MDX - Filter different measures using different date intervals - mdx

This is similar to another question I made (MDX - Running Sum over months limited to an interval) but I feel that I was going off track there.
Let me start again.
I have a calculated measure
MEMBER [Measures].[m_active] AS ([Measures].[CardCount], [Operation].[Code].[ACTIVATION])
That I want to filter on a short interval (let's say from 10 January 2016 to 20 August 2017, those are parametrized)
and another calculated measure that i want to filter since the beginning of date dimension (1st January 2010) to the end of last filter (20 August 2017 in this case), this measure is running sum of all the precedent
MEMBER [Measures].[tot_active] AS (
SUM({[Calendar.YMD].[2010].Children}.Item(0):[Calendar.YMD].CurrentMember, ([Measures].[CardCount], [Operation].[Code].[ACTIVATION]))
On the columns I have this calculated dimensions and on the rows I have months (in the small interval range) and another dimension crossjoined
{[Measures].[m_active], [Measures].[tot_attive]} ON COLUMNS,
{Descendants([Calendar.YMD].[2016].[Gennaio]:[Calendar.YMD].[2017].[Agosto], [Calendar.YMD].[Month])},
{Descendants([CardStatus.Description].[All CardStatus.Descriptions], [CardStatus.Description].[Description])}
) on ROWS
If I put a date range in the WHERE clause the first member is perfect but i ruin the second, how can I make the second member ignore the WHERE clause? Or is there another solution?

Without testing I'm a little bit unsure of the behaviour, but did you try moving the filter from a WHERE clause into a subselect?
Subselects are formed like this:
<date range for filter> ON 0
FROM cubeName


How to create weekly YoY metric in AWS QuickSight?

I am trying to calculate a sum of a column for a specific calendar week, and want to compare that to the same week in the previous year.
So let's say I have the sum of WK21 for 2020 is 1000 and sum of WK21 in 2019 is 800. The field should return: 200.
Attached is how my dataset looks like.
I would like to sum the credit per WK for each segment, and see how the difference is to the sum of that week for that same segment, in the previous year. Later on I would change the difference to percentDifference, but I assume the main formula is the same.
Is that easy doable?
Tried this (percentDifference) for WoW (in the same year), and it worked using this formula:
percentDifference(sum({credit}),[{wk} ASC],-1,[{year}, industry, segment])
But when trying for weekly YoY the following formula, it didnt work (-52 because 52 weeks in year):
percentDifference(sum({credit}),[{wk} ASC, year ASC],-52,[industry, segment])
PS: for the country, I didnt take that in consideration, as I want to filter for the countries I want later on...
For Year-on-year difference create a calculated field like the following
difference(sum({credit}), [{wk} ASC, {year} ASC], -1, [{Industry}, {Segment}])
For year-on-year percentage difference your calculated field would be
percentDifference(sum({credit}), [{wk} ASC, {year} ASC], -1, [{Industry}, {Segment}])
This is because the lookup index in the function (-1) is based on the sort of the rows (sort order in the square brackets in the function)
Source: percentDifference and difference QuickSight Docs
Try -100 instead of -52. Since the 'wk' field is not a date-defined field, it is probably just considering 'wk' as an int.

MDX: return last value for selected items in Power BI

This is a question regarding SSAS Cubes, MDX formulas and Power BI.
I have a measure with the active members per each month. So when I select for example 2018 it shouldn´t aggregate but return the last available month with active members, and if I break down by month it should give the active members for each month.
So I have this formula which works almost fine if querying in MS Management Studio:
with member [Measures].[Last existing SOCIOS] AS
EXISTING [DIM FECHA].[Jerarquía].[MES NOMBRE].members,
iif([Measures].[ACTIVOS] = 0,null,
select {[Measures].[Last existing SOCIOS]} on columns,
[DIM FECHA].[MES NOMBRE].members on rows
from [cubo_Compromisos]
where [DIM FECHA].[AÑO].&[2018]
I would prefer to have the november value returned at the 'All' level. But this is not my main problem. The real issue is that when I use this measure in Power BI it behaves differently: when selecting multiple months it ignores the selected values and just returns the last value for the whole year.
In the screenshot below I have added the value returned by the KPI Card because that is the value that I want returned:
If I select items like this it does it right, but I need it to select all months, and not just one because I am using this measure along others:
Does anyone know the right MDX function to use or an alternative?
Edited: 23-11-2018
It does the same in a Pivot Table connected to a SSAS Cube.When I add the date dimension to the table it works fine. But when using the date dimension and filtering it without the dimension added as rows it returns the value for the whole year.
The function you are looking at is LastChild. Last Child on the upper level of the hierarchy will return the value you are looking at.
I think that function can be used in the Cube design in SSAS - then this will be the standard behavior. If you want to do it with a query you need to do something like:
SELECT [Date].[Fiscal].[Fiscal Quarter].[Q1 FY 2002].LastChild ON 0
FROM [Adventure Works]
To get the last month of the 1st quater (I used example from microsoft and another post on the subject )

How to Calculate Sum untill start of month of a given date in DAX

I would like to calculate Sum(QTY) until the start date of the month for a given date.
Basically I can calculate Sum(QTY) until given date in my measure like:
But I also would like to calculate Sum(QTY) for dates before 10/1/2015 - which is the first date of selected Date's month. I have changed above measure and used STARTOFMONTH function to find first day of the month for a given date like;
but not avail, it gives me
"A function ‘MIN’ has been used in a True/False expression that is
used as a table filter expression. This is not allowed."
What am I missing? How can I use STARTOFMONTH function in my measure?
STARTOFMONTH() must take a reference to a column of type Date/Time. MIN() is a scalar value, not a column reference. Additionally, your measure wouldn't work, because STARTOFMONTH() is evaluated in the row context of your FILTER(). The upshot of all this is that you would get a measure which just sums [QTY] across the first of every month in your data.
The built in time intelligence functions tend to be unintuitive at best. I always suggest using your model and an appropriate FILTER() to get to what you want.
In your case, I'm not entirely sure what you're looking for, but I think you want the sum of [QTY] for all time before the start of the month that the date you've selected falls in. In this case it's really easy to do. Add a field to your date dimension, [MonthStartDate], which holds, for every date in the table, the date of the start of the month it falls in. Now you can write a measure as follows:
;DimDateView[Date] < MIN(DimDateView[MonthStartDate])

DAX formula for calculate Sum between 2 dates

I have a couple of tables in PowerPivot:
A Stock table - WKRelStrength whose fields are:
Ticker, Date, StockvsMarket% (values are percentages), RS+- (values can be 0 or 1)
A Calendar Table - Cal with a Date field.
There is a many to one relationship between the tables.
I am trying to aggregate RS+-against each row for dates between 3 months ago to the date for that row - i.e a 3 month to date sum. I have tried numerous calculations but the best I can return is an circular reference error. Here is my formula:
Here is the xlsx file.
I couldn't download the file but what you are after is what Rob Collie calls the 'Greatest Formula in the World' (GFITW). This is untested but try:
SUM ( WKRelStrength[RS+-] ),
ALL ( Cal ),
Cal[Date] <= MAX ( Cal[Date] )
&& Cal[Date]
>= MAX ( Cal[Date] ) - 90
) )
Note, this will give you the previous 90 days which is approx 3 months, getting exactly the prior 3 calendar months may be possible but arguably is less optimal as you are going to be comparing slightly different lengths of time (personal choice I guess).
Also, this will behave 'strangely' if you have a total in that it will use the last date in your selection.
First of all, the formula that you are using is designed to work as a Measure. This may not work well for a Calculated Column. Secondly, it is better to do such aggregations as a Measure level, than at individual records.
Then again, I do not fully understand your situation, but if it is absolutely important for you to do this at a Record level, you may want to use the "Earlier" Function.
If you want to filter a function, based on a value in the correspontinf row, you just have to wrap your Column name with the Earlier Function. Try changing the LastDate to Earlier in your formula.

Single aggregate column / running value sum on chart

We're currently porting some excel reports to SSRS. One of those reports has a graph where the last column is the MTD (Month to date) average for both series (Availability and Availability Goal) just like the example below:
I did some research about RunningValue() but whenever I did it it would add a second bar to my graph (the running value would have the same group).
Is it possible to have only one aggregate column (just like the screenshot) ?
Thanks in advance,
One way would be to force the average through the SQL query. For example, if your resulting table shows days of the month, and the Availability value, you could UNION a "dummy" day (max days of the month + 1) with the averaged value. You can either add an addition column to your SQL for the label names, i.e. the "dummy" day would show "Average", or in SSRS you can change the Label expression to replace the last value with a text.