I can't find the pandas function that returns a one column Dataframe from a multi column DF.
I need the exact opposit function of the drop(['']) one.
Any ideas?
You can use the following notation to return a single column dataframe:
df = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randint(1, 100 ,(10, 5)), columns=list('ABCDE'))
df_out = df[['C']]
0 65
1 48
2 1
3 41
4 85
5 55
6 45
7 10
8 44
9 11
Note: df['C'] returns a series. And, you can use the to_frame method to convert that series into a dataframe. Or use the double brackets, [[]].
For completeness, I would like to show how we can use the parameter drop to obtain a one column dataframe from a multicolumn one. Also, I explain the result using the tidyverse universe (paper).
Working with a minimal example for a dataframe DF
DF <- data.frame(a = 1:2, b = c("e", "f"))
#> 'data.frame': 2 obs. of 2 variables:
#> $ a: int 1 2
#> $ b: chr "e" "f"
By the way, note that in R versions lower than 4.0, column b would be a factor by default (unless we use stringsAsFactors= FALSE)
Operator [ returns a list (dataframe) as it preserves the original structure (dataframe)
#> a
#> 1 1
#> 2 2
#> a
#> 1 1
#> 2 2
On the other hand, operator [[ simplifies the result to the simplest structure possible, a vector for a one-column dataframe. In the three expressions of it, you always get the simplified version (a vector)
#> [1] 1 2
#> [1] 1 2
#> [1] 1 2
Finally, using [ with row and column dimension
DF[, 1]
#> [1] 1 2
also returns the simplified version because the parameter drop is set to TRUE by default. Setting it to FALSE, you preserve the structure and obtain a one-column dataframe
DF[, 1, drop = FALSE]
#> a
#> 1 1
#> 2 2
A good explanation of this point can be found at: Advanced R by Hadley Wickham, CRC, 2015, section 3.2.1 or section 4.2.5 in the on-line version of the book (June 2021)
Finally, within the tidyverse universe CRAN, you always obtain a dataframe (tibble) when selecting one column
DF %>%
#> b
#> 1 e
#> 2 f
DF %>%
#> a
#> 1 1
#> 2 2
DF %>%
#> a
#> 1 1
#> 2 2
Created on 2021-06-04 by the reprex package (v0.3.0)
It is very simple just use the double brace to select it.
It will return the result in Data Frame. You can check it by type(df)
# First create a data frame to check this
column = df[['Risk']]
I am performing a grouby and apply over a dataframe that is returning some strange results, I am using pandas 1.3.1
Here is the code:
ddf = pd.DataFrame({
"id": [1,1,1,1,2]
def do_something(df):
return "x"
ddf["title"] = ddf.groupby("id").apply(do_something)
I would expect every row in the title column to be assigned the value "x" but when this happens I get this data:
id title
0 1 NaN
1 1 x
2 1 x
3 1 NaN
4 2 NaN
Is this expected?
The result is not strange, it's the right behavior: apply returns a value for the group, here 1 and 2 which becomes the index of the aggregation:
>>> list(ddf.groupby("id"))
[(1, # the group name (the future index of the grouped df)
id # the subset dataframe of the group 2
0 1
1 1
2 1
3 1),
(2, # the group name (the future index of the grouped df)
id # the subset dataframe of the group 2
4 2)]
Why I have a result? Because the label of the group is found in the same of your dataframe index:
>>> ddf.groupby("id").apply(do_something)
1 x
2 x
dtype: object
Now change the id like this:
ddf['id'] += 10
# id
# 0 11
# 1 11
# 2 11
# 3 11
# 4 12
ddf["title"] = ddf.groupby("id").apply(do_something)
# id title
# 0 11 NaN
# 1 11 NaN
# 2 11 NaN
# 3 11 NaN
# 4 12 NaN
Or change the index:
ddf.index += 10
# id
# 10 1
# 11 1
# 12 1
# 13 1
# 14 2
ddf["title"] = ddf.groupby("id").apply(do_something)
# id title
# 10 1 NaN
# 11 1 NaN
# 12 1 NaN
# 13 1 NaN
# 14 2 NaN
Yes it is expected.
First of all the apply(do_something) part works like a charme, it is the groupby right before that causes the problem.
A Groupby returns a groupby object, which is a little different to a normal dataframe. If you debug and inspect what the groupby returns, then you can see you need some form of summary function to use it(mean max or sum).If you run one of them as example like this:
df = ddf.groupby("id")
it leads to this result:
Empty DataFrame
Columns: []
Index: [1, 2]
After that do_something is applied to index 1 and 2 only; and then integrated into your original df. This is why you only have index 1 and 2 with x.
For now I would recommend leave out the groupby since it is not clear why you want to use it here anyway.
And have a deeper look into the groupby object
If need new column in aggregate function use GroupBy.transform, is necessary specified column after groupby used for processing, here id:
ddf["title"] = ddf.groupby("id")['id'].transform(do_something)
Or assign new column in function:
def do_something(x):
x['title'] = 'x'
return x
ddf = ddf.groupby("id").apply(do_something)
Explanation why not workin gis in another answers.
I am trying to
filter dataframe groups in Pandas, based on multiple (any) conditions.
but I cannot seem to get to a fast Pandas 'native' one-liner.
Here I generate an example dataframe of 2*n*n rows and 4 columns:
import itertools
import random
n = 100
lst = range(0, n)
df = pd.DataFrame(
{'A': list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(x, n*2) for x in lst)),
'B': list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(itertools.repeat(x, 1*2) for x in lst)) * n,
'C': random.choices(list(range(100)), k=2*n*n),
'D': random.choices(list(range(100)), k=2*n*n)
resulting in dataframes such as:
0 0 0 26 49
1 0 0 29 80
2 0 1 70 92
3 0 1 7 2
4 1 0 90 11
5 1 0 19 4
6 1 1 29 4
7 1 1 31 95
I want to
select groups grouped by A and B,
filtered groups down to where any values in the group are greater than 50 in both columns C and D,
A "native" Pandas one-liner would be the following:
test.groupby([test.A, test.B]).filter(lambda x: ((x.C>50).any() & (x.D>50).any()) )
which produces
2 0 1 70 92
3 0 1 7 2
This is all fine for small dataframes (say n < 20).
But this solution takes quite long (for example, 4.58 s when n = 100) for large dataframes.
I have an alternative, step-by-step solution which achieves the same result, but runs much faster (28.1 ms when n = 100):
test_g = test.assign(key_C = test.C>50, key_D = test.D>50).groupby([test.A, test.B])
test_C_bool = test_g.key_C.transform('any')
test_D_bool = test_g.key_D.transform('any')
test[test_C_bool & test_D_bool]
but arguably a bit more ugly. My questions are:
Is there a better "native" Pandas solution for this task? , and
Is there a reason for the sub-optimal performance of my version of the "native" solution?
Bonus question:
In fact I only want to extract the groups and not together with their data. I.e., I only need
0 1
in the above example. Is there a way to do this with Pandas without going through the intermediate step I did above?
This is similar to your second approach, but chained together:
mask = (df[['C','D']].gt(50) # in the case you have different thresholds for `C`, `D` [50, 60]
.all(axis=1) # check for both True on the rows
.groupby([df['A'],df['B']]) # normal groupby
.transform('max') # 'any' instead of 'max' also works
If you don't want the data, you can forgo the transform:
mask = df[['C','D']].min(axis=1).gt(50).groupby([df['A'],df['B']]).any()
# out
# MultiIndex([(0, 1)],
# names=['A', 'B'])
Using a data set like this one
df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,5,size=(20, 3)), columns=['user_id','module_id','week'])
we often see this pattern:
df.groupby(['user_id'])['module_id'].count().to_frame().reset_index().rename({'module_id':'count'}, axis='columns')
But we get exactly the same result from
(N.B. we need the additional rename in the former because reset_index on Series (here) includes a name parameter and returns a data frame, while reset_index on DataFrame (here) does not include the name parameter.)
Is there any advantage in using to_frame first?
(I wondered if it might be an artefact of earlier versions of pandas, but that looks unlikely:
Series.reset_index was added in this commit on the 27th of January 2012.
Series.to_frame was added in this commit on the 13th of October 2013.
So Series.reset_index was available over a year before Series.to_frame.)
There is no noticeable advantage of using to_frame(). Both approaches can be used to achieve the same result. It is common in pandas to use multiple approaches for solving a problem. The only advantage I can think of is that for larger sets of data, it maybe more convenient to have a dataframe view first before resetting the index. If we take your dataframe as an example, you will find that to_frame() displays a dataframe view that maybe useful to understand the data in terms of a neat dataframe table v/s a count series. Also, the usage of to_frame() makes the intent more clear to a new user who looks at your code for the first time.
The example dataframe:
In [7]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.random.randint(0,5,size=(20, 3)), columns=['user_i
...: d','module_id','week'])
In [8]: df.head()
user_id module_id week
0 3 4 4
1 1 3 4
2 1 2 2
3 1 3 4
4 1 2 2
The count() function returns a Series:
In [18]: test1 = df.groupby(['user_id'])['module_id'].count()
In [19]: type(test1)
Out[19]: pandas.core.series.Series
In [20]: test1
0 2
1 7
2 4
3 6
4 1
Name: module_id, dtype: int64
In [21]: test1.index
Out[21]: Int64Index([0, 1, 2, 3, 4], dtype='int64', name='user_id')
Using to_frame makes it explicit that you intend to convert the Series to a Dataframe. The index here is user_id:
In [22]: test1.to_frame()
0 2
1 7
2 4
3 6
4 1
And now we reset the index and rename the column using Dataframe.rename. As you rightly pointed, Dataframe.reset_index() does not have a name parameter and therefore, we will have to rename the column explicitly.
In [24]: testdf1 = test1.to_frame().reset_index().rename({'module_id':'count'}, axis='columns')
In [25]: testdf1
user_id count
0 0 2
1 1 7
2 2 4
3 3 6
4 4 1
Now lets look at the other case. We will use the same count() series test1 but rename it as test2 to differentiate between the two approaches. In other words, test1 is equal to test2.
In [26]: test2 = df.groupby(['user_id'])['module_id'].count()
In [27]: test2
0 2
1 7
2 4
3 6
4 1
Name: module_id, dtype: int64
In [28]: test2.reset_index()
user_id module_id
0 0 2
1 1 7
2 2 4
3 3 6
4 4 1
In [30]: testdf2 = test2.reset_index(name='count')
In [31]: testdf1 == testdf2
user_id count
0 True True
1 True True
2 True True
3 True True
4 True True
As you can see both dataframes are equivalent, and in the second approach we just had to use reset_index(name='count') to both reset the index and rename the column name because Series.reset_index() does have a name parameter.
The second case has lesser code but is less readable for new eyes and I'd prefer the first approach of using to_frame() because it makes the intent clear: "Convert this count series to a dataframe and rename the column 'module_id' to 'count'".
Consider following dataframe which has columns with same name (Apparently this does happens, currently I have a dataset like this! :( )
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"a":range(10,15),"b":range(5,10)})
>>> df.rename(columns={"b":"a"},inplace=True)
a a
0 10 5
1 11 6
2 12 7
3 13 8
4 14 9
>>> df.columns
Index(['a', 'a'], dtype='object')
I would expect that when dropping by index , only the column with the respective index would be gone, but apparently this is not the case.
>>> df.drop(df.columns[-1],1)
Is there a way to get rid of columns with duplicated column names?
EDIT: I choose missleading values for the first column, fixed now
EDIT2: the expected outcome is
0 10
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
Actually just do this:
In [183]:
0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
So this index all rows and then uses the column mask generated from duplicated and invert the mask using ~
The output from duplicated:
In [184]:
array([False, True], dtype=bool)
As .ix is deprecated (since v0.20.1) you should do any of the following:
Thanks to #DavideFiocco for alerting me
If we have a known value in a column, how can we get its index-value? For example:
In [148]: a = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(10).reshape(5,2),columns=['c1','c2'])
In [149]: a
c1 c2
0 0 1
1 2 3
2 4 5
As we know, we can get a value by the index corresponding to it, like this.
In [151]: a.ix[0,1] In [152]: a.c2[0] In [154]: a.c2.ix[0] <-- use index
Out[151]: 1 Out[152]: 1 Out[154]: 1 <-- get value
But how to get the index by value?
There might be more than one index map to your value, it make more sense to return a list:
In [48]: a
c1 c2
0 0 1
1 2 3
2 4 5
3 6 7
4 8 9
In [49]: a.c1[a.c1 == 8].index.tolist()
Out[49]: [4]
Using the .loc[] accessor:
In [25]: a.loc[a['c1'] == 8].index[0]
Out[25]: 4
Can also use the get_loc() by setting 'c1' as the index. This will not change the original dataframe.
In [17]: a.set_index('c1').index.get_loc(8)
Out[17]: 4
The other way around using numpy.where() :
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
In [800]: df = pd.DataFrame(np.arange(10).reshape(5,2),columns=['c1','c2'])
In [801]: df
c1 c2
0 0 1
1 2 3
2 4 5
3 6 7
4 8 9
In [802]: np.where(df["c1"]==6)
Out[802]: (array([3]),)
In [803]: indices = list(np.where(df["c1"]==6)[0])
In [804]: df.iloc[indices]
c1 c2
3 6 7
In [805]: df.iloc[indices].index
Out[805]: Int64Index([3], dtype='int64')
In [806]: df.iloc[indices].index.tolist()
Out[806]: [3]
To get the index by value, simply add .index[0] to the end of a query. This will return the index of the first row of the result...
So, applied to your dataframe:
In [1]: a[a['c2'] == 1].index[0] In [2]: a[a['c1'] > 7].index[0]
Out[1]: 0 Out[2]: 4
Where the query returns more than one row, the additional index results can be accessed by specifying the desired index, e.g. .index[n]
In [3]: a[a['c2'] >= 7].index[1] In [4]: a[(a['c2'] > 1) & (a['c1'] < 8)].index[2]
Out[3]: 4 Out[4]: 3
I think this may help you , both index and columns of the values.
value you are looking for is not duplicated:
you can get its index and column
f h
q 1 1.0
g 1 NaN
Out[87]: [('q', 'f'), ('q', 'h'), ('g', 'f')]
you will get a list