Excel export showing only 254 columns - excel-2007

Excel export showing only 254 columns while generating it from Birt Report tool and here we use cross tab for showing the dynamically data..Even i tried to generate the file XSL and XSLX format.

select the data sets -->select the setting tab ---> select the fetch all rows from database check box. I hope it might be useful for you.


Exporting data with NTEXT columns to Excel in a regularly basis (as Job)

Initial situation:
I'm stuck in a simple task (in my opinion it should be simple...)
I have a collection of data which should be exported weekly to Excel.
This export contains 104 columns, from which 57 are nvarchar(max) and contains item descriptions and other information in different languages for our sales guys.
The report will have something around 2000 to 8000 rows.
I use a SQL Server 2017 CU 16
My intention:
I intended to do an SSI Job with an Excel template where the columns are predefined (width, data type and so on).
This job would have something like those steps:
Delete existing Excel file
copy Excel template as a new Excel file
DataFlowTask using SQL Server as the source and Excel destination as the target
What I already tried:
If I use the excel template with only headers, I get the following error for each of the nvarchar(max) columns:
[Excel Destination [2]] Error: An error occurred while setting up a
binding for the "ColumnName" column. The binding status was
When I prepare the template having it prefilled with one row. This row has a long text (more than 255 characters) for the columns where nvarchar(max) is in the source, everything runs fine but, this dummy line is still existing.
Another try I did was dropping the sheet using an "Execute SQL Task" to the Excel File Connection and recreating the sheet using a create table statement in another "Execute SQL Task" to the same Excel file connection, I get the same error as above. Although I'm using NTEXT as the datatype for the relevant columns.
How can I export data seamlessly into a preformatted excel file which contains NTEXT?
Thank you very much in advance for any assistance.

How can I extract the value of a varbinary(max) column?

I have a varbinary(max) column that is storing images in an SQL database.
I am working on a newdb script, where an application creates a new instance of the db and populates a few of the tables. One of those tables I am working on is initializing that image column.
In order to do this, I printed the contents of the column using a select statement and pasted the content into the insert statement of the newdb script. This appeared to work initially, but the image didn't load correctly.
So I compared the DATALENTH() of the original data (5469988) and the new data (21839). It appears the Microsoft SQL Server management Studio - 2014 cut off the data why I copied it from the original db at a certain point. I need to be able to get the entire content of the column. Any ideas?
select cast(convert(varchar(max), VarBinaryMaxColumn, 1) as xml) from Table
Instead of copying/pasting, right-click on the results and do 'Save Results As...', and that should export the full contents. Funny thing is setting the query output to text or file explicitly will still truncate long data values.
If you copy and paste your limited to the query result options. Mostly columns will be cut of after a certain lenght (often 256 chars).
You can select in the top bar "save result as..." which will prompt you an dialog for data export.
You can use the data export wizard too.

How to export XML file in CLOB column using Oracle SQL

I have an XML file in a CLOB column, which is present in an Oracle table. I would like to export the XML file into LINUX landing directory which will be done through Informatica. Can you help me out in how to do this. Please share your thoughts.Thank you.
Use SQL Developer ( I used version )
Select Export from the right hand context menu
Context Menu
Select the Export Data checkbox
Select Loader from the Format dropdown
Select Separate Files from the Save as dropdown
Enter the name of a directory
Click Next
Click Finish
Export Dialog
It exports the data to separate files but at least it's in clear text.
Is the file stored in cleartext in one of the fiels i.e. not binary or something?
If so then pick the field up in your source qualifier and parse it to a flat file made up of one port e.g. file_in .
If not, could you elaborate the error you are receiving in your current job and describe how the job works?

SQL Server 2005 -> Excel export doesn't keep data types?

Trying (and largely succeeding) to export the results of a query from SQL Server to Excel, like so:
insert into OPENROWSET('Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0',
'Excel 8.0;Database=c:\exported excel files\exported_data.xls;',
'SELECT * FROM [Query$]') SELECT dbo.blabbityblah FROM dbo.the_table
It works! Sort of. It does export the data to the excel file, but it puts it all in there as text, even though some of the columns are datetime and most of them are numbers. None of them are being convert()-ed in the query itself. I've tried preformatting the cells in the actual Excel file before running the query, but it ignores the existing formating and spits it all out as text again.
There's got to be a way to do this, right?
excel dont have data type, its text based and preformat not work becus it replace existing file. if u want datatype try MS Access.
Look into using a schema.ini file to define the datatypes in a csv or txt. when you open either in excel you may achieve what you want
Col1=DATE datetime
Col2=FName Text
Another approach you may want to look at depending on your needs is to use the import and export wizard. You can customize a query for the data and specify the data type in the wizard. If you are using a SKU other than Express you can the run it right away or save the SSIS package is generated for further manipulation.

Import selected columns from a CSV files to SQL Server table

I am trying to import data from a CSV file to a SQL Server 2008 table. Data upload is working, but I want to import only selected columns, not all, and add them to a a new table, of same no. of columns, using the wizard, but its not happening, the wizard is selecting all the columns.
So is it possible using wizard that I only import selected columns.
If you are using the Import / Export wizard, when you get to Select Source Tables and Views click on the button "Edit Mappings" on the bottom left of the screen. That opens column mappings screen; on the destination column select Ignore to remove the column you don't want to import.
Since most people searching this question in 2019 aren't going to be using SQL2008, I'll add this for SQL Server 2016:
When you choose your Flat File data source, there is an Advanced option to the left of the window. Click that.
You will see a list of field names, and just below that there are 3 buttons. One of them is Delete.
Highlight the field you do not want to include and click the Delete button. Do this for all fields you do not wish to import.
First Use same data type which declare in choose data source file. After choosing "destination file" go to edit mapping, and select "edit sql" and take only selected column and declare the same data type. edit mapping select Ignore which column you don't want and declare same data type.