Custom Authentication Service in Kong API Gateway - authentication

We are currently analyzing the API gateway for our microservices and Kong is one of the possible candidate. We discovered that Kong support several plugins for authentication but the all based on users stored in Kong database itself. We need to delegate this responsibility to our custom auth HTTP service and don't want to add these users in API gateway database.

It's possible to do this with some code around, instead of using the OpenID connect plugin; in effect you need to implement an Authorization Server which talks to Kong via the Admin (8001) port and authorizes the use of an API with externally given User Ids.
In short, it goes as follows (here for the Authorization Code grant):
Instead of asking Kong directly for tokens, hit the Authorization Server with a request to get a token for a specific API (either hard coded or parameterized, depending on what you need), and include the client ID of the application which needs access in the call (you implement the /authorize end point in fact)
The Authorization Server now needs to authenticate with whatever IdP you need, so that you have the authenticated user inside your Authorization Server
Now get the provision code for your API via the Kong Admin API, and hit the /oauth2/authorize end point of your Kong Gateway (port 8443), including the provision key; note that you may need to look up the client secret for the application client id also via the Admin API to make this work
Include client id, client secret, authenticated user id (from your custom IdP) and optinally scope in the POST to /oauth2/authorize; these values will be added to backend calls to your API using the access token the application can now claim using the authorization code
Kong will give you an Authorization Code back, which you pass back to the application via an 302 redirect (you will need to read the OAuth2 spec for this)
The application uses its client and secret, with the authorization code, to get the access token (and refresh token) from Kong's port 8443, URL /oauth2/token.
It sounds more involved than it is in the end. I did this for, which is based on Kong and node.js, and adds an open source developer portal to Kong. There's a lot of code in the following two projects which show what can be done to integrate with any IdP:
We're currently investigating to see whether we can also add a default authorization server to wicked, but right now you'd have to roll/fork your own.
Maybe this helps, Martin

Check out Kong's OpenID Connect plugin - it connects to external identity and auth systems.


What is the way to set up an authentication mechanism using keycloak initial access token?

I want to develop an authentication mechanism for 3rd party applications using keycloak initial access tokens. But I want to do this only by using the access tokens that I have generated in the keycloak. For example, I will give a generated token to the user and allow him to log into the application. Is this possible? How can i do that?
Initial Access Token
First, I'm not sure it is a good idea to use "initial access token" for authorizing requests to your own resources. It might even not be allowed. As per the doc:
An initial access token can only be used to create clients
Second, don't use keycloak libs for Spring as suggested in other answer. It is very deprecated.
Last, a REST API secured with Oauth2 is a resource-server (and not a client). As so, the dependency should be spring-boot-starter-oauth2-resource-server. Spring doc is pretty extensive on the subject. You can also have a look at those tutorials for resource-server configuration (and OAuth2 definitions).
Once the resource-server (Spring REST API) is configured, clients will have to authorize their requests as normal for OAuth2: provide with an Authorization header containing a Bearer access-token (a JWT issued by Keycloak to the client with one of standard flows: client-credentials or authorization-code depending you need to authorize the client itself or a user behind it).
I might have misunderstood your need. If what you want is having new clients register themself programmatically on your Keycloak instance, then those clients will just issue a REST request to Keycloak server API with the "initial access token" in Authorization header as normal.
Once registered, those clients will be able to call you resource-servers as described in my initial answer.

Integration of frontend and resource server using okta authentication and client credentials API authentication

We have an application that has frontend UI(Which is a web application) which communicates with a resource server. Our frontend will be using some APIs from a resource server to get data.
I am planning to add frontend to Okta and provide access to okta registered users.
In the resource server, we have some APIs that we want to expose to our customers to integrate in their system(Programmatically). To use our APIs, we have to provide client credentials(client ID/secret) to them. Using clientId/Secret, they will get access_token and will use that in a subsequent request. We can display this clientId/Secret via frontend UI once the user logs in to it via Okta.
How should I authenticate requests to the resource server from the frontend? And how do I authenticate requests to resource server via customer using clientId/Secret? Should I use one or two different tokens for this purpose?
Does Okta provides per-user client Id/secret that user(customer) can use to get access_token and send it to access resource server and resource server validate token against Okta.
I just did something very similar. You can read about my experience here: How to pass/verify Open ID token between .net core web app and web api?
I don't know what application framework you are using (.net, node, etc), but if you're using .NET the steps are to (a) install the middleware in your web app, (b) install the middleware in your api app, and (c) make sure calls from your web app to the api app pass the id_token.
If you, in addition to that, need to secure it for external users - it should work the same way. The only difference is they will manually call the /authorize endpoint to get their token - but the middleware should take care of the token verification for you in both cases.
Note I did experience one odd thing which is that I needed to pass the id_token and not the access_token. It is also worth mentioning that the claims were interpreted differently in the app and the api (in that the name of the claims for say, userid, were different between them - the data was still the same).
You will have to use 2 different access tokens. There are 2 different flows going on here:
Web UI to API
Business partner system to API
Technically this means:
Authorization Code Flow (PKCE)
Client Credentials Flow
And in terms of tokens it means:
In the first case there is an end user represented in access tokens (the 'sub' claim)
In the second case there is only a Client Id claim in access tokens
I can advise on token validation techniques if needed - let me know.
To me though this feels like an architectural question - in particular around applying authorization after identifying the caller and versioning / upgrades.
Based on my experience I tend to prefer the following architecture these days, based on 2 levels of APIs: eg with these ones exposed to the internet:
User Experience API serves the UI
Partner API deals with B2B
And both entry point APIs call the same core services which are internal. Might be worth discussing with your stakeholders ..

Chaining OpenID tokens

I'm working in microservices environment, where each service authenticates using OpenID Connect to an authentication service (local IdP), based on Users I keep locally on my Database.
Now, I want these services to be able to authenticate using Azure, Google, etc.
Can (and should) I modify my authentication service to allow redirection to another IdP, and replace or chain the token to my proprietary token for my services?
Is there a simpler way?
How can I allow users to login both using name / password OR external IdP?
I'm doing some research on the topic by myself as well and from what I've found until now, it seems that there is a urn:ietf:params:oauth:grant-type:token-exchange grant type that should allow exchanging external idp token to an internal one as described in some spec.
It should be supported as part of the openid connect /token endpoint so as long as the local idp supports it, I guess that this should be the best practice to achieve what you are looking for.
I'm currently looking into mitreid-connect idp implementation as local idp and some of my requirements is to also allow SSO with third parties while being able to issue a local token from the external user identity.
Will update as it goes...
If you manage all the SP (your microservices) it's definitely easier to implement it on your common IDP.
But if the SP are external ones (like existing services you just installed) and they already implements the public IDP you want to use, it was be a bit harder to pass through your current IDP without problem.
I'm guessing you are in the first case (you made all your SP) so I will elaborate it:
When your current IDP will authenticate user on others public IDP, it will get some information (email, name, etc.) and you can normalize those in your answer, to be sure your SP are completely agnostic of which original IDP was used. It will be better for you if the future to debug this setup. And of course to add a new public IDP...
But if you need to use some specific call to original IDP, (let says Youtube API for example) you could have a agnostic API on your common IDP which will forward to the appropriate proprietary API of original IDP, or deny the request if the IDP does not have a video system.
Or you could give original token to your SP, in a custom field or scope of your oidc token, so for example an SP dedicated to video could directly call Youtube API with the google user token.
I recently did a similar setup for my company. I would like to share the overall structure to give an idea about our solution. Hope it helps:
Our authentication server is an node express server with following properties:
Hosts static login screens to allow authentication against local database via email + password, as well as provides links to authenticate with external OAuth2 providers.
Both local and external authentication requests are forwarded to Passport.js Authentication strategies
After successful login, both local and external Passport.js strategies respond to a callback. Upon this response, a session object is created via express-session and a cookie is sent.
At this point, cookies can be used to exchange JWT's, so that authentication against stateless API's can be possible with Bearer Access Tokens.

Authentication with WSO2 API Manager

We have a system with three layer includes API Server (Backend), Client Web Site, and End User. Now, the Authentication occurs on API Server, which be done in two case. In one case, Client Web Site call API directly using a token (Client Token) which get from a service based on user/pass and in another case, besides End User login into API Server using Client Web Site, but authentication occurred on API Server other than Client Web Site. Client Site get another token which named as Auth Token (for end user calling), then call API that End User requested by sending two mentioned tokens. By using Client and Auth Tokens, API Server checks whether client and end User are logged in respectively or not. Entities and their relations are illustrated in here
I want to use API Manager as a gateway between API Server and Client Site and manage authentication process with it.
How can I implement this scenario using WSO2 API Manger?
thanks for your response!
Extending the previous answer..
If the backend is behind the API manager (adviced), the API maanger can pass the client/user/application information to the backend as JWT token. So indeed, that's a good use case to use the API Manager
Edit: extending answer based on comments
in one scenario when a user login to client website, it pass the user
& pass to API server. therefore, API server checks the validity of U&P
Indeed, using the default OAuth (code or password profile) will work.
and creates a Auth token as well creates a session for user.
Almost good. A token is returned, there's no user session in API Manager. All authorization is based on the token provided.
of session, that whether Client web site and end user
are logged in or not. the checking process performed by two tokens
Nope. The APIM doesn't check for any session. It checks only the OAuth (Bearer) token.
and in another scenario client web site call API directly without any
request from end this scenario auth token is not exist
The web site (lets call it Application) can authenticate using its own credentials (so called client_credentials profile). It may receive its own OAuth application token.
The same feature is supported in APIM. You can simply get rid of authentication login from your backend (or replace with a simple one) and use APIM Authentication.
APIM uses OAuth2. To cater your requirement, you can use different grant types. For client website, you can use client credentials grant type, and for end users, you can use other grant types such as password or authorization code.
For more details read:

Implementing identity server behind web api owin authentication

I have two different client apps written in javascript connecting to two different web api. I am trying to implement identity server 3.
Is it possible to have identity server behind my web api owin
authentication api end point. In other words, is it possible to
route /token endpoint from owin in web api to call /authenticate
endpoint in identity server?
Is it possible to audit log to db in identity server including
failed request along with user's ip and browser agent. Also is it
possible to log user's ip even if i am calling from web api as my
web api is being called by a user using browser?
In my case should i keep two different user base for two different
projects or move all my users to identityserver. If i move all the
user info to identityserver, how am i going to handle all the joins
with other tables in different applications or should i keep a copy
of user with minimum info such as id, email and name?
It makes little sense to first call a web api and deal with authentication during that call.
Your client apps should first redirect the browser to IdentityServer where user would log in and be redirected back to your client app along with either access token (implicit flow) or authorization code (AuthorizationCode flow), depending on the client app having a back-end or not. Then, your client app would make requests to the webapi, passing the access token in the Authorization header.
As for different user bases, one approach might be to implement specific IUserService for each user base and either send a hint about which one to use in the acr_values or tie it to specific clients registered in IdentityService. Again, depending on the requirements.
Is it possible to have identity server behind my web api owin authentication api end point. In other words, is it possible to route /token endpoint from owin in web api to call /authenticate endpoint in identity server?
Yes and no - you cannot reroute those requests, but you can host identityserver in the same application as a web api. In Startup.cs, map a folder to identityserver.
It's not a good idea to do this, first of all, which api of the two will host idsrv? What if that api goes down and takes idsrv with, then the other api does not work anymore.
-> host idsrv separately, make both apis and both javascript apps clients in idsrv, login to idsrv from the javascript apps (=SSO) and use bearer tokens for the api
Is it possible to audit log to db in identity server including failed request along with user's ip and browser agent. Also is it possible to log user's ip even if i am calling from web api as my web api is being called by a user using browser?
Yes, this should be possible, check the logging implementation for idsrv, at the least you should be able to plug in a provider that writes to a database.
In my case should i keep two different user base for two different projects or move all my users to identityserver. If i move all the user info to identityserver, how am i going to handle all the joins with other tables in different applications or should i keep a copy of user with minimum info such as id, email and name?
Idsrv does not need to have all the user info, just an email-address is enough, you can use that as link to the user data in your api databases if you use that as unique identifier.