Component Declaration And Communication - vuejs2

I have added a component declaration to the default main.js file which is generated during the Webpack project creation process as
import Modal from '#/components/Modal'
Vue.component('modal', Modal)
And in the App.vue, I have
<modal v-show="showModal"></modal>
<button id="show-modal" v-on:click="showModal = true">Click to have a modal</button>
And they work fine. Now, I need to setup a "props down, events up" communication channel between the parent and a child. To do so, I need to add a property, called 'isActive', the Modal component so that the root component can send a message to the child component, that is
<modal isActive="showModal"></modal>
<button id="show-modal" v-on:click="showModal = true">Click to have a modal</button>
I guess the component declaration should be something like:
Vue.component('modal', {
props: ['isActive'],
It doesn't work, however, due to
Failed to mount component: template or render function not defined.
I have tried different variants without a luck.
My second question is that how a child event changes its parent data. For example, in the child component
<button class="modal-close is-large" v-on:click="closeModal"></button>
the closeModal event is handled in the following javacript code in the child component.
export default {
method: {
closeModal: function(event) {
How can I set its parent data showModal to false?
The code segment of Modal:
<div class="signin">
<div class="modal" v-bind:class="{ 'is-active': isActive }">
<button class="modal-close is-large" v-on:click="isActive = false"></button>
import axios from 'axios'
import _ from 'lodash'
import Notification from '#/components/Notification'
import { required, email } from 'vuelidate/lib/validators'
export default {
name: 'signin',
components: {
data: () => ({
isActive: true,
email: '',
Bulma is used for styling. And the isActive is defined in the Modal. I think it needs to be changed to achieve "props down".

As it looks, your file /components/Modal contains a full definition of a component: the template, and the script parts for it. So you can just bind the component to the tag-name you want to use in your markup:
import Modal from '#/components/Modal'
Vue.component('modal', Modal)
This is basically what you had in the beginning. To pass properties to this component, add the props-line directly to your component, that is into /components/Modal:
export default {
name: 'signin',
components: {
props: ['isActive'],
data: () => ({
As for the second question, how to communicate back to the parent, have a look at Vue's Custom Events. Basically, your Modal component could issue a "close"-event like this:
methods: {
closeModal: function(event) {
and when you use the component, you could listen to it like this:
<modal v-bind:isActive="showModal" v-on:modalClose="showModal = false"></modal>
Note that you should use v-bind for providing the value to isActive. If you don't use v-bind, the value is just passed once when the component is created. This means, the component would never see a change to this prop when it is changed by the parent. By using v-bind, changes by the parent to this attribute are pushed down to the child-component, so the Modal actually sees the updated value and can react to it.


Calling function inside child component without an event?

Currently trying to use a method belonging to the parent
<p class="message-date text-center">
{{ $emit('format_date_day_month_year_time', }}
However I am getting the error.
Converting circular structure to JSON
--> starting at object with constructor 'Object'
How can I call a function inside a child component that does not rely on an event? I apologize for asking such a simple question but everything I was able to find on google is using $emit and using an event.
$emit was designed to only trigger an event on the current instance of vue. Therefore, it is not possible to receive data from another component this way.
For your case, I would suggest to use Mixins especially if you need to use certain functions among multiple vue components.
Alternately, let the child component call the the parent through $emit then receive the result from the parent through a prop.
Your code could be something as follows:
Child component
<p class="message-date text-center">
{{ date }}
export default {
name: 'Child',
props: {
date: String,
mounted() {
Parent component
<Child :date="childDate" #format-date="formatChildDate" />
import Child from '#/components/Child';
export default {
components: {
data: () => ({
childDate: '',
methods: {
formatChildDate(date) {
this.childDate = this.formatDateDayMonthYearTime(date)
formatDateDayMonthYearTime(date) {
//return the formatted date
with $emit you call a function where the Parent can listento.
where you are using it i would suggest a computed prop of the function.
But back to your Question here is a example of emiting and listen.
<MyComponent #childFunction="doSomethingInParent($event)"/>
<button #click="emitStuff">
this.$emit(childFunction, somedata)
with the event you can give Data informations to a Parentcomponent.

How can i just have one Component instead of different components in the context of Vuejs

I am new to Vuejs, I am using 4 different components, where in every component i have called the API. Here 4 different components are all same except their contents.
Now, i want to make my code effective, so i want to have a single component, the reason why i created different components is my another App.vue component has 4 different buttons, so whenever you click any of it, it will open the respective component.
But now i want to have only one component instead of four different components, and whenever the buttons in App.vue component is clicked it should open the exact content in single component(instead of 4 components).
Please do help me with this, by sharing your ideas and if any examples.
In this context, you can use props, which is a way of passing data to "child" components.
<div id="app">
<SingleComponent :button="button" />
import SingleComponent from "#/components/SingleComponent.vue";
// #/ means src/
export default {
name: "App",
components: {
data: () => ({
button: 2,
<button v-if="button === 0">...</button>
<button v-else-if="button === 1">...</button>
<button v-else-if="button === 2">...</button>
<button v-else-if="button === 3">...</button>
export default {
name: "SingleComponent",
props: {
button: {
type: Number,
required: true,
You should also take a look at slots, it is very important in Vue.js and that could also solve your problem.

How i can run method from child component vuejs

I have parent and chidl component... I need to run child method, when i click on button in parent.
Example code:
<button>Open Modal in child Component (set modal = true in child component)</button>
<div v-if="modal">
<button #click="modal = false">Close</button>
export default {
data() {
return {
modal: false
You can achieve this via different implementations. The most common one is via emit (another alternative is via dispatching actions if you are using the Redux pattern)
First, you want to catch the even on the parent component and emit an event. So this should be your template.
<button #click="click">Open Modal in child Component (set modal = true in child component)</button>
Then you have to emit an event (from the parent component) on the function called when a click was made.
Something like:
click: function() {
Lastly, your child component needs to "hear" that event. You can achieve that with something like that on the created function of the child component:
this.$parent.$on('update', this.updateModal);
this.updateModal is a function on your child component which just flips the value of the boolean.
In vue you can pass a function as a prop. So you could add a function to alternate model within your parent component then pass it into your child so it can be used normally. I'll put a simple example below.
small edit, you can bind a class like a hidden/reveal class using the status which is bound to the modal state
// Html
<div id="app">
<child v-bind:on-click="toggleModal" v-bind:status="modal" />
// Parent Component
var sample = new Vue({
el: '#app',
data: {
modal: false
methods: {
toggleModal() {
this.modal = !this.modal
// Child component with function prop
Vue.component('child', {
props: {
onClick: Function,
status: Boolean
template: '<button v-on:click="onClick()">Press Me</div>'

How to update the value of child component's props from parent component?

From my parent component, I need to trigger a child component's portion of code containing a Firebase query. Note that in the child component, that code is triggered within the mounted() hook (but in order to execute it from the parent component, I suppose I will have to move that code to a method or something).
What is the recommended way to achieve such a thing?
Here's my parent component code - simplified for clarity:
<v-btn #click="viewNextWeek"></v-btn>
<project-row :mon="mon"></new-row-form>
import ProjectRow from './ProjectRow.vue';
import store from '../store';
import moment from 'moment';
export default {
name: 'home',
components: {
data() {
return {
mon: moment().startOf('isoWeek')
methods: {
viewNextWeek: function() {
this.mon = moment().startOf('isoWeek').add(7, 'days');
Child component - simplified too:
<input v-model="monTime">
import { db } from '../firebase';
export default {
props: [
mounted() {
var timesRef = db.collection('times');
var timesWeek = timesRef.where('date', '==', this.mon);
.then((querySnapshot) => {
querySnapshot.forEach((doc) => {
this.monTime =;
.catch(function(error) {
console.log('Error getting documents: ', error);
to achieve that you should use event bus communication between these two components. first, you should create a global event bus that can be a central event management and will give you the possibility to access any event from any component within your vuejs app. in your case here, you should emit an event from your parent component within viewNextWeek method and catch it within mounted in child component. so every time your mon value change within your parent component, will trigger an event to the child component to update mon within it.
for more detail for how to use global event bus, read this article global event bus article

How to catch events across multiple child Vue components

I am building a form framework in vue. I have components for each field type. Each field type component uses this.$emit to communicate changes with the parent component.
I am able to trigger events in the parent component using v-on directives as follows:
<div v-if="fieldsLoaded">
<form-select :field="fields.title" v-on:updated="validate" ></form-select>
<form-input :field="fields.first_name" v-on:updated="validate" ></form-input>
However, I don't want to have to manually specify that every component should trigger the validate method individually.
How can I have the parent component listen for the updated emit across all its child components?
Edit: I'm looking for something like the below, though $on only catches emits that occur within the same component, rather than its children
created: function(){
The best way is to use event bus or even better in my opinion vuex.
For the first case take a look here
For the second here
With event bus you can emit an event, and listen to that event whenever you want(at parent,child even in the same component)
Vuex It serves as a centralized store for all the components in an application and you can have properties in that store,and you can use and manipulate them.
Example with event Bus:
import Vue from 'vue'
import App from './App.vue'
export const eventBus = new Vue();
new Vue({
el: '#app',
render: h => h(App)
User Component
<button #click="clicked">Click me to create event</button>
import { eventBus } from './main'
export default {
name: 'User',
methods: {
clicked() {
eventBus.$emit('customEvent', 'a text to pass')
Admin component
<p>The message from event is: {{message}}</p>
import { eventBus } from './main'
export default {
name: 'Admin',
data: () => ({
message: ''
created() {
eventBus.$on('customEvent', dataPassed => {
this.message = dataPassed
Take a look to this tutorial to learn Vuex
For your case you can use v-model like following:
<div v-if="fieldsLoaded">
<form-select v-model="fields.title" :validate="validate" ></form-select>
<form-input v-model="fields.first_name" :validate="validate" ></form-input>
v-model is essentially syntax sugar for updating data on user input events.
<input v-model="something">
is just syntactic sugar for:
<input v-bind:value="something" v-on:input="something = $">
You can pass a prop : value in the child components, and before changing input field call a function to validate which is also passed as a prop.
Vue.component('form-select', {
props: ['options', 'value', 'onChange', 'validate'], //Added one more prop
template: '#your-template',
mounted: function () {
methods: {
change (opt) {
if (this.validate !== undefined) {
var isValid = this.validate(this.value)
if(!isValid) return;
this.$emit('input', opt)