of declaring a variable and then using Flatten and stringSplit to join..However I get the following error
Syntax error, unexpected symbol at or near 'flatteneduserids'
%declare REQUIRED_USER_IDS 'xxxxx,yyyyy,sssss' ;
inputData = load '$INPUT' USING PigStorage('|') AS (useriD:chararray,controllerAction:chararray,url:chararray,browserName:chararray,IsMobile:chararray,exceptionDetails:chararray,renderTime:int,serviceHostId:int,auditEventTime:chararray);
filteredInput = filter inputData by controllerAction is not null and auditEventTime is not null and serviceHostId is not null and renderTime is not null;
flatteneduserids = FLATTEN(STRSPLIT('$REQUIRED_USER_IDS',',')) AS (uid:chararray);
useridfilter = JOIN filteredInput BY useriD, flatteneduserids BY uid USING 'replicated';
so Now I tried another way of declaring flatteneduserids which results in the error Undefined alias: IN
flatteneduserids = FOREACH IN GENERATE FLATTEN(STRSPLIT('$REQUIREDUSERIDS',',')) AS (uid:chararray);
Had a similar use case. Tried the approach by declaring the constant value in %define and accessing the same inside IN clause, was not able to achieve the objective. (Refer : Declare a comma seperated string constant)
A thought worth contemplating ....
If the condition inside IN clause is a static/ reference/ meta kind of data, then would suggest to declare this in a static file. We can then read the data at run time and do an inner join with input data to retrieve the matching records.
input_data = LOAD '$INPUT' USING PigStorage('|') AS (user_id:chararray ...)
static_data = LOAD ... AS (req_user_id:chararray
required_data = JOIN input_data BY useriD, static_data BY req_user_id USING 'replicated';
required_data_fmt = -- project required fields.
I was not able to figure out how to do this in memory
So as per Murali's suggestion I added the user ids in a file..load the file and then do a join...that worked as expected for mr

Pig: Cast error while grouping data

This is the code that I am trying to run. Steps:
Take an input (there is a .pig_schema file in the input folder)
Take only two fields (chararray) from it and remove duplicates
Group on one of those fields
The code is as follows:
x = LOAD '$input' USING PigStorage('\t'); --The input is tab separated
x = LIMIT x 25;
-- Output of DESCRIBE x:
-- x: {id: chararray,keywords: chararray,score: chararray,time: long}
distinctCounts = FOREACH x GENERATE keywords, id; -- generate two fields
distinctCounts = DISTINCT distinctCounts; -- remove duplicates
DESCRIBE distinctCounts;
-- Output of DESCRIBE distinctCounts;
-- distinctCounts: {keywords: chararray,id: chararray}
grouped = GROUP distinctCounts BY keywords; --group by keywords
DUMP grouped;
When I do the grouped, it gives the following error:
ERROR: cannot be cast to java.lang.String
keywords is a chararray and Pig should be able to group on a chararray. Any ideas?
Input file:
0000010000014743 call for midwife 23 1425761139
0000010000062069 naruto 1 56 1425780386
0000010000079919 the following 98 1425788874
0000010000081650 planes 2 76 1425721945
0000010000118785 law and order 21 1425763899
0000010000136965 family guy 12 1425766338
0000010000136100 american dad 19 1425766702
.pig_schema file
Pig is not able to identify the value of keywords as chararray.Its better to go for field naming during initial load, in this way we are explicitly stating the field types.
x = LOAD '$input' USING PigStorage('\t') AS (id:chararray,keywords:chararray,score: chararray,time: long);
Tried the below snippet with updated .pig_schema to introduce score, used '\t' as separator and tried the below steps for the input shared.
x = LOAD 'a.csv' USING PigStorage('\t');
distinctCounts = FOREACH x GENERATE keywords, id;
distinctCounts = DISTINCT distinctCounts;
grouped = GROUP distinctCounts BY keywords;
DUMP grouped;
Would suggest to use unique alias names for better readability and maintainability.
Output :
(naruto 1,{(naruto 1,0000010000062069)})
(planes 2,{(planes 2,0000010000081650)})
(family guy,{(family guy,0000010000136965)})
(american dad,{(american dad,0000010000136100)})
(law and order,{(law and order,0000010000118785)})
(the following,{(the following,0000010000079919)})
(call for midwife,{(call for midwife,0000010000014743)})

PIG script for creating IDxCITY matrix from given csv file

I have an input file includes ID,CITY and Count information as below and I want to create a csv file which includes ID and count numbers for each CITY. Count will be written as '0' if ID doesnt watched with the CITY. I tried to generate a pig script using group by, cogroup and flatten but couldnt make it to give this sample output.
How can I write a pig script for this?
You can use below script for creating matrix:
DATA = load '/tmp/data.csv' Using PigStorage(',') as (ID:chararray,CITY:chararray,COUNT:chararray);
ESKISEHIR = filter DATA by (CITY matches 'ESKISEHIR');
ISTANBUL = filter DATA by (CITY matches 'ISTANBUL');
IZMIR = filter DATA by (CITY matches 'IZMIR');
KOCAELI = filter DATA by (CITY matches 'KOCAELI');
IDLIST = foreach DATA generate $0 as ID;
IDLIST = distinct IDLIST;
COGROUPED = cogroup IDLIST by $0,IZMIR by $0,ISTANBUL by $0,ESKISEHIR by $0,KOCAELI by $0;
CG_CITY = foreach COGROUPED generate FLATTEN($1),FLATTEN ((IsEmpty($2.$2) ? {('0')} : $2.$2)),FLATTEN ((IsEmpty($3.$2) ? {('0')} : $3.$2)),FLATTEN ((IsEmpty($4.$2) ? {('0')} : $4.$2)),FLATTEN ((IsEmpty($5.$2) ? {('0')} : $5.$2));
STORE CG_CITY INTO '/tmp/id_city_matrix' USING PigStorage(',');