How can I add a subtotal of specific column values? - sql

Here is the DATASET:
and here is the SQL I have:
select f.DATE, f.PROD_STATUS,
count (*) AS TOTAL
where DATE = '04-MAY-17'
I'm trying to get the value for 'SUCCESS' as a column in the SQL Results:
I want the SQL results to look like this:
How can I achieve that?

Check this:
with t as (
select 1 as ready_1,
2 as ready_2,
3 as ready_3,
1 as in_process,
4 as fail,
5 as crash,
'5/4/2017' as dat
from dual
union all
select 2 as ready_1,
2 as ready_2,
3 as ready_3,
1 as in_process,
4 as fail,
0 as crash,
'5/5/2017' as dat
from dual
select dat, prod_stat, max(suc) over(partition by dat) as success, sum(value) over(partition by dat) as total
from (
select dat, prod_stat, value, sum(value) over (partition by dat) as suc
from t
value for prod_stat in (ready_1, ready_2, ready_3)
union all
select dat, prod_stat, value, null as suc
from t
value for prod_stat in (in_process, fail, crash)
5/4/2017 READY_2 6 16
5/4/2017 READY_1 6 16
5/4/2017 CRASH 6 16
5/4/2017 FAIL 6 16
5/4/2017 IN_PROCESS 6 16
5/4/2017 READY_3 6 16
5/5/2017 FAIL 7 12
5/5/2017 IN_PROCESS 7 12
5/5/2017 CRASH 7 12
5/5/2017 READY_2 7 12
5/5/2017 READY_1 7 12
5/5/2017 READY_3 7 12


How to split the column values after a certain number

I have a dataset that looks like this:
ID HoursWorked TotalHours
23 1 1
23 1 2
23 1 3
23 0.5 3.5
23 1 4.5
23 1 5.5
23 1 6.5
23 1 7.5
23 1 8.5
61 1 1
61 1 2
What I want to do is if the total hours hits 8 hours, I want to split that row (e.g. 8.5 in the sample data above) so that an employee always has the total hours of 8. If someone works over 8 hours it should continue after hitting 8 in the totalhours column. For example, I want something like this as my final result.
ID HoursWorked TotalHours
23 1 1
23 1 2
23 1 3
23 0.5 3.5
23 1 4.5
23 1 5.5
23 1 6.5
23 1 7.5
23 0.5 8 *
23 0.5 8.5 *
61 1 1
61 1 2
As you can see the row which originally had 8.5 for its totalhours got broken down into two different rows.
I couldn't think of any way to do this in SQL Server. I'd appreciate any help on this.
see if this works.
select ID,HoursWorked,TotalHours from table_name where TotalHours <=8
select ID,(HoursWorked-(TotalHours-8) as HoursWorked ,8 as TotalHours from table_name where TotalHours >8
select ID,(TotalHours-8) as HoursWorked ,TotalHours from table_name where TotalHours >8
This seems rather complicated. This approach takes all the rows before 8 hours. It then finds the row that first passes 8 hours and splits that one as needed:
select id, hoursworked, totalhours
from t
where totalhours <= 8
union all
select, v.hoursworked, v.totalhours
from (select t.*, row_number() over (partition by id order by totalhours) as seqnum
from t
where totalhours > 8
) t cross apply
(values (case when seqnum = 1 then totalhours - 8 end,
case when seqnum = 1 then 8 end
(case when seqnum = 1 and totalhours >= 8 then totalhours - 8 else hoursworked end,
) v(hoursworked, totalhours)
where v.hoursworked > 0
order by id, totalhours;
Here is a db<>fiddle.

Estimation of Cumulative value every 3 months in SQL

I have a table like this:
ID Date Prod
1 1/1/2009 5
1 2/1/2009 5
1 3/1/2009 5
1 4/1/2009 5
1 5/1/2009 5
1 6/1/2009 5
1 7/1/2009 5
1 8/1/2009 5
1 9/1/2009 5
And I need to get the following result:
ID Date Prod CumProd
1 2009/03/01 5 15 ---Each 3 months
1 2009/06/01 5 30 ---Each 3 months
1 2009/09/01 5 45 ---Each 3 months
What could be the best approach to take in SQL?
You can try the below - using window function
select * from
select *,sum(prod) over(order by DATEPART(qq,dateval)) as cum_sum,
row_number() over(partition by DATEPART(qq,dateval) order by dateval) as rn
from t
)A where rn=1
How about just filtering on the month number?
select t.*
from (select id, date, prod, sum(prod) over (partition by id order by date) as running_prod
from t
) t
where month(date) in (3, 6, 9, 12);

Identify New Seller (without buying in recent 3 months)

In my SQL - BigQuery, I have a table with 3 columns: Month, Date, ID about records of transactions of users.
Here is the example
I want to identify which ID is the new seller in each month, the definition of a new seller is the seller without buying the recent 3 months.
I tried to sort row_number the ID order by date, ID. I reckon that the row_number not in (2,3,4) is the new seller. However, ID can skip 1 month and rebuy next month, my code doesn't work with this situation.
Could you please help me to solve this problem? Thank you very much.
Below is for BigQuery Standard SQL
ORDER BY DATE_DIFF(`date`, '2000-01-01', MONTH)
) = 0 AS new_seller
FROM `project.dataset.table`
You can test, play with above using sample data from your question as in below example
WITH `project.dataset.table` AS (
SELECT 'Mar-19' month, DATE '2019-03-01' `date`, 1 id UNION ALL
SELECT 'Mar-19', '2019-03-03', 2 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Mar-19', '2019-03-04', 3 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Apr-19', '2019-04-05', 3 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Apr-19', '2019-04-06', 4 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Apr-19', '2019-04-07', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'May-19', '2019-05-03', 3 UNION ALL
SELECT 'May-19', '2019-05-04', 6 UNION ALL
SELECT 'May-19', '2019-05-05', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Jun-19', '2019-06-06', 1 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Jun-19', '2019-06-07', 7 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Jun-19', '2019-06-08', 8 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Jun-19', '2019-06-09', 9 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Jul-19', '2019-07-05', 2 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Jul-19', '2019-07-06', 5 UNION ALL
SELECT 'Jul-19', '2019-07-07', 9
ORDER BY DATE_DIFF(`date`, '2000-01-01', MONTH)
) = 0 AS new_seller
FROM `project.dataset.table`
-- ORDER BY `date`
with below output
Row month date id new_seller
1 Mar-19 2019-03-01 1 true
2 Mar-19 2019-03-03 2 true
3 Mar-19 2019-03-04 3 true
4 Apr-19 2019-04-05 3 false
5 Apr-19 2019-04-06 4 true
6 Apr-19 2019-04-07 5 true
7 May-19 2019-05-03 3 false
8 May-19 2019-05-04 6 true
9 May-19 2019-05-05 5 false
10 Jun-19 2019-06-06 1 false
11 Jun-19 2019-06-07 7 true
12 Jun-19 2019-06-08 8 true
13 Jun-19 2019-06-09 9 true
14 Jul-19 2019-07-05 2 false
15 Jul-19 2019-07-06 5 false
16 Jul-19 2019-07-07 9 false

SELECT query for skipping rows with duplicates but leaving the first and the last occurrences in PostgreSQL

I have a table with items, dates, and prices and I am trying to find a way to write a SELECT query in PostgreSQL which will skip rows with duplicate prices so that, only the first and last occurrence of the same price in a row would stay. After the price change, it can go back to the previous value and it should be preserved as well.
id date price item
1 20.10.2018 10 a
2 21.10.2018 10 a
3 22.10.2018 10 a
4 23.10.2018 15 a
5 24.10.2018 15 a
6 25.10.2018 15 a
7 26.10.2018 10 a
8 27.10.2018 10 a
9 28.10.2018 10 a
10 29.10.2018 10 a
11 26.10.2018 3 b
12 27.10.2018 3 b
13 28.10.2018 3 b
14 29.10.2018 3 c
id date price item
1 20.10.2018 10 a
3 22.10.2018 10 a
4 23.10.2018 15 a
6 25.10.2018 15 a
7 26.10.2018 10 a
10 29.10.2018 10 a
11 26.10.2018 3 b
13 28.10.2018 3 b
14 29.10.2018 3 c
You can use lag() and lead():
select id, date, price, item
from (select t.*,
lag(price) over (partition by item order by date) as prev_price,
lead(price) over (partition by item order by date) as next_price
from t
) t
where prev_price is null or prev_price <> price or
next_price is null or next_price <> price

How to find regions where total of their sale exceeded 60%

I have a table interest_summary table with two columns:
int_rate number,
total_balance number
10.25 50
10.50 100
10.75 240
11.00 20
My query should return in 2 columns or a string like 10.50 to 10.75 because adding their total exceed 60% of total amount added together
Could you suggest a logic in Oracle?
nvl(sum(total_balance) over(
order by total_balance desc
rows between unbounded preceding and 1 preceding
),0) as part_sum
from interest_summary
part_sum < (select 0.6*sum(total_balance) from interest_summary)
I'm assuming that you're selecting the rows based on the following algorithm:
Sort your rows by total_balance (descending)
Select the highest total_balance row remaining
If its total_balance added to the running total of the total balance is under 60%, add it to the pool and get the next row (step 2)
If not add the row to the pool and return.
The sorted running total looks like this (I'll number the rows so that it's easier to understand what happens):
SQL> WITH data AS (
2 SELECT 1 id, 10.25 interest_rate, 50 total_balance FROM DUAL
3 UNION ALL SELECT 2 id, 10.50 interest_rate, 100 total_balance FROM DUAL
4 UNION ALL SELECT 3 id, 10.75 interest_rate, 240 total_balance FROM DUAL
5 UNION ALL SELECT 4 id, 11.00 interest_rate, 20 total_balance FROM DUAL
6 )
7 SELECT id, interest_rate,
8 SUM(total_balance) OVER (ORDER BY total_balance DESC) running_total,
9 SUM(total_balance) OVER (ORDER BY total_balance DESC)
10 /
11 SUM(total_balance) OVER () * 100 pct_running_total
12 FROM data
13 ORDER BY 3;
---------- ------------- ------------- -----------------
3 10,75 240 58,5365853658537
2 10,5 340 82,9268292682927
1 10,25 390 95,1219512195122
4 11 410 100
So in this example we must return rows 3 and 2 because row 2 is the first row where its percent running total is above 60%:
SQL> WITH data AS (
2 SELECT 1 id, 10.25 interest_rate, 50 total_balance FROM DUAL
3 UNION ALL SELECT 2 id, 10.50 interest_rate, 100 total_balance FROM DUAL
4 UNION ALL SELECT 3 id, 10.75 interest_rate, 240 total_balance FROM DUAL
5 UNION ALL SELECT 4 id, 11.00 interest_rate, 20 total_balance FROM DUAL
6 )
7 SELECT ID, interest_rate
8 FROM (SELECT ID, interest_rate,
9 SUM(over_limit)
10 OVER(ORDER BY total_balance DESC) over_limit_no
12 interest_rate,
13 total_balance,
15 WHEN SUM(total_balance)
16 OVER(ORDER BY total_balance DESC)
17 / SUM(total_balance) OVER() * 100 < 60 THEN
18 0
20 1
21 END over_limit
22 FROM data
23 ORDER BY 3))
24 WHERE over_limit_no <= 1;
---------- -------------
3 10,75
2 10,5