how to access the web ip camera on the opentopia? - camera

I am viewing an ip camera from, I have two questions
1. how it is streaming through the web page on the opentopia website,
is it possible to access and record the stream of that camera through ffmpeg or some other software ?

This site uses an mjpeg, stream. any program that can do http requests can download it.


Accessing customSD page on a Sonos One device

I am trying to develop a custom music service integration for Sonos.
I saw on their website that they mention a customSD page that can be accessed on the IP of the Sonos device. My problem is that when I cannot access the IP:1400/customsd.htm page. I double-checked that the IP is correct.
Is there something I'm missing in my setup? I see the allocated IP address in my router for the Sonos device.
The device is a Sonos One
I also tried running nmap on the IP of the device and the output is:
53/tcp open domain

Chat App: Images through Websocket? Or REST endpoint?

Let's say we have a chat app and we want users to be able to send images.
Would it be appropriate to convert the image to Base64 in order to send the image through the websocket? A few posts I was reading mentioned this wouldn't be a good use of websockets, so would it be better to have an endpoint for images, and tie that image to the message on upload completion?
Totally new to websockets, so I'm not really sure what to do here.
You can use XMLHttpRequest for file upload and then send the link along with the data through websocket.
Uploading file through websocket will require extra code at the server side to convert the received data to files.
Also check
BinaryJS is bidrectional realtime binary data with binary websockets
As of today, XMLHttpRequest is the standard most of the companies are using for the file upload, some of the reasons for choosing HTTP are support for caching, gzipping, authentication, firewall, browser compatibility and horizontal scaling.

Getting video stream from different pages WebRTC

Can we get all the video stream of peers on one page, and peer would be streaming it from any other page. The diagram explain the rest
graphical representation
When developing a web application, your code lives inside it's own special little sandbox. This sandbox does not extend to other pages and sharing resources between tabs is therefore impossible.

How Internet Download Manager grabs URL of online videos

I'm developing a software which streams videos from vimeo. But, I don't know how to fetch it's direct URL.
Suppose the URL of vimeo video is:
But, IDM captures the direct URL of it as,
So, how is this possible ?
I think there is one similar software that you might be interested to look into. Internet Video Manager.
It uses a python back-end program (included in the same folder, named as dl.exe) to extract direct link to youtube, vimeo videos.
Pro accounts have access to their own video files using the new (in beta) API3. If you would like access you can request it at

From web server, how I can get the exact GPS location of an iPhone?

I want to run my code on web server which will track an iPhone's physical location (using mobile number of card inside iPhone).
How can I do that? Is coreLocation the API that gives that facility?
Your app will have to use CoreLocation to push requests to your web server with the location. The web server cannot pull the location. I do not think you can access the phone number, but you can get the Device ID.
You can get the phone's location in the browser using javascript, please see the answer at question 10567617 .
If you have the location in the browser, you could send it to your server with ajax or any traditional technique.
If you mean, through a regular web request across HTTP, you can't -- that information isn't transmitted for good reasons. However, if you were to create an App that connected to your server's app, then yes, you could simply send the update as a packet to the server as you then have unlimited access to your phones details.