VBA CreateObject can’t create ActiveX component on 64Bit Windows - vba

I have to write a program in Visual Studio 2013, but it doesn't work, so I started testing all the possibilities with Microsoft Excel and its developement playground. I started with the following version (provided by the company supplying the program I need to use):
Sub Main()
Dim XServer As X2000.Server
Dim XApp As X2000.Application
Dim XSR As X2000.ScriptRoutines
Set XServer = New X2000.Server
Set XApp = XServer.AppConnection() '<- This actually fires the application
XApp.Visible = True
Set XSR = XApp.ScriptCommands
XSR.DATA_FILENAME = "C:\X2000\myFile.x" ' <- Code blocks here
End Sub
This basically starts the application X2000.exe, connects my code to it, and then executes the DATA_FILENAME assignation routine, by loading myFile.x in the program. I need to start the application, because at that point its license is checked, and I don't have any other option to work with.
Now, in this version, the code was blocking at the last line by saying "A dll is missing" without any other information. I tried late-binding the ScriptRoutines object by doing the following:
Dim XServer As X2000.Server
Dim XApp As X2000.Application
Dim XSR As Object
Set XServer = New X2000.Server
Set XApp = XServer.AppConnection()
XApp.Visible = True
XSR = CreateObject("XApp.ScriptCommands")
This doesn't work as well, but did give me a piece of information more: "ActiveX control couldn’t load the object". I did a little research, and found out, through "Dependancy Walker", that X2000.exe was depending on MSVBVM60.DLL, which was missing in the system32 folder. Curious though, because my system is 64bit, Excel is too, and I tried the code on VS2013 by using a 32bit compatibility and still the code didn't work.
I installed the service pack from Microsoft, where this file was contained, only to find out, that system32 was left untouched...
sysWoW64 instead had already a MSVBVM60.DLL, therefore I suspected that X2000.exe was written only to work with 32bit systems: I was wrong.
A colleague of mine could execute the same program written in MATLAB code:
function [Data,eng_or_met] = Read_X2000_File_BB_2(sFileName)
XServer = actxserver('X2000.server');
XApp = XServer.AppConnection;
XApp.Visible = 1;
objX2000 = XApp.ScriptCommands;
objX2000.data_filename = "C:\X2000\myFile.x";
This code works thanks to the actxserver function, which I believe to handle this compatibility problem.
How can I do the same with Excel/VS2013?
I tried with the code suggested by omegastripes:
Dim XSR As Object
Set XSR = CreateObjectx86("XApp.ScriptCommands") ' create ActiveX via x86 mshta host
being CreateObjectx86 the function linked here. I tried both the If / Else conditions and at the end the object is not created anyway, both with:
Set CreateObjectx86 = oWnd.CreateObjectx86(sProgID)
Set CreateObjectx86 = CreateObject(sProgID)
The last line is what gets executed if I don't change the code (therefore not #If Win64).
As per the first answer to this question, I also tried:
Dim XServer As Object
Dim XApp As X2000.Application
Dim XSR As X2000.Script
Set XServer = CreateObject("X2000.Server")
Set XApp = XServer.AppConnection()
XApp.Visible = True
Set XSR = X2000.ScriptCommands
Only to find out I get the same error.

I apparently solved the issue. Inspired by Hans Passant, I Dimed the XServer as the only object depending on the reference to X2000.exe:
Dim XServer As X2000.Server
Dim XApp As Object
Dim XSR As Object
Set XServer = New X2000.Server
Set XApp = XServer.AppConnection
XApp.Visible = True
Set XSR = XApp.ScriptCommands
DATA_FILENAME is actually a "ScriptCommand" that gets executed.
Simple as that. Yet I have no idea why this works.


How to Link a VBA code with opened ETABS OAPI?

a project on ETABS 2015 is open on my PC. I want to do some change and process on it by a VBA code automatically. but all the sample code that I found was like this:
Public Sub Example()
Dim SapModel As cSapModel
Dim EtabsObject As cOAPI
Dim FileName as String
Dim ret As Integer = -1
'create ETABS object
EtabsObject = CreateObject("CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject")
'start ETABS application
ret = EtabsObject.ApplicationStart()
'create SapModel object
SapModel = EtabsObject.SapModel
'initialize model
ret = SapModel.InitializeNewModel()
'open an existing file - If no file exists, run the Save example first.
FileName = "c:\CSI_API_temp\example.edb"
ret = SapModel.File.OpenFile(FileName)
This code just open a new ETABS in my PC. but my ETABS project is already running and I want to connect to it but I don't know how!
please help me.
Your sample code is basically and typically the one needed to open ETABS ITSELF and to initialize a new model,
ETABSObject = CreateObject("CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject") followed by the invocation of ApplicationStart method are the direct means for that.
If you refer to the ETABS API documentation file in the installation destination (e.g "C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\ETABS 2015\CSi API ETABS 2015.chm" ) Under the section "Release Notes>Attaching to a manually started instance of ETABS", or if you see the same section from the link
you'll find code (in VB.Net) close to what you aim to, but it will not work with vba, so, what you will simply do is this
'The ret variable, just for method invocation convenience
Dim ret As Integer
'Create an instance of the currently opened Program
Dim myETABSObject As ETABS2015.cOAPI
Set myETABSObject = GetObject(, "CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject")
'Create an instance to the model
Dim myETABSModel As ETABS2015.cSapModel
Set myETABSModel = myETABSObject.SapModel
'Now, after the "reference instances" are obtained
'Initialize the model (using the model's instance of course)
ret = myETABSModel.InitializeNewModel() 'default units in kip_in_F
'Set the model templete, which is "Blank"
ret = myETABSModel.File.NewBlank()
And You can normally proceed in your coding.
Note: 1- GetObject(CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject) method will raise an error if ETABS is not opened.
2- you still can use GetObject even if ETABS is not opened and if you want to open it from windows shell (like using command prompt to open programs instead of double clicking on their respective icons), but this of course needs some Error Handling and the use of "Windows Script Host Object Model".
3- The examples in the documentation (under the documented methods and properties) may not be complete in terms of initiating input data, in cases like this they are just to create an impression of how to use their respective methods and properties.
The code below does as you asked. It uses VBA to connect to a currently running instance of ETABS. Please note if you're running multiple instances of ETABS it may not attach to the one you want.
You'll need to add a reference to 'ETABSv1.tlb' to your VBA project. If you're using VBA Editor for Excel, on the Tools menu select References, then click Browse then add C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\ETABS 19\ETABSv1.tlb
Sub Main()
'create API helper object
Dim myHelper As ETABSv1.cHelper
Set myHelper = New ETABSv1.Helper
'dimension the ETABS Object as cOAPI type
Dim myETABSObject As ETABSv1.cOAPI
Set myETABSObject = Nothing
'attach to a running instance of ETABS
'get the active ETABS object
Set myETABSObject = myHelper.GetObject("CSI.ETABS.API.ETABSObject")
'get a reference to cSapModel to access all API classes and functions
Dim mySapModel As ETABSv1.cSapModel
Set mySapModel = myETABSObject.SapModel
MsgBox "Do your work here."
'clean up variables
Set mySapModel = Nothing
Set myETABSObject = Nothing
Exit Sub
MsgBox "Cannot run API script: " & Err.Description
End Sub
ETABS comes with API documentation that you can find in the installation folder. On my machine it is here: C:\Program Files\Computers and Structures\ETABS 19\CSA API ETABS v1.chm

How to show up a window of an application with VBA ? (Lotus Notes)

I want to display the Lotus Notes Window when the VBA code is writing the mail in Lotus Notes. I want the Lotus Notes window to be display during all of the operations.
I had tried this code:
Sub init_mail()
Dim oSess As Object
Dim ntsServer As String
Dim ntsMailFile As String
Set oSess = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
ntsServer = oSess.GetEnvironmentString("MailServer", True)
ntsMailFile = oSess.GetEnvironmentString("MailFile", True)
Set odb = oSess.GetDatabase(ntsServer, ntsMailFile)
Set Workspace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Call Workspace.composedocument(, , "Memo")
Set uidoc = Workspace.CURRENTDOCUMENT
uidoc.Document.deliveryreport = "C"
uidoc.Document.Importance = "Haute"
uidoc.Visible = true
I thought that Visible could say that Lotus Note stay open and visible.
I assume "Visible" should not be utilize in this way. I've got this error:
Execution error '438'
object doesn't support this property or method
good luck with your venture, the OLE/COM Engine for Lotus Notes is antedeluvian and it's a royal pain to debug.
From your code I would hypothesise that you have little experience in LotusScript, you're using programming paradigms that will not work in LotusScript.
Generally I would recommend you first writing code that runs well in the Notes Client, and only when it works, then port it to VBA. Here the integrated Help File is your friend, it's one of the last remnants of when IBM did decent documentation for the Domino/Notes platform. You'll have to wrap your head around a couple of weird concepts (in this particular case, the difference between front-end and back-end documents), and deal with a plethora of maddening bugs.
The following will do what you want it to do. Note that the back-end document gets saved before being displayed in the workspace, this is to be able to display the Rich Text Field which is the body of the Mail.
Dim oSess As Object
Set oSess = CreateObject("Notes.NotesSession")
Dim ntsServer As String
ntsServer = oSess.GetEnvironmentString("MailServer", True)
Dim ntsMailFile As String
ntsMailFile = oSess.GetEnvironmentString("MailFile", True)
Dim Maildb As Object
Set Maildb = oSess.GetDatabase(ntsServer, ntsMailFile)
If Not Maildb.IsOpen Then
End If
Call MailDoc.REPLACEITEMVALUE("Form", "Memo")
Call MailDoc.REPLACEITEMVALUE("SendTo", "Joe Example")
Call MailDoc.REPLACEITEMVALUE("Subject", "Subject Text")
Call Body.APPENDTEXT("Body text here")
Call MailDoc.Save(True, True)
Set Workspace = CreateObject("Notes.NotesUIWorkspace")
Call Workspace.EditDocument(True, MailDoc)

Previous Excel instance not getting through IIS

I am using VB.NET to open the Excel files but dont want to create excel object every time.
My code is working perfectly in debug mode, but after publish, it never gets the existing instances and always create new instances which we can see from Task Manager. Here is my code which always returns false in published mode.
My OS is Windows Server 2008. Please guide how to solve this.
Function IsExcelRunning() As Boolean
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
On Error Resume Next
xlApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
IsExcelRunning = (Err.Number = 0)
MyHelper.writeLog("Excel Instance found=" & IsExcelRunning)
xlApp = Nothing
End Function
Here is how I call.
If IsExcelRunning() Then
excelApp = GetObject(, "Excel.Application")
excelApp = Server.CreateObject("Excel.Application")
End If
We used to use Excel Interop and I remember it always being difficult to work with (clunky.) Due to the Interop opening an Excel process and not closing it every time you use it, makes it difficult to work with.
The Interop opens Excel automatically, so all we needed to do was close it. This is what we used to use to kill the Process. Replace YourProcessName with Excel.exe.
Dim proc As System.Diagnostics.Process
Dim info As ManagementObject
Dim search As New ManagementObjectSearcher("SELECT ProcessId FROM Win32_process WHERE caption = 'YourProcessName'")
For Each info In search.Get()
Dim TheString As String = info.GetText(TextFormat.Mof).ToString
proc = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcessById(Mid$(TheString, _
(Len(TheString) - 8), 4))
If proc.HasExited Then GoTo NoKill
You'll need to import
Imports System.Management
You'll also need to add the reference 'System.Management' to your project.
See: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/vstudio/wkze6zky.aspx for adding a reference to a project.
If you can rather work with CSV, I would suggest you try to. If you are creating the Excel file yourself, try to find a report creator that let's you create / export to Excel. You'll save yourself a lot of time in the long run.

Cannot Close Down MS Word From .NET

I have the following snippet of code. It works (opens all the Word documents in a directory and then closes them down)...but it doesn't clean up after itself when I totally exit the program.
By this I mean that if I look at the TaskManager once I exit the VB.NET application I see the WINWORD.EXE even though it did not exist before I opened the application.
Here's the declarations I have:
Dim WordApp As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application
Dim aDoc As Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Document
Dim missing As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
Dim nullobj As Object = System.Reflection.Missing.Value
Dim MYreadOnly As Object = False
Dim isVisible As Object = False
And here's the code:
Private Sub cmdGenerate_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdGenerateKeywords.Click
Dim xmldoc As New XmlDataDocument()
Dim xmlnode As XmlNodeList
Dim i As Integer
Dim fs As FileStream
WordApp = New Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.Application
WordApp.Visible = False
For Each f As FileInfo In New DirectoryInfo(txtFolderName.Text).GetFiles("*.docx")
' Open the document that was chosen by the dialog
aDoc = WordApp.Documents.Open(f.FullName, missing, [MYreadOnly], _
missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, missing, _
missing, isVisible)
aDoc = Nothing
'Close the Word Document
'aDoc.Close(nullobj, nullobj, nullobj)
WordApp = Nothing
End Sub
As you can tell I've commented and uncommented various statements in regards to closing down Word documents and the Word Application itself. Nothing I have tried seems to be able to get rid of that pesky WINWORD.EXE
Something seems to have a lock and will not let it close down? Is that it?
Run explicitly Garbage Collector, as is shown in this article:
// Clean up the unmanaged Word COM resources by forcing a garbage
// collection as soon as the calling function is off the stack (at
// which point these objects are no longer rooted).
// GC needs to be called twice in order to get the Finalizers called
// - the first time in, it simply makes a list of what is to be
// finalized, the second time in, it actually is finalizing. Only
// then will the object do its automatic ReleaseComObject.
Despite link above, my experience is that run once is enough. But second call doesn't throw an error, so do it this way.
This releases your resources. Might allow other close methods to work. I read through the code twice and do not see you using "fs" anywhere like I would expect.

Compiling and running code in runtime

I am trying to compile and run code at runtime. I am using the below code to achieve this. However, when i trying to invoke the method, simply a "Find Source" file browser dialog opens and the code is not run. Can anyone please help me here.
Dim VBP As New VBCodeProvider
Dim CVB As System.CodeDom.Compiler.ICodeCompiler
CVB = VBP.CreateCompiler
Dim PM As New System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters
PM.GenerateInMemory = True
PM.GenerateExecutable = True
PM.OutputAssembly = "RunCode.dll"
PM.MainClass = "MainClass"
PM.IncludeDebugInformation = True
Dim ASM As System.Reflection.Assembly
For Each ASM In AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies
Dim CompileResults As System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerResults
CompileResults = CVB.CompileAssemblyFromSource(PM, sCode)
Dim CompileErrors As System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerError
For Each CompileErrors In CompileResults.Errors
RTMainScript.AppendText(vbCrLf & CompileErrors.ErrorNumber & ": " & CompileErrors.ErrorText & ", " & CompileErrors.Line)
Dim objRun As New Object
Dim vArgs() As Object
objRun = CompileResults.CompiledAssembly.CreateInstance("RunCode.MainClass", False, BindingFlags.CreateInstance, Nothing, vArgs, Nothing, Nothing)
If Not objRun Is Nothing Then
Dim oMethodInfo As MethodInfo = objRun.GetType().GetMethod("Main")
Dim oRetObj As Object = oMethodInfo.Invoke(objRun, BindingFlags.Static Or BindingFlags.Instance Or BindingFlags.Public Or BindingFlags.NonPublic, Nothing, Nothing, Nothing) 'Find source dialog appears here
MsgBox("Compile Error")
End If
The code you provided is incomplete. You are using this method to compile the code:
CompileResults = CVB.CompileAssemblyFromSource(PM, sCode)
But you actually never specified what sCode is. If you are getting an open file browser dialog, then I am quite sure that your sCode is the cause of it. It must have been set somewhere while calculating the variable value to open a file.
If you are trying to change a piece of code that was used to compile from a file then changing the method from CompileAssemblyFromFile() to CompileAssemblyFromSource() is not enough. You need to dig more into the code and change all related methods.
Ensure your threading model is STA.
OpenFileDialog and similar objects will not operate correctly if the threading model is set to MTA.
If you must use MTA for some other reason then you can create your own custom OpenFileDialog class; sort of sucks.