How to add new rendering hint in - rendering

How to add new rendering hint in or by extending it.


How to improve performance while using dynamic components in vue?

Currently, I am working on a complex editor application which uses vuex state, vuetify's expansion panel and vue's dynamic component. Each dynamic component uses data which is accepted as props and has its own nested components.
The issue with this approach is as the app deals with the large, nested state, the add operation in the UI slows down and makes the UI unusable.
In the example, I have added 1000 objects just to replicate the issue. Unfortunately cannot use pagination here.
Is there any other way to approach this problem to improve the performance, any suggestions would be helpful.
Codesandbox - Demo
Codesandbox - Edit
You are using index as your key and at the same time adding new item to the beginning of the array using unshift - which means every time the new item is added, all components needs to be rerendered. Use :key="" instead and you will see huge speed improvement on adding new items...
Initial render is another problem - if the pagination is not an option, you can look at some virtual list solutions which do render only part of the list visible and make scrolling effective by reusing existing components. One example is vue-virtual-scroller. Vuetify itself has it's own implementation but I'm not sure how well it will work with expansion panel considering this note in the documentation:
We are in the process of integrating the v-virtual-scroll component into existing features and components. If you are interested in helping, please reach out to John Leider in the Discord Community.
(Also it seems you are using really old version of Vuetify...)

Vuejs directive masonry detect prepend to array and redraw properly

I am using the vue-masonry plugin which let me create a masonry grid easily.
I created a system of infinite loading where you scroll to the bottom of the page and it append new pictures to an array binded with the vue-masonry plugin.
The problem happen when I created a system of polling for the new pictures that were upoaded by other users. Those new pictures need to be at the top of the masonry grid.
The plugin use two Vue Directive masonry (parent) and masonryTile (element). masonryTile has a v-for which loop through the array binded with my Vue instance (which does all the heavy lifting, preloading, sanityzing, etc...).
Is there a way in the directives to know the differences between something being appended or prepended? And try to react differently (I know masonry has some append/prepend method) but in here and with this plugin, the items where already added (at the beginning so the prepend works with Vue) but there's no masonry interaction nor redraw (I tried to use the prototype to trigger the redraw this.$redrawVueMasonry();).
So I don't know what's next to do. Continue finding a way to differentiate a prepend from a append and trying to bind it to the respective masonry's methods ? Or another method that I didn't think of...
Thanks in advance for you help
Ps : I don't think my code is really relevant since It's more a way to optimize the plugin. If you want some specific part of my code anymay, tell me in the comment !
This probably comes a bit too late, this being a 10 month old question.
However vue-masonry is able to handle situations where items are spliced anywhere in the array. But to properly update the grid this.$redrawVueMasonry() should be called inside this.$nextTick() like this:
this.$nextTick(() => this.$redrawVueMasonry());
Hope this helps, if not the original poster, someone else.

layout doesn't work when adding nodes to graph dynamically

When I add nodes to the graph statically via the elements property of
the layout option works but when I add them via
the layout is ignored. I can apply new layout only on these events(click, mouseover, mouseout) like this:
cy.on('mouseover', function(event) {
cy.layout({name: "grid"});
and the layout changes. Tried with other events: ready, done and load but it doesn't work.
Is there a normal way way to change the layout when elements are added dynamically?
You can't call a second layout while the initialisation layout is running. Configure your initialisation properly ( to have all the data and options you require.
As for cy.add(): Don't try using cy.add() on load unless you specify everything you need (incl. position) for those elements. Or, you'll have to at least wait for layoutstop before running a new layout. In general, you're better off using the initialisation options to do things for you rather than having to worry about edge cases and event synchronising yourself.

How to make a custom ListVIewItem on Secha2?

I am trying to make a custom listview with his items bigger, with an image in the background and a text over it.
I'm trying to use the Kiva example on the docs, but I cannot understand nothing about how is doing that.
Someone could help me understand how to make that? or ar approach to do?
If you want to use sencha-touch 2.0, I think Sencha-touch2.0 guide helps you.
Of course if you want to edit style, you must change via css or template of listview (via listview's tpl attribute).

Trying to make dynamically created element draggable

I'm trying to create a dynamic input element that is draggable. Now the problem is I create an element but when I use something like
after I append it to the container div, it's not working. Basically it's not working for the dynamically created input element of a certain id. Here's the code and please feel free to point out problems. I could really use some help on this one. Thanks!
The problem is that you are creating a new element that is not bound to the UI functions. I would suggest using clone(true,true) and then changing the parameters of the cloned element as need be. You can learn more about clone here.