HTML Functions not working under SSL - ssl

I'm having trouble with my website and some background music using Youtube Embed snippet.
When I connect without SSL everything works fine, from JS to YT snippets.
But when I use SSL, YT snippet doesn't work.
<embed height="1" src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="1" wmode="transparent">
Any ideas on how to solve this ?

If you view the browser console you'll probably see a message about mixed content. You're including content that is http on a https site.
Just change the Youtube URL to be https and not http and I suspect it will work.


How to force iframe to use https already embed on other https websites?

I had website without https i.e. SSL. Other websites embed the page of my website using iframe.
<iframe src="" ... />
That worked fine until their website was http only. Now their website is https and does not load iframe because it is only http. Now i have added SSL. without contacting the other website how to make iframe work on their website?
Please help.
... without contacting the other website
Impossible. The browser will not even try to contact your site since it is a HTTP resource included inside HTTPS. The URL has to be changed in embedding site and this can only be done by the maintainer of the embedding site.

W3C validator and HTTPS

I'm currently having trouble with the W3C markup validation service and the use of HTTPS. When I type in there the website address with https I get the following response:
Sorry! This document cannot be checked.
Together with an error 500 saying that it can't connect to the site. Also, on the website page I have one link which carries the person into the validation and shows the site has been validated. When clicking the link without HTTPS everything works, but with HTTPS I get one message
Sorry! This document cannot be checked. No Referer header found!
which I believe is because the secure connection doesn't send the referer header right?
Now, how can I use HTTPS and avoid these problems with the validation?
Please always directly use (the current W3C HTML Checker) instead of (the legacy W3C Markup Validator).
The HTML Checker is able to check documents at https URLS just fine. So If you find a https site that it doesn’t work with as expected, then that’s likely a bug I need to fix. (I maintain the checker, and recently updated it to get HTTPS support using HTTP Components HttpClient 4.4 —the latest Apache HTTP client library—including full support for HTTPS sites that use SNI.
A note about which W3C tool to use for checking HTML documents
On the W3C backend, when you use the legacy Markup Validator to check documents with <!DOCTYPE html> doctypes, it just hands off the request to the same backend that directly drives the HTML Checker. But the HTML Checker has a UI with more features, and using it from is faster.
We (the W3C) plan to swap those two around eventually—that is, move the current HTML Checker to and move the legacy Markup Validator to or some such—but it will be a while yet before that happens. So in the mean time, as I said, I suggest always just doing all your HTML checking from the site.
There seems to be a bug in the W3C NU validator, so the "referer" value is not processed fully. :-/
I.e. the code for their badge <a target="_blank" href=""><img src="" alt="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" title="Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional" style="height: 31px; width: 88px;" /></a>
does not validate my nested sub-page, but just the root-page of the whole web-site instead, on click on the badge, in a footer of the deep sub-page. Sad. :-/
And the same for the alternative parameterized .../check?uri=referer" URL, still the same issue. :-/

SSL on wordpress with non-SSL elements

I have a website built using by default using Http protocol , and I'd like to turn it to HTTPS for security purposes.
But, I have a lot of articles (more than 1000) with non-ssl elements like iframe, images from other sites etc...
How can I make it works? I see that CSS and JS are not loading because it use the HTTP link...
I know I can change the header, it's easy but what about these articles?
Is there a plugins that convert http:// to https// ?

google translate not showing up when https is used in url

For some reason when you go to the url google translate does not show up, but when you go to it works fine. So I know the issue is with SSL and having https. Does anyone know what the problem is and how to fix it. Thanks!
You are loading Google's JavaScript with an http URL, even when your page is served with https. The browser rejects that, because it's insecure to include non-https content in an https page.
You need to do this:
<script type="text/javascript" src="//
rather than specifying the URL as By starting the URL at the double-slash, the browser will use whichever of http or https the page itself is using.

Amazon widget and SSL

I'm trying to embed an Amazon "Recommended Product" widget into a website. We use SSL across all pages on the site.
Unfortunately, the Amazon widget by default is embedded using a simple IFrame and although the source for the IFrame can be https://, the images and links within the IFrame are always http://
IFrame sample code
<iframe src=""
Needless to say this results in "insecure content" warnings, broken padlocks, etc.
So far the only solution I've been able to come up with is to get the contents of the IFrame using the server, parse it and re-write all the image links to point at a local handler which in turn proxies the images. It seems like a fragile approach with a lot of processing overhead. It's just nasty.
Does anyone have any experience with this? Is there a method here that I'm missing? Can I get Amazon to return valid https:// urls?
If I change the image urls from http to https in-situ, I get a certificate mis-match error - it seems the images are served from the Akamai CDN and the common name for the certificate isn't the hostname used to serve the images.
I'm finding it hard to believe that an e-commerce company as large as Amazon is incapable of serving a secure page.
Any help greatly appreciated.
After a lot of digging, I found a version of the widget on the Amazon site which ran in SSL mode without errors.
After looking at the IFrame src, the URL has an additional parameter internal=1. I haven't seen this documented anywhere but it seems to tell the widget to serve the images from Amazon's network instead of Akamai's, and SSL is supported.
The url should look like this: