2sxc Content.Toolbar add existing item to list - dotnetnuke-7

The Content.Toolbar offers a number of options for list management. The one option that I can't find is "add existing content item to list.
If you've defined a demo content item for the list, that will be added and you can then replace it, but I find that to be a pain.

This really doesn't exist. If you think it's a valuable add-on, post a request on github.


How do I add referrer data in query params or link data in Branch io link?

Suppose I have placed a branch link on my website example.com/outer/inner. This link leads to another web app. I need to know that the link was clicked on example.com/outer/inner.
How do I get this information?
You can add analytical tags to your original link that will indicate the source of the click. Please check https://help.branch.io/using-branch/docs/creating-a-deep-link#analytical-labels
You can add these labels when creating the link and if you want to append it to an existing link you can add additional analytical label as link query parameters, check the doc on Branch long links here https://help.branch.io/using-branch/docs/creating-a-deep-link#long-links
After much research, I could figure out that you can add the referrer as a parameter but that is only useful if you use the branch link at one place.
Branch can not identify the link on its own.

Its is possible to put some product on homepage (POPULAR) manually in prestashop?

How can I manage the content on the homepage in prestashop? Foe example I put a special product on popular tab?
This can be solved through various ways,
One option is to custimize your product page from back office. That should be found in "theme module".
Another way you can try is to use third-party add-ons, that may not be costless.
Or you can edidt your source code, for example, your .tpl file.
Hope these can do some help.

BigCommerce: How can I customize CategoryProductListing

I'm trying to customize a product in the CategoryContent panel in BigCommerce. I want to change the markup for each product in the listing, but the markup for the entire product list is trapped in an uneditable blob :%%GLOBAL_CategoryProductListing%% (I'm getting really tired of these unchangable GLOBAL variables).
Is there any way around this so that I can put my own markup on each product in the list. I'm also open, reluctantly, to reconstruct the product list using the API, but I'm not sure how I can access the API from within a BigCommerce store. Is that possible?
I was able to identify Snippets/CategoryProductsItem.html as the file containing the markup for the individual items in a category list.
I hope this saves someone the time it took me to find the file.
The Snippets/CategoryProductsItem.html is the snippet used for grid category files. If you are using the list view, the file is Snippets/CategoryProductsItemList.html.
This file represents each product listing li. It acts as a template which loops through all the %%GLOBAL_CategoryProductListing%% information for this category. To add a feature to the category ProductList li add it to the Snippet, and it will be applied to each item.
Hope this helps.

Extend Page Property with custom controls in Sharepoint

Sharepoint is quite limited when it comes to multi-Lookups because it saves that information in strings. So I changed the Page-Property
"Elements (MultiLookup-> elementIds" on the propertyPage
to an inserted List "PageElements":
(SingleLookup)pageId , (singleLookup) elementId"
Because this is quite hard to maintain for my content admins I want that they can enter that information in the page properties like before instead of adding lines into "PageElements"
Therefore I want to add a control that handles that.
I do not need a solution for the task how to achieve that specific function, but a general hint how to add any custom control into a Page property.
I starting point link would be very nice. I just doen't seem to find the right words to feed google with my topic.
Solved this by using a custom field type with that logic. Basicly Described here: http://avinashkt.blogspot.de/2011/07/creating-custom-field-in-sharepoint.html

Dynamic menu contribution with key bindings

I've a question. I have a dynamic menu contribution (class extending the ContributionItem). But I cannot find how to connect these items with key bindings.
The main problem is, that the plugin is actually quite easy. It loads menu from XML file. Practically it is a horror, because there is just few tutorials about dynamic menus. Almost every tutorial uses plugin.xml. But I cannot do it this way. I need to load items from a XML file depending on the workspace choosen. The file contains menu structure including key bindigs. That's my problem. I've never found how to bind keys with commands dynamically.
Fortunately the menu item has a method, wich can be used to get this task done:
MenuItem menuItem = new MenuItem(menu, SWT.CHECK, index);
menuItem.setAccelerator(SWT.SHIFT | SWT.ALT | 'G');
Nevetheless to get list of the key bindings already used in current Eclipse instance is not so trivial. Most likely they must be instpected by going through list of plugins and their menu contributions.