DDD read text messages from file - properties

I have my text validation messages in a properties file. How would you consider getting the message from the key? A domain service interface implemented by the infraestructure? Or would the implementation live in the domain too?
In the red book, text messages are literal, when passed to exceptions for example. They belong to domain.
But what if we deal with keys of a messages.properties file? How would you do it?
Thank you.

It is unlikely that the messages are part of the domain itself. Think about who will drive the changes to the messages. Will it be domain experts or marketing/UX people indicating that the particular message should be altered to convey the meaning better to customers?
If you had to create, for example, a new B2B client, do you anticipate that some messages would have to be changed? Does it mean that the domain has changed?
I would advise keeping the exceptions in the domain as independent from the external representation as possible. So, instead of saying throw new PaymentProcessingException("Insufficient funds") consider throw new InsufficientFundsPaymentProcessingException(). Then you could translate the specific exception into a proper message using the infrastructure service at the representational edge of your application.

I had the same problem: at the end I've used a mixture of answer from Oleg and message keys.
What I've done are custom exceptions (DomainException) where I've added a custom field with the key of the message (at the end they're domain exceptions, they could/must be customized). Every exception has its own value. Where I handle the exception I just add the code as a message response. Somewhere later, where the response is handled, I ask a service to translate the key.
Suggestions are welcome if this reveals not as good as it looks (for me).


What information is logged by IdentityModel when ShowPii is set to true?

IdentityModelEventSource has a property called ShowPII that means that Personally Identifiable Information will be added to the logs (in relation to security). This value is used to decide when to log some OAuth2 sensitive data.
I am trying to understand what kind of Personally Identifiable Information will be logged:
Client ID? (aka Client Key, Consumer Key)
Client Secret? (aka Consumer Secret)
Json Web Tokens? (aka JWT)
Access Tokens?
Refresh Tokens?
Kerberos Tickets?
PKCE Values?
Authorization Codes?
I know it cannot get access to usernames and passwords because they are only exchanged directly with the IDP.
But but I need to know if I need to find a way to lock down my log files because it will have data that constitutes a security vulnerability.
This is possible log messages of IdentityModel: LogMessages.cs
I am trying to understand what kind of Personally Identifiable Information will be logged
I won't copy-paste log messages from there (especially, as they can change at any moment). You can check them yourself and decide what should be considered as the PII.
But here's an interesting example:
"IDX10615: Encryption failed. No support for: Algorithm: '{0}', SecurityKey: '{1}'."
and this is how it's used:
throw LogHelper.LogExceptionMessage(new SecurityTokenEncryptionFailedException(LogHelper.FormatInvariant(TokenLogMessages.IDX10615, encryptingCredentials.Enc, encryptingCredentials.Key)));
If you'll follow the track you'll find out that encryptingCredentials.Key will be logged if ShowPII = true and won't be logged if ShowPII = false.
Of course, depending on your use case, this particular message may never appear in your logs. And not all messages so outrageously leaky. But you never know:
your use case may change
you may be mistaken about the set of messages IdentityModel can emit for your use case
IdentityModel code may change, and you may forget to check if messages' set is still secure
So about
if I need to find a way to lock down my log files
Yes, you definitely need to.
Or better yet - don't use ShowPII = true in production for monitoring, use it only in development environment for debugging purposes.
Looking at the source, it appears that when ShowPII is on - it will do two things:
Replace all parameters passed to library-specific exceptions with their data type names
For all system exceptions - replace inner message with exception type name
In this context "library-specific" is an exception that is of type Exception and its full type name starts with "Microsoft.IdentityModel." (library defines a few)
Depending on your use case you'd see a variety of parameters that can be logged with custom exceptions. A quick search for FormatInvariant yields quite a few for your consideration.
Again, depending on how you use it, you might get a better idea of what the error messages are by looking through relevant LogMessages.cs file on your specific namespace.
P.S.: on a side note, it appears that default ShowPII setting is GDPR-compliant

The use of HTTP status to communicate application circumstances

Suppose I ask a question to an criminal register: http://server/demographics/party/{partyId} and that person is not known on that system.
Is that an error? Isn't it a good thing?
When returning 404, it is an error code, Restlet has implemented it as a specific URL cannot be resolved to a route to a server-resource (a handling class), an erroneous situation.
In my opinion, if a system understands a call, and is able to process it without errors, it should return 200 (HTTP-ok), and it should return the information: "We don't know this person".
What is the best thing to do?
There's nothing wrong in returning a 404 status code. It simply means "you asked for a resource, and it doesn't exist". If it did return 200, it would have to somehow return an additional status code telling you that everything went fine, but the resource couldn't be found. That's unnecessary, because 404 already means exactly that.
A status 500 is normally returned to mean "something went wrong, I can't tell you if the resource exists or not". Now if you returned a 404 to mean that, this would be a mistake.
Whether it's a good thing or not is not doesn't have anything to do with HTTP or REST. And BTW, if the register was a file containing the survivors of a disaster, you would probably find it bad to not find the person you looked for, unless maybe if the person is your mother in law, unless you actually love your mother in law. (this is meant as a joke, for those who don't find it obvious).
A web service could be implemented in a way that produces either kind of response.
If it is being implemented in a way that is truer to HTTP/Rest, then '404 not found' would be the appropriate response for not finding something. This is what the 404 status is for.
It may help to think of your request as saying 'I assume this record exists, and I want to see it', and the 404 response as saying 'You are in error that record does not exist'.
If this URL is going to be used by code (rather than be displayed in a browser), then if you don't make a distinction in the response status then you will have to add extra information to the response body to make the difference obvious.
If this URL is going to be displayed to a user in a browser, then the server is still able to display content in the response body for a 404.
Please read: http://archive.oreilly.com/pub/post/restful_error_handling.html#__federated=1
Human Readable Error Messages: Part of the major appeal of REST based web services is that you can open any browser, type in the right URL, and see an immediate response -- no special tools needed. However, HTTP error codes do not always provide enough information. For example, if we take option 1 above, and request and invalid book ID, we get back a 404 Error Code. From the developer perspective, have we actually typed in the wrong host name, or an invalid book ID? It's not immediately clear. In Option 3 (DAS), we get back a blank page with no information. To view the actual error code, you need to run a network sniffer, or point your browser through a proxy. For all these reasons, I think Option 4 has a lot to offer. It significantly lowers the barrier for new developers, and enables all information related to a web service to be directly viewable within a web browser.
Application Specific Errors: Option 1 has the disadvantage of not being directly viewable within a browser. It also has the additional disadvantage of mapping all HTTP error codes to application specific error codes. HTTP status codes are specific to document retrieval and posting, and these may not map directly to your application domain. For example, one of the DAS error codes relates to invalid genomic coordinates (sequence coordinate is out of bounds/invalid). What HTTP error code would we map to in this case?
Machine Readable Error Codes: As a third criteria, error codes should be easily readable by other applications. For example, the XooMLe application returns back only human readable error messages, e.g. "Invalid Google API key supplied". An application parsing a XooMLe response would have to search for this specific error message, and this can be notoriously brittle -- for example, the XooMLe server might simply change the message to "Invalid Key Supplied". Error codes, such as those provided by DAS are important for programmatic control, and easy creation of exceptions. For example, if XooMLe returned a 1001 error code, a client application could do a quick lookup and immediately throw an InvalidKeyException.
Based on these three criteria, here's my vote for best error handling option:
Use HTTP Status Codes for problems specifically related to HTTP, and not specifically related to your web service.
When an error occurs, always return an XML document detailing the error.
Make sure the XML error document contains both an error code, and a human readable error message. For example:
Invalid Google API key supplied
By following these three simple practices, you can make it significantly easier for others to interface with your service, and react when things go wrong. New developers can easily see valid and invalid requests via a simple web browser, and programs can easily (and more robustly) extract error codes and act appropriately.
The Amazon.com web services API follows the approach of returned XML document can specify an ErrorMsg element.
XooMLe also follows this approach. (XooMLe provides a RESTful API wrapper to the existing SOAP based Google API).
Another approach is by DAS ( Distributed Annotation System) which always returns 200 if there was no HTTP-error and has error information in the HTTP-header, which is less favorable, because it is not human readable, as a browser does not display the HTTP-header.

RESTful way to preallocate an ID

For some reasons my application needs to have an API that flows like:
Client calls server to get ID for a new resource.
Then user spends a while filling out the forms for the resource.
Then user clicks save (or not...), and when he does the client saves by writing to /myresource/{id}
What is the RESTful way to design this?
How should the first call look like? On server side, it's a matter of generating an ID and returning it. It has side effects (increments sequence and thus "reserves space"), but it doesn't explicitly create a resource.
If I understand correctly, the 3rd call should be a PUT because it creates something with a known URI.
One way you could do it is:
client POSTs empty body to /myresource/
server answers with status code 302 (Found) with a Location response header set to /myresource/newresourceid (to indicate the ID / URI that should be used to create the resource)
client PUTs the new resource to /myresource/newresourceid once the user is done filling the form.
Seems RESTful enough. ;)
I'm interested to see the other answers to this question as I imagine there's a lot of ways to do this.
If possible I would let your auto-incrementing ID in the database serve as your surrogate key and assign another field to be your business identifier. It could be something like a product code or a GUID.
With this in mind the client can now create the ID themselves which removes the need for step 1 at all. They would do a PUT to a url such as /myresource/MLN5001 or /myresource/3F2504E0-4F89-11D3-9A0C-0305E82C3301 to create the resource. If the ID is already in use return a 409 Conflict with the conflict in the response body. Otherwise return a 201 Created and include the URI to the resource in the response body and location header.
I would go with
GET /myresource/new-id
POST /myresource/{id}
Your walkthrough is pretty clear on the verb:
"to GET [an] ID for a new resource"
you could rename new-id to whatever you think makes it most clear. If you have multiple resources you need to do this for, it would probably be better to split out the generator into its own resource, such as
GET /id-generator/myresource
GET /id-generator/my-other-resource
If there are multiple cases, the user will quickly learn they need to hit id-generator to get their ID. If it's only one case, it's annoying for them to only have to use it infrequently.
I guess you could also do
GET /myresource-id-generator/next
which looks a little clearer, but then if you ever need another ID to be generated you have to make another resource to do it.
ID allocation is non-idempotent — two invokes of the allocation operation will get different IDs — so that should always be a POST. From that point on, the resource should conceptually exist. However, what I'd do at that point is fill it out with reasonable default values (whether that involves doing POSTs or PUTs is rather immaterial to the RESTfulness of the overall design), so the user can then take their time to alter the things that they want to look like they want them to.
The question then becomes one of whether there should be some kind of “release this; I'm done with altering it” operation at the end. Strict RESTfulness says there shouldn't, as if you know the resource identifier (the URL) then you can talk about it. On the other hand, that doesn't mean the hosting server has to tell anyone else about the resource until the creating user is happy with it; general HATEOAS principles say nothing about when others can discover that a resource exists or whether knowing the name lets you read the thing, but it's entirely reasonable to deny to third parties that a resource exists until the owner of the resource turns on the “make this public” flag.

Best practice: throwing Exception or using Validator on User Input

Recently I've been into multiple arguments on whether to throw an exception on false User Input.
Example: I'm trying to login though my account is not activated. As the programmer in an OO-language, I could handle this in a few ways. For this case, lets stick to these two:
Throw a custom Exception from the local Service with a representative way, extending Exception. Catching this in the class handling User Input.
Use a Validator to call the local Service to check whether this account is logged in.
My vision, like many others, an Exception represents a fault in the program. E.g. database unreachable, error in parsing data.
Vision of many others as well, the case of logging in without being activated is not a succesful scenario on any use case and will thus fail. This shouldn't not happen and is worth throwing an Exception for.
Personally, I would handle this kind of problem with a Validator, sticking to Exceptions for just the faults in the program. However though, I would like to get a constructive answer on which case is preferred. If possible, referring to any documentation. I'm using Java, though this problem is not restricted to any language (as long as it's OO I guess).
In case of a validation error, the flow of your application must be interrupted. For example, you must terminate a singing up progress if an invalid mail address supplied. Thus, the exceptions can be used for the purpose of user input validation.
As an example use, you can check JSF. It benefits from exception mechanism of Java to handle user input validations. The following links can be useful:

Confused about Http verbs

I get confused when and why should you use specific verbs in REST?
I know basic things like:
Get -> for retrieval
Post -> adding new entity
PUT -> updating
Delete -> for deleting
These attributes are to be used as per the operation I wrote above but I don't understand why?
What will happen if inside Get method in REST I add a new entity or inside POST I update an entity? or may be inside DELETE I add an entity. I know this may be a noob question but I need to understand it. It sounds very confusing to me.
#archil has an excellent explanation of the pitfalls of misusing the verbs, but I would point out that the rules are not quite as rigid as what you've described (at least as far as the protocol is concerned).
GET MUST be safe. That means that a GET request must not change the server state in any substantial way. (The server could do some extra work like logging the request, but will not update any data.)
PUT and DELETE MUST be idempotent. That means that multiple calls to the same URI will have the same effect as one call. So for example, if you want to change a person's name from "Jon" to "Jack" and you do it with a PUT request, that's OK because you could do it one time or 100 times and the person's name would still have been updated to "Jack".
POST makes no guarantees about safety or idempotency. That means you can technically do whatever you want with a POST request. However, you will lose any advantage that clients can take of those assumptions. For example, you could use POST to do a search, which is semantically more of a GET request. There won't be any problems, but browsers (or proxies or other agents) would never cache the results of that search because it can't assume that nothing changed as a result of the request. Further, web crawlers would never perform a POST request because it could not assume the operation was safe.
The entire HTML version of the world wide web gets along pretty well without PUT or DELETE and it's perfectly fine to do deletes or updates with POST, but if you can support PUT and DELETE for updates and deletes (and other idempotent operations) it's just a little better because agents can assume that the operation is idempotent.
See the official W3C documentation for the real nitty gritty on safety and idempotency.
Protocol is protocol. It is meant to define every rule related to it. Http is protocol too. All of above rules (including http verb rules) are defined by http protocol, and the usage is defined by http protocol. If you do not follow these rules, only you will understand what happens inside your service. It will not follow rules of the protocol and will be confusing for other users. There was an example, one time, about famous photo site (does not matter which) that did delete pictures with GET request. Once the user of that site installed the google desktop search program, that archieves the pages locally. As that program knew that GET operations are only used to get data, and should not affect anything, it made GET requests to every available url (including those GET-delete urls). As the user was logged in and the cookie was in browser, there were no authorization problems. And the result - all of the user photos were deleted on server, because of incorrect usage of http protocol and GET verb. That's why you should always follow the rules of protocol you are using. Although technically possible, it is not right to override defined rules.
Using GET to delete a resource would be like having a function named and documented to add something to an array that deletes something from the array under the hood. REST has only a few well defined methods (the HTTP verbs). Users of your service will expect that your service stick to these definition otherwise it's not a RESTful web service.
If you do so, you cannot claim that your interface is RESTful. The REST principle mandates that the specified verbs perform the actions that you have mentioned. If they don't, then it can't be called a RESTful interface.