replacing multiple units of specific character with one unit in hive - sql

I have a dataset in which values are same except the number of semicolons in it resulting to different records.
For example if in a column one records has a;b;c and another record has a;;b;c, this is disabling the use of distinct function in my code. I want this to be treated as duplicate record for which ;; needs to be replaced with ;
How can we replace multiple ; with single ; in strings in a dataset in hive?

You can use regexp_replace as defined in Hive UDFs
The first argument is the string that needs to get changed. So you can call it on your table like :
with t as
(SELECT "a\;\;\;b\;\;c\;d" as col )
SELECT regexp_replace(t.col, "\;+", "\;") as col from t
This should give you the output
| col|


single vs double quotes in WHERE clause returning different results

It seemed that Athena was including CSV column headers in my query results. I recreated the tables with the DDL included below using TBLPROPERTIES ("skip.header.line.count"="1") to remove the headers.
I'm running the following queries to validate that the CREATE TABLE DDL worked. The only difference between the queries below is the use of single vs double quotes in the WHERE clause. The issue is that I'm getting different result when running them.
Query 1:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = "file_name"
The query above returns the actual data (see sample table below), rather than only rows where the file_name field is "file_name".
| Row # | file_name |
| 1 | |
| 2 | 1586786323.8194735 |
| 3 | |
| 4 | 1586858857.3117666 |
| 5 | 1586858857.3117666 |
| 6 | 1586858857.3117666 |
| ... | |
Query 2:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = 'file_name'
The query above returns no results, as expected if the CSV column headers are not being included in the results.
I'm quite confused by the first query returning any results at all. I've scoured the AWS documentation at this point and doesn't seem I did anything wrong with the DDL and SQL should not care whether I use single vs. double quotes. What am I missing here?
`file_name` string,
`ticker` string,
Single quotes are the SQL standard for delimiting strings.
Double quotes are used for escaping delimiters. So "file_name" refers to the column of that name. Some databases also accept double quotes for strings. That is just confusing. Don't do that.
In your original tags, for instance, Hive uses backticks to escape identifiers and double quotes for strings. Presto uses double quotes (which is the standard) to delimit identifiers.
Just to expand on Gordon's answer a little. Your first query:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = "file_name"
In this case, the double quotes are causing the query engine to treat "file_name" as a column identifier, not a value, so that query is functionally the same as:
FROM table
WHERE file_name = file_name
Obviously (when written that way) the condition is always true, so the full table is returned.

Single hive query to remove certain text in data

I have a column data like this in 2 formats
I want to retrieve the output as "/abc/testapp/v1?FirstName=username" and strip out the data starting with "&Lastname" and ending with "".The idea is to remove the Lastname with its value.
But if the data doesn't contain "&Lastname" then it should also work fine as per the second scenario
The value for Lastname shown in the example is "test123" but in general this will be dynamic
I have started with regexp_replace but i am able to replace "&Lastname" but not its value.
select regexp_replace("/abc/testapp/v1?FirstName=username&Lastname=test123&type=en_US","&Lastname","");
Can someone please help here how i can achieve both these with a single hive query?
Use split function:
with your_data as (--Use your table instead of this example
select stack (2,
) as str
select split(str,'&')[0] from your_data;
Or use '&Lastname' pattern for split:
select split(str,'&Lastname')[0] from your_data;
It will allow something else with & except starting with &Lastname
for both queries with or without last name its working in this way using split for hive no need for any table to select you can directly execute the function like select functionname
Result :
you can make a single query :
_c0 _c1
/abc/testapp/v1FirstName=username /abc/testapp/v1FirstName=username

Combine several columns in one with Teradata

I have 10 columns and their values could be either null, or a name of a fruit.
I would like to add another column with all the fruits that every row has. I have used Concat(column1 , column2,..., column10) as name.
Issue : There are no commas coming on the result and if I add the comma before concatenating, we are having them together, the last word is also a comma.
Any ideas?
You can use the standard concatenation (||) in conjunciton with COALESCE function, which returns the value of the first non-null argument.
select coalesce(column1||',', '')||coalesce(column2||',', '')|| ... ||coalesce(column10||, '');

Regular expression to remove element not match specific prefix

I am doing this in Impala or Hive. Basically let say I have a string like this
Each element is separated by the pipe |. Each has prefix f-150 or whatever. I want to be able to remove the prefix and keep only element that matches specific prefix. For example, if the prefix is f-150, I want the final string after regex_replace is
dd is removed because g-210 is different prefix and not match, therefore the whole element is removed.
Any idea how to do this using string expression in one SQL?
I tried this in Impala:
select regexp_extract('f-150:aa|f-150:cc|g-210:dd','(?:(?:|(\\|))f-150|keep|those):|(?:^|\\|)\\w-\\d{3}:\\w{2}',0);
But got this output:
In Hive, I got NULL.
The regexyou in question could look like this:
I have added some pseudo keywords to retain, but I am sure you get the idea:
Wholy match elements that should be dropped but only match the prefix for those that should be retained.
To keep the separator intact, match | at the beginning of an element in group 1 and put it back in the replacement with $1.
According to the documentation, your query should be written like a Java regex; likewise, this should perform like this code sample in Java.
You could match the values that you want to remove and then replace with an empty string:
f-150: Match literally
| Or
\|[^:]+:[^|]+$ Match a pipe, not a colon one or more times followed by not a pipe one or more times and assert the end of the line
| Or
[^|]+:[^|]+\| Match not a pipe one or more times, a colon followed by matching not a pipe one or more times and then match a pipe
Test with multiple lines and combinations
You may have to loop through the string until the end to get the all the matching sub string. Look ahead syntax is not supported in most sql so above regexp might not be suitable for SQL syntax. For you purpose you can do something like creating a table to loop through just to mimic Oracle's level syntax and join with your table containing the string.
With loop_tab as (
Select 1 loop union all
Select 2 union all
select 3 union all
select 4 union all
select 5),
string_tab as(Select 'f-150:aa|ade|f-150:ce|akg|f-150:bb|'::varchar(40) as str)
Select regexp_substr(str,'(f\\-150\\:\\w+\\|)',1,loop)
from string_tab
join loop_tab on 1=1

SQLite select where column does not contain certain data

ok so I have a table that looks something like this...(using pipe symbol to separate columns)
example1 url|0
example2 url|0
example3 url|1
example4 url|1,2
example5 url|1,3,6
What I am trying to do is to select all rows where column 2 does NOT contain a 1.
I cannot use != because if you look all but one of those would return data because the last 2 rows don't equal 1. I tried scouring SQLite documentation for how to go about writing the statement, but I can't find it. This is what I have so far.
select * from table_name where table_column_name[something needed here]'1';
Give that "1,2,3" et al are strings, you probably need the LIKE keyword.
select * from table_name where table_column_name NOT LIKE '%1%'
For matching a list item separated by ,, use:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE `,`||column||`,` NOT LIKE '%,1,%';
this will match entire item (ie, only 1, not 11, ...), whether it is at list beginning, middle or end.