Binding Expression in Aurelia if.bind - aurelia

I would like to put in a simple expression to a template in Aurelia.
When working in a loop of <span repeat.for="link of links">, I want to show a '/' between all items, except after the last one.
I would expect I could use the following:
<span if.bind="${$index + 1} !== ${links.length}"> / </span>
But this gives me the following error:
Uncaught (in promise) Error: Parser Error: Missing expected : at column 10 in [${$index + 1} !== ${links.length}]
Is there a way I can do this?

Try if.bind="$index !== links.length - 1" instead of doing string interpolation. That should make it work.

or even shorter:
<span>${links.join(' / ')}</span>


Pass parameter in v-bind:href

I have a <a> tag in my vue component & by checking some condition v-bind:href may differ. I have used ternary operator for it and in the else part I want to pass id with the url, but with not as part of url (like '/test/' +id). id should not be in the url. so how to do it?
This is how I tried for it & it giving me the compile error due to comma before id in else part,
<a v-bind:href="type === 'single' ? '/user/''/edit' : '/profile',">
Url should be like "/profile"
I have resolved it as follows,
<a v-bind:href="type === 'single' ? '/user/''/edit' : '/profile?user_id='">

How to change the label name dynamically in vs-tab using vue.js

<vs-tab lable="Kid 1" >
<vs-tab lable="Kid 2" >
and so on...
I made the dynamically add kid and used this like
<vs-tab lable="Kid 1" v-for"(kid,index) in kids>
I mean this lable="Kid{{index+1}} but showing error plz help me out..
You should replace your code to this:
<vs-tab :label="'Kid ' + (index + 1)" v-for"(kid,index) in kids">
And to complete the right answer from #webprogrammer don't forget: for a v-for you need to add a unique key, for instance : :key="index"

Syntax of Vue.js filter within v-bind:href

I am declaring a html hyperlink with vue.js. The URL is set up by concatenating lets say "baseurl" and "id". However, I need to format the "id" first. I am trying to use a vue.js filter to process the "id" before concatenating with "baseurl". However, the filter applies to the whole URL, and not just to "id", which is what I want.
Let's say:
longid = ""
I want to obtain:
I got this if I do:
<a v-bind:href="'https://mysite.mydatabase?ID='+longid.substring(longid.indexOf('.')+1)">{{ longid }}</a>
However, I wanted to do it with a vue.js filter, which I like more. I tried:
<a v-bind:href="'https://mysite.mydatabase?ID='+longid | shorten">{{ longid }}</a>
With the filter declared as:
filters: {
shorten: function(myString){
return myString.substring(myString.lastIndexOf(".")+1)
This is applied to the whole URL, and not just to "longid", so I finally have:
instead of
I also tried to enclose the substring and the filter within parentheses:
<a v-bind:href="'https://mysite.mydatabase?ID='+ ( longid | shorten )">{{ longid }}</a>
but then I got a ReferenceError claming that the filter is not defined.
How can I make the filter apply only to "longid", being afterwards concatenated with the rest of the URL?
From what I get here is that you are trying to use a filter as method. You can achieve this using this.$options.filters.filterName().
For the given case, you should try something like:
<a v-bind:href="'https://mysite.mydatabase?ID='+$options.filters.shorten(longid )">{{ longid }}</a>.
Fiddle for reference:
You can define method shorten and use like
<a v-bind:href="`https://mysite.mydatabase?ID=${shorten(longid)}`">{{ longid }}</a>
Consider change your shorten function:
shorten: function(myString){
return myString.split('.').pop()
Try this:
<a v-bind:href="'https://mysite.mydatabase?ID='+longid | shorten(longid)">{{ longid }}</a>
Your filters function should change like this:
filters: {
shorten: function(myString,longid){
//return your code;
First argument is the url and second argument is longid parameter

Empy list on return

I have this in my qweb report
<span t-esc="formatLang(get_routing_data(o)[-1]['total'] , digits=3)"/>
it works ok, but sometimes it returns an empty list and then i get error index tuple out of range. how can i avoid it?
You could set the return value of the call to get_routing_data into a variable and make check the value using t-if conditions before use it, like:
<t t-set="routing_data" t-value="get_routing_data(o)"/>
<span t-if="routing_data and len(routing_data) > 0 and routing_data[-1].get('total', False)" t-esc="formatLang(routing_data[-1]['total'], digits=3)"/>

Laravel 5 QueryException When I try to call Edit Function

I am learning about Laravel 5 and studying from this source
But when I try to make my own project which involves editing like the source taught me, I got "QueryException in Connection.php line 620:SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column '' in 'where clause' (SQL: select * from mscustomer where = 1 limit 1)"
Here are the code snippets
Route::get('edit/{member}', 'MemberController#edit');
public function edit($custid)
{$member=mscustomer::findOrFail($custid);return view('member.edit' ,compact('member'));}
And here is the edit.blade.php
<div class="form-group">
{!!Form::label('custname','Name :')!!}
{!!Form::text('custname',null,['class' => 'form-control'])!!}
{!!Form::label('password','Password :')!!}
{!!Form::password('password',null,['class' => 'form-control'])!!}
{!!Form::label('email','E-mail :')!!}
{!!Form::text('email',null,['class' => 'form-control'])!!}
#if ($errors->any())
#foreach ($errors->all() as $error)
<br>{{ $error }}</br>
As the error states, the id column doesnt' exist in Database.
If you did setup your database migrations properly you wanna run "php artisan migrate". IF you didn't. You need to set them up befor you can start using your Eloquent models.