Slack API remove bot from channel - api

I'd like to remove a slack bot from a channel using slack's API.
I've tried channels.kick but ofcourse, a bot is not a user so it can't be deleted that way. I haven't found any solutions so far on the interwet or on Slacks API documentation.

You are not correct. You can remove a bot user from a public channel or private channel using API methods just fine. I just tested it on a private channel to confirm.
So there must be another reason why this does not work for you. Please check if any of these reasons below apply to your case. Also, please provide the error message you are getting from the API, as that would greatly help to identify the reason.
Here are some potential reasons why kicking a bot user might not work for you:
wrong method: channels.kick only works for public channel, use groups.kick for private channels.
wrong token: bot tokens can not use the kick methods. You need to use a user access token to invoke that API method. (you would get the user_is_bot error)
trying to remove oneself: a user can not kick himself. (you would get the cant_kick_self error)
not using channel IDs: the kick methods require you to provide a channel ID, the name will not work. (you would get the channel_not_found error)
Based on your question I would assume you are getting the user_is_bot error, which let you to assume (incorrectly) that you can't kick a bot. In that case the solution would be to use a user token (not a bot token) to execute the method.


Make Strawberry Shake request from Blazor with or without credentials

In my Blazor app (which uses Azure B2C), I want to be able to call an endpoint whether the user is authenticated or not.
I've searched quite a bit, and everything I find says I should create two HttpClients (example), one for anonymous and one for authenticated, or use IHttpClientFactory with named clients.
The problem is I am using Strawberry Shake which only allows me to configure HttpClient once (it is using a named client and IHttpClientFactory internally).
Their documentation gives a simple example of setting authentication:
.ConfigureHttpClient((serviceProvider, client) =>
var token = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ISomeService>().Token;
I thought I could use this to conditionally select which handler(s) I wanted, but the only ways I can find to get the token (IAccessTokenProvider.RequestAccessToken()) or validate authentication (Task<AuthenticationState>) require async calls, which are not allowed in this context. Even .Result doesn't work (not that I wanted to use it anyway).
My last thought is that maybe I could accomplish this by inheriting from BaseAddressAuthorizationMessageHandler or chaining handlers, but I can't figure out how. I even tried copying the source code and modifying it, but still couldn't get it to work (UPDATE: Actually, that did work, but it still seems less than ideal).
So many approaches seem workable, but ultimately fail me. How can I get this to work? Please provide code example if possible. API converse doesn't respond with bookmarked action

I feel I must be doing something wrong in the API. I am following the weather example with a missing location. The story works fine.
However when I use the API over http using postman for testing purposes I cannot get it to raise the action after sending back the location from the user, It always returns a stop message. I think I must be not sending the correct context across or similar.
My understanding is as follows:
send across message 'I want to know the weather'
raises action from wit: 'Weather' (works correctly)
Respond with 'missingLocation'
wit replies with msg 'Which location do you want to know the weather for?' (works correctly)
I respond with 'Paris' in the message (no context all with same session)
wit replies with finding the entity 'Paris' but a 'stop' and no action. Here I would expect to get an action request again with everything I need to know this time. This is what happens when I use the story and test using the bot messenger.
Any ideas from anyone? I expect I need to respond with something more than just 'Paris' in the message
Note: the question was asked by "scruffjinks" on github before with no answer

GCM 3.0: New registration does not expire tokens registered with GCMRegistrar

We are switching our notifications infrastructure to use new GCM 3.0 registration mechanism using Instance ID API. Previously we were using old mechanism using GCMRegistrar.register() method.
The problem we have is that we have noticed that if device was registered with old GCMRegistrar, after update and registering with new Instance ID API, both registration tokens are valid and can receive notifications.
I expected old registration token to be deactivated and that our push server would receive canonical registration ID when sending notification to old token (as described here GCM registering with two different working registration ids), especially that application version has changed, but such case seems not to happen.
Is this correct behavior of GCM? Is there any way we can detect on push server that device received new token (without unregistering from app)?
I have finally received an answer from Google support regarding my issue. It turned out that this was intended behavior:
What you observed is in the intended behavior due to the need to support backward compatible
registration ID.
We recommend you to flag the old registration ID from gcmregistrar() and don't use that to send anymore once you have the registration token from getToken(). (I believe you probably has implemented a solution to detect such)
Our solution was to simply remove old registration tokens from our push server before registering new user.
We did not use GCMRegistrar.unregister() as we observed that it was able to unregister new tokens (obtained via getToken()).
I just wanted to provide a quick update to anyone interested in this subject.
It seems that this issue was fixed as when we tested our registration mechanism recently, it turned out that new GCM tokens replace (and unregister) old tokens.
Registration token may change upon certain scenarios even going forward. While cononical registration ID is also a good idea. Use tokenRefresh as shown here as well.
public void onTokenRefresh() {
// Fetch updated Instance ID token and notify our app's server of any changes (if applicable).
Intent intent = new Intent(this, RegistrationIntentService.class);
Suggesting based on this line "it is needed for key rotation and to handle special cases" in method reference.

Extra authentication criteria

I'm trying to implement an extra authentication layer with the purpose of authenticating the user only if he has a certain status.
If the status is different, I want to show a custom login error (Your account has been suspended) and not authenticate the user at all, similar to what happens if the credentials are wrong, but with a different error message.
So far I've tried two options:
I've added a check within a listener that checks for an "InteractiveLoginEvent". Here I can check the user status and set a flash error message but I don't see what's the proper way to redirect back to the login page, since this event has no response method, other than using a header() call which I definitely want to avoid.
I implemented a custom voter, set the "access_decision_manager" startegy to "unanimous" and returned "ACCESS_DENIED" if the status is not allowing the user to authenticate. So far so good, the user cannot access the resources but I see he still gets authenticated. And I definitely don't want that.
I'm not for sure if I'm missing something or if I'm going in the wrong direction.
Since symfony 2 makes a clear difference between authentication and authorization seems that option 2) is related to authorization, so option 1) is more suitable.
So among the "InteractiveLoginEvent" listener I just added the proper check for the user status and by throwing the following exception I managed to implement my functionality as needed:
throw new AuthenticationException('suspend error message');
So the listener looks something like this:
public function onSecurityInteractiveLogin(InteractiveLoginEvent $event)
if ($this->securityContext->isGranted('ROLE_CUSTOMROLE')) {
$user = $this->securityContext->getToken()->getUser();
// ... check for the user status here
throw new AuthenticationException('Your account has been suspended!');

RestKit how to check for wrong username or password error

I want to be able to notify the user if he entered the wrong username/password, or if for example the database is down. I am not sure if I need to do it in the didLoadResponse and just check that the response is not isOK or in the didFailLoadWithError.
How you handle it depends on how you perform a login.
If you do basic authentication, by passing the username and password in the header of the request, then you'll get an error back from the service you're calling. And your delegate method, "objectLoader:didFailWithError:" method will get called. This method will most likely get called if there's a catastrophic problem on the backend, like the database being down.
If you have a separate webservice that performs a login operation, then it probably sends back a valid block, indicating whether the user-pass was valid or not. In this case, your "objectLoader:didLoadObject:" method probably got called, and you'll have to decipher the result appropriately.
Keep in mind that this behavior is totally controlled by what the back-end services do. If you can't talk directly with the people working on the services, then this may just be trial-and-error, and until you discover how those services work.