I have a Json data stored in SQL server:
How can I get the count of the element field having value =F1 using SQL?
DECLARE #json NVARCHAR(MAX) = '{"group":{
FROM OPENJSON(#json, '$.group.rules')
WHERE JSON_VALUE(value, '$.field') = 'F1'
You have a table, you say? CROSS APPLY is your friend:
SELECT T.[data], rules.F1_count
FROM OPENJSON(jsonData, '$.group.rules')
WHERE JSON_VALUE(value, '$.field') = 'F1'
) AS rules
Try this ->
Select Count(*)
From mytable
WHERE JSON_VALUE(Serialized, '$.field')="F1"
As an advice JSON data should not be stored it self. You should make tables and columns depending on the data you are storing. Maybe make a database called group, with a table called operator, which would have three columns, operator, rule and rule value. So it would look something like this:
Operator Rule RuleValue
-------- ----------- ---------
| #1 | condition | = |
| #1 | field | f1 |
| #1 | table | ATT |
| #2 | data | test |
You can change the table to your needs but remember JSON and XML is a way of storing data in files. So when storing data in database, you shouldn't store it in XMl or JSON
| some_data |
| cards: [{"story-elements": [{
"metadata": {
"video-url": "somesite.com/video/x8cse6q?pubtool",
"video-id": "x8cse6q?pubtool"},
"subtype": "abc-video"
How to filter data from some_data column where cards consists of video-url with query params when subtype is abc-video
select *
from table_name
WHERE ("some_data" #> '{"video-id"}')::varchar like '%?pubtool%';
I have a table with a json field with the following json:
productId: '1',
other : [
otherId: '2'
productId: '3',
other : [
otherId: '4'
I am trying to select the productId and otherId for every array element like this:
select JSON_EXTRACT(items, $.items[].productId) from order;
But this is completely wrong since it takes only the first element in the array
Do I need to write a loop or something?
First of all, the data you show is not valid JSON. It has multiple mistakes that make it invalid.
Here's a demo using valid JSON:
mysql> create table orders ( items json );
mysql> insert into orders set items = '[ { "productId": "1", "other": { "otherId": "2" } }, { "productId": "3", "other" : { "otherId": "4" } } ]'
mysql> SELECT JSON_EXTRACT(items, '$[*].productId') AS productIds FROM orders;
| productIds |
| ["1", "3"] |
If you want each productId on a row by itself as a scalar value instead of a JSON array, you'd have to use JSON_TABLE() in MySQL 8.0:
mysql> SELECT j.* FROM orders CROSS JOIN JSON_TABLE(items, '$[*]' COLUMNS(productId INT PATH '$.productId')) AS j;
| productId |
| 1 |
| 3 |
This is tested in MySQL 8.0.23.
You also tagged your question MariaDB. I don't use MariaDB, and MariaDB has its own incompatible implementation of JSON support, so I can't predict how it will work.
I don't know why, but probably PHP persisted some of my data as object and some of them as array. My table looks something like:
seller_info_address Table:
ID (INT) | address (JSONB) |
1 | {"addressLines":{"0":"Technology Park",...},...} |
2 | {"addressLines":["Technology Park",...],...} |
Some addressLines are objects:
"addressLines": {
"0": "Technology Park",
"1": "Blanchard Road",
"3": "Dublin",
"4": "2"
"companyName": "...",
"emailAddress": [],
"...": "..."
Some addressLines are arrays:
"addressLines": [
"Technology Park",
"Blanchard Road",
"companyName": "...",
"emailAddress": [],
"...": "..."
I would like to equalize the data with a SQL query, but I'm not sure how to do it. All addressLines persisted as object should be updated to array form.
I am grateful for help, thanks!
You can convert the objects to an array using this:
select id, (select jsonb_agg(e.val order by e.key::int)
from jsonb_each(sia.address -> 'addressLines') as e(key,val))
from seller_info_address sia
where jsonb_typeof(address -> 'addressLines') = 'object'
The where condition makes sure we only do this for addresslines that are not an array.
The aggregation used can also be used inside an UPDATE statement:
update seller_info_address
set address = jsonb_set(address, '{addressLines}',
(select jsonb_agg(e.val order by e.key::int)
from jsonb_each(address -> 'addressLines') as e(key,val))
where jsonb_typeof(address -> 'addressLines') = 'object';
Ok, I have now found a solution myself. Definitely not the most eloquent solution. I'm sure there's a nicer and more efficient one, but it works...
DROP FUNCTION update_address_object_to_array(id INTEGER);
update_address_object_to_array(id INTEGER)
UPDATE seller_info_address
SET address = jsonb_set(address, '{addressLines}', (
WHEN jsonb_agg(addressLines) IS NOT NULL THEN jsonb_agg(addressLines)
ELSE '[]'
FROM seller_info_address sia,
jsonb_each(address #> '{addressLines}') as t(key, addressLines)
WHERE jsonb_typeof(sia.address -> 'addressLines') = 'object'
AND seller_info_id = update_address_object_to_array.id
), true)
WHERE seller_info_id = update_address_object_to_array.id
AND jsonb_typeof(address -> 'addressLines') = 'object';
LANGUAGE 'plpgsql';
SELECT update_address_object_to_array(sia.seller_info_id)
FROM seller_info_address sia
WHERE jsonb_typeof(address -> 'addressLines') = 'object';
The inner SELECT fetches all lines in the addressLines object using jsonb_each and then aggregates them into an array using jsonb_agg. The conditional expressions is to prevented null cases.
The result is then stored in the UPDATE via jsonb_set to the required position in the json. The WHERES should be self-explanatory.
I wanted to know if there is any way to format a JSON in Oracle (as does this web site example)
In XML I used:
And it works very well.
With Oracle 12c, you can use the JSON_QUERY() function with the RETURNING ... PRETTY clause :
PRETTY : Specify PRETTY to pretty-print the return character string by inserting newline characters and indenting
Expression :
Demo on DB Fiddle :
with t as (select '{"a":1, "b": [{"b1":2}, {"b2": "z"}]}' js from dual)
select json_query(js, '$' returning varchar2(4000) pretty) pretty_js, js from t;
Yields :
{ | {"a":1, "b": [{"b1":2}, {"b2": "z"}]}
"a" : 1, |
"b" : |
[ |
{ |
"b1" : 2 |
}, |
{ |
"b2" : "z" |
} |
] |
} |
When you're lucky enough to get to Oracle Database 19c, there's another option for pretty printing: JSON_serialize.
This allows you to convert JSON between VARCHAR2/CLOB/BLOB. And includes a PRETTY clause:
with t as (
select '{"a":1, "b": [{"b1":2}, {"b2": "z"}]}' js
from dual
select json_serialize (
js returning varchar2 pretty
) pretty_js,
from t;
{ {"a":1, "b": [{"b1":2}, {"b2": "z"}]}
"a" : 1,
"b" :
"b1" : 2
"b2" : "z"
I'm trying to do select * from demo where demojson->'sub'->'item' = array("") but this doesn't work. I'd like to find the following
All rows where .sub.item in the JSON column is an array containing exactly one empty string ([""])
All rows where .sub.item in the JSON column is an array that may contain more than one item, but at least one of the items is an empty string. (["not empty", "also not empty", ""])
demojson column could contain for example
"key": "value",
"sub": {
"item": [""]
Have you tried
SELECT * from demo
WHERE demojson->'sub'->>'item' = '[""]';
Here ->> operator allows to get JSON object field as text.
And another solution
SELECT * from demo
WHERE json_array_length(demojson->'sub'->'item') = 1 AND
demojson->'sub'->'item'->>0 = '';
Here ->> operators allows to get JSON first array element as text.
Due JSONLint doesn't validate the supplied text example, I've used the next:
CREATE TABLE info (id int, j JSON);
insert into info values
(1, '{"key":"k1", "sub": {"item":["i1","i2"]}}'),
(2, '{"key":"k2", "sub": {"item":[""]}}'),
(3, '{"key":"k3", "sub": {"item":["i2","i3"]}}');
Using the where clause in this way, it works:
select * from info
where j->'sub'->>'item' = '[""]';
| id | j |
| 2 | {"key":"k2", "sub": {"item":[""]}} |
Can check it here: http://rextester.com/VEPY57423
Try the following:
WHERE demojson->'sub'->'item' = to_jsonb(ARRAY['']);