AdWords Reports into BigQuery - google-bigquery

I try to use an AdWords script to Export AdWords Reports into BigQuery -
I have BigQuery project with enabled BigQuery API:
And I use correct Project ID in the script:
But when I try to run the script, I encounter an error:
"Access Not Configured. BigQuery API has not been used in project
333669768108 before or it is disabled. Enable it by visiting
then retry. If you enabled this API recently, wait a few minutes for
the action to propagate to our systems and retry. (line 135)"
The fact is that I do not have a project with a similar ID (333669768108) and the link provided does not work correctly.
Why can there be such a problem?
Thanks in advance

I ran into a similar problem. I couldn't find a way to let the AdWords Script using BQ API run under an existing project in the Google Developer Console. Somehow AdWords needs to create a separate project for each script using Advanced Google Services. I had a similar issue as well with Gmail API in a script tied to Google Sheets workbook.
I am not sure what you mean with the link from the log not working correctly. Do you get a message like this one when you open it?
The API "" doesn't exist or you don't have permission to access it
If so, you can just click on 'Library' in the panel on the left-hand side, and activate BigQuery API from there. When you run the script next time, it should push the data to BigQuery without any problems (assuming the script is correct).


How to deploy an update to an already released Google Workspace Addon?

I have a functioning Google Sheets Add-on that is listed in the Google Workspace Marketplace. I've made changes in the new Apps Script Editor and tested them locally, now I want to push them to my users.
The process as I understand it, to press "New Deployment"
add a description and press "deploy"
after which I copy the "Deployment ID" into the Google Workspace Marketplace SDK page,
and hit SAVE in the bottom.
It's been a few hours and I still cannot see it being live.
Is there a review process for updates like this? Or am I missing a step?
The previous version is still being served to users as far as I can tell.
Update in response to the comment from #ziganotschka
I am making a Google Sheets Editor Addon, and I'm only now understanding the difference between that and the Google Workspace Addon. I've resubmitted my store listing for review with Google Workspace Addon disabled, and removed the "Common" part of my manifest. I've updated the "version" number to correspond to the latest deployment.
Is it not possible to test a Sheets Editor Addon from the new editor without deploying it as a Workspace Addon? And should updating the version number be sufficient to roll out an update?
From the question
Is it not possible to test a Sheets Editor Addon from the new editor without deploying it as a Workspace Addon?
It depends on what kind of test do you want to do, if your Apps Script project is bounded or a standalone project and what do you Editor add-on does and how it does that.
I.E. you might test a simple edit trigger (onEdit) by using a function for mocking the edit event object and passing it to the onEdit function. To be clear this doesn't need to create a new version and for testing and add-on it's not necessary to make a new deployment.
And should updating the version number be sufficient to roll out an update?
It depends on if the Cloud project OAuth consent screen was set for external use or for internal use, in the new version requires new scopes.
Let say that you fixed typo on a variable name, in this case only creating a new version and adding the version number to the add-on configuration page will be enough, but if you added a sensitive API and you add-on is set for external use, then you will have to update the OAuth consent screen and wait for Google review and approval.

Google colab is not working cant load java script files

Could not load the JavaScript files needed to display output.
This is probably because your Google Account login access has expired or because third-party cookies
are not allowed by your browser.
this error appears every time i try to run my code even though it was working for weeks but this but this happened without any reason .
i tried to enable the third_party cookies from settings and paste this ([*.] in the allow section but the error Still showing up.
I pasted and [*.] in the allow section and it worked

How to use Pentaho Community API

I have a pentaho community server 8.1 already running and i would like to know if this version has a API avaliable? Im using the following code to and getting a 200 but there is no basic so i can authenticate correctly.
import requests
data = {"j_username": "admin","j_password":"password"}
r ='http://(serverip):8080/pentaho/j_spring_security_check', data = data)
Is the authentication for this api configurable?
The whole idea is that i can use the scheduler since the spoon for the community version doest has access to it BUT i tried using the enterprice client and i was able to schedule so the module is there you just cant reach it.
Yes, and the full API is documented here:
Note: If you want to enable username/password authentication on the URL you have to edit and reboot . (an older insecure approach, but for the purposes of development possibly simpler to get you going)
You're absolutely right - the CORE platform does have the functionality, just not the UI so you're more than welcome to use the API to use the scheduler engine.

Transferring advanced service permission onto copy of a Google Apps Script project

I have a Google Sheet that I am using as a template. This sheet contains a script that uses an advanced service. However when I take a copy of the sheet the contained script no longer has permissions to access the advanced service in the dev console (it is "on" in "Advanced Google Service" list).
How can I ensure that the copy of the template sheet also has permission to access the advanced service without having to manually enable it in every copy?
I did find this way of enabling APIs in the dev console programatically from Spencer but I still get the same error about needing to enable the API in the dev console.
I can kind of get it to work by moving the Tasks API functionality into an add-on as it uses the add-ons console project. But that doesn't quite fit with what I'm trying to do.

Is there a way to programmatically determine the Enabled APIs for a Google Apps Script

For a Google Apps Script that I am working on, I need to enable Google URL Shortener API and Google Drive API.
The trouble comes when I create a copy of the existing Spreadsheet which has a Script attached to it; (everything working the way I want it but I want a copy.)
Now when I create a copy of the Spreadsheet, its associated Script files also get copied - but what does not seem to be copied over are the enable/disable status of various APIs.
The new copy seems to take on default permissions and only default APIs seem to be enabled.
I would not know if the script has required APIs enabled or not. Only when I try to run it, it would throw up an error and crash.
I would like to programmatically know this and take action when a copy of the spreadsheet is made.
I have done several searches for this but could not find any relevant results hence asking this question here.
Specifically more annoying is the fact that the URL Shortener API and even Drive API have to be enabled in two steps - which includes logging into Developer Console.
If I distribute this tool then they would be forced to go into Source Code and from the code editor forced to enable the APIs.
Please help.