Division in SQL Server - sql

I am trying to use division in SQL Server. I have tried the code snippet below.
SELECT m.[Profit] / f.[Target]
And I have also tried
SELECT SUM(m.[Profit] / f.[Target])
but I get the error
Divide by zero error encountered.
Warning: Null value is eliminated by an aggregate or other SET operation.
What is the reason for this and how can I fix it? Suggested fixes online say that this code should work but it doesn't.

Use NULLIF to avoid divided by zero exception
SELECT SUM(m.[Profit] / NULLIF(f.[Target],0))
When denominator is zero then it will be replaced with NULL

If I were trying to determine the % of a goal (inferred by profit /target columns), I would try something like:
CASE WHEN ISNULL(f.[Target],0) = 0 THEN NULL -- or whatever you need to return when the target value is undefined, or it is 0
ELSE m.[Profit] / f.[Target] END AS [result]

The error you get specifies exactly what is the problem. Your code is trying to divide by zero, which is mathematically impossible.
Please NULLIF to avoid this error.


Divide by zero error encountered, but should be excluded by CASE

I have the following code and I am getting an error:
Divide by zero error encountered.
CASE WHEN SUM([monthly_qty]) = 0 THEN 999
ELSE ROUND(SUM([monthly_buy] * ([monthly_markup]+100)/100),2) * SUM([monthly_qty] / [monthly_qty]) END as [monthly_total]
FROM [xxxxx].[dbo].[quote_items] WHERE docid='10152'
The field that is causing the error is the second [monthly_qty], just before the END of the CASE statement.
SUM([monthly_qty] / **[monthly_qty]**)
The value of monthly_qty is zero, so the error makes sense, but I am confused as this field is inside the CASE statement, so the expected result is 999
Any help greatly appreciated.
I can't understand reason of some parts of your code like this:
SUM([monthly_qty] / [monthly_qty])
The result is error when [monthly_qty] = Zero, And 1 for non zero.
Anyway, You can set a default value When "monthly_qty" is zero:
IIF([monthly_qty]= 0,'YOUR_DEFAULT_VALUE', [monthly_qty] / [monthly_qty])
SUM(IIF([monthly_qty]= 0,'YOUR_DEFAULT_VALUE', [monthly_qty] / [monthly_qty]))
Have a read at MS Docs, there is an example of your case under Remarks.
The CASE expression evaluates its conditions sequentially and stops
with the first condition whose condition is satisfied. In some
situations, an expression is evaluated before a CASE expression
receives the results of the expression as its input. Errors in
evaluating these expressions are possible. Aggregate expressions that
appear in WHEN arguments to a CASE expression are evaluated first,
then provided to the CASE expression. For example, the following query
produces a divide by zero error when producing the value of the MAX
aggregate. This occurs prior to evaluating the CASE expression.
The reason is simple. This code:
SUM([monthly_qty]) = 0
Does not prevent a divide-by-zero in this code:
SUM([monthly_qty] / [monthly_qty])
The expressions are different.
The simplest solution (and essentially the "standard" approach) is to use NULLIF():
SUM([monthly_qty] / NULLIF([monthly_qty], 0))
However, I wonder if you really intend:
SUM([monthly_qty]) / NULLIF(SUM([monthly_qty]), 0)

How to fix the “divide by zero” error in SQL? [duplicate]

I have this error message:
Msg 8134, Level 16, State 1, Line 1 Divide by zero error encountered.
What is the best way to write SQL code so that I will never see this error message again?
I could do either of the following:
Add a where clause so that my divisor is never zero
I could add a case statement, so that there is a special treatment for zero.
Is the best way to use a NULLIF clause?
Is there better way, or how can this be enforced?
In order to avoid a "Division by zero" error we have programmed it like this:
Select Case when divisor=0 then null
Else dividend / divisor
End ,,,
But here is a much nicer way of doing it:
Select dividend / NULLIF(divisor, 0) ...
Now the only problem is to remember the NullIf bit, if I use the "/" key.
In case you want to return zero, in case a zero devision would happen, you can use:
SELECT COALESCE(dividend / NULLIF(divisor,0), 0) FROM sometable
For every divisor that is zero, you will get a zero in the result set.
This seemed to be the best fix for my situation when trying to address dividing by zero, which does happen in my data.
Suppose you want to calculate the male–female ratios for various school clubs, but you discover that the following query fails and issues a divide-by-zero error when it tries to calculate ratio for the Lord of the Rings Club, which has no women:
SELECT club_id, males, females, males/females AS ratio
FROM school_clubs;
You can use the function NULLIF to avoid division by zero. NULLIF compares two expressions and returns null if they are equal or the first expression otherwise.
Rewrite the query as:
SELECT club_id, males, females, males/NULLIF(females, 0) AS ratio
FROM school_clubs;
Any number divided by NULL gives NULL, and no error is generated.
You can also do this at the beginning of the query:
So if you have something like 100/0 it will return NULL. I've only done this for simple queries, so I don't know how it will affect longer/complex ones.
You can at least stop the query from breaking with an error and return NULL if there is a division by zero:
However, I would NEVER convert this to Zero with coalesce like it is shown in that other answer which got many upvotes. This is completely wrong in a mathematical sense, and it is even dangerous as your application will likely return wrong and misleading results.
SELECT Dividend / ISNULL(NULLIF(Divisor,0), 1) AS Result from table
By catching the zero with a nullif(), then the resulting null with an isnull() you can circumvent your divide by zero error.
I'm getting a lot of downvotes on this recently...so I thought I'd just add a note that this answer was written before the question underwent it's most recent edit, where returning null was highlighted as an option...which seems very acceptable. Some of my answer was addressed to concerns like that of Edwardo, in the comments, who seemed to be advocating returning a 0. This is the case I was railing against.
I think there's an underlying issue here, which is that division by 0 is not legal. It's an indication that something is fundementally wrong. If you're dividing by zero, you're trying to do something that doesn't make sense mathematically, so no numeric answer you can get will be valid. (Use of null in this case is reasonable, as it is not a value that will be used in later mathematical calculations).
So Edwardo asks in the comments "what if the user puts in a 0?", and he advocates that it should be okay to get a 0 in return. If the user puts zero in the amount, and you want 0 returned when they do that, then you should put in code at the business rules level to catch that value and return 0...not have some special case where division by 0 = 0.
That's a subtle difference, but it's important...because the next time someone calls your function and expects it to do the right thing, and it does something funky that isn't mathematically correct, but just handles the particular edge case it's got a good chance of biting someone later. You're not really dividing by 0...you're just returning an bad answer to a bad question.
Imagine I'm coding something, and I screw it up. I should be reading in a radiation measurement scaling value, but in a strange edge case I didn't anticipate, I read in 0. I then drop my value into your function...you return me a 0! Hurray, no radiation! Except it's really there and it's just that I was passing in a bad value...but I have no idea. I want division to throw the error because it's the flag that something is wrong.
Replacing "divide by zero" with zero is controversial - but it's also not the only option. In some cases replacing with 1 is (reasonably) appropriate. I often find myself using
when I'm looking at shifts in scores/counts, and want to default to 1 if I don't have data. For example
NewScore = OldScore * ISNULL(NewSampleScore/NULLIF(OldSampleScore,0),1)
More often than not, I've actually calculated this ratio somewhere else (not least because it can throw some very large adjustment factors for low denominators. In this case I'd normally control for OldSampleScore is greater than a threshold; which then precludes zero. But sometimes the 'hack' is appropriate.
I wrote a function a while back to handle it for my stored procedures:
print 'Creating safeDivide Stored Proc ...'
if exists (select * from dbo.sysobjects where name = 'safeDivide') drop function safeDivide;
create function dbo.safeDivide( #Numerator decimal(38,19), #divisor decimal(39,19))
returns decimal(38,19)
-- **************************************************************************
-- Procedure: safeDivide()
-- Author: Ron Savage, Central, ex: 1282
-- Date: 06/22/2004
-- Description:
-- This function divides the first argument by the second argument after
-- checking for NULL or 0 divisors to avoid "divide by zero" errors.
-- Change History:
-- Date Init. Description
-- 05/14/2009 RS Updated to handle really freaking big numbers, just in
-- case. :-)
-- 05/14/2009 RS Updated to handle negative divisors.
-- **************************************************************************
declare #p_product decimal(38,19);
select #p_product = null;
if ( #divisor is not null and #divisor <> 0 and #Numerator is not null )
select #p_product = #Numerator / #divisor;
Add a CHECK constraint that forces Divisor to be non-zero
Add a validator to the form so that the user cannot enter zero values into this field.
For update SQLs:
update Table1 set Col1 = Col2 / ISNULL(NULLIF(Col3,0),1)
There is no magic global setting 'turn division by 0 exceptions off'. The operation has to to throw, since the mathematical meaning of x/0 is different from the NULL meaning, so it cannot return NULL.
I assume you are taking care of the obvious and your queries have conditions that should eliminate the records with the 0 divisor and never evaluate the division. The usual 'gotcha' is than most developers expect SQL to behave like procedural languages and offer logical operator short-circuit, but it does NOT. I recommend you read this article: http://www.sqlmag.com/Articles/ArticleID/9148/pg/2/2.html
Here is a situation where you can divide by zero. The business rule is that to calculate inventory turns, you take cost of goods sold for a period, annualize it. After you have the annualized number, you divide by the average inventory for the period.
I'm looking at calculating the number of inventory turns that occur in a three month period. I have calculated that I have Cost of Goods sold during the three month period of $1,000. The annual rate of sales is $4,000 ($1,000/3)*12. The beginning inventory is 0. The ending inventory is 0. My average inventory is now 0. I have sales of $4000 per year, and no inventory. This yields an infinite number of turns. This means that all my inventory is being converted and purchased by customers.
This is a business rule of how to calculate inventory turns.
CREATE FUNCTION dbo.Divide(#Numerator Real, #Denominator Real)
Purpose: Handle Division by Zero errors
Description: User Defined Scalar Function
Parameter(s): #Numerator and #Denominator
Test it:
SELECT 'Numerator = 0' Division, dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(0,16) Results
SELECT 'Denominator = 0', dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(16,0)
SELECT 'Numerator is NULL', dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(NULL,16)
SELECT 'Denominator is NULL', dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(16,NULL)
SELECT 'Numerator & Denominator is NULL', dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(NULL,NULL)
SELECT 'Numerator & Denominator = 0', dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(0,0)
SELECT '16 / 4', dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(16,4)
SELECT '16 / 3', dbo.fn_CORP_Divide(16,3)
CASE WHEN #Denominator = 0 THEN
#Numerator / #Denominator
Filter out data in using a where clause so that you don't get 0 values.
Sometimes, 0 might not be appropriate, but sometimes 1 is also not appropriate. Sometimes a jump from 0 to 100,000,000 described as 1 or 100-percent change might also be misleading. 100,000,000 percent might be appropriate in that scenario. It depends on what kind of conclusions you intend to draw based on the percentages or ratios.
For example, a very small-selling item moving from 2-4 sold and a very large-selling item changing from 1,000,000 to 2,000,000 sold might mean very different things to an analyst or to management, but would both come through as 100% or 1 change.
It might be easier to isolate NULL values than to scour over a bunch of 0% or 100% rows mixed with legitimate data. Often, a 0 in the denominator can indicate an error or missing value, and you might not want to just fill in an arbitrary value just to make your dataset look tidy.
WHEN [Denominator] = 0
THEN NULL --or any value or sub case
ELSE [Numerator]/[Denominator]
END as DivisionProblem
This is how I fixed it:
IIF(ValueA != 0, Total / ValueA, 0)
It can be wrapped in an update:
SET Pct = IIF(ValueA != 0, Total / ValueA, 0)
Or in a select:
SELECT IIF(ValueA != 0, Total / ValueA, 0) AS Pct FROM Tablename;
You can handle the error appropriately when it propagates back to the calling program (or ignore it if that's what you want). In C# any errors that occur in SQL will throw an exception that I can catch and then handle in my code, just like any other error.
I agree with Beska in that you do not want to hide the error. You may not be dealing with a nuclear reactor but hiding errors in general is bad programming practice. This is one of the reasons most modern programming languages implement structured exception handling to decouple the actual return value with an error / status code. This is especially true when you are doing math. The biggest problem is that you cannot distinguish between a correctly computed 0 being returned or a 0 as the result of an error. Instead any value returned is the computed value and if anything goes wrong an exception is thrown. This will of course differ depending on how you are accessing the database and what language you are using but you should always be able to get an error message that you can deal with.
catch (SqlException e)
// now you can handle the exception or at least log that the exception was thrown if you choose not to handle it
// Exception Details: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Divide by zero error encountered.
Use NULLIF(exp,0) but in this way - NULLIF(ISNULL(exp,0),0)
NULLIF(exp,0) breaks if exp is null but NULLIF(ISNULL(exp,0),0) will not break

Invalid floating point operation error when counting logarithm in SQL Server 2008

In Microsoft SQL Server 2008, I have a table, say myTable, containing about 600k rows (actually, it is a result of joining several other tables, but i suppose this is not important). One of its columns, say value is of type numeric(6,2).
The simple query SELECT value FROM myTable ORDER BY value returns of course about 600k numbers, starting with 1.01 (i.e. the lowest) and ending with 70.00 (highest); no NULLs or other values.
Please notice, that all these values are numeric and positive. However, when calling SELECT LOG(value) FROM myTable, i obtain an error message "An invalid floating point operation occurred".
This error always appears after about 3 minutes of the query running. When copying the 600k values to Excel and counting their LN(), there is absolutely no problem.
I have tried converting value to real or float, which did not help at all. Finally I found a workaround: SELECT LOG(CASE WHEN value>0 THEN value ELSE 1 END) FROM myTable. This works. But why, when all the values are positive? I have tried to take the result and compare the logarithms with those counted by Excel - they are all the same (only differences of the order 10^(-15) or smaller occured in some rows, which is almost surely given by different accuracy). That means that the condition in the CASE statement is always true, I suppose.
Does anyone have any idea why this error occurs? Any help appreciated. Thanks.
You can identify the specific value that's causing the prob;
declare #f numeric(6,2), #r float
begin try select
#f = value, #r = LOG(value)
from mytable
end try begin catch
select error_message(),'value=',#f
end catch
You would get this error - "An invalid floating point operation occurred" when you do LOG(0). The value of LOG(zero) is indeterminate in the world of Maths, hence the error.

SQL DB2 null calculation causing problems

I have the following SQL:
Select dmvndn "Vendor Number", IFNULL(sum(dmsls) / sum(dmprc), 0) "Calculation"
From MyFile
Group By dmvndn
However, when i run this, i am still getting null records in my "Calculation" field.
I have also tried the COALESCE function, which returns the same results. I get some records as 0, and some records are blank (or, null).
Both fields are of type P, which i am told is packed numeric.
any ideas or suggestions?
Edit 1
It seems that the problem is not with either of these fields being NULL, it is that one or both fields are 0. And when i divide by zero, i get the empty / blank result.
Sum(IFNULL(dmsls,0)) / Sum(IFNULL(dmprc,0))
A trick of this kind helps me in MS SQL Server:
dmvndn "Vendor Number",
IFNULL(sum(dmsls) / NULLIF(sum(dmprc), 0), 0) "Calculation"
From MyFile
Group By dmvndn
I wonder if it can't help you in DB2.
UPDATE: an explanation.
Basically, it replaces the divisor with NULL if it's 0. And you may probably know that when at least one of the operands is NULL, the result of the operation becomes NULL as well.
To account for the result being NULL you already had your IFNULL on the result. It didn't make much difference then, because none of the operands was likely to be NULL. However, now using IFNULL makes perfect sense.

T-SQL 2005 - Divide by zero error encountered

I am trying to get some percentage data from a stored procedure using code similar to the line below. Obviously this is going to cause a (Divide by zero error encountered) problem when base.[XXX_DataSetB] returns 0 which may happen some of the time.
Does anyone know how i can deal with this in the most efficient manner?
Note: There would be about 20+ lines looking like the one below...
cast((base.[XXX_DataSetB] - base.[XXX_DataSetA]) as decimal) /
base.[XXX_DataSetB] as [XXX_Percentage]
I guess it depends on what behaviour you expect when XXX_DataSetB is zero.
If you don't want any rows returned that might cause an error, you can easily filter out those rows by adding where XXX_DataSetB <> 0 to your query.
If you would like problem rows to be NULL then you could use a case statement, or something like this:
cast(([XXX_DataSetB] - [XXX_DataSetA]) as decimal) / nullif([XXX_DataSetB], 0)
I'd force the average to null by making the bottom term null instead of zero:
cast((base.[XXX_DataSetB] - base.[XXX_DataSetA]) as decimal)
/ case when base.[XXX_DataSetB] = 0 then null
else base.[XXX_DataSetB] end as [XXX_Percentage]