unable to understand execution flow in lagom - lagom

I am following this tutorial - https://www.lagomframework.com/documentation/1.3.x/scala/ServiceImplementation.html
I created a logged service
//logged takes a ServerServiceCall as argument (serviceCall) and returns a ServerServiceCall.
//ServerServiceCall's compose method creates (composes) another ServerServiceCall
//we are returing the same ServerServiceCall that we received but are logging it using println
def logged[Request,Response](serviceCall:ServerServiceCall[Request,Response]) = {
println("inside logged");
//return new ServerServiceCall after logging request method and uri
requestHeader=>println(s"Received ${requestHeader.method} ${requestHeader.uri}")
I used logged as follows:
override def hello3 = logged(ServerServiceCall
{ (requestHeader,request) =>
println("inside ssc")
val incoming:Option[String] = requestHeader.getHeader("user");
val responseHeader = ResponseHeader.Ok.withHeader("status","authenticated")
incoming match {
case Some(s) => Future.successful((responseHeader,("hello3 found "+s)))
case None => Future.successful((responseHeader,"hello3 didn't find user"))
I expected that inside ssc would be printed first and then print in logged but it was opposite. Shouldn't the arguments passed to the function be evaluated first?
I got this. Why?
inside logged
Received POST /hello3
inside ssc

logged is a function that you've written that takes a ServiceCall and decorates it with its own ServiceCall. Later on, Lagom invokes the service call with the request header. You are logging inside logged at the point that the service call is decorated, before it has been returned to Lagom, and so before it has been invoked, that's why it gets invoked first. This might explain it:
def logged[Request, Response](serviceCall:ServerServiceCall[Request, Response]) = {
println("3. inside logged method, composing the service call")
val composed = ServerServiceCall.compose { requestHeader=>
println("6. now Lagom has invoked the logged service call, returning the actual service call that is wrapped")
println("4. Returning the composed service call")
override def hello3 = {
println("1. create the service call")
val actualServiceCall: ServerServiceCall[Request, Response] = ServerServiceCall { (requestHeader, request) =>
println("7. and now the actual service call has been invoked")
val incoming:Option[String] = requestHeader.getHeader("user");
val responseHeader = ResponseHeader.Ok.withHeader("status","authenticated")
incoming match {
case Some(s) => Future.successful((responseHeader,("hello3 found "+s)))
case None => Future.successful((responseHeader,"hello3 didn't find user"))
println("2. wrap it in the logged service call")
val loggedServiceCall = logged(actualServiceCall)
println("5. return the composed service call to Lagom")
The important thing to remember is that the invocation of the hello3 method is not the invocation of the service call, hello3 merely returns a ServiceCall that Lagom will use to invoke it.


Receiving ResponseAlreadySentException after attempting to respond to ApplicationCall objects passed through StateFlow

I am testing an event driven architecture in KTOR. My Core logic is held in a class that reacts to different Event types being emitted by a StateFlow. EventGenerators push Events into the StateFlow which are picked up by the Core.
However, when the Core attempts to respond to an ApplicationCall embedded in one of my Events I receive an ResponseAlreadySentException and I'm not sure why this would be the case. This does not happen if I bypass the StateFlow and call the Core class directly from the EventGenerator. I am not responding to ApplicationCalls anywhere else in my code, and have checked with breakpoints that the only .respond line is not being hit multiple times.
MyStateFlow class:
class MyStateFlow {
val state: StateFlow<CoreEvent>
get() = _state
private val _state = MutableStateFlow<CoreEvent>(CoreEvent.NothingEvent)
suspend fun update(event: CoreEvent) {
_state.value = event
My Core class:
class Core(
myStateFlow: MyStateFlow,
coroutineContext: CoroutineContext = SupervisorJob() + Dispatchers.IO
) {
init {
CoroutineScope(coroutineContext).launch {
myStateFlow.state.collect {
suspend fun onEvent(event: CoreEvent) {
when(event) {
is FooEvent {
event.call.respond(HttpStatusCode.OK, "bar")
One of my EventGenerators is a Route in my KTOR Application class:
get("/foo") {
However, hitting /f00 in my browser returns either an ResponseAlreadySentException or an java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException with message: "Headers can no longer be set because response was already completed". The error response can flip between the two while I'm tinkering with different attempted solutions, but they seem to be saying the same thing: The call has already been responded to before I attempt to call call.respond(...).
If I change my Route instead to call the Core.onEvent() directly, hitting /foo returns "bar" in my browser as is the intended behaviour:
get("/foo") {
For completeness, my dependency versions are:
implementation "org.jetbrains.kotlin:kotlin-stdlib-jdk8:1.4.10"
implementation "io.ktor:ktor-server-netty:1.4.1"
Thank you in advanced for any insight you can offer.

How to throwError within map of observable (rxjs6, ng6)

my question is similar to this one How to throw error from RxJS map operator (angular), but I'm on angular6 with rxjs6 and I guess all is changed ;)
I want to know, how I could propagate an Error-Object within map of an observable to the subscribe OnError Part. I always end up in the OnNext Part.
Here is what I have so far:
Within a ng-component I have maybe the following method call
this.dataStreamService.execCall({ method : 'order_list',params : {}})
.subscribe( r => {
// here r provides the result data from http call
console.log("execCall result", r);
}, err => {
// HERE the "MAP ERROR OCCURED" Error should be occured as well,
// but in doesn't
console.log("execCall error",err);
The called service method looks like:
execCall(dataStreamCall: DataStreamCall): Observable<DataStreamResult> {
let apiURL = '<some API-URL>';
let params = dataStreamCall.params;
// do HTTP request (this.http calls an extra service handler which wraps
// the angular httpClient and the API errors there
// There is NO Problem with that part :)
let apiResult = this.http.post(apiURL, params);
// Build a new Observable from type "DataStreamResult"
let dsr : Observable<DataStreamResult> = apiResult
map( httpresult => {
if (httpresult['status'] == false){
// the http call was basically successful,
// but state in data is false
throwError({'msg' : 'MAP ERROR OCCURED'});
// also tried as alternative
return throwError({'msg' : 'MAP ERROR OCCURED'});
} else {
// here the http call was successful
let d = new DataStreamResult();
d.result = httpresult;
return d;
catchError( err => {
// error is bubble up from http request handler
return throwError(err);
return dsr;
Finally the Question:
How could manage, that the "throwError" within the piped "map" is propagated to subscribe "err => { ... }".
The actual behavior for:
I ended up in the subscribe OnNext Part with r = undefined
If I use:
return throwError({..})
I also ended up in the subscribe OnNext Part where r is the throwError-Observable
Thx in Advance
Best Regards
throwError({'msg' : 'MAP ERROR OCCURED'}) will return an observable that, when subscribed to, will effect an error notification. That is, it will call the subscriber's error method.
In your snippet, you either call throwError and ignore the value. Or you return its return value from a project function passed to the map operator.
Neither will effect an error.
There is no subscriber in the first situation, because the return value is ignored. And, in the second situation, there is no subscriber because the map operator doesn't subscribe to what it receives from the project function - the map operator's project function can return anything; it doesn't have to return an observable.
To throw an error within map, use:
throw {'msg' : 'MAP ERROR OCCURED'};

How to call a private method from reactive subscribe of Mono and return a specific type in Spring 5?

I have a main method whose return type WebClient. In this method I get a Mono object and using subscribe I'm trying to call another method which returns webclient object. Now within subscribe, I have webclient object which I want to return. I'm blocked here as I'm not sure how to return the object and where to put the return keyword.
Main method:-
public WebClient getWebClientWithAuthorization(String t) {
Mono<AccessToken> accessToken = authenticationProvider.getUserAccessToken(serviceConnectionDetails, queryParams);
Disposable disposable = accessToken.subscribe(
value -> getWebClientBuilder(t, value.getAccessToken()),
error -> error.printStackTrace(),
() -> System.out.println("completed without a value")
Below getWebClientBuilder method returns webclient object:-
private WebClient getWebClientBuilder(String tenantDomain, String accessToken) {
//TODO Logic for Saving the Token using Caching/Redis mechanism will be taken up from here and implemented in future Sprints
logger.info("Bearer token received: "+ CommerceConnectorConstants.REQUEST_HEADER_AUTHORIZATION_BEARER +" "+ accessToken);
if (null != proxyHost) {
return utilsbuilder.baseUrl(tenantDomain).filter(oauth2Credentials(accessToken)).clientConnector(getHttpConnector()).build();
} else {
return utilsbuilder
Now in getWebClientWithAuthorization method, where to put the return keyword inside subscribe or outside subscribe.
Think "Reactive" end to end
In my opinion, what is the most important when star building application using Reactive Programming is treating any call as asynchronous hence providing end to end asynchronous and non-blocking communication.
Thus, what I suggest you is providing instead of synchronous type a Mono<WebClient> in the following way:
public Mono<WebClient> getWebClientWithAuthorization(String t) {
Mono<AccessToken> accessToken = authenticationProvider.getUserAccessToken(serviceConnectionDetails, queryParams);
return accessToken.map(value -> getWebClientBuilder(t, value.getAccessToken()))
.doOnError(error -> error.printStackTrace())
.doOnComplete(() -> System.out.println("completed without a value"))
So, now you may easily map value to the WebClient's instance and send it to the downstream. In turn, your downstream may react to that value and transform WebClient to the execution of HTTP call as it is shown in the following example:
getWebClientWithAuthorization("some magic string here")
.flatMapMany(webClient -> webClient.get()
.uri("some uri here")
// operate with downstream items somehow
// .map
// .filter
// .etc
// and return Mono or Flux again to just continue the flow
And remember, just continue the flow and everywhere specify reactive types if async communication is supposed. There is no sense to subscribe to the source until you met some network boundary or some logical end of the stream where you do not have to return something back.

Post API using Ratpack and Groovy giving 405 Error and RxJava methods not working

I am building an API using Ratpack and Groovy. The POST API is always giving:
405-Method not Found Error
This is a snippet from POST Endpoint Handler. In this code, promiseSingle, then, observe, map, doOnNext, doOnError, etc.
RxJAVA functions are not working. Is there any reason why RxJava methods are not working?
saveJsonAsData(context, id)
.then { Data updateddata ->
.add(HttpHeaderNames.LOCATION, "/api/save/${updateddata.id}/${updateddata.value}")
protected Observable<Data> saveJsonAsData(GroovyContext context, String id) {
.map { TypedData typedData -> extractData(context, typedData) }
.doOnNext { Data data ->
data.id = id
.flatMap(data.&save as Func1)
.doOnError { Throwable throwable -> log.error("Error saving data", throwable) }
The issue is not so much with Rx as it is with the usage of the Context.
You should try to keep the response handling logic within your Handler, that is don't pass the Context around, rather get the objects you need and pass them to your services.
As an example
path('myendpoint') { MyRxService service ->
byMethod {
get {
// do something when request is GET
post {
request.body.map { typedData ->
extractItem(typeData) // extract your item from the request first
}.flatMap { item ->
service.saveJsonAsItemLocation(item).promiseSingle() // then once it's extracted pass the item to your "saveJsonAsItemLocation" method
}.then { ItemLocationStore updatedItem ->
response.headers.add(HttpHeaderNames.LOCATION, "/itemloc/v1/save/${updatedItem.tcin}/${updatedItem.store}")
My guess is that you have something like this:
get {
// get stuff
post {
// post stuff
The reason this doesn't work is that Ratpack doesn't use Routing Table for handling incoming requests, instead it uses chain delegation. The get {} binds to root path and GET http method and post {} binds to root path and POST http method. Because get {} matches the path, Ratpack considers the handler matched and since the handler is for GET it considers it a 405.
There are chain methods available that binds regardless of HTTP Method such as all {} and path {}. Chain#all will handle all paths and methods where as Chain#path(String) matches against specific path.
Hope this helps.

Scala 2 futures containing api calls race condition

I've defined some API calls in Futures that make API calls to Mashery and Stripe
val stripeFuture = Future { // api call }
val masheryFuture = Future { //api call }
For the stripeFuture -The main logic is to set the stripeCustomerId on a Client object within the onSuccess block
stripeFuture onSuccess {
I've wrapped up the API calls in a for-comprehension similar to the example in Futures and Promises
val apiCalls = for {
masheryInfo <- masheryFuture
stripeCustomer <- stripeFuture
There is a rollback if one of the API calls fail
apiCalls onFailure {
case pse: MasheryException => {
// delete stripe customer id
case e: StripeException => {
//delete mashery api key
The problem is when the call to Mashery fails 'masheryFuture', I want to rollback 'get the stripe id' from the Client object but there is a around a 1 second delay til that call finishes and it doesn't set the stripeCustomerId until it hits the onSuccess block so within the ase pse: MasheryException => { } block, client.getstripeCustomerId returns null.
Is there a way of getting around this race condition for both of the API calls
Use Future.andThen.
The doc:
Applies the side-effecting function to the result of this future, and
returns a new future with the result of this future.
This method allows one to enforce that the callbacks are executed in a
specified order.
for (f <- Future(x).andThen { y }) etc.
for (f <- Future(x) andThen {
case Success(x) => use(x)
case _ => // ignore
}) yield result