Is it possible to drag a component from one container to another in react-dnd? - react-dnd

I have 2 lists of items (same type) and I want to be able to drag and drop items between the containers. For example moving an orange component into the list of yellow components like this image:
Each of the list items has a prop that indicates it's parent so I feel like I have the necessary info to make this work, like on a move event check if the moving items parent matches the container it's currently moving in. I don't know if it's possible with react-dnd. Has anyone done this? If so, can you provide an example?


Vue components hierarchy and passing data

I'm writing an app in Vue and I have a really hard time understanding the component hierarchy, namely the parent-child relationships and how to pass data around.
I have a view that contains a map which in turn has some navigation controls and options that are overlayed on top of the map. Now, I want these controls to manipulate the map WITHOUT having to nest the buttons inside the actual maps as it will cause severe display issues (for example, clicking on a zoom button falls through the button and also clicks the next element under it).
My app looks like this:
Now, a HTML input element in Optionpanel1 needs to control something in the Map, which is not actually it's parent component. Also, some data from Map needs to be passed down to Optionpanel1 so it would know what to control. To make matters worse, something in Options also needs to pass something down to Optionpanel1, so, even though event bus would allow communication upwards, it would not solve that I need to pass data from parents to indirect children and also components that are not it's children.
I can actually pass the required property down the line if I nest the Options inside Map and pass it down with :myProp="prop" and then in Options, declare it in props and bind to Optionpanel1, where it is again declared as a prop. But as I mentioned earlier, nesting elements that I do not want to be nested in a visual sense causes massive issues like mouse click falling through. Do elements even need to be nested inside eachother in order to define parent-child relationship?
I would want components to exchange read-only data without Y being a child of X in the DOM. Also, even if nesting components like this would not cause visual issues, does it not seem very annoying to have to register and bind it in every component along the way?
I don't understand why is it so difficult to simply read something from another component. It's starting to seem that Vue is causing a problem that it's supposed to solve? Am I missing something here or am I looking at this in a completely wrong way?
Thanks in advance.
Basically you have 2 options to control complex components:
Handle the actions in your so-called "smart component" (in terms of React), which is the common ancestor for the controlling and controlled components. It's a pretty good solution for small components, but that's not the case.
To separate common logic and data in a Vuex store. I'd recommend you doing this.

Weird reactivity issue with arrays in Vue.js

I'm trying to debug a rather weird problem I've run into with a Vue.js application. Unfortunately it's way too complex to be able to isolate some code showing the problem, so I'm hoping that a clear description might be enough to enable people to give me some pointers as to where to look.
I have a component called ItemSelector, which has a 'targetList' prop of type Array. On a form, I use this component 3 times, passing a different array for each instance. Each array consists of sale item objects, and the ItemSelector component displays these items and allows the user to add, edit and delete them. All works just fine, except for one thing. The objects contain a property called 'subtotal'. If in one instance of my ItemSelector component I edit one of the item objects and clear the value of the 'subtotal' property, the item with the same index in the other instances of ItemSelector also has the 'subtotal' property cleared! That is, if I edit the second item in one of the ItemSelector instances, clearing the subtotal property, the second item, if present, in the other ItemSelector instances is also cleared. However, if I instead change the value to a different number, this has no effect on other instances of the component. It's only clearing the value which does it.
Does this make any sense at all to anyone? I cannot see how a change in one array could affect other arrays at all.

How to create Framework7 side panel in normal vue?

I'm working with Vue+F7.
Is it possible to create new side panel in Vue, according to my scenario I need something like when app open the first page will come with one left side panel. Now when the user logged in I need to another side panel rather than the first one, because the content I would like to place is different.
If possible can anyone tell me how to create that panel in my example.vue?
You can create a component where you sent a Json with the menu data.
For example:
{"name":"name_route1", "route":"#/miRuta1.vue"},
{"name":"name_route2", "route":"#/miRuta1.vue"},
{"name":"name_route3", "route":"#/miRuta1.vue"}
This way you would have the same component (you would use the same panel) but dynamically you would pass the elements that it is going to mount.
you can simply make both panels and show them conditionally based on the loggedIn boolean. with v-show this is very easy. check these out:
v if
v else if
v show

Dojo dijit tree hide expand icon

I've got a dijit Tree which is populated via a store wrapped in Observable, essentially the example here: (Not that the example actually runs from the dojo site though: unless that's just my browser).
It's working well and I can expand and collapse items. However, it displays an expand icon even for the last item in a hierarchy - i.e. an item that doesn't have any children. When you try and expand such an item, it seems to realise this and the expand icon then disappears.
Does anyone know of how to supress the expand icons from appearing in the first place?
Implement the mayHaveChildren() method of the model:
Implementing logic here avoids showing +/- expando icon for nodes that
we know don't have children. (For efficiency reasons we may not want
to check if an element actually has children until user clicks the
expando node)
This method inputs one of your items and outputs true if it can be expanded; false otherwise.

programmatically expand a tree inside a dojox.TreeGrid

I have a simple tree grid and i need to programmatically expand a row to show its children. In essence i need to fake the click event that triggers the opening of the tree.
see and example here
I haven't personally used the TreeGrid, but from the API docs, it looks like you want to use the expandoFetch(rowIndex,open) function with the open parameter as true: