I have an msi which is developed using wix.
CustomAction in wix project triggers a Winform UI.
<Product Id="*" Name="App" Language="1033" Codepage="UTF-8" Version="" Manufacturer="Corporation" UpgradeCode="{Your app Upgrade code}">
So in C# winform, i am able to get the ProductVersion (from above code in wix project .wxs file) in winform.
I want to know that how can i show that product version with the msi file in Windows Explorer.
Please help, Thanks in advance.
Windows Explorer can only see attributes in the Summary Information Stream. ProductVersion is in the Property table. The best you could do is append (duplicate) the product version in one of the Summary Information Stream attributes such as Product Name or Description.
I have the following very basic WIX 3.11 bundle defined at the minute and I have removed the execpackages that fire before the MSI is installed as the problem I'm about to describe only occurs with the MSIPackage command and the specific Third Party MSI I'm using.
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"
<Bundle Name="ACME APP 32Bit" Manufacturer="ACME CORP" Version="" UpgradeCode="0B736949-AE50-46B0-A534-42C9672FAF1F" IconSourceFile='..\Common Files\Images\icon.ico'>
<BootstrapperApplicationRef Id="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLargeLicense">
LicenseFile="..\Common Files\Documents\EULA.rtf"
LogoFile="..\Common Files\Images\logo-64x64.png"
LogoSideFile="..\Common Files\Images\logo-64x64.png"
<MsiPackage Id="TP32BIT" SourceFile="ThirdParty.msi" Visible="no" />
What is happening is after the bundle deploys the MSI and whilst the Installation completed successfully dialog is present , the modify setup dialog again (repair uninstall cancel ).
It only appears to happen with the third party MSI that I need to install. I don't have control over this MSI and nor can I get support on changing from the manufacturer at this time.
I've replaced the MSI with another random product and it doesn't result in the same issue. Its deployed without effectively attempting to run the bundle installer again.
I've run the Third Party MSI from the command line and checked it's return code on instillation and it returns 0.
I'm baffled as to whats causing the installer to think it needs to run itself again on completion of this MSI. Non of the UUIDs are in conflict and I don't think there's anything wrong in my xml.
If anyone can shed some light onto this I'd appreciate it. Currently the only thing I can think of doing is attempting to deploy this specific MSI to the platform via a execpackage approach that runs the msiexec from command line but that completely negates the reason I'm using a bundle in the first place.
Thanks in advance.
I am a little bit confused reading this.
Does the problem manifest itself if you run ThirdParty.msi interactively with full setup GUI outside the Burn Bundle?
In other words a regular installation, that is not invoked via command line but run by double clicking the MSI and then clicking through the setup GUI.
I suppose it is possible that some fancy event in the setup complete dialog kicks off a custom action that does something crazy. Is this an MSI that we can take a look at? Can you provide a download location? (no promises though).
When the setup is run in silent mode, the GUI sequence does not run - which could explain why things work in silent mode - if this is indeed the case.
Turns out it's a known bug in WIX that is triggered by the 3rd Party MSI. github.com/wixtoolset/issues/issues/5266 This MSI can't be changed and has to deploy it's content using this mechanism. I've been able to create a work around to resolve the issue as the installer starts 2 new instances of Wix after the MSI completes so I'm tracking the process IDs and killing anything "unknown" –
I have a windows setup project in VB.Net (in VS 2010). The ProductVersion is set to default( when I build the MSI.
Now I want to set the ProductVersion dynamically while installation (with the help of a custom action or something like that) reading from a database table, so that after installation of the msi, the Version of the product shown in windows control panel or installed exe file properties, is the updated one.
Thanks in advance.
You can't do that - the ProductVersion is something that Windows uses before it even starts the install. That's why you sometimes see "another version of this product is already installed". The easiest way for someone else to change the ProductVersion after your build and before the install is to use a script to update ProductVersion in the Property table of the MSI. If you look at WiRunSQL.vbs in the Windows kit SDK and know the SQL to use that'll do it. You'd need to update Property.ProductVersion. Docs here with a link to examples:
I am trying to call a msi inside wix bootstrapper program.It is working properly at the time of installation.And selected features are installed properly.But after installation i am trying to modify the installed features.In the control panel there is change button.But when i click it then it is showing a dialog with Repair, uninstall, cancel buttons.There is no modify button for modifying the features of installer.
Please specify the solution if any.
code inside Bootstrappertheme.wxl is
<!-- Modify dialog -->
<String Id="ModifyHeader">Modify Setup</String>
<String Id="ModifyNotice">[WixBundleName] is already installed on this machine. If it's not working correctly, you may repair it. You may also uninstall it.</String>
<String Id="ModifyRepairButton">&Repair</String>
<String Id="ModifyUninstallButton">&Uninstall</String>
<String Id="ModifyCloseButton">&Cancel</String>
The wix standard bootsrapper application does not currently support msi feature selection. Currently, the only way to get it is to create a custom bootstrapper application. People have asked about this on the WiX mailing list multiple times. Rob Mensching is the project leader, and Bob Arnson currently manages the 3.x branch.
This guide: Writing Your Own .Net-based Installer with WiX is the best resource I know about for building one in WPF. The actual WiX source code is very helpful as well. It's a very big task though.
I don't have a sample project to share with you, but the blog post I mentioned above does have a section "HANDLING CURRENT & FUTURE STATE" which describes how to do this. I think it really is a terrific resource.
Also, see this question: Custom WiX Burn bootstrapper user interface?
Burn GUI
Burn GUI is very different from MSI-GUI. Here is an older, similar answer
Please also see comments in these answers:
On customized GUI
Changing text color to Wix dialogs
Custom WiX Managed Bootstrapper Application
MSI File
What dialog set are you using for the MSI files? Have you tried enabling the advanced dialog set? I haven't tried it yet: http://wixtoolset.org/documentation/manual/v3/wixui/dialog_reference/wixui_advanced.html
WixUI Dialogs:
It might be possible to use Orca (http://support.microsoft.com/kb/255905) to edit the MSI and resave it so that it, without special configuration in wix, automatically has the Modify option in Programs and Features. When creating an MSI from scratch (using InstallShield for example), the user can specify which options are available. There should be a way to edit the file to accomplish the same thing.
When you open up the "Change" feature from the Programs and Features menu, it reruns a cached version of the MSI installer in maintenance mode. Regardless of what program is bootstrapping the MSI (wix vs InstallShield), the MSI is the only thing that Windows knows about. If it is not configured to have a Modify option, it won't have it.
I have 6 msi that I want to bundle into single msi package. These 6 are office addin, out of these 3 are for office 2003 and 3 for office 2007. So my single msi should install only 3 addon based on the version of office. And there are some prerequisites that i want to install before these msi.
I tried using wix for once it created a setup but after sometime same project gave error: "Error 1 Unresolved reference to symbol 'ChainPackageGroup:wwwwww' in section 'Bundle:wixB2'" .
Setup creted by wix was able to install the setups but was not able to uninstall them, may be uninstallation needed admin rights but i was not able to give.
I also tried dotnetinstaller but i could not find how to add launch condition for my 6 installers. (Inatllcheck in dotnetinstaller only checks existense of the product getting install not the launch condition) If anybody can tell me how to add launch condition like if office 2007 present then install else do not, I will be able to complete my project if somebody help me to add launch condition.
So can you please tell me what should I do to create a single installer?
I Am also new to Wix. If You post your code It will be Helpful to solve your problem. You can go through following approach it might help you.
Considering user have office 2007 installed on his system your installer should install only Add-Ins for 2007. and as you have executables for add-ins Bootstrapper is best approach for it.
For Conditional installation you first need to find which version of office is already installed.
This you can do using Registry Search
<util:RegistrySearch Id ="Office2007" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0\Word\InstallRoot::Path"/>
This will search in specific path.
Now for Installation
<ExePackage Id="2007Addin" SourceFile="your addin path"
There are many other useful arguments also. go through them.
Sample Program
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Wix xmlns="http://schemas.microsoft.com/wix/2006/wi"
<Bundle Name="WordAddin" Version="" Manufacturer="NSS" UpgradeCode="51d04319-a135-487c-a4bb-aed77417bda7">
<BootstrapperApplicationRefId="WixStandardBootstrapperApplication.RtfLicense" />
<util:RegistrySearchRef Id ='Office2007'/>
<--Here Install condition parameter checks if specific key is found if found installs packege -->
<--You can use NOT Office2007found this will install only if registry key not found-->
<MsiPackage Id ="officeAddin" Compressed='yes' Cache='yes' Name='office addin' SourceFile='officeadd.msi' InstallCondition='Office2007found' DisplayInternalUI='yes'/>
<!--Registry Search to find Which Office Version Is installed (incase registry search failed change keys according)-->
<util:RegistrySearch Id="office2007" Root="HKLM" Key="SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Office\12.0" Value="Version" Variable="Office2007found"/>
<--Below condition is only to check whether registry search is successful or not. remove it if not required-->
<bal:Condition Message="Failed to search regKey">Office2007found</bal:Condition>
For Your Reference
wix installer 3.7 bootstrapper Registry search
How to detect installed version of MS-Office?
Launch Condition to Detect Office 2010 Applications
Are there any good references/examples for WiX Burn 3.6 custom UI?
I googled around, but they are broken pieces of the information.
The WiX installer itself is a good example and the source is freely available via CodePlex (WiX 3.6 Beta). Check out the WixUX project, which is the bootstrapper for the WiX 3.6 install. Another Stack Overflow question is Custom WIX Burn Bootstrapper user interface?, describing how to get started.
Or if you get the latest weekly WiX releases, the project has been renamed to WixBA. See src\Setup\WixBA.
Yes, they are scattered all over. I am using Visual Studio 2010 to maintain my Product.wxs with a separate WXS file for the UI. Basically I've downloaded WiX Edit to design the UI.
A good start is to download the WiX source which has WXS UI files you can load into WiX Edit to see how they work. You can download the source from here.
What I did was to copy one of the WixUI files to my project in Visual Studio 2010. When you download the source they can be found under wix36-sources\src\ext\UIExtension\wixlib. In here you will find:
You can tell from this the dialog flows. However there are the individual dialog files in here such as:
You can load these into the Wix Edit to preview the dialog. You should get a better understanding.
Additionally, the main Wix Page can be found at Wix Toolset.
I have ordered the Wix book, WiX: A Developer's Guide to Windows Installer XML, from Amazon which I hope will help me understand this more. £30.99 in the UK. Hopefully, this book will be money well spent. There is one review with five stars so fingers crossed.