Vb 2015 query with parameters not working - sql

I already used parametrized queries with no problem, but today I'm stuck on an error that I cannot debug.
This is my working query
cmd.CommandText = "select idcliente, ragsociale from Clienti where idcliente =" & strName & " or codiceamministrazione='" & strName & "' or piva='" & strName & "' or codfisc='" & strName & "'"
The same, but with parameter, not working
cmd.CommandText = "select idcliente, ragsociale from Clienti where idcliente = #Cliente or codiceamministrazione=#Cliente or piva=#Cliente or codfisc=#Cliente"
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("#Cliente", strName)
I use this in an autocomplete procedure that shows the name of a client based on internal id or on commercial license number (and other similar codes). On the db a client record can have all the code fields compiled or just 1.
With the non-parametrized query the autocomplete suggestion pop-up,with the parametrized one nothing shows. No errors either.
using this
cmd.Parameters.Add("#Cliente", SqlDbType.VarChar)
cmd.Parameters("#Cliente").Value = strName
now another query (omitted before for semplicity) in the same function works, but, strange enough, the one for what I did this question don't.
cmd.CommandText = "select idcliente, ragsociale from Clienti where ragsociale like '%'+#Cliente+'%' or codiceamministrazione=#Cliente"
Still not Working:
cmd.CommandText = "select idcliente, ragsociale from Clienti where idcliente = #Cliente or piva=#Cliente or codfisc=#Cliente"

In your original query, when testing against idcliente, you treat strName as a number (no quotes round it), but for all the other fields you treat it like a string. So you're implying it could potentially contain a number or a string. This is problematic, if you type a number, and the parameterised version of the query now treats it like a string in all cases, then it won't match the numeric value of idcliente in the DB and therefore you may get no results.
To clarify: if your input is a number, but your query thinks it's a string (because of the data type in the param), it will not match against any numeric field in the database. 12345 != "12345".
You need to define separate parameters for these scenarios. You can pass the same value into them, but in one case set the parameter's datatype to varchar and in the other case to int (you might need to check if the value can be parsed as a number before you do this, otherwise it will likely crash. In that case just set it null or 0 or something that won't make an accidental match).


Retrieving "Number" From Sql VB.NET System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException: 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression.'

If I want to retrieve a value that is saved as a number in an access database.
Im using the following:
Dim sql As String = "SELECT ArithmeticScore FROM " & tablename & " WHERE DateAscending = '" & todaysdate & "'"
Using connection As New OleDbConnection(getconn)
Using command As New OleDbCommand(sql, connection)
scorevalue = CDec(command.ExecuteScalar()) 'Data type mismatch in criteria expression.
End Using
End Using
getconn = connection string as a string
scorevalue = Nothing as decimal
The field ArithmeticScore is set to Number in the table.
The exact value in the cell right now is 50, but the program should allow for any decimal value.
The error im getting is "Data type mismatch in criteria expression".
The criteria expression mentioned in the error message does not refer to the ArithmeticScore output. It's talking about the WHERE clause. Whatever you have for todaysdate does not match what the database is expecting for the DateAscending column.
Since OleDb is a generic provider, we don't know exactly what kind of database you're talking to, but most databases have a way to get the current date value in SQL: getdate(), current_timestamp, etc. Using that mechanism will likely solve the conflict, and there's no need to use string concatenation for this in the first place.
Dim sql As String = "SELECT ArithmeticScore FROM " & tablename & " WHERE DateAscending = Date()"
The other way you can fix this is with proper parameterized queries, which you should doing anyway. It's NEVER okay to use string concatenation to substitute data into an SQL query, and if you find yourself needing to think about how to format a date or number string for use in an SQL command, you're almost always doing something very wrong.

hash password different between query text and query parameter

i want to ask is it different to hashbytes by query and parameter ?
my code is
.CommandText = "update table.pass " _
& "set password = convert(varchar(12),HASHBYTES('MD5','" & TextEdit3.Text.ToUpper.ToString & "'),2) where userid='" + USER_ID + "'"
my second code is
.CommandText = "update table.pass " _
& " set password = convert(varchar(12),HASHBYTES('MD5',#pass),2) where userid=#userid"
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#pass", TextEdit3.Text.ToUpper.ToString)
.Parameters.AddWithValue("#userid", USER_ID)
for now iam using the first code, and i know it's wrong due to sql injection. so i want to use the second code. but the result was different from the first code.
what i want is, how do i use parameter but the result is same with the first code, because my predecessor use the first one
I believe that AddWithValue assumes nvarchar for String data. It is generally recommended to use Add and specify the data type yourself when there is any doubt about which data type will be used. If you do that and specify VarChar then you should get the same result.
EDIT: Either that or put an 'N' prefix in the first code, i.e.
"set password = convert(varchar(12),HASHBYTES('MD5',N'"

Access VBA Code

Could any expert tell me why I always get this error "Expected:End of Statement" when I run the following code in Access VBA :
FNSQL = DoCmd.RunSQL _
"SELECT First_Name FROM tblPatient_Info WHERE Patient_ID = '" & 1967 & "';"
Thank you so much in advance!
Your code is wrong in a couple different ways.
You don't tell us what FNSQL is, so one can only imagine.
Mistake #1
Mentioned by #simoco, DoCmd.RunSQL is used in the following scenarios:
Here's the API: DoCmd.RunSQL SQLStatement UseTransaction
SQLStatement : A string expression that's a valid SQL statement for an action query or a data-definition query. It uses an INSERT INTO, DELETE, SELECT...INTO, UPDATE, CREATE TABLE, ALTER TABLE, DROP TABLE, CREATE INDEX, or DROP INDEX statement.
Include an IN clause if you want to access another database.
Mistake #2
I'm not sure what you are aiming to do with the results of the query, but this is for your general knowledge because if you didn't know the RunSQL syntax you may be unfamiliar with Recordsets.
You can assign your stored query's results to a Recordset and do with it as you please, much like a table.
Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim SQL As String
Dim firstName As String
SQL = "SELECT First_Name FROM tblPatient_Info WHERE Patient_ID = 1967;"
' OR
SQL = "SELECT First_Name FROM tblPatient_Info WHERE Patient_ID = '" & 1967 & "';"
' You can write Debug.Print SQL to make sure you're getting the right SQL.
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(SQL)
' The disadvantage of this approach is that the query string must be compiled each time it runs
' OR
Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(YourSaveQueryName)
'This would be the faster method of the 2.
You can then manipulate your data however you want, and loop through the entire recordset.
firstName = "Larry"
If rs.BOF And rs.EOF Then
' Do nothing, the recordset is empty
Do Until rs.EOF
rs!FirstName = firstName 'This is how you access properties in the recordset
I think you need parentheses around your SELECT statement when you pass it to RunSQL, because it's called as a function that returns "something" that gets assigned to FNSQL. So something like this:
FNSQL = DoCmd.RunSQL( _
"SELECT First_Name FROM tblPatient_Info WHERE Patient_ID = '" & 1967 & "';")
In fact, looking at the RunSQL documentation, RunSQL doesn't return anything so, even if you fix your original issue, you'll still find there's an error there.
Furthermore, again according to the documentation, you can only execute SELECT ... INTO statements with RunSQL. For simple SELECT ... FROM statements, simoco is right -- you need to use a Recordset.
2 errors.
First, DoCmd.RunSQL won't do anything with just a select. Maybe you are missing your action (delete or something) or maybe you want to read it, so you should use CurrentDb.OpenRecordset . You'll need to post more code so we can better understand where you are going with this.
Second, if Patient_ID is an integer (and I'm guessing it is), you don't need the '. You don't need the ; either.
So the query should look like this:
varInt = 1967
"SELECT First_Name FROM tblPatient_Info WHERE Patient_ID = " & varInt
If you don't want to use a var for the int, just insert it directly into the string like so:
"SELECT First_Name FROM tblPatient_Info WHERE Patient_ID = 1967"
In case Patient_ID is a string, you will indeed need ', but you are also missing " around the string, so it should look like this:
"SELECT First_Name FROM tblPatient_Info WHERE Patient_ID = '" & "1967" & "'"
Not a correct answer to this question but it's worth noting I just wanted to see if a row existed in the database. I assumed that would require me to write some sort of select or result query. However access has a separate function just to run count operations.
So this code I ended up with:
Dim count As Long
count = DCount("release_id", "list_releases", "list_id = 1 AND release_id = " & Me!release_id)
If count Then
Me!owned.Enabled = False
MsgBox "You own this release."
End If

Parameterized field name

I was thinking if this will work:
Dim query As String = "UPDATE tblPiglets SET #to=#todate, CurrentLocation=#to" & _
" WHERE Week=#week AND SowOrder=#so AND PigletNumber=#pig"
But I caught Cannot update #to field lol
The #to is a variable in which I thought would work the same its value though its worth a try. Its value is dependent on a user input, so, is there any other way to do that?
Or this? (not sure if this will work though):
Dim to As String = "foo"
Dim query As String = "UPDATE tblPiglets SET " & to & "=#todate, CurrentLocation=#to" & _
" WHERE Week=#week AND SowOrder=#so AND PigletNumber=#pig"
It is always preferable to use parameters to insert user input into SQL code but parameters can only be used for values, not identifiers. Think of SQL parameters the same as parameters in a VB method. You can't use a method parameter to specify a property or method to use and you can't use a SQL parameter to specify a column or table.
You have no choice but to use string concatenation but doing so opens you up to SQL injection, so make absolutely sure that the user cannot insert arbitrary SQL code. If it's a column name then they should have to select it from a list that you have retrieved from the database itself, so that you are guaranteed that it's a valid column.
I have used option 2 to make it work.
Dim to As String = "foo"
Dim query As String = "UPDATE tblPiglets SET " & to & "=#todate, CurrentLocation=#to" & _
" WHERE Week=#week AND SowOrder=#so AND PigletNumber=#pig"
But it would be nicer if I can get the same result if I will be using the first option. thanks

Access 2010 SELECT string

I am having difficulty building a proper 'SELECT' statement in Access 2010 VBA. I am trying to pull 3 fields from a table using an ADODB.Recordset. I have done this numerous times before with no problems, but this time I am trying to accomplish it based on a user entered number that is part of one of the field values. So whereas the full field may be T6825LZ, the user should be able to enter 6825 and the SELECT statement find the correct record.
My code thus far is:
Dim rsTID As New ADODB.Recordset
Dim searchTID As String
Dim selectString As String
searchTID = "T" & TID
selectString = "SELECT * FROM Agents WHERE TID LIKE " & searchTID & ""
rsTID.Open selectString, CurrentProject.Connection, adOpenForwardOnly, adLockOptimistic
If Not rsTID.EOF Then
TID = rsTID.Fields("TID")
LastName = rsTID.Fields("LastName")
FirstName = rsTID.Fields("FirstName")
End If
In the code above, 'TID' in the line searchTID = "T" & TID refers to the TextBox on the Access Form where the user enters the 4 digit number. TID in the selectString refers to the Field in the Agents table. A bit confusing I know, but it's what I've been given to work with :)
What is ultimately happening is that I'm getting an error on the rsTID.Open line stating No value given for one or more required parameters. This doesn't make any sense as according to MSDN all the parameters of the ADODB.RecordSet.Open statement are optional, and even if they were not, they are all present.
Can anyone please help identify the issue here, this is getting quite frustrating. :)
Thanks in advance...
Your search term needs to be quoted, and you need to include wildcards for a LIKE search:
"SELECT * FROM Agents WHERE TID LIKE '*" & searchTID & "*'"