Is it possible to have SPA authentication without redirecting to an outside login page - authentication

I am currently developing an SPA application that connects to a bunch of webAPI's. These API require that the user is logged in, so I started digging into Openid Conect and OAuth2 examples, mostly using IdentityServer.
They all require, for SPA reasons, that the implicit grant should be used for retrieving access_tokens. Token refreshes are handled connecting to authentication server using hidden iframe.
What I understand from this approach o renewing your access_token is that, sessions is maintained at authentication service. Hidden iframe goes to the authentication server, sessions is still active, new access_token is provided.
All that looks good for me, except (for UX reasosn) the fact that my user needs to be redirected to authentication server page for providing credentials.
Isn't it possible to have my SPA application send credentials to authentication server, getting the access_token, and then do the refresh using the hidden iframe for silently renewing (we, obviously dont want the user to keep informing credentials every 15 minutes or every hour..).
If this is not acceptable for security reasons, could you please explain why?

Technically it is possible with "resource owner password flow", but in that model identity provider can not trust your application and will not create a session for your user (to use silent renew later on). Thus such non-interactive approach is not truly SSO. For 2019 the recommended flow for any web app such as Angular SPA is Code flow with PKCE extension, as described here or there.

Editing this answer to correctly reflect the requirement.
If the requirement is not to show authentication server page and use your own SPA, the only possible way to do it is using "Resource owner password flow" with the constraints mentioned in the previous answer
This is discouraged for two reasons:
Security - Will the SPA have the same security controls as the "Authentication server" has in handling passwords of the user. Right from collection to management of the user password (safely securing for future calls ?). This will massively impact the scope of SPA and it is one of the main reasons why people prefer federated logins (outsourcing login complexity to the third party - in your case authentications server)
Trust - How would you convince the user to handout the "authentication server" password to a relatively new SPA app. Imagine if Google / Facebook allows this pattern for a SPA to collect password instead of redirecting to the Google / Facebook login page. This is a recipe for disaster.
This is exactly what oidc-client-js library does. Have a look at automaticSilentRenew settings in their wiki page. Understandably this only works as long as the session at the authentication server is still active.


Separate authentication and authorization servers for SPA app

I have
UI (a single page app)
an external authentication server
my own authorization server
resource server (my own backend APIs)
Here's what I am trying to do
UI/User gets an AuthN token from the external authentication server.
UI sends the AuthN token to get the an AuthZ token from my own authorization server
UI uses the AuthZ token to retrieve data from the resource server
But the problem is I don't know if the user is still authenticated anymore because I stopped using the AuthN token from step 3. Should I use both tokens together? or somehow consolidate the 2 tokens into one? Hope to get some ideas from here. Thanks!!
This is the standard way of managing components:
UI makes an OpenID Connect redirect to the Authorization Server (AS)
AS makes a second OpenID Connect redirect to the authentication system. There could be more than one of these, eg Google, Facebook.
After user sign in the AS issues the same tokens for your UI and resource server, regardless of how the user signs in. The UI sends access tokens to the resource server which can authorize based on scopes and claims received.
Unless you have special reasons, do not use foreign tokens from authentication systems in your own applications. This is because you are not in a position to control their contents.
The OpenID Connect prompt and max-age parameters can be used to control how frequently the user is prompted to re-authenticate, and the auth_time claim can be issued in ID tokens to inform the UI of the last authentication time.
For example your app could use access tokens that last 15 minutes. Whenever they expire you could send a request with a prompt-none parameter to see if the user is still authenticated. If not then you will receive a login_required response and you could then redirect the user to re-authenticate.
Knowing if the user is still authenticated suggests you need to know if they signed out in another app. OpenID Connect has four Single Logout Mechanisms that you should be aware of, and which may possibly work for your scenario.
This is a technical area that has never worked perfectly in any Single Sign On technology though. This may be because you do not control all apps, or because of technical limitations, eg Google may not inform the Authorization Server if the user signs out of Gmail.
Your apps should only use the authorization server tokens. Use OIDC request parameters to control when the user must re-authenticate.

Is SSO impossible using Keycloak OAuth from Direct Grant app to redirected app?

Disclaimer: hope this is not against the guidelines here, I also asked this question in the Keycloak forums
I have been wrapping my head around this problem and I suspect that it’s not possible, so I'm seeking confirmation or infirmation.
I have 2 apps, which we will call “origin” and “destination”. I need to enable SSO navigation from “origin” to “destination”. Both use the same Keycloak instance (with OAuth, not SAML2).
This would be easy if both apps used redirection... but they don’t, “origin” uses direct grant access.
The end-user logs in to “origin” by providing directly login + password to the app UI, the UI establishes a WebSocket with its backend and uses it to send the user credentials, the backend calls the Keycloak API with login + password and gets tokens for all further operations (API access).
There is one session per WebSocket, the UI never ever knows about tokens or Keycloak but just calls the backend that has the tokens, and when the user logs out the WebSocket is closed and the backend container is destroyed.
“Destination” is more classic, it uses Keycloak normally with redirection.
I want the user to be able to navigate to “destination” without being asked for credentials.
From what I’ve found online, this seems impossible. Refs:
So my questions are...
is it possible?
could the “origin” app put its tokens in a cookie that would be found by the “destination” app, or more accurately by its Keycloak login UI?
could the “origin” app call some Keycloak API to inform it that “destination” app can be considered logged in with the same tokens? So that when the “destination” app tries to log in, Keycloak doesn’t even ask for credentials.
is there any other workaround? In the long term I could ask “origin” to use redirection, but a short term hack would be cool.
I should add that I’m not an authent expert. I have worked with SAML2 in the past so I understand the big picture.
Any help or advice appreciated :-)
This works: "origin" gets the JWT from the backend. It sets the JWT on the URL calling "destination", which uses it to say it's logged in. (the JWT is a URL param)
As a consequence both apps are seen as the same from the identity manager (Keycloak). But the user does not have to authenticate when arriving in "destination".
"destination" had to be slightly modified for this.

IdentityServer4 External Authentication without cookies

I'm having trouble understanding how ASP.NET Core authentication works.
I want to implement JWT access token authentication with refresh tokens. To my knowledge, this is the industry standard for authenticating a client (Mobile app, SPA Web application). For security purposes, I'd prefer to not implement my own authorization logic including JWT generation and refresh token handling. Since ASP.Net does not natively support this, Naturally my choice would be to use IdentityServer4, a large open source library for handling this kind of stuff.
However IdentityServer4 is heavily based on OAuth, and I'm not sure how that works with SPA applications and mobile apps (clients I trust). It requires the client to redirect to some arbitrary webpage to enter their credentials and then redirect back to the app. Gross. I've never seen a major app like Snapchat, Instagram, etc. have this kind of authentication flow where you are directed to some webpage/browser during the login flow. Luckily IdentityServer4 has a little feature to handle username/password authentication for my trusted clients (
Great, that seems to suit my needs. But... Now I want to add Facebook Authentication. IdentityServer4 allows for External Authentication, however it is still cookie based (to my knowledge). Which requires the Android/iOS/SPA app to redirect to a webpage and then redirect back to the app. Again, this isn't ideal from a user perspective. Facebook provides native mobile SDKs to handle this type of authentication which returns an access token so there is no need to redirect to web pages using cookies.
Now lets say my iOS app uses the Facebook SDK to grab an access token for the user and sends it to the backend. The backend validates the token against the Facebook SDK, and subsequently registers a local user in it's own database.
Now when that same iOS user tries to login to the app, the app will generate a facebook access token for that user from the SDK and send it to the backend. However I'm not sure how to utilize IdentityServer4 to generate a JWT for the user since I need that users' username and password. This is where I'm stuck. I seem to be fighting against the library which makes me believe I am severely misunderstanding something.
TLDR; IdentityServer4 seems to be heavily based on cookies which doesn't really fit nicely into mobile apps/SPA webpages when you are redirected back and forth from authentication webpages. Am I using the wrong tool for the job? What are some alternative solutions?
As a note on big social apps: I think it comes down to who keeps the passwords. Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Google act as identity providers to third parties. They themselves require user to register and specify the password which they keep. Therefore they can use any customized approach for handling validation with those passwords. However, if any of them offerred a posibiltty to log-in with the other I.e Instagram were allowing to sign-in with Amazon credentials, then they would need to follow through a standard way like OAuth and redirect to the third party for log-in. Last time I checked Instagram, Facebook and Snapchat only offer to register and no option to sign in with 3rd parties which explains why the don't need redirects.
Now if we establish that a redirect is a necessary evil, then the means to carry over the data accross aren't that numerous. I.e. we either would need to pass data via a query string or use cookies. Am I missing any others?
Both have limitations but since cookies are persisted and browser carries them automatically with each request, they do seem like a better option for the job, especially if multiple redirects are required for an external IdP to track the state of authentication request. The same reason is mentioned here:
It's absolutely the right tool for the job if you want what OpenID Connect and OAuth2 give you. It sounds like you may need convincing though and it may be that your use case doesn't need the full breadth of functionality offered.
If you have multiple client applications and APIs in play then I think using OpenID Connect and IdentityServer4 the right choice at this point in time.
Regarding native apps, you used to word "gross" to describe using the user's default browser to perform the sign in process and it's understandable why you might think that at first but it's not as bad of a UX as you'd think and has plenty of advantages:
The client application is completely decoupled from how authentication is actually done be that federation, social sign in (Facebook in your case), multi-factor, retina scan etc. Your identity server deals with all that complexity and is a single point of management (and failure - so make it highly available!)
Single sign on is possible - if they're already signed into your IDP then they can go straight in (although you have full control of the flow - want them to consent or confirm the sign in request every time - you can do that)
If the user has a password manager set up in their browser then that'll work too
Both iOS and Android offer APIs for doing this stuff and the work well. If you skin your native and web UIs to look similar the flow from a user's PoV is not jarring at all.
You can still use refresh tokens (ultimately secured by the platform) so you don't actually have to do the interactive flow very often anyway.
Some additional reading below. Quite a lot of thinking has gone into this from the industry so it's definitely worth digesting the current best practice.
IETF current best practice:
Don't make Scott hate you ;) :
For client side SPA browser apps OIDC provides the implicit grant type and uses a silent refresh and IDP session monitoring mechanism to maintain the session. Check out the oidc-client-js library which implements this approach.

Does github (twitter, stripe & co) uses oauth for its own login?

Does github (twitter, stripe & co) uses OAuth for its own signin/signup forms?
All those authentications are cookie based, so is this regular web client basic auth or does it use some form of OAuth or xAuth ?
On login, a call to (or or is made (with credentials given as formdata) that result in a 302 (or 200 for stripe) with Set-Cookie and a location to (or
It does not seems that they use a client_id to get a code and exchange it with a token. All the OAuth dance seems striped. And the Bearer header too. So, what's going on here?
OAuth is a three-legged system, two-legs is sort of useless. The whole point of using OAuth is to give other services the ability to perform actions as you without needing to specifically authenticate or pass the data yourself. In the end you must still authenticate against some Auth service.
Since you are using these services as the Authentication mechanism for other sites, it wouldn't make sense to attempt to use it in your own. As part of setting OAuth, the second site redirects to the first and asked to authenticate there, which means you literally need to enter your credentials. Which means that if you are okay entering your credentials into say github, having a different authentication mechanism is useless.
OAuth allows non-github to create user accounts by trusting github with the authentication, or it allows non-github sites to make changes to github as the user once the user agrees to the interaction by logging into github to accept that policy (logging in using their credentials).
Sign in forms on github (and others websites as well) are simply cookie based.
Usually every direct login via the website through a browser is made with cookie based system , simply because isn't necessary to do otherwise.
A bit of theory
Every time you use a login form in a website you are calling an API, not necessarily intended for public use (so a private API)
When you put your credentials in the login form and push that login button , your credentials are being managed by some code in the server that permits you to authenticate against that website.
There is no need for the entire OAuth overhead here because the website has full control on the authentication mechanism and isn't necessary to externalize.
Why OAuth is different in this contest?
OAuth is a system designed to distribute the authentication system across different services / applications even from different vendors.
In OAuth there are multiple actors involved:
the client
the authorization server
the resource provider
In your case all these 3 actors are the website itself and so there is no need for a decoupling system like OAuth.

Single Page Application Authentication

My company is re-writing its e-commerce site as a single page application using the new Web API / SPA features in MVC 4. We're not sure about the best way how to handle authentication.
Specific questions:
How do we handle both encrypted and non-encrypted communication? Clearly, we need to use HTTPS for the login, account, and checkout AJAX, but we'd like to use HTTP for browsing the catalog in order to avoid expensive SSL handshakes that would slow the whole site down. Is this even possible for a SPA, or are we stuck with HTTPS for everything?
What sort of authentication should we use? Primarily our site will be accessed from a web browser, so cookies may be fine. But down the road, we may want to make a custom iPhone app. Is Basic Authentication, OpenId, or OAUTH preferable? If so, why?
If we go with Forms Auth and cookies, will the redirect issue be fixed for the release of MVC 4, or do I have to use the haack?
If we go with Basic Authentication, how do you do persistent sessions, so that users don't have to log in every time they go to the page again.
Which authentication methods are well supported by ASP.NET MVC 4. It'd be ideal not to have to write a lot of specialized code.
Thanks in advance
1. How do we handle both encrypted and non-encrypted communication? Are we stuck with one protocol, https, with a spa?
You are not stuck with one protocol. With a spa you can use ajax to communicate over http or https, whichever one you choose at any given time. I would use https for anytime your are sending sensitive information like a persons name or their birthdate or login credentials.
Once a user logins to your site over https then your server can set a forms authentication cookie for that user. This cookie should be an encrypted value that ties their session to the server. You must be aware that if the rest of your site is using http then you have the risk of this cookie being passed over the wire in plain text. Even though the contents of the cookie can be encrypted, using an encryption algorithm of your choosing, a malicious person can steal this cookie and jack your user's session.
This might not be a big deal to you though if they are only allowed to browse the site and create a shopping cart. Once the user is ready to checkout then you should re-authenticate the user, over https, as a sort of double check to make sure they are not a malicious user. Amazon does this.
2. What sort of authentication should we use?
Well, that's all a matter of what features do you want your site to have.
OAuth is for exposing webservices which you can allow other sites to call with delegated access. What this means is that if you have a user who wants another site (site x) to be able to access features on your site for their profile. The site x can redirect the user to an oauth endpoint on your site which will authenticate the user. Your oauth endpoint will ask the user if its okay that certain features are shared with site x and if the user agrees a token will be generated. The user passes this token to site x where site x will make server to server calls to your site. Site x will present the token in the calls so the calls to your services will be a delegated access call. OAuth is a way of provisioning other sites to make delegated access to your services. I hope i was able to explain that clearly.. I'm not always good at this.
OpenID is not a very secure way of handling authentication its more of a convenience so that users don't have to be hassled with registering an account with your site. Because OpenID is completely open you are trusting another provider to validate your users. If the third party provider's user store is compromised then your users are compromised also. It's an example of a voucher system where you are basically saying I will trust who you say you are, if you can have an OpenID provider vouch for you.
Another solution is WS-Federation. WS-Federation is if you have multiple sites and you want to have 1 authentication provider that you trust. This authentication provider can be yours and basically all your sites say if you want access to my site then you have to first be authenticated with my authentication provider. This authentication provider can live on a seperate domain and can choose any authentication mechanism it chooses. You are trusting that this auth provider will do its best job to manage your users accounts.
WS-Federation can be overkill though if you only want authentication on your site and don't have multiple sites. In that case I would just recommend doing Forms Authentication and this should be simple enough to do. There are lots of examples of how to do this and microsoft provides many solutions for how to do this. You should look into creating a custom membership provider.
Once a user has been authenticated with your site you should create a forms authentication cookie. This cookie ties the user to their session on the server. This applies to all the scenarios listed above. MVC 4 supports all the scenarios listed above also.
Thanks, and feel free to ask more questions if I wasn't clear enough.
** EDIT 12/1/2017 **
Coming back to this question years later I have learned that relying on cookies for REST based APIs is not a good idea. You don't want to create a session on your web application because it makes your app harder to scale. So, if you need authentication then use HTTPS with some form of authentication (BASIC, DIGEST, Token Based, etc..). So, your SPA client appl will set the Authorization header on every http request and then your web server app will re-authenticate every request.
The main downside of using ASP.NET's form based security is that it assumes you're want a 401 web page when your authentication fails (useless when you're doing an AJAX call) and it's really designed around doing redirects which kind breaks the whole SPA pattern. You can hack around it but it's not designed for the purpose you're using it.
This toolkit may provide an alternative to ASP.NET'as form model.
Not yet sure how mature it is ...
Feedback welcome.
I just started working with webapi myself so don't consider my answer authorative. I'm not a security expert though I should be. I ran into the same questions as you did and found, as you did, that there is no authorative answer though - within mvc webapi at any rate. Looking at other webapi specs may give you some inspiration.
The simplest way I came across was of course using SSL. That let's you get away with sending credentials in clear text in the header. Doesn't break rest.
My api will employ SSL all the way but I wanted to double up anyway. So I'm sending an encrypted key in the querystring for all my requests. Pretty much the way cookieless authentication works for a non api asp site, but mvc doesn't play with it so I've rolled my own solution.
On a mobile site, the user would log in, be redirected, to the app with the encrypted key encoded into the js. So he'll initially have a cookiebased auth for the site, and be responsible for it's protection, password saving etc.
Another api consumer would get a more permanent "secret" from a dev site yet to be made and use that to check out a key.
Normally mvc authentication is stateless, meaning the ticket is never invalidated server side. If you controll the client you can just ignore invalidate cookie requests if the server logs you out, and just keep on reusing the ticket. Eventuelly you might want to keep track of your tickets server side, but it's not stateless, doubt if it's restfull, and by consequence scalability taket a hit. But authentication is pretty important so...