RxAlamofire: Ambiguous reference to member 'json(_:_:parameters:encoding:headers:)' - rxalamofire

When I try to compile the code below, I get an error:
Ambiguous reference to member 'json(::parameters:encoding:headers:)'
The code was copied and pasted from a RxAlamofire Github repository page
import RxSwift
import RxAlamofire
class CurrencyRest {
static func getJson() {
let stringURL = "https://api.fixer.io/latest"
// MARK: NSURLSession simple and fast
let session = URLSession.init()
_ = session.rx.json(.get, stringURL)
.subscribe { print($0) }

To fix the error, session.rx.json(url:) is the way to go, it's from RxCocoa, although for RxAlamofire, you don't have to use URLSession rx extension, instead, use json(::parameters:encoding:headers:), e.g. json(.get, stringURL), which returns an Observable<Any> that you can use as JSON.


Unresolved reference: grgit

This is my world server land plug-in, and I don't know much about gradle and kotlin.(Know some front-end, but every line is like a mountain)
I encountered a problem when compiling. It seems that I lack something called grgit.
How to solve this problem?
Or you can try to compile this project. If you succeed, don't forget to tell me your method. Thank you very much!
import java.time.format.DateTimeFormatter
dependencies {
// Expected everywhere.
// Minecraft expectations
// Platform expectations
// Adventure
// Guice
api(libs.guice) {
exclude(group = "com.google.guava")
api(libs.guiceassistedinject) {
exclude("com.google.inject", "guice")
// Plugins
compileOnlyApi(libs.worldeditCore) {
exclude(group = "bukkit-classloader-check")
exclude(group = "mockito-core")
exclude(group = "dummypermscompat")
compileOnlyApi(libs.fastasyncworldeditCore) { isTransitive = false }
testImplementation(libs.fastasyncworldeditCore) { isTransitive = false }
// Logging
// Other libraries
api(libs.pipeline) {
exclude(group = "com.google.guava")
tasks.processResources {
filesMatching("plugin.properties") {
"version" to project.version.toString(),
"commit" to rootProject.grgit.head().abbreviatedId, // The error points here
"date" to rootProject.grgit.head().dateTime.format(DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yy.MM.dd")) // The error points here
Problems arising
Address of this project: https://github.com/IntellectualSites/PlotSquared
Thanks again!
First, you need to declare the grgit variable before using it, that's why you're getting the error.
Add plugin for grgit in the plugins{} block:
id("org.ajoberstar.grgit") version "4.0.2"
Import Grgit like this:
import org.ajoberstar.grgit.Grgit
Then, declare the variable grgit like this:
val grgit = Grgit.open(mapOf("currentDir" to project.rootDir))

Can we overwrite 'expect' method of testcafe's TestController

I am looking for a way to overwrite expect method for TestController. My idea is existing tests whoever used t.expect method, I want to perform additional steps in those cases.
I came up with below sample code but testcafe runtime fails with below error
TypeError: Cannot read property '_expect$' of undefined
sample code attempting to override:
import { Selector } from "testcafe";
fixture`Getting Started`.page`http://devexpress.github.io/testcafe/example`;
test("My first test", async (t) => {
t = modify(t);
await t.typeText("#developer-name", "John Smith").click("#submit-button");
// Use the assertion to check if the actual header text is equal to the expected one
await t
.eql("Thank you, John Smith!");
function modify(t) {
let prevExpect = t.expect;
t.expect = (param) => {
console.log("modified expecte has been used");
return prevExpect(param);
return t;
Also, when using t.click(Selector(...).expect(...), It doesn't use my overwritten expect. How to make it work in the call chain as well?
Technically, it's possible to overwrite the expect method, but please note that this approach may lead to incorrect work and unexpected errors.
You need to modify your modify function as follows:
function modify (t) {
let prevExpect = t.expect;
t.expect = (param) => {
console.log("modified expect has been used");
return prevExpect.call(t, param);
return t;
As for the t.click(Selector(...).expect(...) issue, you call the expect method of Selector, but Selector does not have the expect method.
You need to add ) after Selector:
await t.click(Selector(...)).expect(...)

What parameter should I feed to Frida `ObjC.api.class_addMethod()` to make it happy?

I want to use Frida to add a class method to the existing Objective C class on Mac OS. After I read the Frida docs, I tried the following code:
const NSString = ObjC.classes.NSString
function func (n) { console.log(n) }
var nativeCb = new NativeCallback(func, 'void', ['int'])
The above code looks straightforward. However, after the ObjC.api.class_addMethod() call, the attached App and the Frida REPL both froze, it looks that the pointers are not right.
I have tried many possible parameter values for a whole night but still can figure the problem out. What's wrong with my code?
Only two issues:
method_getTypeEncoding() can only be called on a Method, which the NativeCallback is not. You could pass it the handle of an existing Objective-C method that has the same signature as the one you're adding, or use Memory.allocUtf8String() to specify your own signature from scratch.
Objective-C methods, at the C ABI level, have two implicit arguments preceding the method's arguments. These are:
self: The class/instance the method is being invoked on.
_cmd: The selector.
Here's a complete example in TypeScript:
const { NSAutoreleasePool, NSString } = ObjC.classes;
const onTest = new NativeCallback(onTestImpl, "void", ["pointer", "pointer", "int"]);
function onTestImpl(selfHandle: NativePointer, cmd: NativePointer, n: number): void {
const self = new ObjC.Object(selfHandle);
console.log(`-[NSString onTestImpl]\n\tself="${self.toString()}"\n\tn=${n}`);
function register(): void {
function test(): void {
const pool = NSAutoreleasePool.alloc().init();
try {
const s = NSString.stringWithUTF8String_(Memory.allocUtf8String("yo"));
} finally {
function exposeToRepl(): void {
const g = global as any;
g.register = register;
g.test = test;
You can paste it into https://github.com/oleavr/frida-agent-example, and then with one terminal running npm run watch you can load it into a running app using the REPL: frida -n Telegram -l _agent.js. From the REPL you can then call register() to plug in the new method, and test() to take it for a spin.

Objective C Array completionHandler used in Swift

I have a completion handler in a framework written in Objective C...
This is a typedef for a block type. It takes an array of PHErrors.
typedef void (^PHBridgeSendErrorArrayCompletionHandler)(NSArray *errors);
When I try to use this in Swift, I'm doing....
anObject.aMethod(completionHandler: { (errors: [ AnyObject?]) -> () in
...rest of code
But I keep getting this error:
Cannot convert value of type '([AnyObject?]) -> ()' to expected argument type 'PHBridgeSendErrorArrayCompletionHandler!'
Can anyone help, I'm baffled, it looks like it should work to me.
Or better yet, you can still use your typedef as typealias.
typealias PHBridgeSendErrorArrayCompletionHandler = (_ errors: [Error]?) -> Void
func myFunctionWithErrorCompletion(completion: PHBridgeSendErrorArrayCompletionHandler) {
// Define empty array to add errors to
var errors:[Error]?
// Do Your Logic that may store errors to array
// Completion and pass errors
func anotherOfMyFunctions() {
// Call the function
myFunctionWithErrorCompletion { (errors) in
if let completionErrors = errors {
// React to errors
anObject.aMethod(completionHandler: { (errors: [ AnyObject?]) -> () in
should be
anObject.aMethod() { errors in
In order to dig any deeper, I have to know what PHBridgeSendErrorArrayCompletionHandler is
So my friend solved this problem by simply changing AnyObject to Any
(errors: [Any]?) in
Which baffles me because all objects in an NSArray are objects! So didn't think to try Any.
Im pretty new to Swift mind
Try this..
anObject.aMethod(completionHandler: { (errors:NSArray?) -> () in
...rest of code

How to address internal module when a name conflict exists in TypeScript

In my TypeScript project (using only internal modules), I want to include polyfills/extension for an existing library. For this example, I will use the RxJS library but the question/problem is not specific to this library.
The following code is what I came up with:
module MyModule.Rx {
Rx.Observable.prototype.myExtension = function() { /* ... */ };
The RxJS definitions (.d.ts files) are used and compiled together with the code. This leads to the following compiler error: 2339 Property 'Observable' does not exist on type 'typeof Rx'
As far as I can tell this happens because I used the same Rx identifier in MyModule.Rx. When switching the namespace in the first line to module MyModule.NotRx { everything works fine - the Observable type is correctly looked up from the RxJS .d.ts file.
So it seems that the names MyModule.Rx and the RxJS declared Rx namespaces are in conflict. I know that I could simply rename my namespace to MyModule.SomethingElse but that seems somewhat of a hack.
Having all polyfills/extensions for Rx in the MyModue.Rx namespace seems a natural choice for me - how can this be done in a clean way?
You can't do that.
Take this code in TypeScript:
var B = 'test';
module A.B {
// Declare a function
export function fn() {
// Tests
console.log(B); // Object { }
A.B.fn(); // valid
B.fn(); // valid
fn(); // valid
The message displayed in the console is: Object { } and not test. Look at the transpiled code:
var B = 'test'; // root scope
var A;
(function (A) {
var B; // same name, hide the root scope one
(function (B) {
// Declare a function
function fn() {
B.fn = fn;
// Tests
console.log(B); // Object { }
A.B.fn(); // valid
B.fn(); // valid
fn(); // valid
})(B = A.B || (A.B = {}));
})(A || (A = {}));
The module A.B is transpiled to two JavaScript variables A and B. We can use them in order to access to the exported members of the module: the function fn is accessible from A.B.fn, B.fn and fn. In the module, the variable B from the root scope is hidden by the variable B of the module.
You can't access to a global variable Rx from a module named Rx.
As mentioned by Tarh you cannot refer to an outer module if its been shadowed by a local variable. I've +1ed his answer and that should be the accepted answer. I'll just leave a few workarounds:
One workaround which you already know is to rename MyModule.Rx to something that doesn't have Rx. An alternative is to capture Rx with some other name:
import OrigRx = Rx;
module MyModule.Rx {
OrigRx.Observable.prototype.myExtension = function() { /* ... */ };
This is very similar to https://stackoverflow.com/a/29021964/390330