Winmove() not working with citrix app - vba

I'm back for more help please.
I'm still on the same project as my question a few weeks ago but stuck on another bit.
I have a multiscreen (win 7) set up and am trying to write an application that will start a number of applications and move/resize them in to the correct positions. I'm doing this as a console app in
Following the help I received with my last question I can now start up , move , resize, close all the apps I need bar a couple.
Unfortunately I need to run two applications through Citrix.
One is an Excel sheet.
I can find the windows handle for these windows and select them and or close them but MoveWin() or SetWindowPos() doesn't seem to do anything though the title bar of the window I want to move turns blue so I know it is selecting it..
Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
A section of the code is pasted below. I'm testing this in excel at the moment and I'll port it across to my console app once working...
Public Declare Function SetWindowPos Lib "user32.dll" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hWndInsertAfter As Long, ByVal x As Long, ByVal y As Long, ByVal cx As Long, ByVal cy As Long, ByVal wFlags As Long) As Long
Public Const SWP_FRAMECHANGED = &H20 'Fully redraw the window in its new position.
Sub MoveWin()
Dim retval As Long
Dim hwnd As Long
Dim RetWhnd As Long
hwnd = '123456'
retval = SetWindowPos(hwnd, RetWhnd, 0, 0, 600, 400, SWP_FRAMECHANGED) ' Application.hwnd
End Sub

I am not at my home machine, so I cannot confirm this, but I am fairly certain that VB 6 has a tab on the compile dialog (last one perhaps) that has a citrix-related option checkbox. If it's not there, it might be in the project properties.

Just in case this helps someone else. I've contacted the Citrix people and they basically don't know the answer. I at least wanted to know if it was possible. Anyway as far as I can ascertain, the move command doesn't seem to be possible across the Citrix divide. The solution I've come up with is to leave the actual move part of the code in the remotely run app. That is build code in to the apps run through Citrix to look at an ini file on the local machine and receive instructions from it.
This now works great but will only work for apps that either have ability to run a container language or can be wrapped up somehow..


What is the reason that FTD2XX functions do not work in VB.NET after Visual Studio update(?), is there possible fix?

I am developing an app in VB.NET (for a customer with hardware using FTDI USB serial chip. Communication uses FTD2XX library and the respective Nuget package (FTD2XX.Net v1.2.1). After some update of Visual Studio (probably update to 17.1, but I am not sure) all functions except a few stopped working. Current VS version is 17.1.1.
For instance, it is possible to obtain number of devices attached by the FTDI driver:
Friend Declare Function FT_CreateDeviceInfoList Lib "FTD2XX.DLL" (ByRef lngNumDevs As Integer) As Integer
Dim ftStatus As Integer
Dim numDevices As Integer
ftStatus = FT_CreateDeviceInfoList(numDevices)
In the above snippet ftStatus result = 0 (i.e. OK) and numDevices is set to 1 (correct).
Problem starts when I want to do something serious:
Friend Declare Function FT_GetComPortNumber Lib "FTD2XX.DLL" (ByVal lnghandle As Integer, ByRef lplComPortNumber As Integer) As Integer
Friend Declare Function FT_Open Lib "FTD2XX.DLL" (ByVal iDevice As Integer, ByRef lnghandle As Integer) As Integer
Friend Declare Function FT_Close Lib "FTD2XX.DLL" (ByVal lnghandle As Integer) As Integer
Dim portHandle as Integer
Dim cpNumber as Long
For i% = 0 To 255
ftStatus = FT_Open(i, portHandle)
If ftStatus = FT_OK Then
ftStatus = FT_GetComPortNumber(portHandle, cpNumber)
ftStatus = FT_Close(portHandle)
' here is some non-essential code registering that port at index i% exists...
End If
In the above code, FT_Open returns ftStatus = 0 (FT_OK) and sets a value for portHandle.
However, the next call, FT_GetComPortNumber, returns ftStatus = 1 (FT_INVALID_HANDLE) and the value passed to cpNumber is 0xFFFF (shows as positive, but in fact should be -1, I guess...). What is worse, FT_Close() also returns FT_INVALID_HANDLE and the port remains open. I verified it by trying to open the port from another app - access denied.
Sometimes it seems that FT_Write and FT_Read functions work despite this mess, but in my last try I could not any communication with the hardware at all.
I tried to use System.IO.Ports.SerialPort as possible workaround but that does not work at all. On top of that, I need to use bit-bang on RTS, because it controls supply voltage and reset of the hardware connected to the other side of the FTDI chip. Without possibility to bring RTS down for hundreds of milliseconds and then hold it up all the time I cannot control the hardware. AFAIK System.IO.Ports.SerialPort provides no possibility to do that.
What could be the solution?
After much trial and error, it appears to be a problem in compile configuration.
Open Solution properties Window and click on the Compile tab.
Then click on "Advanced Compile Options"
If the "Remove integer overflow checks" checkbox is not checked, check it!
I have no idea how an integer overflow check can garble a 32-bit number not involved in any arithmetic operation whatsoever, but this is what really happened. I consider this a bug in Visual Basic compiler used in Visual Studio 17.1.6 (and a number of previous versions), but I did not dig deeper in this topic.
#HansPassant writes:
The declarations are wrong, it must be lnghandle As IntPtr. The difference between Integer and IntPtr matter when you run the app in 64-bit mode. Prone to happen when targeting .NETCore, as likely in VS2022.
-- Hans Passant

Creating a Program for a function generator

so i just bought a function generator and i want to connect the ports from my program. The folder of the driver came with a program in vb6, so that makes me dont need to create the full program.
Even if im not a pro in visual basic, i translated almost everything into, but when i run the program it gives me the following error when runs Writefile:
i have searched in lot of websites and forums and tried almost everything but i dont know how to fix it. when every data arrives to "writefile" is like this:
WriteFile(hComm, bytebuf_t(0), wLen, gLen, 0&)
hcomm: a large number, always something like 42221250801565695
bytebuf_t(0): 115
wlen: 14
glen: 0
0&: (i dont really get this).
also, the writefile command is this.
Public Declare Function WriteFile Lib "kernel32" (ByVal hCommDev As Long, lpBuffer As Byte,
ByVal nNumberOfBytesToWrite As Long, lpNumberOfBytesWritten As Long, lpOverlapped As Long) As Long
i also tried to use but didn't work either

RFID Programming With VB.NET

I'm trying to use RFID Contactless Smart Card (T8/D8 Series) for my final project.
But i have problem acessing the dcrf32.dll file in my form.
There are 3 things included in RFID Package, (therefore : 12 smartcards, an usb port, and a driver CD)
In the driver CD, there are so many sample project in some programming language, except VB.NET, i tried them one by one, and that's work.
There is a folder named "win32-dll", it have 3 files inside (dcrf32.dll, dcrf32.h, dcrf32.lib). I have to copy them all in every sample program that i want to use.
They also have example in VB.6, when i try to run it, no problems at all. It works.
(i also put those 3 dcrf files in the %windows%\System32 folder).
But, when i try to build my own project with Visual Studio 2010 and using VB.NET programming language, i have a problem calling the dcrf32.dll file.
I migrate the VB6 source code to VB.NET, it has error when giving parameters to dc_init function.
Can anybody help me? Where is my fault?
Here are the links that important to solve my problems :
I just need help with my first button, and you don't have to help me with the other button like in VB 6 example program.
I just wanna know how to connect the dcrf32 files, and why in VB.NET it has error but in VB 6 it works properly.
I wonder it.
The problem that you are having is dealing with your Declare Functions and the fact there are changes to the size of integers and longs etc. in VB.Net. Look at this Link and this Code Project Article on using PInvoke.
i.e. An Integer in VB6 is a Short in VB.Net, A Long in VB6 is an Integer in VB.Net. The % in your Declares is a VB6 Integer and will become a short.
Declare Auto Function dc_init Lib "dcrf32.dll" (ByVal port as Short, ByVal baud As Integer) As Integer
Declare Auto Function dc_exit Lib "dcrf32.dll" (ByVal icdev As Integer) As Short
Declare Auto Function dc_request Lib "dcrf32.dll" (ByVal icdev As Integer, ByVal mode as Short, tagtype As Integer) As Short
Declare Auto Function dc_anticoll Lib "dcrf32.dll" (ByVal icdev As Integer, ByVal bcnt as Short, snr As Integer) As Short

Error when reading registry with Visual Basic 6 running on Win7

I have inherited a VB6 application from a friend of a family member, who wants to have some enhancements done to it.
I haven’t developed in VB for more than 3 years (I’m currently developing in MS Dynamics Ax).
I’ve recently upgraded my hardware and am now running Win7. The last time I worked with the app (about a year and a half ago) was on a WinXP platform, and everything worked fine. Now when I run the app (through code) on Win7, I get an error when trying to read from the registry.
Yes, I am running VB as administrator.
The code to read from the registry is:
Public Function sReadRegistry(ByVal hKeyRoot As Long, _
ByVal sSubKey As String, _
ByVal sValueName As String) As String
Dim r As Long
Dim sData As String * 255
Dim lDataSize As Long
Dim sTempVal As String
Dim readValue As String
lDataSize = 255
'Get the Value Requested
lDataSize = 255
r = VRegReadString(hKeyRoot, sSubKey, sValueName, sData, lDataSize)
If r Then
sTempVal = ""
sTempVal = Left$(sData, lDataSize - 1)
End If
sReadRegistry = sTempVal
End Function
The “VRegReadString “ is declared within a module; and is declared as follows:
Declare Function VRegReadString Lib "VREG" (ByVal hKeyRoot As Long, ByVal sSubKey As String, ByVal sValueName As String, ByVal sData As String, ByRef lDataSize As Long) As Long
It complains about the “VREG” library…
The error I get is: “File not found: VREG”.
Is there a reference or component that I forgot to select? Can somebody please help with a solution?
Thanks in advance.
Seeing that the function declaration is an import from an external library called "VREG", you are probably missing the actual library itself, i.e. VREG.DLL. Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be a common library, so you'd have to come up with it yourself.
Good news is, though, accessing the registry is not really hard and can be done with just the bare Windows API, especially seeing that VREG.DLL does not really seem to add a good deal of abstraction to the regular API. Take a look at these functions:
Registry Functions
...which you can use to easily re-write registry access, provided you fail to procure the needed DLL from somewhere.

Detecting if Internet is connected

How can I check through my application if computer is connected with internet or not (at the moment)
I need a message if net is connected.
Thanks a lot
Dim response As Boolean = False
response =
True, you have access, false, you don't, or the world is ending because google is offline.
I would try that.
It's from VB 6, but I think you can easily convert it.
Private Declare Function InternetGetConnectedState Lib "wininet.dll" (ByRef
dwflags As Long, ByVal dwReserved As Long) As Long
Public Function IsOnline() As Boolean
Dim LFlags As Long
IsOnline = InternetGetConnectedState(LFlags, 0&)
End Function
Internet connectivity should be handled similar to file availability.
With files, you should typically not use File.Exists() to first see if you can open a file because the results might change on you between when you perform the check and when you act on the results, let alone the difference between mere existence and read permissions. You have to handle the exceptions anyway, and so that's really a better place to concentrate your efforts.
The same is true for internet access. The best option is generally to just go and do it, and concentrate your development time on your exception handler.
Use this code :
If My.Computer.Network.IsAvailable Then
MsgBox("Computer is connected.")
MsgBox("Computer is not connected.")
End If
Refer to this link.