How to create a function SQL that returns a string from a table? - sql

How can I create a function like this?
function FN_something (#entrada char(50))
declare #consulta table
declare #notificacao varchar(50)
declare #multa float
declare #saida varchar(50)
set #consulta as = (select num_notificacao,num_multa from table where field = #entrada)
set #notificacao = #consulta.num_notificacao
set #multa = #consulta.num_multa
set #saida = "resultado: "+ #notificacao +";"+#multa
return #saida
Thanks in advance

I would not use a function... Scalar functions tend to be a real performance killer. Try to use something like this inline
SELECT 'resultado: '
+ ISNULL(CAST(t.num_notificacao AS VARCHAR(MAX)),'???')
+ ';'
+ ISNULL(CAST(t.num_multa AS VARCHAR(MAX)),'???')
FROM SomeTable AS t WHERE t.SomeField=#entrada;
If you need a function it was much better to use an inlined TVF (syntax without BEGIN...END and bind it into your query with CROSS APPLY.
Might be simplified:
If your columns are NOT NULL you can go without ISNULL()-function. If your columns are strings, you can do without CAST()... My code is defensive proramming :-D
If this is something you need more often, you might introduce a VIEW carrying this calculated column and use it instead of your table. You might include this value into your table as computed column as well...
Great, the VIEW you show in the comment is an inline TVF actually, which is very good!
My magic crystall ball tells me, that you might need something like this:
,'resultado: ' + t.num_notificacao + ';' + t.num_multa AS CalculatedResult
FROM dbo.[CampoLivre876]('SomeParameter') AS cl
LEFT JOIN SomeOtherTable AS t ON cl.entrada=t.SomeField --should be only one related row per main row!
This will call the iTFV and join it to the other Table, where the two columns are living. I Assume, that the CampoLivre876-row knows its entrada key.
Hint 2:
If this works for you, you might include this approach directly into your existing iTVF.
You might try to change your function like here:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[CampoLivre876] ()
Select cl.mul_numero_notificacao + ';' + CAST(cl.mul_valor_multa as varchar(max)) AS ExistingColumn
,'resultado: ' + t.num_notificacao + ';' + CAST(t.num_multa AS varchar(max)) AS CalculatedResult
From Campo_Livre AS cl With(NoLock)
INNER JOIN SomeOtherTable AS t ON cl.entrada=t.SomeField;
This should read all lines in one go. Reading 1 row after the other is - in almost all cases - something really, really bad...

Here is an example of a function with correct SQL Server syntax:
create function FN_something (
#entrada char(50) -- should probably be `varchar(50)` rather than `char(50)`
) returns varchar(50)
declare #saida varchar(50);
select #saida = 'resultado: ' + num_notificacao + ';' + num_multa
from table
where field = #entrada;
return #saida;
Note: This assumes that the num_ columns are strings, not numbers. If they are numbers, you need to convert them or use concat().
A function really isn't appropriate for this. Probably the best solution is a computed column:
alter table t add something as (concat('resultado: ', num_notificacao, ';', num_multa);
Then you can get the value directly from the table. In earlier versions of SQL Server, you would use a view rather than computed column.


Execute table valued function from row values

Given a table as below where fn contains the name of an existing table valued functions and param contains the param to be passed to the function
fn | param
'fn_one' | 1001
'fn_two' | 1001
'fn_one' | 1002
'fn_two' | 1002
Is there a way to get a resulting table like this by using set-based operations?
The resulting table would contain 0-* lines for each line from the first table.
param | resultval
1001 | 'fn_one_result_a'
1001 | 'fn_one_result_b'
1001 | 'fn_two_result_one'
1002 | 'fn_two_result_one'
I thought I could do something like (pseudo)
select t1.param, t2.resultval
from table1 t1
cross join exec sp_executesql('select * from '+t1.fn+'('+t1.param+')') t2
but that gives a syntax error at exec sp_executesql.
Currently we're using cursors to loop through the first table and insert into a second table with exec sp_executesql. While this does the job correctly, it is also the heaviest part of a frequently used stored procedure and I'm trying to optimize it. Changes to the data model would probably imply changes to most of the core of the application and that would cost more then just throwing hardware at sql server.
I believe that this should do what you need, using dynamic SQL to generate a single statement that can give you your results and then using that with EXEC to put them into your table. The FOR XML trick is a common one for concatenating VARCHAR values together from multiple rows. It has to be written with the AS [text()] for it to work.
-- Set up
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctions (function_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, parameter VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO dbo.TestTableFunctions (function_name, parameter)
VALUES ('fn_one', '1001'), ('fn_two', '1001'), ('fn_one', '1002'), ('fn_two', '1002')
CREATE TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults (function_name VARCHAR(50) NOT NULL, parameter VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL, result VARCHAR(200) NOT NULL)
#parameter VARCHAR(20)
SELECT 'fn_one_' + #parameter AS result
#parameter VARCHAR(20)
SELECT 'fn_two_' + #parameter AS result
-- The important stuff
SELECT #sql =
SELECT 'SELECT ''' + T1.function_name + ''', ''' + T1.parameter + ''', F.result FROM ' + T1.function_name + '(' + T1.parameter + ') F UNION ALL ' AS [text()]
TestTableFunctions T1
SELECT #sql = SUBSTRING(#sql, 1, LEN(#sql) - 10)
INSERT INTO dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults
SELECT * FROM dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults
-- Clean up
DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctions
DROP TABLE dbo.TestTableFunctionsResults
DROP FUNCTION dbo.fn_one
DROP FUNCTION dbo.fn_two
The first SELECT statement (ignoring the setup) builds a string which has the syntax to run all of the functions in your table, returning the results all UNIONed together. That makes it possible to run the string with EXEC, which means that you can then INSERT those results into your table.
A couple of quick notes though... First, the functions must all return identical result set structures - the same number of columns with the same data types (technically, they might be able to be different data types if SQL Server can always do implicit conversions on them, but it's really not worth the risk). Second, if someone were able to update your functions table they could use SQL injection to wreak havoc on your system. You'll need that to be tightly controlled and I wouldn't let users just enter in function names, etc.
You cannot access objects by referencing their names in a SQL statement. One method would be to use a case statement:
select t1.*,
(case when fn = 'fn_one' then dbo.fn_one(t1.param)
when fn = 'fn_two' then dbo.fn_two(t1.param)
end) as resultval
from table1 t1 ;
Interestingly, you could encapsulate the case as another function, and then do:
select t1.*, dbo.fn_generic(t1.fn, t1.param) as resultval
from table1 t1 ;
However, in SQL Server, you cannot use dynamic SQL in a user-defined function (defined in T-SQL), so you would still need to use case or similar logic.
Either of these methods is likely to be much faster than a cursor, because they do not require issuing multiple queries.

Escape SQL function string parameter within query

I have a SQL view that calls a scalar function with a string parameter. The problem is that the string occasionally has special characters which causes the function to fail.
The view query looks like this:
Id, Name, StartDate, EndDate
,dbo.[fnGetRelatedInfo] (Name) as Information
FROM dbo.Session
The function looks like this:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[fnGetRelatedInfo]( #Name varchar(50) )
RETURNS varchar(200)
DECLARE #Result varchar(200)
SELECT #Result = ''
SELECT #Result = #Result + Info + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
FROM [SessionInfo]
WHERE SessionName = #Name
RETURN #Result
How do I escape the name value so it will work when passed to the function?
I am guessing that the problem is non-unicode characters in dbo.Session.Name. Since the parameter to the function is VARCHAR, it will only hold unicode characters, so the non-unicode characters are lost when being passed to the function. The solution for this would be to change the parameter to be NVARCHAR(50).
However, if you care about performance, and more importantly consistent, reliable results stop using this function immediately. Alter your view to simply be:
( SELECT si.Info + CHAR(13)+CHAR(10)
FROM SessionInfo AS si
WHERE si.SessionName = s.Name
).value('.', 'NVARCHAR(MAX)') AS Information
FROM dbo.Session AS s;
Using variable concatenation can lead to unexpected results which are dependent on the internal pathways of the execution plan. So I would rule this out as a solution immediately. Not only this, the RBAR nature of a scalar UDF means that this will not scale well at all.
Various ways of doing this grouped concatenation have been benchmarked here, where CLR is actually the winner, but this is not always an option.

Use LIKE for strings in sql server 2008

I want to make a function that search in a table and returns rows that contain a certain word that I Insert like below. But when I use LIKE it give me an error: Incorrect syntax near '#perberesi'
(#perberesi varchar(100))
RETURNS #menu_rest TABLE
(emri_hotelit varchar(50),
emri_menuse varchar(50),
perberesit varchar(255))
insert into #menu_rest
Select dbo.RESTORANTET.Emri_Rest, dbo.MENU.Emri_Pjatës, dbo.MENU.Pershkrimi
Where dbo.MENU.Rest_ID=dbo.RESTORANTET.ID_Rest and
dbo.MENU.Pershkrimi LIKE %#perberesi%
Pleae help me...How can I use LIKE in this case
try using:
'%' + #perberesi + '%'
instead of:
Some Examples
Ok, I just realized that you are creating a function, which means that you can't use INSERT. You should also really take Gordon's advice and use explicit joins and table aliases.
CREATE FUNCTION perberesit7(#perberesi varchar(100))
RETURNS #menu_rest TABLE ( emri_hotelit varchar(50),
emri_menuse varchar(50),
perberesit varchar(255))
Select R.Emri_Rest, M.Emri_Pjatës, M.Pershkrimi
ON M.Rest_ID = R.ID_Rest
Where M.Pershkrimi LIKE '%' + #perberesi + '%')
Why do you have to define the return table?
The following is a inline table variable function that performs better than a multi-line table. I wrote one to return columns that have the two letters 'id'. Just modify for your own case.
See article from Wayne Sheffield.
-- Use tempdb
use tempdb;
-- Simple ITVF
create function search_columns (#name varchar(128))
returns TABLE
select * from sys.columns where name like '%' + #name + '%'
-- Call the function
select * from search_columns('id');
However, since you have a '%' in the like clause at the front of the expression, a full table or index scan is likely. You might want to look at full text indexing if you data is large.

APPLY and Passing Arguments to Functions

Note: This is in SQL Server 2008.
I'm trying to use the APPLY operator to allow me to call user-defined in-line table-valued functions on each other in a sensible manner, but it doesn't seem to faithfully do so. I'm using OUTER APPLY, but CROSS APPLY does the same thing. Here's the relevant chunk:
SELECT addresses.Book,addresses.Page,foo.BookInput,foo.PageInput
FROM [dbo].bookPageFromAddress(#address) addresses
outer apply [dbo].[imageFileFromBookPage](addresses.Book, addresses.Page) foo
Nothing is bizarre:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].imageFileFromBookPage (#book nvarchar(max), #page nvarchar(max))
WITH ids AS (
SELECT right('00000000'+ltrim(str(c.DocID)),8) as VarString,
right('0000000000'+ltrim(str(i.ImageID)),12) as PathVar6
FROM [Resolution].[dbo].[Constant] c, [Resolution].[dbo].[Images] i
WHERE ltrim(c.[Book]) like #book
AND ltrim(c.[Page]) like #page
AND i.DocID = c.DocID
SELECT '/Images/' +
substring(ids.VarString,1,2)+'/' +
substring(ids.VarString,3,2)+'/' +
substring(ids.VarString,5,2)+'/' +
right(ids.VarString,8)+'/' +
PathVar6 + '.tif' as ImageLocation
,#book as BookInput, #page as PageInput
FROM ids
So, in essence,imageFileFromBookPage outputs its input to BookInput and PageInput. Here's the result of that outer apply on sample input:
Book 4043
Page 125
BookInput NULL
PageInput NULL
Note that Book and Page are strings, not integers; they just happen to be holding numeric characters here, but BookInput and PageInput are really NULL, not strings. I thought at first it was a typing issue; both Book and Page are nchar(10) in their original table, and both of my functions expect nvarchar(max) inputs. I tried CASTing the arguments as nvarchar(max) and got identical results, however.
Am I barking up the wrong tree? I'm not familiar with APPLY, but it sure seems like what I want, here. How do I get APPLY or something like it to actually pass along values to the next function?
EDIT: Modified code above to include more information.
Looking at the APPLY docs, shouldn;t the function be declared as:
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].imageFileFromBookPage (#book nvarchar(max), #page nvarchar(max))
returns #Data Table
book nvartchar(max),
page nvarchar(max)
insert into #Data
select #book, #page;
In other words, it's not a problem with APPLY, it's a problem that your function needs to return a Table.
Cheers -

How do I make a function in SQL Server that accepts a column of data?

I made the following function in SQL Server 2008 earlier this week that takes two parameters and uses them to select a column of "detail" records and returns them as a single varchar list of comma separated values. Now that I get to thinking about it, I would like to take this table and application-specific function and make it more generic.
I am not well-versed in defining SQL functions, as this is my first. How can I change this function to accept a single "column" worth of data, so that I can use it in a more generic way?
Instead of calling:
SELECT ejc_concatFormDetails(formuid, categoryName)
I would like to make it work like:
SELECT concatColumnValues(SELECT someColumn FROM SomeTable)
Here is my function definition:
FUNCTION [DNet].[ejc_concatFormDetails](#formuid AS int, #category as VARCHAR(75))
DECLARE #returnData VARCHAR(1000)
DECLARE #currentData VARCHAR(75)
SELECT data FROM DNet.ejc_FormDetails WHERE formuid = #formuid AND category = #category
SET #returnData = ''
OPEN dataCursor
FETCH NEXT FROM dataCursor INTO #currentData
SET #returnData = #returnData + ', ' + #currentData
FETCH NEXT FROM dataCursor INTO #currentData
CLOSE dataCursor
RETURN SUBSTRING(#returnData,3,1000)
As you can see, I am selecting the column data within my function and then looping over the results with a cursor to build my comma separated varchar.
How can I alter this to accept a single parameter that is a result set and then access that result set with a cursor?
Others have answered your main question - but let me point out another problem with your function - the terrible use of a CURSOR!
You can easily rewrite this function to use no cursor, no WHILE loop - nothing like that. It'll be tons faster, and a lot easier, too - much less code:
FUNCTION DNet.ejc_concatFormDetails
(#formuid AS int, #category as VARCHAR(75))
(SELECT ', ' + data
FROM DNet.ejc_FormDetails
WHERE formuid = #formuid AND category = #category
), 3, 1000)
The trick is to use the FOR XML PATH('') - this returns a concatenated list of your data columns and your fixed ', ' delimiters. Add a SUBSTRING() on that and you're done! As easy as that..... no dogged-slow CURSOR, no messie concatenation and all that gooey code - just one statement and that's all there is.
You can use table-valued parameters:
#Data AS TABLE (
Column1 int,
Column2 nvarchar(50),
Column3 datetime
/* here you can do what you want */
You can use Table Valued Parameters as of SQL Server 2008, which would allow you to pass a TABLE variable in as a parameter. The limitations and examples for this are all in that linked article.
However, I'd also point out that using a cursor could well be painful for performance.
You don't need to use a cursor, as you can do it all in 1 SELECT statement:
SELECT #MyCSVString = COALESCE(#MyCSVString + ', ', '') + data
FROM DNet.ejc_FormDetails
WHERE formuid = #formuid AND category = #category
No need for a cursor
Your question is a bit unclear. In your first SQL statement it looks like you're trying to pass columns to the function, but there is no WHERE clause. In the second SQL statement you're passing a collection of rows (results from a SELECT). Can you supply some sample data and expected outcome?
Without fully understanding your goal, you could look into changing the parameter to be a table variable. Fill a table variable local to the calling code and pass that into the function. You could do that as a stored procedure though and wouldn't need a function.