How to change the status of the user using react-native-facebook-login - react-native

I installed react-native-google-signin. The function GoogleSignin.currentUserAsync() detects a change of the user's status when it is registered.
const user = GoogleSignin.currentUserAsync();
When I use react-native-facebook-login, how should I change the status of the user?

Basically there are two ways of using the package, one is to import the FBLogin button, the other is to create your own button and call the FBLoginManager. I am not 100% certain what do you mean by change the status of the user, but if you just want to set the state after user signs in, the idea is like this, very similar to your google code
FBLoginManager.loginWithPermissions(["email","user_friends"],(err, data) => {
if (!err) {
this.setState({user: data});
this.props.onLogin(data.credentials); // whatever your logic is
Here I am using the FBLoginManager, if you need a FBLogin example their document would be a perfect place to refer

To streamline your code, you could use a framework like Invertase's React Native Firebase, which can handle Google, Facebook, and Twitter auth changes with the same API. Using this, you can just do the following:
componentDidMount() {
this.unsubscribe = firebase.auth().onAuthStateChanged((user) => {
if (user) {
// User is signed in.
} else {
// User has signed out


404 error calling GET API from a shopify theme-extension

I'm new to shopify development, and can't figure out how to call an authenticated API from a shopify theme-extension. Essentially, I'm trying to make a theme extension, where one of the functionalities is that when a checkbox is clicked, an API that counts the number of products is called.
I have a working api that gets the product count, and in web>index.js, I have set-up the end-point:
app.get("/api/products/count", async (_req, res) => {
const countData = await{
session: res.locals.shopify.session,
Under web>frontend>hooks, I have the authenticated hooks set-up as shown below. I've tested that if I call the "api/products/count" API from one of the web pages using useAppQuery, it works as expected, and returns the product count.
import { useAuthenticatedFetch } from "./useAuthenticatedFetch";
import { useMemo } from "react";
import { useQuery } from "react-query";
export const useAppQuery = ({ url, fetchInit = {}, reactQueryOptions }) => {
const authenticatedFetch = useAuthenticatedFetch();
const fetch = useMemo(() => {
return async () => {
const response = await authenticatedFetch(url, fetchInit);
return response.json();
}, [url, JSON.stringify(fetchInit)]);
return useQuery(url, fetch, {
refetchOnWindowFocus: false,
In my theme extension code, I've added an event listener to the checkbox which calls getProductCount. In getProductCount, I want to call /api/products/count:
import { useAppQuery } from "../../../web/frontend/hooks";
export const getProductCount = (product) => {
const {
refetch: refetchProductCount,
isLoading: isLoadingCount,
isRefetching: isRefetchingCount,
} = useAppQuery({
url: "/api/products/count",
reactQueryOptions: {
onSuccess: () => {
However, when I run locally and click the checkbox, it returns a 404 error trying to find useAppQuery. The request URL is It seems like the authentication isn't working because that URL looks incorrect.
Am I missing a step that I need to do in order to call an authenticated API from a theme-extension?
I thought the issue was just the import path for useAppQuery but I've tried different paths, and they all return the same 404 issue.
If you want a hot tip here. In your theme App extension, you do not actually need to make an API call to get a product count. In your theme app extension, you can just use Liquid, and dump the product count out to a variable of your choice, and use the count, display the count, do whatever.
{{ shop.product_count }}
Of course, this does not help you if you need other storefront API calls in your theme App extension, but whatever. In my experience, I render the API Access Token I need in my theme app extension, and then making my Storefront API calls is just a fetch().
The only time I would use authenticated fetch, is when I am doing embedded App API calls, but that is a different beast from a theme app extension. In there, you do not get to make authenticated calls as the front-end is verboten for those of course. Instead you'd use App Proxy for security.
TL:DR; Storefront API calls with a token should not fail with a 404 if you call the right endpoint. You can use Storefront API inside a theme app extension. Inside a theme app extension, if you need backend Admin API access, you can use App Proxy calls.

Running Nuxt middleware client side after static rendering

We're switching from SPA to statically generated, and are running into a problem with middleware.
Basically, when Nuxt is statically rendered, middleware is run on the build server first, and then is run after each page navigation client side. The important point is that middleware is not run client side on first page load. This is discussed here
We work around this for some use cases by creating a plugin that uses the same code, since plugins are run on the first client load.
However, this pattern doesn't work well for this use case. The following is an example of the middleware that we want to use:
// middleware/authenticated.js
export default function ({ store, redirect }) {
// If the user is not authenticated
if (!store.state.authenticated) {
return redirect('/login')
// Inside a component
<h1>Secret page</h1>
export default {
middleware: 'authenticated'
This example is taken directly from the Nuxt docs.
When rendered statically, this middleware is not called on first page load, so a user might end up hitting their dashboard before they've logged in, which causes problems.
To add this to a plugin, the only way I can think to do this is by adding a list of authenticated_routes, which the plugin could compare to and see if the user needs to be authed.
The problem with that solution though is that we'd then need to maintain a relatively complex list of authed pages, and it's made worse by having dynamic routes, which you'd need to match a regex to.
So my question is: How can we run our authenticated middleware, which is page specific, without needing to maintain some list of routes that need to be authenticated? Is there a way to actually get the middleware associated to a route inside a plugin?
To me it is not clear how to solve it the right way. We are just using the static site generation approach. We are not able to run a nuxt middleware for the moment. If we detect further issues with the following approach we have to switch.
One challenge is to login the user on hot reload for protected and unprotected routes. As well as checking the login state when the user switches the tabs. Maybe session has expired while he was on another tab.
We are using two plugins for that. Please, let me know what you think.
The plugin handles the initial page load for protected routes and checks if the user can access a specific route while navigating around.
import { PROTECTED_ROUTES } from "~/constants/protectedRoutes"
export default ({ app, store }) => {
app.router.beforeEach(async (to, from, next) => {
if( === 'logout'){
await store.dispatch('app/shutdown', {userLogout:true})
return next('/')
if(document.cookie.indexOf('PHPSESSID') === -1){
await store.dispatch('app/shutdown')
await store.dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {msg: 'from before enter plugin'})
console.log('user is logged 2nd try: ' + store.getters['user/isLoggedIn'])
return next()
else {
* All fine, let him enter
return next()
return next()
This plugin ment for auto login the user on unprotected routes on initial page load dnd check if there is another authRequest required to the backend.
import { PROTECTED_ROUTES } from "~/constants/protectedRoutes";
export default function ({ app, store }) {
app.router.onReady(async (route) => {
// Let authRouterBeforeEnter.js do the job
// to avoid two isAuthorized requests to the backend
await store.dispatch('app/createVisibilityChangedEvent')
else {
// If this route is public do the full init process
await store.dispatch('app/init')
Additionally i have added an app module to the store. It does a full init process with auth request and adding a visibility changed event or just adds the event.
export default {
async init({ dispatch }) {
dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {}, {root:true})
async shutdown({ dispatch }, {userLogout}) {
dispatch('user/logout', {userLogout}, {root:true})
async createVisibilityChangedEvent({ dispatch }) {
window.addEventListener('visibilitychange', async () => {
if (document.visibilityState === 'visible') {
console.log('visible changed');
await dispatch('user/isAuthenticated', {}, {root:true})

Implementing Google One Tap Login using angular

<div id="g_id_onload"
The API get the response I am able to validate the user and return the validated JWT token, how can I capture the response and avoid the redirection of the page to http://localhost:3010/auth/g-one-tap
How can I us some click function to be used in typsecript file which can help in following the normal login flow which I am using earlier with google login button.
public socialSignIn(responseData) {
this.googleSubscription = this._globalService.googleLogin(responseData)
data => {
if (data['success']) {
const token = data['data']['token'];
if (this.platformId === 'browser') {
// login to save the token
error => {
As mentioned here, you should not use both data-login_uri and data-callbck attributes at the same time.
You need to remove the data-login_uri attribute in you code.
And povide an implementation for the callback function (whose name is handleCredentialResponse in your code) if not yet.

How do I have a user check a box to grant permissions instead of the user clicking okay on an Alert in React-Native?

The iOS version of the app requires two different permissions: Microphone and BLE. Currently, permissions are being granted on a as needed basis. However, I would like to create a page that allows a user to click on checkbox so that they can grant permission when they first start the app.
Microphone access is asked for via a method which contains the following code:
BLE is asked for via a method that contains the following code:
Here are the two methods inside OVBluetoothManager.m file:
[[someManager sharedInstance] getLED];
[[someManager sharedInstance] getBattery];
dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
[self.noiseDetector startDetectingNoiseWithTimeIntervalInMs:timeInterval];
In both cases, the user is prompted by an Alert to grant permissions. Assuming the user grants permission, everything proceeds as usual.
In this post it was suggested that the follow code:
Permissions.request('photo').then(response => {
if (response === 'authorized') {
iPhotoPermission = true;
Permissions.request('contact').then(response => {
if (response === 'authorized') {
iPhotoPermission = true;
could grant multiple permissions at once. Is it possible to do this without using react-native-permissions?
Try this library for the checkbox on alert:

Get mobile number using react-native-facebook-account-kit

Currently im using react-native-facebook-account-kit to verify phone number for my native app. In this plugin there is a method called loginWithPhone() which is generating input and verification UI. So i dont have any control over that fields where users are typing their mobile number. How can i get the mobile number after the user typed it or after verification?
Yes, in RNAccountKit.configure(), change responseType to 'code'
This work for me!
.then((code) => {
if (!code) {
console.log('Login cancelled')
} else {
this._showMessage("Logged with phone. Token: "+JSON.stringify(code) );
.then((account) => {
console.log("Current account:"+ JSON.stringify(account))