Find web element xpath for button - selenium

not able to locate the web element "Next" button, where the Absolute xpath for the button is
Provide the relative xpath, But i tried with the below one which is not working - xpath =
"//span[contains(text(),'Next >>')]"

Try following xpath
//*[#id="RULE_KEY"]//button//span[contains(text(),'Next >>')]


Locate a button which has a span with specific text in Selenium python

I have following html snippet:
I want to locate this button and I am using the following:
Also used:
but this locates the span instead of the button :(
But no luck with this. Does anyone know what is the correct way for the same?
Try this XPATH to locate button based on child span text content
Try this xpath:

How do I click this XPath button with Selenium for Python?

The XPath is:
But it doesn't work on click using:
What am I doing wrong? Thanks.
The element you are trying to find is inside another frame, so first you need to switch to that frame and then search the element.
Try this:

How can i click on the login button in selenium webdriver of website Http://Phptravels.Com/Demo/

I want to click on login button. Which attribute should I use to click on login button? I am new to selenium web driver. I am unable to find its link text, id, class name, name. I am not able to find its XPath or CSS selector. please advice me with the code. Image is here
You can use either Xpath which is
or CSS Selector which is
To click on element with text as LOGIN within the url you can use either of the Locator Strategies:
"//a[#class='login' and #href='']/span[contains(.,'LOGIN')]"
"//a[#class='login' and #href='']/span[contains(.,'Login')]"
You have multiple options, just avoid using xpath since its an overkill
or xpath

WebElement is identified through xpath in the developer console but the element wont be identified through selenium findElement method

The html element Im trying to locate is the "Shared" link.
I wrote a dynamic xpath to locate the element and it shows as the element was identified in the developer console.
But when i use the xpath that i wrote in the developer console to locate the element using selenium, it does not locate the element.
The method i used to check if it locates the element is shown below.
I could not figure out why this issue occurs, Is it because of a issue in the xpath that i have written or because of another issue?
Code you can try out is :
new WebDriverWait(driver,10).until(ExpectedConditions.elementToBeClickable(By.xpath(" your Xpath ")));
driver.findElement(By.xpath("your Xpath")).click();
The Xpath you have written would work if only one title is present on current page.
driver.find_elements doesn't have attribute to click() so use driver.findElement instead of Elements

Unable to locate dynamic input element with Selenium

I have a textfield in my application , it gets enabled when i click on it. I am able to do click using CSS but i am unable to enter text when it got highlighted.
I tried using xpath to idenfify the dynamicly but webdriver is throwing an error
"Unable to locate element:
x-form-text']"}![enter image description here][1]
showed the difference before n after clicking on the field in thescreen shot.
Please help in how to dynamically identify and enter the text in that field
try the following:
String cssSelector = "[class='x-form-field x-form-text']"
//but verify found css selector in firepath, firebug addon in ffox to make sure selenium //locate web element for input properly.
Hope this works for you
Try this code:
String cssSelector = ".x-form-field x-form-text"
Let me know is the above scripting is working or not.