Handling Constants and variables in shell script - sql

I have the following code in my script. There are 50 more commands like this:
"SELECT date, count(*) FROM ttc_table....date_sub(current_date, **30**)" > **/path/location/file1.txt**
"SELECT date, count(*) FROM ascc_table....date_sub(current_date, **30**)" > **/path/location/file2.txt**
"SELECT date, count(*) FROM bmtc_table....date_sub(current_date, **30**)" > **/path/location/file3.txt**
I want to create constant for value 30 and have a variable for filepath.
What is the best approach?

The comment by #Arminius answers actually half of the question, the one about variables, and it is specific to bash.
Since you have tagged the question as shell, I assume that you are searching an answer which works on POSIX shells. This means:
(1) While many of the variable substitions explained in the document by Arminius work in POSIX shell too, be aware that not all do.
(2) You also asked about defining a constant. In POSIX shell, it is AFIK not possible to define a constant. If you really need this, you have to switch to a different shell - for instance Zsh or bash. Note that in these shells, constants are actually called readonly variables.


Difference between using "set" and not using set for variables? In Cygwin.

I don’t understand the difference between:
set youtube=’https://youtube.com’
With the second one, I’m able to use it in the middle of a command, such as:
cygstart $youtube
and that works.
Why and how are these different? They both set variables?
And, when I don't use the word "set" I have to expand the variable using $?
The two commands are completely unrelated; set youtube='https://youtube.com' has nothing to do with $youtube. What it does is, it sets $1 to the whole string 'youtube=https://youtube.com'.
Per http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html#The-Set-Builtin, set is a shell builtin with three distinct purposes:
If you don't give it any options or arguments, it prints out all the existing shell variables and functions.
It has various options that let you change various properties of the shell. For example, set -C tells the shell that you don't want > to overwrite existing files (and that you instead want commands to fail if they would otherwise do that); and set +C tells the shell that never mind, you now want > to be able to overwrite files again.
Any arguments, other than options, replace the positional parameters ($1 and $2 and so on, as well as $# and $*).
Since set youtube='https://youtube.com' calls set with exactly one argument, namely youtube=https://youtube.com, it has the effect of setting the first positional parameter ($1) to youtube=https://youtube.com.
Note that youtube='https://youtube.com' is a somewhat misleading way to write youtube=https://youtube.com; the single-quotes aren't doing anything here (since the sole purpose of single-quotes is to escape whitespace and special characters, and https://youtube.com doesn't have any of these).

How exactly do you use variables in Jenkins?

Can someone concisely explain what the differences between the three variables below are? Because in all honesty, when I create a Jenkins job, I randomly guess between the three types until something works, but I'd love to understand rather than blindly picking.
Also, are there other ways of writing variables in Jenkins that I missed other than the 3 ways above?
When used in a statement:
${ENV,var="BUILD_USER"}--evaluates the system environment variables and returns the value for the variable BUILD_USER.
example: curl ${ENV,var="BUILD_USER"}/api/xml
${BUILD_USER} --returns the value of the BUILD_USER variable in the current script memory space.
example: curl ${BUILD_USER}/api/xml
$BUILD_USER--used to assign values to the BUILD_USER variable.
In general, variable expansion is up to the plugin that interprets a configuration value.
For example, if you set up a job parameter GIT_REPOSITORY and use it to configure an address where git clone should go by putting $GIT_REPOSITORY into the git repository field, it works, but only because the Jenkins git plugin has implemented variable expansion support.
Many plugins do implement it but you cannot know it unless you test it. However, these days the support is so common it is safe to assume it should work.
Both forms of reference, $VAR and ${VAR}, work and are equivalent. The latter form is useful if you need to use the variable in a place where it is surrounded by other characters that could be interpreted as part of variable, like $VARX (Jenkins would be looking for variable named VARX) and ${VAR}X (Jenkins understands the variable is named VAR).
These rules have been modeled after variable expansion rules in Unix shells. Indeed, the job variables are made available as environment variables to build steps and in the Unix shell build step the variables are used the same way as above.
In a Windows CMD build step the variables are again used like any Windows environment variable: %VAR%.

How can I get information about type of a Go variable

Suppose I have the following code in Go:
foo, bar := someFunc(baz)
I would like to create a Vim function to check type of foo or bar when editing a file.
Is there any tool or reliable source of information for functions from Go's packages I could use or? As for the functions declared in the file I'm editing I was thinking about simply parsing all the functions declared in that file.
You are looking for something like godef
If the -t flag is given, the type of the expression will also be
printed. The -a flag causes all the public members (fields and
methods) of the expression, and their location, to be printed also;
the -A flag prints private members too.
I know it is being used by various vim and emacs scripts.
The Go Oracle does this and much more.
vim-go is a complete vim setup for Go.
It includes integration with the previously mentioned godef (as :GoDef) and Go oracle (as :GoImplements, :GoCallees, :GoReferrers, etc) as well as other tools.

Using an environment variable in a PSQL script

Is it possible to use a Linux environment variable inside a .sql file? I'm using the copy/select query to write to an output file, and I'll like to put that directory in a variable. So I want to do something like:
TO $outputdir/a.csv
Outputdir would be set in my environment. Is this possible?
You can store the result of a shell command inside a psql variable like this:
\set afile `echo "$outputdir/a.csv"`
COPY (SELECT * FROM a) TO :'afile';
Another (better in my opinion) solution is to use only psql variables, see this answer of mine about psql variables, which is similar to your example. A example for your case would be:
\set outputdir '/path/to/output'
\set afile :outputdir '/a.csv'
COPY (SELECT * FROM a) TO :'afile';
Note that, in the example, you need to set the variable inside the script file, but you can skip the first line if you set it when you call psql:
psql --set=outputdir="$outputdir" <conn parameters> -f /path/to/yourscript.sql
This appears to work for your use case, provided you single quote the output file name as I mentioned. It will escape any double quotes as well contained within the SQL.
psql -c "$(eval echo '"' $(<envvars.sql | sed 's/"/\\"/g') '"')"
Of course, note that if your file contains any dollar quoted variables, the shell is going to try to interpret as a variable, and your script will break, so you will need to escape any dollar signs you need preserved literally with a backslash.
See also the second snippet in the accepted answer to this question for a possibly more robust answer.
The accepted answer is correct for PostgreSQL running on Unix. Under Windows a different incantation is required for obtaining the value of the environment variable from the CMD shell and for avoiding the carriage return returned by the echo command.
\set afile `set /p=%outputdir%/a.csv`
COPY (SELECT * FROM a) TO :'afile';

How to add a variable amount of arguments to exec in tcl?

I've been working with TCL for some time now, and I have spent a long time trying to do the following (it seems easy and I think it should be, but I can't get it right):
I need to execute an external program by means of a tcl script. For that, I use the exec command. For using this external program, I need to input a variable amount of files. If I called this program straight from a cmd window, it would be something like:
C:\>myprogram -i file1 -i file2 -i file3 (etc., etc.)
However, when trying to implement this in a dynamic/variable way through tcl I get into trouble. The way I do it is by storing in some variable myvar all the "-i filex" I need (done in a loop), and then pass that as a parameter to the exec command. It would look something like:
exec myprogram $myvar
Doing that apparently creates some issues, because this myprogram fails to "see" myvar. I'm guessing that there is some sort of hidden terminator or some clash of different types of arguments that makes that in the end the exec command "sees" only myprogram.
So, my question is, does anyone know how to insert variable arguments into a call to exec?
You can use {*} or eval. See this question for example.
Specializing for your case:
Tcl 8.5 (and later):
exec myprogram {*}$myvar
Tcl 8.4 (and before):
eval [list exec myprogram] [lrange $myvar 0 end]
# Or...
eval [linsert $myvar 0 exec myprogram]
That's right, the old version is ugly (or non-obvious, or both). Because of that, people tended to write this instead:
eval exec myprogram $myvar
but that was slower than expected (OK, not so relevant when running an external program!) and has hazards when $myvar isn't a canonically-formatted list due to the way that eval works. It used to catch out even experienced Tcl programmers, and that's why we introduced new syntax in 8.5, which is specified to be surprise-free and is pretty short too.