Download s3 bucket files on user's local using aws cli - amazon-s3

How to download simple storage service(s3) bucket files directly on user's local machine?

you can check the aws s3 cli so to copy a file from s3.
The following cp command copies a single object to a specified file locally:
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/test.txt test2.txt
Make sure to use quotes " in case you have spaces in your key
aws s3 cp "s3://mybucket/test with space.txt" "./test with space.txt"


unable to copy files from Amazon S3 even with region specified

First off: I'm new to using the aws cli:
I've got problems to copy files from amazon S3 using the aws cli, while aws s3 ls works as expected and shows me all the buckets, $ aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/subdir/* /patch/to/local/dir/ --region us-east-2 --source-region us-east-2 keeps barking at me with
A client error (301) occurred when calling the HeadObject operation: Moved Permanently - when I log into S3 using the AWS website, I get "us-east-2" in the urls while it displays US West (Oregon) on the side. I've also tried the above with both regions set to us-west-2 but that didn't work either. What may be going on here and how do I get the files copied correctly?
You are trying to download data from s3 bucket. Firstly configure aws-cli using:
aws configure
Once configured, use s3 sync command, this will download all sub directries locally.
aws s3 sync s3://mybucket/subdir/ /patch/to/local/dir/
As you are using s3 cp command, use it as
aws s3 cp s3://mybucket/subdir/ /patch/to/local/dir/ --recursive

Fastest way of transferring an unstructured collection of S3 files to EC2

If we are downloading an entire virtual directory then there is the method MultipleFileDownload(...) from TransferManager. However MultipleFileDownload(...) does not support downloading an arbitrary list of S3 files objects. What is the best way of downloading such a large list of files?
If you just want to transfer S3 files to EC2's local directory, you can just use aws cli command on your EC2 as follows:
aws s3 cp s3://<bucketname> <local directory> --recursive --include "*"

Updating files for my static website on S3

I'm trying to update a static website I'm hosting on amazon AWS S3 - just need to put a new version of my resume up there. I've gone through the documentation and it seems as though I need to 'invalidate' the file - but all the guides I'm finding only talk about using cloudfront, which is a service I don't use.
So for a static website where I need to update a single file, how do I do that without cloudfront?
You can upload the file directly to S3 through the AWS S3 Console, programmatically using a package for python, ruby, etc., or using the AWS Command Line.
If you are using the AWS Command Line, you can upload a file to s3 using these commands:
$ aws configure
AWS Secret Access Key [None]: wJalrXUtnFEMI/K7MDENG/bPxRfiCYEXAMPLEKEY
Default region name [None]: us-east-1
Default output format [None]: json
$ aws s3 cp myvideo.mp4 s3://mybucket/

Move the s3 bucket to other aws server

I have created a AWS s3 buckets and here uploaded many of images but now i want to move all images to other AWS s3 buckets.
so can we direct copy buckets or link to other AWS server.
Please provide suggestion.
You can use the AWS Command-Line Interface (CLI) S3 modules cp ( copy ) command to copy files from bucket to bucket:
aws s3 cp S3://mybucket/file.jpg S3://anotherbucket/file.jpg
See cp command documentation.

bulk upload video files from URL to Amazon S3

After some googling it appears there is no API or tool to upload files from a URL directly to S3 without downloading them first?
I could probably download the files locally first and then upload them to S3. Is thee a good tool (Mac) that lets me batch upload all files in a given directory?
Or are there any PHP scripts I could install on a shared hosting account to download a file at a time and then upload to S3?
The AWS Command Line Interface (CLI) can upload files to Amazon S3, eg:
aws s3 cp file s3://my-bucket/file
aws s3 cp . s3://my-bucket/path --recursive
aws s3 sync . s3://my-bucket/path
The sync command is probably best for your use-case. It can synchronize local files with remote files (only copy new/changed files), or use cp to copy specific files.