How to forward logs with Splunk Forwarder for the files with no header and logs should be in form of key/Value - splunk

I have a splunk forwarder setup already on my host.
I have certain files in the folder (/tom/mike/). File names are starting with Back*.
The content of file may in one or multiple line. There are multiple fixed position values separated with some spaces in each line with no header.
Content (Example: Consider "-" as one space)
I need splunk logs for each line.
Key1= Tom Key2=516 Key3= RTYUI Key4= 45678
Key1= Mike Key2= 345 Key3= XYXFF Key4= 56789
I know inputs.conf changes would be like below:
sourcetype = BackFileData
Please suggest changes which can be done in props.conf. Please keep in mind that delimiter is fixed for each value in line but its not same (like 2 spaces) for all column values. There are no headers as well in these files.

You can use kvdelims if you want a search-time extraction or you can make a transforms.conf rule and apply it in props.conf and it will extract at index time
Here's a good article covering all those scenarios


Recursively search directory for occurrences of each string from one column of a .csv file

I have a CSV file--let's call it search.csv--with three columns. For each row, the first column contains a different string. As an example (punctuation of the strings is intentional):
Col 1,Col 2,Col 3
string 2,valueB,stringBeta
I also have a set of directories contained within one overarching parent directory, each of which have a subdirectory we'll call source, such that the path to source would look like this: ~/parentDirectory/directoryA/source
What I would like to do is search the source subdirectories for any occurrences--in any file--of each of the strings in Col 1 of search.csv. Some of these strings will need to be manually edited, while others can be categorically replaced. I run the following command . . .
awk -F "," '{print $1}' search.csv | xargs -I# grep -Frli # ~/parentDirectory/*/source/*
What I would want is a list of files that match the criteria described above.
My awk call gets a few hits, followed by xargs: unterminated quote. There are some single quotes in some of the strings in the first column that I suspect may be the problem. The larger issue, however, is that when I did a sanity check on the results I got (which seemed far too few to be right), there was a vast discrepancy. I ran the following:
ag -l "searchTerm" ~/parentDirectory
Where searchTerm is a substring of many (but not all) of the strings in the first column of search.csv. In contrast to my above awk-based approach which returned 11 files before throwing an error, ag found 154 files containing that particular substring.
Additionally, my current approach is too low-resolution even if it didn't error out, in that it wouldn't distinguish between which results are for which strings, which would be key to selectively auto-replacing certain strings. Am I mistaken in thinking this should be doable entirely in awk? Any advice would be much appreciated.

How to clear txt file having different Delimiter using SSIS package?

I have text file which is having ^(CAP) and ,(Comma) as a delimiter and after clearing i need to load to sql . I have tried my best to clear a source file
But still file is not cleaned as expectation .
Please find the below picture i have tried to correct the source file
But still file is not cleared as expected . Please find below uncleared file .
You have a variety of issues here.
You have identified the header row delimiter as a comma. A row delimiter is the, usually invisible, delimiter than indicates a row's worth of data has happened. Traditionally, this is an Operating System specific value but it's a Carriage Return (CR), Line Feed (LF) or Carriage Return/Line Feed.
Your source data is not a comma delimited file with caret/circumflex/cap text delimiters. You have a comma-space delimited file which SSIS doesn't support in the editor. However, if you hand edit the dtsx file as I outlined in How to read a flatfile with lowercase thorn as the delimiter to specify that it should use comma space ColumnDelimiter="_x002C__x0020_"
Given a truncated version of your source data
ListCode, CAS, Name
^216^, ^^, ^Coal Dust^
^216^, ^7782-24-5^, ^Graphite (Natural)^
^216^, ^^, ^Inert or Nuisance Dust^
and the comma (0x2C) space (0x20) edited into the raw dtsx connection manager, I was able to pull data as I believe you are expecting
You might also run into additional issues given your selection of code pages and not checking the Unicode button but that's beyond my ability to generate matching source data from an image.
Just replace the ^, ^ with ^,^
It looks like your source
CAS, SubName, ListCode, Type, CountryCode, ListName
^1000413-72-8^,^fasiglifam^,^447^,^Chemical Inventory^,^EU^,^ECICS Custom Tariff Codes^
^1000413-72-8^,^fasiglifam^,^0^,^^,^NN^,^SPHERA Global Substance List^
Then edit your connection manager with below details
[![enter image description here][2]][2]
It will work .

Targeting a string for deletion with grep, sed, awk (or cut)

I am trying to parse some logs to gain the user agent and account id per line. I have already managed to pull the user agent and a string which contains the account id all on the same line.
The next step is to extract the account id from its longer string. I thought this would be fairly simple as I will know the start of the string and there are / slashes for the delimiter but the user agent also contains slashes and have varied number of fields.
The log file currently looks something like the following example but there are hundreds to thousands of lines to parse. Luckily I am working off a partition with plenty of space to spare.
USER_AGENT_PART ACCOUNT_ID_Part_/plus/path/to/stuff/they/access
some user agent/1.3 KnownString1_32d4-56e-009f98/some/stuff/here
user/agent KnownString1_12d3-345e-4c534/more/stuff/here
User/Agent cURL/1.5.0 KnownString2_12d34e56/stuff/things/stuff/stuff
one/User Agent/2.0 KnownString1_12d3_456e_7g8/more/random/stuff/stuff
So the goal is to keep the user agent part and the account id part and drop the path of the stuff they are accessing in the last string. But I can't use / or spaces as general delimiters because many user agents have / and various amounts of spaces in their name.
Also, the different types of user agents is way more than this little sample I have here. There are anywhere from 25 - 50 distinct types depending on the log. So it doesn't seem worth it to target the user agent and try to exclude it.
It seems the logical way to start is by targeting the part of the account ID which is a known string (KnownString1 or KnownString2) and grab everything from there (which is unknown numbers and letters with dashes) up until the first / of that account string.
Then I would delete the first / (In the account ID string) and everything after. I expect I will need to do this in two passes to utilize the two known parts of the user IDs.
This seemed like it would be easy but I just can't wrap my head around how to start targeting that last string. I don't even have a good example of something that is close to working because I don't know how to target the last string by delimiters without catching the same delimiters in the user agent part.
Any ideas?
Edit: Every line will have an account id that starts with one of two common KnownString_ in it but then is followed by a series of unknown digits and dashes until it gets to the first /. So I don't need to search for lines containing that before targeting the string.
Edit2: My original examples of the Account ID did not reflect there were letters mixed in with the numbers.
Edit3: Thanks to the responses from oguz ismail and kesubagu I was able to solve this using egrep. Looks like I was trying to make things more complicated than they were. I also realized I need to revisit grep as its capable of doing far more than what I tend to use it for.
This is what I ended up using which worked in one pass:
egrep -o ".+(KnownString1|KnownString2)_[^/]+" logfile > logfile2
Using grep:
$ grep -o '.*KnownString[^/]*' file
some user agent/1.3 KnownString1_32d4-56e-009f98
user/agent KnownString1_12d3-345e-4c534
User/Agent cURL/1.5.0 KnownString2_12d34e56
one/User Agent/2.0 KnownString1_12d3_456e_7g8
.* matches everything before KnownString, and [^/]* matches everything after KnownString until the first /.
You can use egrep with the -o option which will only output the part of that matches the provided regex, so you could do something like this
cat test | egrep -o ".+(KnownString1|KnownString2)_[_0-9-]+"
where the test file contains the input you've given, the output in this case was
some user agent/1.3 KnownString1_324-56-00998
user/agent KnownString1_123-345-4534
User/Agent cURL/1.5.0 KnownString2_123456
one/User Agent/2.0 KnownString1_123_456_78

syslog-ng match and filter is not working the way I want

I have following messages
1)"customer1"," 5","0","".....
2)"customer2"," 5","0",""....
3)"customer3"," 5","0",""...
4)""," 5","0",""
5)""," 5","0",""
What I want to achieve is based on first value in double quotes I want to create folders and then writing logs in the respective folder only and whenever double quote is blank send those logs in Others folder.With the following configuration I am able to create folder like (customer1,customer2 and customer3). Problem Occurs when I have blank value at the first place like log 4 and 5.
filter c1 {match('(^"")' flags("store-matches") type("pcre") value("MESSAGE") );};
destination d1 {file("/opt/data/cef/other/${DAY}${MONTH}${YEAR}_other.log");};
log {source(s_udp);filter(c1);destination(d1);};
filter c2 {match('(?<=")([\w\s]*)(?=")' flags("store-matches") type("pcre") value("MESSAGE") );};
destination d2 {file("/opt/data/cef/$1/${DAY}${MONTH}${YEAR}_$1.log");};
log {source(s_udp);filter(c2);destination(d2);};
First filter checks if the first double quote is empty or just like "" and it writes those logs into Others folder.Problem is with the second filter it matches everything between "". So it works fine if it has value but misbehave if it is empty .So it writes this log into a file with the name 03_06_2017.log in /opt/data/cef folder. I am not sure why it is creating a separate file .
Please help .
I think it would be easier to use a csv-parser:
If the number of columns in the messages varies, and you only need the first column for your filter, then you can use the greedy flag to take care of the other columns.

Reading blocks of text from a CSV file -

I need to parse a CSV file with blocks of text being processed in different ways according to certain rules, e.g.
Each block of text will be grouped so the first three rows will be parsed using certain rules and so on. Notice that the last two groups have only one single column but each group must be handled in a different way.
I have the chance to propose the customer the format of the file so I'm thinking to propose the following.
[group 1]
[group N]
A kind of sections like the INI files from some years ago. However I'd like to hear your comments because I think there must be a better way to handle this.
I proposed to use XML but the customer prefers the text files.
Any suggestions are welcome.
Ps. using and VS 2008
You can use regular expression groups set to either an enum line mode if each line has the same format, or to an enum multi-line if the format is not constrained to a single line. For each line in multiline you can include \n in your pattern to cross multiple lines to find you pattern. If its on a single line you don't need to include \n also know as Carriage return line feed in your regex matching pattern. as well as many other modern programming language has extensive support for grouping operations. You can use index groups, or named groups.
Each name such as header1 or whatever you want to name it would be in this format: <myname>
See this link for more info: How do I access named capturing groups in a .NET Regex?.
Good luck.