How to use vue.js with sails js - vue.js

I want to use vue.js as frontend for sails.js i tried to configure using the method given at but it was not working for vue latest version but i don't see any reason why? can someone explain why is it not working please?
latest version not working:
previous version from example working:

I think tha the best options is replacing Grunt with Webpack and vue loader.
Look at this repo It's pretty easy with this hook.


Use Electron in Vue project

I want put my Vue project in the Electron, so I find the method in the Internet. According to the given method on the Intenet, I make a demo to test it.
At frist, I create Vue project using vue create myProject, then I use vue add electron-builder to add Electron, then I choose the Electron version, then it prepare to install the additional dependencies. But the error is thereļ¼š
Someone could help me? Thanks!
electron-vue: An Electron & Vue.js quick start boilerplate with vue-cli scaffolding.
maybe you can try it.

Do I need the #vitejs/plugin-vue dependency?

I'm trying to migrate a Vue2 project from Vue-CLI/Webpack to Vite. This migration guide says #vitejs/plugin-vue should be added as a dev dependency, but I'm not sure if I really need it, or if I do, which version I should use?
The documentation on GitHub doesn't say much about what this plugin is for, or when it should be installed.
#vitejs/plugin-vue is for Vue 3. You can use vite-plugin-vue2 for Vue 2.
I made a sample project with Vite, Vue2 and TailwindCSS that you can test / fork on stackblitz.

Is it possible to use vite with Nuxt.js for fast reloading?

According to this documentation, we can use vite with Vue.js for fast reloading.
I'm now switching to Nuxt.js and I'm wondering if it is possible to use vite with Nuxt.js.
I did not find an official way to do that, but it there any way?
Yeah, you will be able to use Vite with Nuxt once it's migrated to Nuxt 3 (with Vue3 backed in).
Right now, it's still on Webpack4 as of right now but you pretty much follow this github thread for futher updates. So far, the core team will unleash the possibility to interchangeably choose between Webpack and Vite.
Also, I can suggest that you check this week's JS World Conference because #atinux (Sebastien Chopin) will give a talk about Nuxt. So who knows, Nuxt3 maybe ?

Trying to create an embed able Vue Component bundled with Laravel Mix

I have created a SPA dashboard using Vue.JS and Laravel, and now would like to create a script that I can use in other sites I manage to just display the event data I am creating in the dashboard via the APIs I have made. I am using Laravel's webpack.mix to do my bundling. Thus far, I haven't really found anything for this situation that explains what I need to do. Any pointers would be helpful, and I can post my code, if I knew what code would be helpful. :)
I didn't entirely understand what you want to do but maybe this project will help. It's a Vue Component bundled using Laravel Mix and deployed to npm:

Installing/Registering vue component in Sails App

I'm trying to register a vue component ( in a sails app. there is provision to create a new component using parasails.registerComponent but not sure how to include an existing one. I'm using Sails version 1.1 and the included version of Vue.
You can find a detailed answer here.
However, I guess you might want to install a component that has dependent components in turn, and this is not trivial.
The issue is open on GitHub and these are the best answers I got so far:
Register each component
or, include the component as an already compiled bundle