My ariba network cannot parse my document cXML response. At ariba screen i have this response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cXML payloadID="1501467044460-2947794417638298020#" timeStamp="2017-07-30T19:10:44-07:00">
<Status code="200" text="OK" />
However I still get this message from Ariba:
Couldn't parse document
Can anyone support me with this.
This is the document we're using and working correctly
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<cXML timestamp="<%= #timestamp %>" payloadID="<%= #payload_id %>">
<Status code="200" text="success"></Status>
<URL><%= #start_url %></URL>
The start_url must be a valid URL like
could you check if there is language dependency. lang="en-US"
I'm trying to create an order & an address on Xentral using POSTMAN service. I'm using AddresseCreate, AuftragCreate APIs. But when I tried to create an Address, it is giving 200 OK status, but an empty address is generating.
I'm hitting this URL:**********&api_id=1
Request Body ->>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<strasse>new york 5</strasse>
<ort>new york</ort>
Response Body -->
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Can Anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or is this some fault from Xentral's side?
I started developing add-in for OWA for Exchange 2013.
I have a couple of questions related to it.
I would be happy if someone could help me with them.
Is it possible to add button(via add-in commands in manifest) to the top pane in OWA?
Is it possible to get the content of a message? Let's say byte array or base64 string... I've looked through the documentation and have found nothing about it.
Office.context.mailbox.item doesn't have method or property to get the content of the message.
Thank you in advance.
As I understand you want to put your extension together with "Move to" and "Categories". If that is what you want, I want to say that it is not possible.
Here I have workaround, you can send SOAP request to the Exchange API and get the mail content.
Add-in commands are currently only supported in Outlook 2013 and 2016. They will most likely be available in Outlook Online and at a future date.
If Outlook.context.mailbox.item.Body.getAsync is not sufficient and you need the full MIME content of the message, use mailbox.makeEWSRequestAsync with a GetItem call that includes the 7C08 extended property:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:soap="" xmlns:t="">
<RequestServerVersion Version="Exchange2013" xmlns="" />
<GetItem xmlns="">
<t:FieldURI FieldURI="item:Body" />
<t:FieldURI FieldURI="item:Subject" />
<t:ExtendedFieldURI PropertyTag="7C08" PropertyType="Binary" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Envelope xmlns:s="">
<h:ServerVersionInfo MajorVersion="15" MinorVersion="1" MajorBuildNumber="396" MinorBuildNumber="20" Version="V2015_10_05" xmlns:h="" xmlns="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""/>
<s:Body xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="">
<m:GetItemResponse xmlns:m="" xmlns:t="">
<m:GetItemResponseMessage ResponseClass="Success">
<t:MimeContent CharacterSet="UTF-8">U3ViamVjdDoNClRocmVhZC1JbmRleDogQVFIT3hWSjZLdTJONnltWUxVNlBtQWNpamJYaTdBPT0NCkRhdGU6IFRodSwgMTAgT2N0IDIwMTMgMDA6NDg6NDggKzAwMDANCk1lc3NhZ2UtSUQ6DQoJPGI3MDM3MWNkYjkyZTRhYjc4NzFlM2FjYjgzZjVmMmJlQEJOMVBSMDRNQjM1OC5uYW1wcmQwNC5wcm9kLm91dGxvb2suY29tPg0KQ29udGVudC1MYW5ndWFnZTogZW4tQ0ENClgtTVMtSGFzLUF0dGFjaDoNClgtTVMtVE5FRi1Db3JyZWxhdG9yOg0KQ29udGVudC1UeXBlOiB0ZXh0L3BsYWluOyBjaGFyc2V0PSJ1cy1hc2NpaSINCk1JTUUtVmVyc2lvbjogMS4wDQoNCg==</t:MimeContent>
<t:Body BodyType="Text" IsTruncated="false"/>
I have some issues with BulkDataExchangeRequest/ReviseInventoryStatus(using the Large Merchant Sevices api) when trying to modify the quantities of listed products. I managed to successfully make all the prerequisite requests in order to upload and process the BulkDataExchange xml (createUploadJob, uploadFileRequest, startUploadJob) but the quantities of the products did not modified on the ebay shop. I've found out that in order to get the errors of the xml itself ,not the upload jobs, I must use the DownloadFileRequest, but I am failing to fix the errors returned by it. For the 3 products that I've tried to modify the quantity with ReviseInventoryStatus I am getting a 'Missing required container' with the error code 21916253. I've checked the xml that I send but I can't figure out what exactly what it is missing. Here is the xml, any tips would be appreciated:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReviseInventoryStatusRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ReviseInventoryStatusRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ReviseInventoryStatusRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
Here is the response from DownloadFileRequest:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<BulkDataExchangeResponses xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ReviseInventoryStatusResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShortMessage>Erforderlicher Container fehlt.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Erforderlicher Container fehlt.</LongMessage>
<ReviseInventoryStatusResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShortMessage>Erforderlicher Container fehlt.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Erforderlicher Container fehlt.</LongMessage>
<ReviseInventoryStatusResponse xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ShortMessage>Erforderlicher Container fehlt.</ShortMessage>
<LongMessage>Erforderlicher Container fehlt.</LongMessage>
Field names are case sensitive. I've spotted a few fields in your request that are all in lowercase. For example, <inventorystatus> should be <InventoryStatus>, and <itemid> needs to be <ItemID>.
I know this is an old question, but maybe it could help someone else.
Maybe you have to remove ErrorLanguage, WarningLevel and Version and leave your XML like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<ReviseInventoryStatusRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ReviseInventoryStatusRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
<ReviseInventoryStatusRequest xmlns="urn:ebay:apis:eBLBaseComponents">
For reason the two-line display of containers in browse are not working, via search it works perfectly. Can someone please review below output?
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
<getMetadataResponse xmlns="">
<title>En de wind stilde</title>
<artist>Ds. D.W. Tuinier</artist>
<title>De Tas</title>
<artist>Ben de Raaf</artist>
The source of the problem was located in the parent container, the itemType of the parent container should be AlbumList instead of a container.
Many thanks Sonos Developer Advocacy.
I have been receiving the following error when trying to post updated login credentials:
<Exception>org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: org.apache.axis2.databinding.ADBException: Can not invoke the getTypeObject method in the extension mapper class...
I am accessing the SOAP API via a rails app using the savon gem.
addItemForContentService is working with the same xsi:type definition, and I have used getLoginFormCredentialsForItem to retrieve FormInfos to push back into updateCredentialsForItem1, with no success.
If I could just get some sample xml (that works) for this call I would really appreciate it.
It seems like the parameters you are sending are incorrect or the WSDL format.
For your reference below is XML for updateCredentialsForItem1(you need to change values):
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<updateCredentialsForItem1 xmlns="">
<userContext xmlns="">
<cobrandConversationCredentials xsi:type="ns1:SessionCredentials" xmlns:ns1="">
<conversationCredentials xsi:type="ns2:SessionCredentials" xmlns:ns2="">
<itemId xmlns="">1219123123</itemId>
<credentialFields xmlns="">
<elements xsi:type="ns3:SecureFieldInfoSingle" xmlns:ns3="">
<elements xsi:type="ns4:SecureFieldInfoSingle" xmlns:ns4="">
<elements xsi:type="ns5:FieldInfoSingle" xmlns:ns5="">
<displayName>Verify Password</displayName>
<startRefreshItemOnUpdate xmlns="">false</startRefreshItemOnUpdate>