Merge the next line if the current line contains a pattern at the end - awk

I have a very big text file. I want to merge the next line into the current line if the current line has a word OR in the end.
Eg. Like in the lines below
somerandomstring OR
The above 2 lines should become
somerandomstring OR someotherrandomstring
Only those lines should change. Rest of the lines must be kept as they are. Thanks in advance.
Allow me to extend the question a bit further.
I want to also see if the next line starts with OR and the OR is not in the end of the current line, then how to achieve the above case and this case together?

With GNU sed:
sed '/ OR$/{N;s/\n/ /}' file
Search white space followed byOR at end of line ($) and if found then read next line (N) to pattern space and replace newline in pattern space (with s///) by one white space.
If you want to edit your file "in place" use sed's option -i.

You can do this in awk by assigning the "OR" row to a variable and printing whatever is stored in the variable when there is no "OR" found.
awk '$NF=="OR"{buffer=buffer$0" "} $NF!="OR"{print buffer$0;buffer=""}' test.txt
This also works on multiple rows that may have "OR" by concatenating the row to the buffer variable until it finds a non-OR row, prints it and clears the buffer variable.
Another option in awk is to use printf on the OR rows and print on the non-or rows (which is kind of similar to the GNU sed example by #cyrus, but in awk)
awk '$NF=="OR"{printf "%s ", $0} $NF!="OR"{print $0}' test.txt
And this is the same beast, but using a ternary operator within printf:
awk '{printf $NF=="OR"?"%s ":"%s\n", $0}' test.txt

another awk
$2$ awk -v RS='^$' -v k='OR' '{gsub(k ORS,k FS); gsub(ORS k,FS k); printf "%s",$0}' file
x OR y
x OR y
for test input file
$ cat file
x OR
OR y


Print filenames & line number with number of fields greater than 'x'

I am running Ubuntu Linux. I am in need to print filenames & line numbers containing more than 7 columns. There are several hundred thousand files.
I am able to print the number of columns per file using awk. However the output I am after is something like
file1.csv-463 which is to suggest file1.csv has more than 7 records on line 463. I am using awk command awk -F"," '{print NF}' * to print the number of fields across all files.
Please could I request help?
If you have GNU awk with you, try following code then. This will simply check condition if NF is greater than 7 then it will print that particular file's file name along with line number and nextfile will take program to next Input_file which will save our time because we need not to read whole Input_file then.
awk -F',' 'NF>7{print FILENAME,FNR;nextfile}' *.csv
Above will print only very first match of condition to get/print all matched lines try following then:
awk -F',' 'NF>7{print FILENAME,FNR}' *.csv
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed -Ens 's/\S+/&/8;T;F;=;p' *.csv | paste - - -
If there is no eighth column, break.
Output the file name F, the line number = and print the current line p.
Feed the output into a paste command which prints three lines as one.
N.B. The -s option resets the line numbers for each file, without it, it will number each line for the entire input.

Can I delete a field in awk?

This is test.txt:
If I run
awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$2="";print $0}' test.txt
the result is:
The $2 wasn't deleted, it just became empty.
I hope, when printing $0, that the result is:
All the existing solutions are good though this is actually a tailor made job for cut:
cut -d, -f 1,3- file
If you want to remove 3rd field then use:
cut -d, -f 1,2,4- file
To remove 4th field use:
cut -d, -f 1-3,5- file
I believe simplest would be to use sub function to replace first occurrence of continuous ,,(which are getting created after you made 2nd field NULL) with single ,. But this assumes that you don't have any commas in between field values.
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{$2="";sub(/,,/,",");print $0}' Input_file
2nd solution: OR you could use match function to catch regex from first comma to next comma's occurrence and get before and after line of matched string.
awk '
print substr($0,1,RSTART-1)","substr($0,RSTART+RLENGTH)
}' Input_file
It's a bit heavy-handed, but this moves each field after field 2 down a place, and then changes NF so the unwanted field is not present:
$ awk -F, -v OFS=, '{ for (i = 2; i < NF; i++) $i = $(i+1); NF--; print }' test.txt
Tested with both GNU Awk 4.1.3 and BSD Awk ("awk version 20070501" on macOS Mojave 10.14.6 — don't ask; it frustrates me too, but sometimes employers are not very good at forward thinking). Setting NF may or may not work on older versions of Awk — I was a little surprised it did work, but the surprise was a pleasant one, for a change.
If Awk is not an absolute requirement, and the input is indeed as trivial as in your example, sed might be a simpler solution.
sed 's/,[^,]*//' test.txt
This is especially elegant if you want to remove the second field. A more generic approach to remove, the nth field would require you to put in a regex which matches the first n - 1 followed by the nth, then replace that with just the the first n - 1.
So for n = 4 you'd have
sed 's/\([^,]*,[^,]*,[^,]*,\)[^,]*,/\1/' test.txt
or more generally, if your sed dialect understands braces for specifying repetitions
sed 's/\(\([^,]*,\)\{3\}\)[^,]*,/\1/' test.txt
Some sed dialects allow you to lose all those pesky backslashes with an option like -r or -E but again, this is not universally supported or portable.
In case it's not obvious, [^,] matches a single character which is not (newline or) comma; and \1 recalls the text from first parenthesized match (back reference; \2 recalls the second, etc).
Also, this is completely unsuitable for escaped or quoted fields (though I'm not saying it can't be done). Every comma acts as a field separator, no matter what.
With GNU sed you can add a number modifier to substitute nth match of non-comma characters followed by comma:
sed -E 's/[^,]*,//2' file
Using awk in a regex-free way, with the option to choose which line will be deleted:
awk '{ col = 2; n = split($0,arr,","); line = ""; for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) line = line ( i == col ? "" : ( line == "" ? "" : "," ) arr[i] ); print line }' test.txt
Step by step:
col = 2 # defines which column will be deleted
n = split($0,arr,",") # each line is split into an array
# n is the number of elements in the array
line = "" # this will be the new line
for (i = 1; i <= n; i++) # roaming through all elements in the array
line = line ( i == col ? "" : ( line == "" ? "" : "," ) arr[i] )
# appends a comma (except if line is still empty)
# and the current array element to the line (except when on the selected column)
print line # prints line
Another solution:
You can just pipe the output to another sed and squeeze the delimiters.
$ awk -F, 'BEGIN{OFS=","}{$2=""}1 ' edward.txt | sed 's/,,/,/g'
Commenting on the first solution of #RavinderSingh13 using sub() function:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=","}{$2="";sub(/,,/,",");print $0}' Input_file
The gnu-awk manual:
It is important to note that making an assignment to an existing field changes the value of $0 but does not change the value of NF, even when you assign the empty string to a field." (4.4 Changing the Contents of a Field)
So, following the first solution of RavinderSingh13 but without using, in this case,sub() "The field is still there; it just has an empty value, delimited by the two colons":
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=","} {$2="";print $0}' file
My solution:
awk -F, '
regex = "^"$1","$2
sub(regex, $1, $0);
print $0;
or one line code:
awk -F, '{regex="^"$1","$2;sub(regex, $1, $0);print $0;}' test.txt
I found that OFS="," was not necessary
I would do it following way, let file.txt content be:
awk 'BEGIN{FS=",";OFS=""}{for(i=2;i<=NF;i+=1){$i="," $i};$2="";print}' file.txt
Explanation: I set OFS to nothing (empty string), then for 2nd and following column I add , at start. Finally I set what is now comma and value to nothing. Keep in mind this solution would need rework if you wish to remove 1st column.

Bash code for Selecting few columns from a variable

In a file I have a list of coordinates stored (see figure, to the left).
From there I want to copy the coordinates only (red marked) and put them in another file.
I copy the correct section from the file using COORD=`grep -B${i} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}. Then I tried to use awk to extract the required numbers from the COORD variable . It does output all the numbers in the file but deletes the spaces between values (figure, to the right).
How to write the red marked section as they are?
NEndCoord=`grep -B${N} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}|wc -l`
NCoord=`grep -B${N} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}| grep -B200 '&COORD' |wc -l`
let i=$NEndCoord-$NCoord
COORD=`grep -B${i} '&END COORD' ${cpki_file}`
echo "$COORD" | awk '{ print $2 $3 $4 }'
echo "$COORD" | awk '{ print $2 $3 $4 }'>tmp.txt
When you start using combinations of grep, sed, awk, cut and alike, you should realize you can do it all in a single awk command. In case of the OP, this would do exactly the same:
awk '/[&]END COORD/{p=0}
p { print $2,$3,$4 }
/[&]COORD/{p=1}' file
This parses the file keeping track of a printing flag p. The flag is set if "&COORD" is found and unset if "&END COORD" is found. Printing is done, only when the flag p is set. Since we don't want to print the line with "&END COORD", we have to reset the flag before we do the check for the printing. The same holds for the line with "&COORD", but there we have to reset it after we do the check for the printing (its a bit a weird reversed logic).
The problem with the above is that it will also process the lines
UNIT angstrom
If you want to have these removed, you might want to do a check on the total columns:
awk '/[&]END COORD/{p=0}
p && (NF==4){ print $2,$3,$4 }
/[&]COORD/{p=1}' file
Of only print the lines which do not contain "UNIT" or are empty:
awk '/[&]END COORD/{p=0}
p && (NF>0) && ($1 != "UNIT"){ print $2,$3,$4 }
/[&]COORD/{p=1}' file
sed one-liner:
sed -n '/^&COORD$/,/^UNIT/{s/.*[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)/\1\t\2\t\3/p}' <infile.txt >outfile.txt
sed: stream editor
-n: do not print unless eplicit
Commands in sed:
/^&COORD$/,/^UNIT/: Selects groups of lines after &COORDS and before UNIT.
{s/.*[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)/\1\t\2\t\3/p}: Process each selected lines.
s/.*[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\)[[:space:]]\+\(.*\): Regex capture space delimited groups except the first.
/\1\t\2\t\3/: Replace with tab delimited values of the captured groups.
p: Explicit printout.

print last two words of last line

I have a script which returns few lines of output and I am trying to print the last two words of the last line (irrespective of number of lines in the output)
$ ./
service is running..
check are getting done
status is now open..
the test is passed
I tried running as below but it prints last word of each line.
$ ./ | awk '{ print $NF }'
how do I print the last two words "is passed" using awk or sed?
Just say:
awk 'END {print $(NF-1), $NF}'
"normal" awks store the last line (but not all of them!), so that it is still accessible by the time you reach the END block.
Then, it is a matter of printing the penultimate and the last one. This can be done using the NF-1 and NF trick.
For robustness if your last line can only contain 1 field and your awk doesn't retain the field values in the END section:
awk '{split($0,a)} END{print (NF>1?a[NF-1]OFS:"") a[NF]}'
This might work for you (GNU sed):
sed '$s/.*\(\<..*\<.*\)/\1/p;d' file
This deletes all lines in the file but on the last line it replaces all words by the last two words and prints them if successful.

Regarding duplicate entries from a file [duplicate]

Is there a way to delete duplicate lines in a file in Unix?
I can do it with sort -u and uniq commands, but I want to use sed or awk.
Is that possible?
awk '!seen[$0]++' file.txt
seen is an associative array that AWK will pass every line of the file to. If a line isn't in the array then seen[$0] will evaluate to false. The ! is the logical NOT operator and will invert the false to true. AWK will print the lines where the expression evaluates to true.
The ++ increments seen so that seen[$0] == 1 after the first time a line is found and then seen[$0] == 2, and so on.
AWK evaluates everything but 0 and "" (empty string) to true. If a duplicate line is placed in seen then !seen[$0] will evaluate to false and the line will not be written to the output.
(Please don't ask me how this works ;-) )
# delete duplicate, consecutive lines from a file (emulates "uniq").
# First line in a set of duplicate lines is kept, rest are deleted.
sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D'
# delete duplicate, nonconsecutive lines from a file. Beware not to
# overflow the buffer size of the hold space, or else use GNU sed.
sed -n 'G; s/\n/&&/; /^\([ -~]*\n\).*\n\1/d; s/\n//; h; P'
Perl one-liner similar to jonas's AWK solution:
perl -ne 'print if ! $x{$_}++' file
This variation removes trailing white space before comparing:
perl -lne 's/\s*$//; print if ! $x{$_}++' file
This variation edits the file in-place:
perl -i -ne 'print if ! $x{$_}++' file
This variation edits the file in-place, and makes a backup file.bak:
perl -i.bak -ne 'print if ! $x{$_}++' file
An alternative way using Vim (Vi compatible):
Delete duplicate, consecutive lines from a file:
vim -esu NONE +'g/\v^(.*)\n\1$/d' +wq
Delete duplicate, nonconsecutive and nonempty lines from a file:
vim -esu NONE +'g/\v^(.+)$\_.{-}^\1$/d' +wq
The one-liner that Andre Miller posted works except for recent versions of sed when the input file ends with a blank line and no characterss. On my Mac my CPU just spins.
This is an infinite loop if the last line is blank and doesn't have any characterss:
sed '$!N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D'
It doesn't hang, but you lose the last line:
sed '$d;N; /^\(.*\)\n\1$/!P; D'
The explanation is at the very end of the sed FAQ:
The GNU sed maintainer felt that despite the portability problems
this would cause, changing the N command to print (rather than
delete) the pattern space was more consistent with one's intuitions
about how a command to "append the Next line" ought to behave.
Another fact favoring the change was that "{N;command;}" will
delete the last line if the file has an odd number of lines, but
print the last line if the file has an even number of lines.
To convert scripts which used the former behavior of N (deleting
the pattern space upon reaching the EOF) to scripts compatible with
all versions of sed, change a lone "N;" to "$d;N;".
The first solution is also from
$ echo -e '1\n2\n2\n3\n3\n3\n4\n4\n4\n4\n5' |sed -nr '$!N;/^(.*)\n\1$/!P;D'
The core idea is:
Print only once of each duplicate consecutive lines at its last appearance and use the D command to implement the loop.
$!N;: if the current line is not the last line, use the N command to read the next line into the pattern space.
/^(.*)\n\1$/!P: if the contents of the current pattern space is two duplicate strings separated by \n, which means the next line is the same with current line, we can not print it according to our core idea; otherwise, which means the current line is the last appearance of all of its duplicate consecutive lines. We can now use the P command to print the characters in the current pattern space until \n (\n also printed).
D: we use the D command to delete the characters in the current pattern space until \n (\n also deleted), and then the content of pattern space is the next line.
and the D command will force sed to jump to its first command $!N, but not read the next line from a file or standard input stream.
The second solution is easy to understand (from myself):
$ echo -e '1\n2\n2\n3\n3\n3\n4\n4\n4\n4\n5' |sed -nr 'p;:loop;$!N;s/^(.*)\n\1$/\1/;tloop;D'
The core idea is:
print only once of each duplicate consecutive lines at its first appearance and use the : command and t command to implement LOOP.
read a new line from the input stream or file and print it once.
use the :loop command to set a label named loop.
use N to read the next line into the pattern space.
use s/^(.*)\n\1$/\1/ to delete the current line if the next line is the same with the current line. We use the s command to do the delete action.
if the s command is executed successfully, then use the tloop command to force sed to jump to the label named loop, which will do the same loop to the next lines until there are no duplicate consecutive lines of the line which is latest printed; otherwise, use the D command to delete the line which is the same with the latest-printed line, and force sed to jump to the first command, which is the p command. The content of the current pattern space is the next new line.
uniq would be fooled by trailing spaces and tabs. In order to emulate how a human makes comparison, I am trimming all trailing spaces and tabs before comparison.
I think that the $!N; needs curly braces or else it continues, and that is the cause of the infinite loop.
I have Bash 5.0 and sed 4.7 in Ubuntu 20.10 (Groovy Gorilla). The second one-liner did not work, at the character set match.
The are three variations. The first is to eliminate adjacent repeat lines, the second to eliminate repeat lines wherever they occur, and the third to eliminate all but the last instance of lines in file.
# First line in a set of duplicate lines is kept, rest are deleted.
# Emulate human eyes on trailing spaces and tabs by trimming those.
# Use after norepeat() to dedupe blank lines.
dedupe() {
sed -E '
s/[ \t]+$//;
# Delete duplicate, nonconsecutive lines from a file. Ignore blank
# lines. Trailing spaces and tabs are trimmed to humanize comparisons
# squeeze blank lines to one
norepeat() {
sed -n -E '
s/[ \t]+$//;
lastrepeat() {
sed -n -E '
s/[ \t]+$//;
# delete previous repeated line if found
# after searching for previous repeat, move tested last line to end
# squeeze blank lines to one
This can be achieved using AWK.
The below line will display unique values:
awk file_name | uniq
You can output these unique values to a new file:
awk file_name | uniq > uniq_file_name
The new file uniq_file_name will contain only unique values, without any duplicates.
cat filename | sort | uniq -c | awk -F" " '$1<2 {print $2}'
It deletes the duplicate lines using AWK.