How to sum all the records and display as single in kanban view? - odoo

I need to sum the companies total and display as single row like in the image.
Now I just used the kanban view to display default view.
<kanban class="o_kanban_mobile">
<field name="name"/>
<field name="company"/>
<field name="actual_amount"/>
<field name="planned_amount"/>
<t t-name="kanban-box">
<div t-attf-class="oe_kanban_card oe_kanban_global_click">
<table border="1" width="100%">
<td rowspan="2"><t t-esc=""/>-<t t-esc=""/></td>
<td><t t-esc="record.planned_amount.value"/></td>
<td><t t-esc="record.actual_amount.value"/></td>

I think this will work for you.
Add a char field to your model don't show it . just define a defaut value for it, default = 'sum' then groub by that field.
You should get the same result.


How to have an always editable column with footable

I would like to use footable (I've already use footable for its responsive exploding display )and this to show records coming from a database but with a need to have a column (which display the stock quantity of products) that thye user can modify just by typing. Is there any way of having some sort of content editable column....
Any idea will be welcome
You can render the column as HTML, which will prevent footable from taking over the content of the cell, and have an <input type="text" /> for each row.
Something like:
<th data-type="html">In stock</th>
<td><input type="number" step="any" value="3"/></td>
<td><input type="number" step="any" value="0"/></td>
Check the documentation at , look for "Column Options" > "Type" .
After rendering you can attach an event listener to the input fields and send ajax calls accordingly.

Selenium - Selecting an item from dropdown list if the values are inside <table> tags and NOT under <option> in html

The below is a snippet from our html code which appears as a drop down list in the application. I am unable to select a particular value from the drop down list using Select class in Selenium - possibly because it doesn't have "Option" tags?. Is there any way to select the item?
-UPDATE: This has a parent tag which talks about visibility. Basically to tell that elements are visible only if the user clicks the drop down arrow.
"< input type="hidden" *****"
For e.g. I need to select 'I am option2' from the list during the test execution.
<div id="xyz" class="DropdownInnerContainer" style="z-index:99999;">
<table id="abc" class="DropdownItemContainer" list="1000020">
<tr class="">
<td value="" index="0" title="">
<td class="BorderCell"></td>
<tr class="">
<td value="I am option1" index="1" plid="1002827">I am option1</td>
<td class="BorderCell"></td>
<tr class="">
<td value="I am option2" index="2" plid="1002828">I am option2</td>
<td class="BorderCell"></td>
<tr class="">
<td value="I am option3" index="3" plid="1002829">I am option3</td>
<td class="BorderCell"></td>
<tr class="">
<td value="I am option4" index="4" plid="1002830">I am option4</td>
<td class="BorderCell"></td>
If the text inside of the td that you want to select is unique, then you can click the table element with the id of 'abc' and then click the following element. The code provided is C#, but can be translated pretty easily.
IWebElement option = _driver.FindElement(By.XPath("//td[text()='I am option2']"));
It appears that since the drop down options were inside a < table >, the Select class was unable to identify the list options. So here's what I did:
First click() the dropdown, which opens up the menu:
Then pass the value using the contains() method and then click() on it.
driver.findElement(By.xpath(".//*[#id='xyz01_tbl']/tbody/tr/td[1][contains(text(),'I am option2')]")).click();
You can not use Select in this scenario because there is no any select tag for dropdown. Drop down is under table body.
Please use below xpath for select option form drop down.
driver.findElement(By.xpath("//table[#id='abc']/tr[td[text()='your option text']]/td"));

xpath with following-sibling

I want to access the table with classname 'table table-hover' that should be under the class=='box-title' that contains the text 'OODR Items for next 20 Days'. Can any one please help me out to get the xpath for this ? I tried with following-sibling but no luck. Thanks in advance.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<div id="topTenSellers" class="box box-solid box-primary frontpageWidget">
<div class="box-header">
<i class="fa fa-group" />
<h3 class="box-title">OODR Items for next 20 Days</h3>
<div class="box-tools pull-right">
<button class="btn btn-primary btn-sm" data-widget="collapse">
<i class="fa fa-minus" />
<!-- /.box-header -->
<div class="box-body no-padding">
<table class="table table-hover">
<th style="width: 10px">#</th>
<th>Item Start Date</th>
<td>21/10/2017 00:00:00</td>
<td>OODR - Out of Date Range</td>
<!-- /.box-body -->
You can try following instead of following-sibling as mentioned h3 and table nodes are not siblings:
//div[#id="topTenSellers"]//h3[#class="box-title" and .="OODR Items for next 20 Days"]/following::table[#class="table table-hover"]
If there is only one element of that class name then either of these will work. One thing to note though, selenium can struggle with spaces in class names depending on the version and browser. If you find that is the case, then use multiple contains to handle the spaces.
//table[contains(#class,'table table-hover')]
//table[#class = 'table table-hover']
If you need that the element as a child of that OODR Items for the next 20 days
//h3[contains(text(),'OODR Items for the next 20 days')]/parent::div/following-sibling::div/table[#class ='table table-hover']
This path uses your anchor point, "OODR Items..", then goes to the parent, then sibling, then to the item with the specified class name. Good luck!

Dynamic Interpolation in Angular2

I am learning Angular-2 and try to build data-grid component and run into a problem with dynamic interpolation.
Assume, the other component will consume the data-grid like the following:
<data-grid [model] = 'users'>
<column header='Last Name' value="lastName" ></column>
<column header='First Name' value='firstName' ></column>
<column header='Address' value='address' ></column>
The data-grid component holds a collection of columns. From the data-gird, I try to loop through the columns collection to build the column header then show all data. The headers for the table is easy but I don't know how to do the nested interpolation for row and columns.
<div class="container" >
<table class="table table-hover">
<thead class="thead-default">
<th template="ngFor let col of columns">
{{ col.header}}
<tr template="ngFor let row of model">
<td template="ngFor let col of columns">
<!-- want to loop though the columns
{{row.{{col.value}}}} //How to make this statement works? -->
Any idea how to solve this problem?
You do not need the additional evaluation brackets. Use square brackets for array indexing.
<tr *ngFor="let row of model">
<td *ngFor="let col of columns">

Disabling many drop down list all at once using javascript

<table align="center" border="0" id="typeTable" >
<%for(int i=1;i<=count;i++){%>
<tr id="a">
<td align="left" valign="top">
<p>Problem Type <%=i+1 %></p>
</td >
<td align="left" valign="middle">
<p>Number of question to generate: </p>
<td align="left" valign="middle" >
<select name="type<%=i %>" id="mySelect" >
<input type="hidden" name="totalNumOfType" value="<%=count%>"/>
Hi, I have the code above to do a for loop for the table row when I get a count from the database to show how many types of problems in math topic.
The drop down menu list name I have put the int I for the name to have each row an individual name so that I can pass the value of each drop down list selected to the next page which I can do successfully.
The issue now is I have problem disabling all the drop down menu list at onece using the javascript as it will not know how many count there will be.
I have used the following code to disable the drop down menu for example.
<script type="text/javascript">
function disable()
function enable()
I have been thinking but no avail. any help would be much appreciated. Thank you!
did you tryed jquery prop function : $("#mySelect").prop("disabled",true) ?