pyqt5 automagically adds QSpinBox (?) inside a table cell - pyqt5

Sorry about the title but I am not even sure for the right name of this kind of "widget".
Whenever I add
if role == QtCore.Qt.EditRole:
return 42 # or any other numeric value
in data(self, index:QModelIndex, role=None) method of my model (subclass of QAbstractTableModel) a cell gets edited, the cells gets two small triangles on right, one facing up, another facing down, on which I can click so that the (integer) value in the cell is incremented or decremented
This is very annoying since I didn't ask for this behavior, and I don't know from where it comes from. This prevents me from entering non-numeric values inside the cell, and I have no other choice than deleting it, and re-enter new formula / value
How can I prevent this behavior?


VBA MSHFLEXGRID wrong .ROW information in the CLICK event

I'm using the VBA MSHFLEXGRID, 2 grids in fact in the same Form, one below the other so when I choose a row in the first grid, the second one shows info regarding the first grid row selection.
Well, the problem is that the second grid, after choosing a row in the first grid which brings to no information in the second one (I put the data through the own grid recordset, and if i dont want it to show information, i do an exit in the load procedure, it gets crazy and the .ROW property in the Click event starts returning a fixed number, like for example 4, instead of the actual row being clicked. Always a number that represents a higher row than the last one (one that is even out of the grid). I tried also the .MOUSEROW and this one returns 0 all the time (when the grid becomes crazy).
This never happens with the first grid, only with the second one. There's nothing I can do without real information about the row being clicked. I've seen that with different resolutions the problem gets reset. Seems not to happen with low resolutions like 1360x768, but it does with 1920x1080 and 2560x1440.
SOLVED! I was trying cases and more cases to try to understand why it happens sometimes in random cases and finally found it. The problem appears when you set the recordset directly to the grid (Set Grid.Recordset = xxxx) and this xxx is empty. It is, EOF. So I was doing a .Clearstructure, and then the SET. After this, if i did another SET (another selection of the second grid) with a non empty recordset, then it would go crazy.
So what I did was simple assigning first a recordset object to check if the SQL query is empty or not, and if it's not empty and only then, assign the recordset to the grid. Oh my god, this was bringing me crazy after a long time.

Datagridview.Rows(#).Selected not updating CurrentRow.Index

VB.Net 4.6.1
Windows Forms application
I have a bound datagridview that I'm trying to sort and select. The data loads fine and I can click the headers (with some code) and the sorting works well. I'm working on reselecting a record after the sort is complete and I'm running into some trouble.
Assume that I have a datagridview with 20 records in it. On the form I also have a button that runs the following:
I also have a Sub that handles MyDataGridView.Sorted and in it I have one test line as follows:
MyDataGridView.Rows(2).Selected = True
After the data loads I click on the 11th record (selectionmode fullrowselect) and then I click the button. Box pops up and says "10" (0 based index). I click one of my column headers, the data sorts and the highlight bar jumps up to the 3rd record (index 2). However when I hit my currentrow.index button it still says 10. Additionally if I hit the down arrow key the selection bar jumps down to the 11th (index 10) record in the list.
It seems that using "Selected" doesn't update the currentrow.index value and since it is read-only I can't force it. Can anyone educate me on what's going on because, as it is, my users would be confused if the arrow up and down keys didn't work properly after a sort.
Thank you!
"Current" and "selected" do not mean the same thing. How could they, when multiple rows can be selected but there can only be one current row? The current row is the row that currently contains the caret and a selected row is one that is highlighted. If you want the row at index 2 to be the current row then you need to make a cell in that row the current cell, i.e. assign a cell in that row to the CurrentCell property.

Editing SWT Table cell. Changed value jumps back immediately to old value as soon as I leave cell. Why?

I have a Dialog and there is a Table (Tableviewer) inside it.
tableViewer = new TableViewer(composite, SWT.BORDER | SWT.MULTI);
Certain columns of my table are editable. I click on the cell, I edit the value, I leave the cell and the edited value immediately reverts back to the old one.
What should I configure/set in table/tablehelper to make the edited values last longer than the time I spend in the cell?
We have a Helper class that is responsible for creating CellEditingSupport like this:
if ("w".equalsIgnoreCase(hd_bean_mode)) {
CellEditingSupport editingSupport = new CellEditingSupport(viewer,pds[i]);
This class itself is quite complex and does a lot of magic through reflexion, etc... The funny thing however is that other tables use this very same Helper class, seemingly with the same configuration and they work!
One more thing: I am conviced that the columns in my table get the Editingsupport. I know it because of the debugger and because the cells are editable. The only problem is that those edits do not last long.

Cannot disable UltraGrid cells

I have an UltraGrid in my project. Data can be entered into each cell, which is then saved to the database. I want to be able to disable all of the cells in the current row EXCEPT for one called Product_Code. Once data has been entered into the active row column (this is entered via a ValueList), I then want all of the other cells to become available for entering data into.
So far I have tried
If Me.ugProducts.ActiveRow.Cells("Product_Code").Value.ToString = "" Then
Me.ugProducts.ActiveRow.Cells("Product_Volume").Activation = Activation.Disabled
Me.ugProducts.ActiveRow.Cells("Product_Volume").Activation = Activation.AllowEdit
End If
But to no success. When the project is built, all of the cells are immediately available to type into, despite no value having been entered.
Why is it not working? What is the best way to do this?
I saw a previous comment on here that has since been deleted, for some reason... However, one solve you can try is:
In the form load; add in ugProducts.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.CellSelect - This will mean all of the cells are disabled, but you'll still be able to select the ValueList for Product_Code
Now, in the CellListSelect event of ugProducts, use the following code ugProducts.DisplayLayout.Override.CellClickAction = CellClickAction.Edit (After any validation checks or anything that you have in the method already, it will go in here somewhere, just keep trying things if you aren't too sure where)
Anyway, this should now let you fill them in as you wish.

Find the difference (text)

I need a way to run a sub every time that text is added to a richtextbox. There is a changed event, but I have to know exactly what was added and at what position (even as trivial as a single space). I was going to do 'onKeyUp' but if users press CTRL + V, instead of getting the inserted content, I'll end up with just a 'v'.
Is there a way to do this? I need to be able to get the position that the content was added at and what was added. I'm doing this in
I want to basically do something similar to
Let me show an example of what I want:
This is a message, currently no changes have been performed.
This is a message, currently none changes have been performed.
'ne' added at index position 31.
This might not be the most elegant solution, but the first thing that springs to mind is to store the contents of the text box in a variable. Every time it's changed, check the new contents of the text box against the stored contents and do whatever you need to, then store it again. This handles typing, pasting, deleting, etc.