Kotlin constructor delegation to inner data class? - kotlin

We have an abstract Java class (which we can't modify) called AbstractClass that we want to implement in Kotlin. A requirement is the Kotlin implementation is serializable/deserializable to JSON using vanilla Jackson Databind. This has lead us to the following implementation:
class MyClass(private val data: MyClassData? = null) : AbstractClass<MyClassData>(MyClass::class.java, "1") {
data class MyClassData(var name: String = "", var age: Int = 0) : AbstractData
override fun getData(): MyClassData? {
return data
This class will always be used from Java and currently you can instantiate it like this (Java):
MyClass myClass = new MyClass(new MyClassData("John Doe", 25));
But we'd prefer to instantiate it like this instead:
MyClass myClass = new MyClass("John Doe", 25);
I can of course change the Kotlin code to something like this:
class MyClass(#JsonIgnore private var name: String = "", #JsonIgnore private var age: Int = 0) : AbstractClass<MyClassData>(MyClass::class.java, "1") {
data class MyClassData(var name: String = "", var age: Int = 0) : AbstractData
private var data : MyClassData? = null
init {
data = MyClassData(name, age)
override fun getData(): MyClassData? {
return data
but this is very verbose and kind of defeats the purpose of using Kotlin.
What I think I'd like to do is something like this (pseudo code):
class MyClass(private val data: MyClassData? = null by MyClassData) : AbstractClass<MyClassData>(MyClass::class.java, "1") {
data class MyClassData(var name: String = "", var age: Int = 0) : AbstractData
override fun getData(): MyClassData? {
return data
(note the by MyClassData in the MyClass constructor which obviously doesn't work)
I.e. I'd like to somehow destruct or delegate the constructor of MyClass to take the same arguments as MyClassData without duplicating them. Is this something you can do in Kotlin or is there another way to solve it without adding too much code?

I think your main concerns are: (a) concise external API, (b) clean internal state (for Jackson)
Secondary Constructor
This is pretty lean:
class MyClass internal constructor(private val data: MyClassData)
: AbstractClass<MyClass>(MyClass::class.java, "1") {
data class MyClassData(var name: String, var age: Int) : AbstractData
constructor(name: String, age: Int) : this(MyClassData(name, age))
override fun getData(): MyClassData? = data
Simple API without creating extra fields (though I think this syntax is misleading):
val myClass = MyClass("John Doe", 25)
Pass-Thru Params & Initializer:
This was my first idea: directly pull out the outer class' params (though I now think the secondary constructor is nicer since it doesn't pollute the outer class):
class MyClass(#JsonIgnore private val name: String, #JsonIgnore private val age: Int)
: AbstractClass<MyClass>(MyClass::class.java, "1") {
data class MyClassData(var name: String, var age: Int) : AbstractData
private val data = MyClassData(this#MyClass.name, this#MyClass.age)
override fun getData(): MyClassData? = data
...again, same API:
val myClass = MyClass("John Doe", 25)
This approach has potentially more descriptive syntax:
class MyClass(private val data : MyClassData)
: AbstractClass<MyClass>(MyClass::class.java, "1") {
data class MyClassData(var name: String, var age: Int) : AbstractData
companion object Factory {
fun create(name: String, age: Int) = MyClass(MyClassData(name, age))
override fun getData(): MyClassData? = data
This can be called like this:
val myClass = MyClass.Factory.create("John Doe", 25)
Conceptual Syntax: Structuring (DOES NOT EXIST)
I kind of like the idea of a 'structuring' syntax for method arguments that would group inputs into an object (the opposite of destructuring); a bit like varargs (i.e. syntactic sugar):
class MyClass(
private val data: (name: String, age: Int) : MyClassData(name, age)
) { ... }
This could be called in either of two ways:
val myClass1 = MyClass(MyClassData("John Doe", 25))
val myClass2 = MyClass("John Doe", 25)
In practice it's a rare requirement, and easily manageable with explicit overloads for just a few extra chars, so I don't think it will ever happen.


kotlin data class constructors not getting picked up

I am creating a data class in kotlin as such
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int)
constructor(name: String, age: Int, size: String): this(name, age) {
In my main function, I can access the objects as such:
fun main(){
val x = User("foo", 5, "M")
println(x.size) // does not work
My problem is that I can't get access to size.
What I am trying to do is, create a data class where top level params are the common items that will be accessed, and in the constructors, have additional params that fit certain situations. The purpose is so that I can do something like
// something along the lines of
if (!haveSize()){
val person = User("foo", 5, "M")
} else {
val person = User("foo", 5)
Any ideas?
In Kotlin you do not need separate constructors for defining optional constructor params. You can define them all in a single constructor with default values or make them nullable, like this:
data class User(val name: String, val age: Int, val size: String = "M")
fun main(){
val x = User("foo", 5, "L")
val y = User("foo", 5)
println(x.size) // "L" from call site
println(y.size) // "M" from default param
You can not access size variable, because this is from secondary construct, but we have alternative variant.
data class User(var name: String, var age: Int) {
var size: String
init {
size = "size"
constructor(name: String, age: Int, size: String) : this(name, age) {
this.size = size
In short, you want to have one property that can be one of a limited number of options. This could be solved using generics, or sealed inheritance.
Here I've added an interface, MountDetails, with a generic parameter, T. There's a single property, val c, which is of type T.
data class User(
val mountOptions: MountOptions,
val mountDetails: MountDetails<*>,
data class MountOptions(
val a: String,
val b: String
interface MountDetails<T : Any> {
val c: T
data class MountOneDetails(override val c: Int) : MountDetails<Int>
data class MountTwoDetails(override val c: String) : MountDetails<String>
Because the implementations MountDetails (MountOneDetails and MountTwoDetails) specify the type of T to be Int or String, val c can always be accessed.
fun anotherCaller(user: User) {
fun main() {
val mt = MountOptions("foo", "bar")
val mountOneDetails = MountOneDetails(111)
anotherCaller(User(mt, mountOneDetails))
val mountTwoDetails = MountTwoDetails("mount two")
anotherCaller(User(mt, mountTwoDetails))
MountTwoDetails(c=mount two)
Generics have downsides though. If there are lots of generic parameters it's messy, and it can be difficult at runtime to determine the type of classes thanks to type-erasure.
Sealed inheritance
Since you only have a limited number of mount details, a much neater solution is sealed classes and interfaces.
data class User(val mountOptions: MountOptions)
sealed interface MountOptions {
val a: String
val b: String
data class MountOneOptions(
override val a: String,
override val b: String,
val integerData: Int,
) : MountOptions
data class MountTwoOptions(
override val a: String,
override val b: String,
val stringData: String,
) : MountOptions
The benefit here is that there's fewer classes, and the typings are more specific. It's also easy to add or remove an additional mount details, and any exhaustive when statements will cause a compiler error.
fun anotherCaller(user: User) {
// use an exhaustive when to determine the actual type
when (user.mountOptions) {
is MountOneOptions -> println(user.mountOptions.integerData)
is MountTwoOptions -> println(user.mountOptions.stringData)
// no need for an 'else' branch
fun main() {
val mountOne = MountOneOptions("foo", "bar", 111)
val mountTwo = MountTwoOptions("foo", "bar", "mount two")
mount two
This is really the "default values" answer provided by Hubert Grzeskowiak adjusted to your example:
data class OneDetails(val c: Int)
data class TwoDetails(val c: String)
data class MountOptions(val a: String, val b: String)
data class User(
val mountOptions: MountOptions,
val detailsOne: OneDetails? = null,
val detailsTwo: TwoDetails? = null
fun main() {
fun anotherCaller(user: User) = println(user)
val mt = MountOptions("foo", "bar")
val one = OneDetails(1)
val two = TwoDetails("2")
val switch = "0"
when (switch) {
"0" -> anotherCaller(User(mt))
"1" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsOne = one))
"2" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsTwo = two))
"12" -> anotherCaller(User(mt, detailsOne = one, detailsTwo = two))
else -> throw IllegalArgumentException(switch)

Kotlin pass through constructor parameters to parent without declaring in child

My use case:
I have a large number of POJO models that are different types of requests for a third-party API. All of them have several common fields and a couple unique ones.
I was hoping to build something that conceptually looks like this
class RequestBase(
val commonField1: String,
val commonField2: String,
val commonFieldX: String
class RequestA(
val uniqueFieldA: String
): RequestBase()
class RequestB(
val uniqueFieldB: String
): RequestBase()
fun main() {
val requestA = RequestA(
commonField1 = "1",
commonField2 = "2",
uniqueFieldA = "A"
I can of course override the common fields in every child request and then pass them to the parent constructor, but this ends up producing a lot of boilerplate code and bloats the model. Are there any options I can explore here?
Notice that what you are doing in the parentheses that follow a class declaration is not "declaring what properties this class has", but "declaring the parameters of this class' primary constructor". The former is just something you can do "along the way", by adding var or val.
Each class can have its own primary constructor that take any number and types of parameters that it likes, regardless of what class its superclass is. Therefore, it is not unreasonable to have to specify all the parameters of the constructor:
open class RequestBase(
val commonField1: String,
val commonField2: String,
val commonFieldX: String
class RequestA(
// notice that the parameters for the inherited properties don't have the
// "val" prefix, because you are not declaring them in the subclass again.
// These are just constructor parameters.
commonField1: String,
commonField2: String,
commonFieldX: String,
val uniqueFieldA: String,
): RequestBase(
If you find this unpleasant, there are a bunch of ways to work around this.
One way is to use composition and delegation - create an interface having the common properties. The specific requests' primary constructors will take a RequestBase and their unique properties, and implement the interface by delegating to the RequestBase:
interface Request {
val commonField1: String
val commonField2: String
val commonFieldX: String
open class RequestBase(
override val commonField1: String,
override val commonField2: String,
override val commonFieldX: String
): Request
class RequestA(
val requestBase: RequestBase,
val uniqueField: String
): Request by requestBase
This allows you to access someRequestA.commonFieldX directly, without doing someRequestA.requestBase.commonFieldX, but to create a RequestA, you need to create a RequestBase first:
uniqueField = ...
Another way is to change your properties to vars, give them default values, and move them out of the constructor parameters:
open class RequestBase {
var commonField1: String = ""
var commonField2: String = ""
var commonFieldX: String = ""
class RequestA: RequestBase() {
var uniqueField: String = ""
Then to create an instance of RequestA, you would just call its parameterless constructor, and do an apply { ... } block:
RequestA().apply {
commonField1 = "foo"
commonField2 = "bar"
commonFieldX = "baz"
uniqueField = "boo"
The downside of this is of course that the properties are all mutable, and you have to think of a default value for every property. You might have to change some properties to nullable because of this, which might not be desirable.
You can't do it with constructors of base class. Without constructors it's possible:
open class RequestBase {
lateinit var commonField1: String
lateinit var commonField2: String
lateinit var commonFieldX: String
class RequestA(
val uniqueFieldA: String
): RequestBase()
class RequestB(
val uniqueFieldB: String
): RequestBase()
fun main() {
val requestA = RequestA(
uniqueFieldA = "A"
).apply {
commonField1 = "1"
commonField2 = "2"
commonFieldX = "X"

Serialize enum field into JSON in Kotlin

I've got a stupid question that stunned me a bit.
I have an enum and a data class like this:
enum class MyEventType(val typeName: String) {
data class MyEvent(
val id: String,
val event: MyEventType
I need to send this as a json string, but common desearilizer makes such a json
"id": "identifier",
"event": "FIRST"
but i need
"id": "identifier",
"event": "firstEventReceived"
As far as i understand, kotlin allows to override getter in data class, but i didn't succeed in it... Trying to make
data class MyEvent(
val id: String
) {
val event: MyEventType get() event.typeName
but i've missed something, i guess...
The simplest way is probably to annotate the property with #JsonValue:
enum class MyEventType(#JsonValue val typeName: String) {
data class MyEvent(
val id: String,
val event: MyEventType
fun main() {
MyEvent(id = "foo", event = MyEventType.FIRST)
.let { jacksonObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(it) }
.let { println(it) }
The easiest way is to annotate the typeName with #JsonValue. This will serialise and deserialise the enum field as you want.
enum class MyEventType(#JsonValue val typeName: String) {
An alternative is to use #JsonFormat (if you are using jackson version < 2.9);
enum class MyEventType(#JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT) val typeName: String) {
Herer's an example;
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val mapper = jacksonObjectMapper()
val json = mapper.writeValueAsString(MyEvent("1", MyEventType.FIRST))
val event = mapper.readValue<MyEvent>(json)
You get the output;
MyEvent(id=1, event=FIRST)
I used Jackson version 2.12.0. Here's a good read on enum manipulation with Jackson - https://www.baeldung.com/jackson-serialize-enums
Also you can have enum with 2+ fields which you want to be serialized
enum class MyEventType(
val firstField: String,
val secondField: String,
val thirdField: String
) {
MY_ENUM("firstFieldValue", "secondFieldValue", "thirdFieldValue")
You can chose one of the following two options:
Put #JsonValue over a method(lets call it getter) that will return the required value(if you need only part of the fields):
fun getSerializedObject(): String {
return "{firstField: $firstField, thirdField: $thirdField}"
Result will be "{firstField: firstFieldValue, thirdField: thirdFieldValue}"
Put #JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT) over your enum class(for serialization class as common class):
#JsonFormat(shape = JsonFormat.Shape.OBJECT)
enum class MyEventType(
val firstField: String,
val secondField: String,
val thirdField: String
) {
MY_ENUM("firstField", "secondField", "thirdField")
Result will be "{"firstField": "firstFieldValue", "secondField": "secondFieldValue", "thirdField": "thirdFieldValue"}"
For GSON users, you can use the #SerializedName annotation:
enum class ConnectionStatus {

Avoid repetition of same logic

I have the following data classes:
sealed class ExampleDto
object Type1ExampleDto : ExampleDto()
object Type2ExampleDto : ExampleDto()
data class Type3ExampleDto(val name: Int, val age: Int) : ExampleDto()
data class Type4ExampleDto(val name: Int, val age: Int) : ExampleDto()
data class Type5ExampleDto(val email: String) : ExampleDto()
data class Type6ExampleDto(val name: Int, val age: Int, val email: String) : ExampleDto()
In particular, Type3ExampleDto, Type4ExampleDto and Type6ExampleDto share some common fields but it's important for my business logic to distinguish between types (i.e. even if Type3ExampleDto and Type4ExampleDto are identical, I have to know if I'm in the type3 or type4 case).
In one of my method I have the following call:
when (type) {
is Type3ExampleDto -> myMethod(type.vote, type.text)
is Type4ExampleDto -> myMethod(type.vote, type.text)
is Type6ExampleDto -> myMethod(type.vote, type.text)
else -> null
I find very ugly that I'm doing the same operation in all 3 cases and repeating the same line...
It makes sense to made Type3ExampleDto, Type4ExampleDto and Type6ExampleDto an implementation of some kind of interface just because only in this point I'm doing this kind of ugly repetition?
If all three dtos implement the following interface
interface MyInterface{
fun getVote() : Int
fun getText() : String
I can write:
if (type is MyInterface) {
myMethod(type.getVote(), type.getText())
So, it's acceptable to create this interface just to solve this isolated repetition?
Note you can do it much more cleanly like this:
interface NameAndAgeDto {
val name: Int
val age: Int
data class Type3ExampleDto(override val name: Int, override val age: Int) : ExampleDto(), NameAndAgeDto
if (type is NameAndAgeDto) {
myMethod(type.name, type.age)
Whether it's "acceptable" is opinion. Looks fine to me.
You may change your model to have your logic based on behaviour instead of inheritance.
This way of modelling is based on principles of (but ain't exactly) Strategy Design Pattern.
interface HasName {
val name: String
interface HasAge {
val age: Int
interface HasEmail {
val email: String
object Type1
object Type2
data class Type3(
override val name: String,
override val age: Int
) : HasName, HasAge
data class Type4(
override val name: String,
override val age: Int
) : HasName, HasAge
data class Type5(
override val email: String
) : HasEmail
data class Type6(
override val name: String,
override val age: Int,
override val email: String
) : HasName, HasAge, HasEmail
// Then you can pass any object to it.
fun main(obj: Any) {
// Koltin type-casts it nicely to both interfaces.
if (obj is HasName && obj is HasAge) {
myMethod(text = obj.name, vote = obj.age)
fun myMethod(vote: Int, text: String) {
If you still want all the types to belong to some parent type, you can use marker interface (without any methods).
interface DTO
interface HasName {
val name: String
interface HasAge {
val age: Int
interface HasEmail {
val email: String
object Type1 : DTO
object Type2 : DTO
data class Type3(
override val name: String,
override val age: Int
) : HasName, HasAge, DTO
data class Type4(
override val name: String,
override val age: Int
) : HasName, HasAge, DTO
data class Type5(
override val email: String
) : HasEmail, DTO
data class Type6(
override val name: String,
override val age: Int,
override val email: String
) : HasName, HasAge, HasEmail, DTO
// Here, it is DTO instead of Any
fun main(obj: DTO) {
if (obj is HasName && obj is HasAge) {
myMethod(text = obj.name, vote = obj.age)
And use sealed class instead of marker interface if you need classes as enum.
In that case, when over sealed class is exhaustive with all options without null ->.

Access properties of a subclass of the declared object type

I have the following abstract class:
abstract class AbstractBook {
abstract val type: String
abstract val privateData: Any
abstract val publicData: Any
and the following class which inherits the AbstactBook class:
data class FantasyBook (
override val type: String = "FANTASY",
override val privateData: FantasyBookPrivateData,
override val publicData: FantasyBookPublicData
) : AbstractBook()
And then there is this class which should include data from any type of AbstractBook:
data class BookState(
val owner: String,
val bookData: AbstractBook,
val status: String
If I have an instance of BookState, how do I check which type of Book it is and then access the according FantasyBookPrivateData, and FantasyBookPublicData variables?
I hope I described my issue well & thanks in advance for any help!
What you describe is a sealed class:
sealed class Book<T, K> {
abstract val type: String
abstract val privateData: T
abstract val publicData: K
data class FantasyBook(
override val type: String = "FANTASY",
override val privateData: String,
override val publicData: Int) : Book<String, Int>()
and in your data class you can do pattern matching like this:
data class BookState(
val owner: String,
val bookData: Book<out Any, out Any>,
val status: String) {
init {
when(bookData) {
is Book.FantasyBook -> {
val privateData: String = bookData.privateData
to access your data in a type-safe manner. This solution also makes type redundant since you have that information in the class itself.
I agree with #Marko Topolnik that this seems like a code smell, so you might want to rethink your design.
interface AbstractBook<T , U> {
val privateData: T
val publicData: U
data class FantasyBook (
override val privateData: FantasyBookPrivateData,
override val publicData: FantasyBookPublicData
) : AbstractBook<FantasyBookPrivateData , FantasyBookPublicData>
data class BookState(
val owner: String,
val bookData: AbstractBook<*, *>,
val status: String
if(bookState.bookData is FantasyBook) {
// Do stuff
Creating a type variable is a weak type language writing style. You should use generic class.