How to find and delete matching words in two different text files in VB? -

Its a wordy question, but basically I want to have VB check textfile1 for matching words in textfile2, and then delete all instances of similar words in textfile2 and output the results as results.txt.
Outputting results shouldn't be too difficult, but i'm unsure on where to proceed when it comes to recognizing similar wordage. Also, would it be possible to set up a whitelist (there's going to be one word repeated over and over - which I don't want deleted).
This is my open file / read file dialogue which I use for both prompts, and both are displayed visually in a textbox.
Sub Maplist()
If txtFile.ShowDialog() = System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
Dim sr As New System.IO.StreamReader(txtFile.FileName)
tbx1.Text = sr.ReadToEnd
End If
Thanks for any help!
A sample of the first text file looks like this:
map_01, 200/250
map_03, 358/450
map_06, 528/2000
The second file looks like:
Basically the second file is the "master list'. I want the program to recognize a matching word between both files (for instance, the 01 in map_01) and then delete the entry from the master list. When I was talking about whitelisting I was concerned that it would match a word like"map" and delete everything in the master list. I didn't wanted it to delete the whole word just because it matched "map"

You have to make an array of words from both the TextFile and compare those. I did it for you here:
Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
'make array of words from both the files
Dim text1Array() As String = TextBox1.Text.Split(" ")
Dim text2Array() As String = TextBox2.Text.Split(" ")
Dim NewText As String
NewText = TextBox2.Text
'loop through all the words in first array
For i = 0 To text1Array.Length - 1
'loop through all the words in second array
For j = 0 To text2Array.Length - 1
'match the words
If text1Array(i) = text2Array(j) Then
'replace the found word with an empty character
NewText = NewText.Replace(text2Array(j), String.Empty)
'delete double space
NewText = NewText.Replace(" ", " ")
End If
'save it into third textbox
TextBox3.Text = NewText
End Sub
I checked it like this:
Textbox1 contained :
one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve
TextBox2 contained :
one subaz three sarma five loves six coding eight ten all the twelve time
After clicking the button, TextBox3 contained:
subaz sarma loves coding all the time
This works perfectly fine.
Now, about the whitelist, let's say you don't want to remove "five" even if it's matched. Do this:
Dim WhiteListWord As String = "five"
And change the condition as :
If text1Array(i) = text2Array(j) And text1Array(i) <> WhiteListWord Then
New output in the textbox3 will be :
subaz sarma five loves coding all the time


How can calculate the number of columns in a textfile and show in a textbox, in

I have a textfile (data.txt) with 3 columns, each column with one variable (x1, x2 and x3). I would like to calculate a number of columns and show in a specific textbox (like textbox1).
For example. My data.txt:
x1 x2 x3
10 15 20
20 10 10
TextBox1 needs to show: 3
Text files don't have columns. What you have is a file where each line separates elements by a space and each row is separated by a CR/LF (carraige return/line feed) To work with the text file put
Imports System.IO
at the top of the code file.
I am guessing that you will want to do more with the file than just determin the number of "columns" so, we will read the entire file. File.ReadAllLines() returns an array of lines in the file.
We take the first line in the file (index 0) and split it by a space. The lowere case c followint " " tells the compiler that you mean a Char not a String. Then we take the Length of the resulting array to find the number of columns.
Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim lines = File.ReadAllLines("C:\Users\******\Desktop\Code\OPdata.txt")
Dim NoOfColumns = lines(0).Split(" "c).Length
TextBox1.Text = NoOfColumns.ToString
'Some other things you can do
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim columns = lines(0).Split(" "c)
dt.Columns.Add(columns(0), GetType(Integer))
dt.Columns.Add(columns(1), GetType(Integer))
dt.Columns.Add(columns(2), GetType(Integer))
For index = 1 To lines.Length - 1
Dim values = lines(index).Split(" "c)
dt.Rows.Add({values(0), values(1), values(2)})
DataGridView1.DataSource = dt
End Sub
You might want to consider using Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.TextFieldParser. It's designed to process structured text files (either delimited or fixed-width) and will remove some of the necessary ceremony compared with direct file I/O as in Mary's answer. Note that TextFieldParser implements IDisposable, so it should either be used within a Using block or disposed manually.
FileOpen(1, "data.txt", OpenMode.Input)
line1$ = LineInput(1) 'get first line
TextBox1.Text = UBound(Split(line1, " ")) + 1

Wildcard Search character in

I am wanting to make a wildcard search character (ex. Binary%) so when they click search it finds all the files with the word Binary in the filename and loads them into a list box. My current code is below.
Private Sub _test_TextChanged(sender As Object, e As TextChangedEventArgs) Handles _test.TextChanged
For x As Integer = 0 To _listbox.Items.Count - 1
If _listbox.Items(x).ToString = _test.Text$ Then
_listbox.SelectedIndex = x
End If
End Sub
Any help is welcome!
Thank you!
What you are asking doesn't really match your code.
... "when they click search it finds all the files" ...
But you have a TextChanged event handler of a TextBox (not a Button)
..."with the word Binary in the filename and loads them into a list box"
But you select only the first item which matches the filter of items already in a ListBox
To get your code to do what it seems to want to do, simply use the Like operator and add the wildcard character (*) after the TextBox.Text
For x As Integer = 0 To _listBox.Items.Count - 1
If _listBox.Items(x).ToString Like _test.Text & "*" Then
_listBox.SelectedIndex = x
End If
Now you can select the first item in the listbox which matches the filter
If you have a multi-select ListBox, you can use this
If _test.Text = "" Then Exit Sub
_listBox.SelectionMode = SelectionMode.MultiSimple
For x As Integer = 0 To _listBox.Items.Count - 1
_listBox.SetSelected(x, _listBox.Items(x).ToString Like _test.Text & "*")
(the filter logic is the same as the first example)
And you can make it case-insensitive
_listBox.SetSelected(x, _listBox.Items(x).ToString().ToUpper() Like _test.Text.ToUpper() & "*")

How can i check for a character after certain text within a listbox?

How can i check for a character after other text within a listbox?
Listbox contents:
Key1: V
Key2: F
Key3: S
Key4: H
How do I find what comes after Key1-4:?
Key1-4 will always be the same however what comes after that will be user defined.
I figured out how to save checkboxes as theres only 2 values to choose from, although user defined textboxes is what im struggling with. (I have searched for solutions but none seemed to work for me)
If ListBox1.Items.Contains("Key1: " & UsersKey) Then
TextBox1.Text = UsersKey
End If
Which textbox1.text would then contain V / whatever the user defined.
I did try something that kind of worked:
Dim UsersKey as string = "V"
If ListBox1.Items.Contains("Key1: " & UsersKey) Then
TextBox1.Text = UsersKey
End If
but i'm not sure how to add additional letters / numbers to "V", then output that specific number/letter to the textbox. (I have special characters blocked)
Reasoning I need this is because I have created a custom save settings which saves on exit and loads with form1 as the built in save settings doesn't have much customization.
e.g Can't choose save path, when filename is changed a new user.config is generated along with old settings lost.
Look at regular expressions for this.
Using the keys from your sample:
Dim keys As String = "VFSH"
Dim exp As New RegEx("Key[1-4]: ([" & keys& "])")
For Each item As String in ListBox1.Items
Dim result = exp.Match(item)
If result.Success Then
TextBox1.Text = result.Groups(1).Value
End If
It's not clear to me how your ListBoxes work. If you might find, for example, "Key 2:" inside ListBox1 that you need to ignore, you will want to change the [1-4] part of the expression to be more specific.
Additionally, if you're just trying to exclude unicode or punctuation, you could also go with ranges:
Dim keys As String = "A-Za-z0-9"
If you are supporting a broader set of characters, there are some you must be careful with: ], \, ^, and - can all have special meanings inside of a regular expression character class.
You have multiple keys, I assume you have multiple textboxes to display the results?
Then something like this would work. Loop thru the total number of keys, inside that you loop thru the alphabet. When you find a match, output to the correct textbox:
Dim UsersKey As String
For i As Integer = 1 To 4
UsersKey = c
If ListBox1.Items.Contains("Key" & i & ": " & UsersKey) Then
Select Case i
Case 1
TextBox1.Text = UsersKey
Case 2
TextBox2.Text = UsersKey
Case 3
TextBox3.Text = UsersKey
Case 4
TextBox4.Text = UsersKey
End Select
Exit For 'match found so exit inner loop
End If
Also, you say your settings are lost when the filename is changed. I assume when the version changes? The Settings has an upgrade method to read from a previous version. If you add an UpgradeSettings boolean option and set it to True and then do this at the start of your app, it will load the settings from a previous version:
If My.Settings.UpgradeSettings = True Then
My.Settings.UpgradeSettings = False
End If
Updated Answer:
Instead of using a listtbox, read the settings file line by line and output the results to the correct textbox based on the key...something like this:
Dim settingsFile As String = "C:\settings.txt"
If IO.File.Exists(settingsFile) Then
For Each line As String In IO.File.ReadLines(settingsFile)
Dim params() As String = Split(line, ":")
If params.Length = 2 Then
params(0) = params(0).Trim
params(1) = params(1).Trim
Select Case params(0)
Case "Key1"
Textbox1.Text = params(1)
Case "Key2"
Textbox2.Text = params(1)
End Select
End If
Next line
End If
You can associate text box with a key via its Name or Tag property. Lets say you use Name. In this case TextBox2 is associated with key2. TextBox[N] <-> Key[N]
Using this principle the code will look like this [considering that your list item is string]
Sub Test()
If ListBox1.SelectedIndex = -1 Then Return
Dim data[] As String = DirectCast(ListBox1.SelectedItem, string).Split(new char(){":"})
Dim key As String = data(0).Substring(3)
Dim val As String = data(1).Trim()
' you can use one of the known techniques to get control on which your texbox sits.
' I omit this step and assume "Surface1" being a control on which your text boxes sit
(From ctrl In Surface1.Controls
Where ctrl.Name = "TextBox" & key
Select ctrl).First()), TextBox).Text = val
End Sub
As you can see, using principle I just explained, you have little parsing and what is important, there is no growing Select case if, lets say, you get 20 text boxes. You can add as many text boxes and as many corresponding list items as you wish, the code need not change.

Read file name for 5 to 10 digit account number, is this possible?

I am attempting to write a program in which will output some values in to a text file. Please be patient with me as I am very new to
What I have so far is below:
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim str As String
For Each File As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(TextBox1.Text)
str = str & File & "|" & System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File).Split("-")(0).Trim & "|" & System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File).Split("-")(0).Trim & "||" & DateTimePicker1.Text & "|" & Environment.NewLine
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\output\output.txt", str)
End Sub
Results of output file (output.txt) when button3 is clicked are below:
C:\DirectoryTest\Clients\2356851-Kathy Winkler - Family Investments.pdf|2356851|2356851||04/10/2013|
C:\DirectoryTest\Clients\58736 -Katrina Armon - Sandlewood Homes Co.pdf|58736|58736||04/10/2013|
C:\DirectoryTest\Clients\Karen Cooper - 001548 - Famtime.pdf|Karen Cooper|Karen Cooper||04/10/2013|
My code so far does exactly what I want it to do, the only thing is that I want to make the code smarter but don’t know how. Smarter as in is there a way I can make the below code only pick up the 5 to 10 digit account number seen in the filename, and if no account number exists in the file name to bring up a message box?
System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File).Split("-")(0).Trim & "|" & System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File).Split("-")(0).Trim
As you can see from the last line of the output…
C:\DirectoryTest\Clients\Karen Cooper - 001548 - Famtime.pdf|Karen Cooper|Karen Cooper||04/10/2013|
…the customers name “Karen Cooper” is being displayed in both areas where the account number should be displayed. This is why I need to make this code smarter somehow have it search the file name for a 5 to 10 digit account number to display it after the file name as see in the other 2 examples.
Please let me know if this is possible. And do let me know if you have any questions.
Here is you some simple logic .... ofcouse you can just do something like finding the filename first but here you go
Dim returnval As String = ""
Dim s As String = "C:\DirectoryTest\Clients\Karen Cooper - 001548 - Famtime.pdf|Karen Cooper|Karen Cooper||04/10/2013|"
For Each p As String In s
If IsNumeric(p) Then
returnval += p
End If
msgbox(returnval) will hold all your numbers 5-10 , depends on how specific you want to get from here
to break apart the filenames
'This will extract and return the filename from the specified path and filename.
Dim filePath As String = "c:\MyDirectory\MYFile.txt"
Dim slashPosition As Integer = filePath.LastIndexOf("\")
Dim filenameOnly As String = filePAth.Substring(slashPosition + 1)
then manipulate your string from there as much as you want
You should give this a try. I haven't had a chance to test it but it should work
Private Sub Button3_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim str As String
For Each File As String In System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(TextBox1.Text)
Dim strs as String() = System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(File).Split("-")
Dim AccountNum as int = 0
For each section in strs()
' Loop through each section separated by - and try to cast it to an int
' you may want to use cLong instead
AccountNum = cInt(section.trim())
exit for
End Try
' DO LOGIC HERE TO BUILD OUTPUT with the account num now known
System.IO.File.WriteAllText("C:\output\output.txt", str)
End Sub
How about yor file name ?
C:\DirectoryTest\Clients\Karen Cooper - 001548 - Famtime.pdf
Fairly, It should be
C:\DirectoryTest\Clients\001548 - Karen Cooper - Famtime.pdf
I would recommend using RegEx to extract the account number. A side benefit of using RegEx is that you can store the RegEx pattern outside of your code, such as in a configuration file, so if you ever need to modify the pattern, you could do so easily without recompiling your application.
Function GetAccountNumber(fileName As String) As String
Dim pattern As String = ".*?(?<acct>\d{5,10}).*?"
Dim regEx As New Regex(pattern)
Dim match As Match = regEx.Match(fileName)
Dim accountNumber As String = Nothing
If match.Success Then
Dim group As Group = match.Groups("acct")
If group.Success Then
accountNumber = group.Value
End If
End If
Return accountNumber
End Function
In the above example, I am using the following RegEx pattern to find the five to ten digit number in the string:
The .*? at the beginning and end of the pattern means any character, any number of times. The question mark means it's non-greedy. In other words, it only matches as many characters as necessary. By making it non-greedy, it will not steal-away any of the digits from the account number.
The parentheses surround the part of the string we are looking for (the account number). The ?<acct> at the beginning of the parenthetical group a name by which we can refer to it. In this case, I named the group acct. The \d means any digit character. The {5,10} means repeated between five and ten times.

VB.NET For Each New Line

I need help making a function that opens a file and for each new line, make a variable like explode("\n", $var) in PHP. I tried
Dim words As String = GetFileContents(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
For Each word As String In words
Dim doHash As String = MD5(word)
If String.Equals(doHash, hash.Text) Then
Label2.Text = "derp"
Label2.Text = "lol"
End If
but it makes each letter a new variable.
You want to use System.IO.File.ReadLines(OpenFileDialog1.FileName). That will cause the For Each loop to get each line separately.
For Each word As String In File.ReadLines(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)
Dim doHash As String = MD5(word)
If String.Equals(doHash, hash.Text) Then
Label2.Text = "derp"
Label2.Text = "lol"
End If
I notice that your php example is definitely splitting on newlines, but your loop variable is called word. Does your file have one word per line? Doesn't matter much, but I wanted to double check that you're okay with the loop getting each line, not each word (if there's more than one word per line).