Error while converting from getdate() function - sql

On command line
gives below error:
Unknown argument '04:59:42.xml'
I am saving data to an xml file.
when I use below command,proc works perfectly.
I need the file to save with time.

You are trying to create a file with a colon in the name, which is not allowed. No way to get around that restriction. However, you can replace the colons with other characters when naming the file, e.g.


Bigquery got the error. Syntax error: Illegal input character "\357"

When I run a query in Biquery using the command line bq query and indicating a text_file.sql containing the query, I got this error. The query was working using the bigquery console ( I chose UTF-8.
How should I handle this syntax error?
Please check file format is correct or not. because this issue is due file type other than UTF-8 LF in my case.
when i was change file format to UTF-8 it was running file for me.

Importing large CSV file into Postgres error unquoted carriage

I am trying to import a large csv file using COPY, but I keep getting this error code.
ERROR: unquoted carriage return found in data
HINT: Use quoted CSV field to represent carriage return.
CONTEXT: COPY nyc_yellow_taxi_trips_2018_01, line 2
SQL state: 22P04
I know it is due to the blank row right under the header, but I tried manually deleting the space by opening through TextEdit. I also tried opening through excel, the file is too big to edit, but after deleting the space through TextEdit, there was no blank space.
I am still getting this error. Most likely an easy fix but I have been on this for awhile now.
Here is my code:
COPY nyc_yellow_taxi_trips_2018_01
FROM '/Users/eddy/taxi/yellow_tripdata_2018-01.csv'
WITH (FORMAT CSV, header, Delimiter ',' );
It looks like you have inconsistent line endings. It has found a carriage return, but it expected (based on what ended the header line) either just a newline, or a CRNL.
You need to make the line endings consistent, which I don't know how to do using TextEdit.

Combine SQL files with command `copy` in a batch file introduce an incorrect syntaxe because it does add an invisible character `U+FEFF`

In a pre-build event, a batch file is executed to combine multiple SQL files into a single one.
It is done using this command :
COPY %#ProjectDir%\Migrations\*.sql %#ProjectDir%ContinuousDeployment\AllFilesMergedTogether.sql
Everything appear to work fine but somehow the result give an incorrect syntaxe error.
After two hours of investigation, it turn out the issue is caused by an invisible character that remain invisible even with notepad++.
Using an online website, the character has been spotted and is U+FEFF has shown in following image.
Here are the two input scripts.
PRINT 'Script1'
PRINT 'Script2'
Here is the output given by the copy command.
PRINT 'Script1'
PRINT 'Script2'
Additional info :
Batch file is encoded with UTF-8
Input files are encoded with UTF-8-BOM
Output file is encoded with UTF-8-BOM.
I'm not sure it is possible to change the encoding output of command copy.
I've tried and failed.
What should be done to eradicate this extremely frustrating parasitic character?
It has turned out that changing encoding of input files to ANSI does fix the issue.
No more pesky character(s).
Also, doing so does change the encoding of the result file to UTF-8 instead of UTF-8-BOM which is great I believe.
Encoding can be changed using Notepad++ as show in following picture.

Line contains invalid enclosed character data or delimiter at position

I was trying to load the data from the csv file into the Oracle sql developer, when inserting the data I encountered the error which says:
Line contains invalid enclosed character data or delimiter at position
I am not sure how to tackle this problem!
For Example:
INSERT INTO PROJECT_LIST (Project_Number, Name, Manager, Projects_M,
Project_Type, In_progress, at_deck, Start_Date, release_date, For_work, nbr,
List, Expenses) VALUES ('5770','"Program Cardinal
(Agile)','','','','','',to_date('', 'YYYY-MM-DD'),'','','','','');
The Error shown were:
--Insert failed for row 4
--Line contains invalid enclosed character data or delimiter at position 79.
--Row 4
I've had success when I've converted the csv file to excel by "save as", then changing the format to .xlsx. I then load in SQL developer the .xlsx version. I think the conversion forces some of the bad formatting out. It worked at least on my last 2 files.
I fixed it by using the concatenate function in my CSV file first and then uploaded it on sql, which worked.
My guess is that it doesn't like to_date('', 'YYYY-MM-DD'). It's missing a date to format. Is that an actual input of your data?
But it could also possibly be the double quote in "Program Cardinal (Agile). Though I don't see why that would get picked up as an invalid character.

psycopg2: export csv to database, dealing with e+ expression

I have a csv file containing
numbers like "1.456e+07"
and I am using function "copy_expert" to export the file to database
but I am getting error
psycopg2.DataError: invalid input syntax for integer: "1.5637e+07"
I notice that I can insert "100" as an integer, but when I do "1.5637e+07" with qoute, it doesn't work.
I am using pandas dataframe's to_csv to generate the csv files. not sure how to get rid of qoute for integer like "1.5637e+07" only (I have string column), or whether there is other solution.
I find out the solution
Normally, pandas doesn't put quotes around number. However, I set float_format parameter which causes this. I reset
in the function call and the quotes go away.