I'm having some strange behaviour between messages sent via a C# webserver to Firebase vs messages sent via RESTED / Postman
Using fiddler I create almost identical requests to Firebase (example below)
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Key=<OMITTED>
Host: fcm.googleapis.com
Content-Length: 136
{"to":"/topics/NAME","notification":{ "text":"TEST","title":"TEST","click_action":null}}
When this is sent using an HTTP client in Chrome we receive the message immediately, but when we send it with C# using a webrequest we're not getting a message in response 100% of the time.
We receive a successful 200 response from Firebase regardless of method of sending and both contain a message id.
OK! I feel really dumb now but it wasn't showing the notifications because the same domain sending the notifications was in the foreground, I switched to using a seperate browser to trigger them and it worked each time.
I want send multiple notifications with one HTTP request to Firebase using REST API
Documentation says - "You should combine requests and send"
curl command for send is
curl *** -H 'Content-Type: multipart/mixed; boundary="subrequest_boundary"' https://fcm.googleapis.com/batch
I found that https://fcm.googleapis.com/batch url is no longer supported https://developers.googleblog.com/2018/03/discontinuing-support-for-json-rpc-and.html
What right url for send multiple notifications to FCM?
There is a new API for sending messages through Firebase Cloud Messaging, called the versioned API. It lives on /v1/projects/<your-project-id>/messages:send and is fully documented in the Firebase documentation on sending requests.
In this new, versioned API sending multiple messages through the regular end point by sending a multi-part request to it. This process is fully documented in the section on sending a batch of messages and is also wrapped by most of the Admin SDKs that are available.
I need to prepare a Java test (citrus framework) which initial step is sending a http request. Unfortunately my app under tests does not reply to this http request with anything while my testing framework expects to have a response and generates an error otherwise. The best way to deal with such a situation which came to my mind is to use some kind of a proxy between my testing framework and actual application which will forward the test request to the actual application and reply back to the testing framework with OK status not waiting for the response from app.
Does it make a sense? How could I prepare such a proxy assuming that my tests are to be running with maven invocation?
I see following options:
Fire and forget: send the Http request (using the fork mode on the send operation in Citrus) and do not care for the response at all. Just leave out the receive message action to ignore the response in Citrus.
Expect the timeout: Send the Http request and use the receive timeout action to verify that the client does not receive a response in the given time
Assert/catch the timeout exception: Use the assert or catch action in Citrus to handle the timeout exception when sending the http request
Personally I would go for the option #2 where you send the Http request and verify that there is no response for a given amount of time. This makes sure that the actual behavior of your application to not send any response does not change over time.
There is no authentication on server side so authentication should not be issue.
URL format: PUT
This is working fine in Postman.
In SOAP UI , I am giving input as under:
EndPoint: https://localhost
Resource: /api/v1/protections
in Media type, I am selecting "application/json"
and entering {"action": "BLOCK"} but getting "Wed Jan 20 16:25:27 PST 2016:DEBUG:Receiving response: HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
Is there any suggestion to get the output in SOAP UI.
Depending on the server where the rest is exposed service generates an HTTP 403, you should verify that server is and thus find the fastest response.
Also try making a GET request from the browser to see if you can answer correctly because problem lock your machine to the server.
As is https, it may be that you lack some certificate set SOAPUI. possibly Postman you use already has configured. Try to check this setting.
In my case, I missed the Header "User-Agent" and "accept". I put in Soap UI and Works.
In Postman, this headers it put automatically.
I am calling json api built using Symfony2 using LAMP stack.
URL for api is like
Response I get back correctly:
{"Result":{"statusCode":1,"statusMsg":"Created Successfully"}}
However http headers contain the information I am logging in server. Example is
-wf-1-1-1-3:185|[{"Type":"INFO","File":"","Line":"","Label":"app"},"Data From Publisher Device Id:358342045834581 Route Id: 17 Lat:12.948468 Lng77.718571 Timestamp:2014-09-18 13:23:20 Data:tstsst|S-1"]|
Above logging info is coming back in Http header of response.
How should I disable the server logging info coming back.
Finally I figured it out.
I was using firephp handler and firephp adds the logging information back in response through http headers.
firephp is useful tool for debugging json apis, however should be disabled in production to avoid revealing sensitive information.
I switched to fingers_crossed handler.
I am trying to test a servlet I wrote that processes a payapal IPN notification (my servlet is very similar to this example) - thing is even after enabling all the settings in the test account I am using the IPN notification is not firing at all.
I then found out that apparently in the sandbox the only way to test IPN is through the IPN simulator. I am trying to use it but I am getting:
IPN delivery failed. HTTP error code 405: Method Not Allowed
Does anyone have the slightest clue?
Also I am seeking ANY advice for testing IPN handlers in a straightforward manner since the IPN simulator kind of sucks (any option you pick it resets all the fields and so forth).
Any help appreciated!
I would check to make sure that your web server is allowing POST requests on your IPN handler URL. In this example, I used the PHP version of the example on the page you linked, and placed the script at /ipn.php.
I then telnet to my server. (replace with your server address)
$ telnet myserver.com 80
Trying myserver.com...
Connected to myserver.com.
Escape character is '^]'.
Paste the following into your telnet session. (replace ipn.php and myserver.com). Add a blank line after the last command.
POST /ipn.php HTTP/1.1
Host: myserver.com
Connection: close
Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded
Content-Length: 0
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
If you don't see a 200 Status, it means your application is not handling POST requests properly, which is a probable cause of the 405 Error.
You should make sure that you implement a doPost() method in your servlet, as well as a doGet().
If you are able to get the requests working from the IPN simulator, and are ready to move on to sandbox testing, make sure that you have the correct Notify URL and that IPN is enabled under the sandbox seller's profile.
Also, make sure that you IPN Handler is logging INVALID requests as well, so that you know if the request was even initiated.
Finally, make sure that the IPN verification URL is set to https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr in your servlet. (the URL in the example you posted is https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr)