Create-React-App: What's the best way to include CSS from node_module directory - create-react-app

I'm trying to include some CSS in my create-react-app project. The CSS is from a 3rd party NPM package and therefore its in the node_modules directory.
I tried:
import '/node_modules/packagename/css/styles.css';
But I get the error:
Module not found: You attempted to import /node_modules/packagename/css/styles.css which falls outside of the project src/ directory. Relative imports outside of src/ are not supported. You can either move it inside src/, or add a symlink to it from project's node_modules/.
I would prefer to not move the CSS to src/ so it can be updated via NPM. I could symlink but as I develop on windows and deploy to linux this isn't ideal.
What's the best way from me to include the CSS?

Find the path of the css file
example: ./node_modules/packagename/dist/css/styles.css
Import using the path related to node_modules (anything after node_modules/ )
import 'packagename/dist/css/styles.css'

relative paths are unnecessary from node_modules and should not be the recommended way to include the css
all you have to do is leave off the preceding slash and node_modules directory same as importing a js package from node modules:
import 'package/css/style-to-import.css'
when using (s)css imports, use the tilde (~) to indicate an absolute import:
#import '~package/css/style-to-import.css'

A distinction not made from the previous answers is it depends on where you're importing the CSS into; a component or into a stylesheet.
If you're importing a node_modules stylesheet into a component, you don't need a relative path like mentioned above.
import 'packagename/dist/css/styles.css'
However, if you're importing a node_modules stylesheet into a CSS/SCSS file, you need to use tilde ~.
#import '~packagename/dist/css/styles.css'

I found this a bug of a pain. specially my webpack.config.js is not running anymore.
specially react app is now running in src folder and the import files need to be in the public folder.
i was using materialize-social and found out the easiest way is to move node_module file folder "materialize-social" to the public directory any other way please commend it down.


How to handle project assets with NPM together with SonataAdminBundle?

Since version 4.x of SonataAdminBundle all assets are handled using NPM and WebPack.
In my project I also have some assets and JS libraries and I'm also using NPM and WebPack.
What should I do in this case? For example, SonataAdminBundle uses libraries such as jQuery, Bootstrap, but I also use them (in my package.json).
One of the ideas that came to my mind is to import the main "app.js" file (vendor/sonata-project/admin-bundle/assets/js/app.js) from SonataAdminBundle which contains all the required components to run to my main "app.js" file and then import my other additional libraries and assets. Next, I would then copy all the dependencies from the SonataAdminBundle package.json file (vendor/sonata-project/admin-bundle/package.json) and paste it into my package.json file.
I am not sure if this approach is correct.
The downside of this solution would be to compare the package.json files after each update of the SonataAdminBundle library and apply any changes.
Do you have other ideas to solve this problem?

How to let npm use sass which comes from local libsass-dev(installed by apt) instead of downloading its own package?

I have a libsass-dev on my system. But npm will download its own one, which is annoying. How to let npm makes use of libsass-dev?
You can try specifying the absolute path to your module, assuming is outside the node_modules folder.
You can try first the require.resolve('/path/to/my/Module') and if it finds it will return the path to the module, then do the require function.
Or You can create your own folder inside node_modules and require the full folder, something like require('./relativeOrAbsPath/To/My/node_modules/myModule'). The default file is index.js or You can mention in the package.json file using the main property to specify another file name.
Also you can update your modules path using this npm module but this looks first on your node_modules folder. However on prior version 1.x is starting for the bottom of the module.paths list.

What's the correct approach for re-building a npm package within my own project?

I built an admin template (css + js) and I uploaded it to npm. The package contains the compiled css/js files in the "dist" folder, and the scss files in the "build" folder. The package has several dependencies which are listed as devDependencies in the package.json:
"devDependencies": {
"": "^1.10.19",
"dropzone": "^5.5.1",
"laravel-mix": "^4.0.13",
There are no dependencies, which I assume is correct because I directly use the compiled css/js (the js is just jQuery code).
There's an admin.scss file which has all the imports:
#import 'abstracts/variables';
I'm using the admin package in a PHP project (Laravel). The admin package is included in the devDependencies of my PHP project. The admin.css file is included in the php.scss file:
#import '../../node_modules/admin-template/dist/css/admin.css';
The problem:
I need to change some variables of the admin.scss file. So, instead of include the compiled css I need to include the scss:
#import '../../node_modules/admin-template/build/scss/admin';
If I do that, I get errors because the admin template devDependencies are not installed in my node_modules.
If do a npm install within the admin template folder, a node_modules folder is created and all the dependencies are installed inside that folder.
But the errors doens't go away, I think is because of the tilde used in the imports of the scss file: #import ''. It's looking for the files in the root folder (not within the package).
What should I do?
Add all the admin template devDependencies as devDependencies of my PHP project? Doesn't seems right.
List the admin template devDependencies as dependencies, so when I install the package, all the dependencies get installed too? Doesn't seems right either, those are devDependencies.
Remove the tilde ~ off all the #imports in the admin.scss file? So if I need to include directly the scss I need to do an npm install within the package. And if I already have some of that packages installed in my node_modules, they'll be twice.
Any other options?
Short answer, also put them into "optionalDependencies" field of admin-template/package.json.
This way, when you:
cd php-project
npm install admin-template
# or simply `npm install` if it's already in "dependencies"
"optionalDependencies" of admin-template, like will be installed into top-level node_modules folder. Plus, "optionalDependencies", the semantic seems pretty damn right to me.
Now if you really care about the install footprint for users who only use .css in your package, then unfortunately, no easy way to do it.
You inevitably require users of .scss to do some extra work. You either provide a guide for them on how to do it manually, or you can provide a script to automate that.
One possible solution is you also provide a bin file.
admin-template/bin/admin-template-enable-sass.js # or .sh if you prefer
// package.json
"bin": "bin/admin-template-enable-sass.js"
This way, when user npm install admin-template, that bin file is symlinked to top-level node_module/.bin, making it runnable with npx cli command.
Now your .scss advance user can simply type:
npx admin-template-enable-sass
to let your script take care things for them.

should I add app.js file in gitignore for nodejs/vuejs app?

I am new to vuejs. Recently I noticed that when I pull, it says conflict in app.js file. But I can't find the issue as app.js file is big.
Sould I add this file to gitignore file?
what is best practice to work with vue js?
I imagine you are building to a folder /dist and the app.js being conflited is the one inside of it.
You should ignore the /dist altogether. This folder is generated on the building process, meaning everyone that runs the project will update and create it.
Here is the default vue-cli .gitignore:
# local env files
# Log files
# Editor directories and files
Not that not anything here may be useful to put in your own .gitignore. But you should for sure have at least node_modules and /dist.
If you are building the Vue project by scratch then I can say the following, when building/compiling your Vue project, best practices say that you should handle your entire production ready project in a dist/ or build/ directory where your main app.js file where the conflicts you are having would occur. This directory is only reserved for deploying the app and is not saved into your code repository, hence on why you should add to the .gitignore file the directory that holds such production files.

packaging scss with npm

I have a set of scss file that I package as a library for reuse in several other web applications. I am aware that in my package.son for js files, I can specify the entry point in main property. Not sure how to specify this for scss file libraries. I have a main.scss that includes all the scss files that I developed and that imports the thirdparty sass files that need. I looked up how bootstrap the scss files and found that they don't really mention the main stylesheet in the package.json.
Do I need to define the main property in the package.json or leave it documented on how the scss files need to be resolved from node_modules?
If you're using node-sass (or something that depends on node-sass) to compile your sass then you can use sass-module-importer to import your own main.scss.
In your repository with your main.scss file you just need to set the "style" or "main" property in your package.json to point to your main.scss file (example here:
If the third party scripts you import into your main.scss file do not have a style or main property in their package.json, then the imports in your main.scss file will need to point to that file from the node_modules folder (e.g. #import './node_modules/third-party-lib/src/index.scss') because sass-module-importer will not be able to resolve that dependency for you.