On a website I can book flights. The booking itself seems to have no issues, but whenever I try to display my booking some part of the booking isn't show: more specific the baggage isn't shown correctly.
When I look into what the bookend returns, is seems to save baggage information in the SSR sections.
Is this correct?
It can be stored in the SSR, however, that's not reliable as it does not apply to all airlines.
Baggage information is stored in the TST services, not the PNR. Ticket_DisplayTST returns the baggage information for a booked PNR as it is related to the fare.
I am querying the Shopify API for a specific order and I would like to know how to determine if the order was placed in our Amazon Seller channel and sent to Shopify as it is described in Shopify's documentation: https://help.shopify.com/en/manual/sell-online/amazon-sales-channel/processing-orders. On the section "Fulfilling Orders" of that page it reads:
All new orders placed through Amazon appear in your orders list and
are marked as Amazon.
A real JSON response from the Order API looks like this: https://help.shopify.com/en/api/reference/orders/order#show
I could not find any indication that the order might come via Amazon. I did find the fulfillment service (just a simple Ctrl F "amazon") but that is a different thing.
Being a Shopify Plus customer we asked their Guru Support team how they implement the "marked as Amazon" part and the response was:
Guru: Looking at all your orders you won't be able to
differentiate. When you click through to a singular order though,
you'll be able to see in its timeline that it came from Amazon instead
of your Online store.
My team: mmm so if I connect though the API
"orders.json?id=xxxx" the only way I can check it came from amazon is
though the timeline?
Guru: As far as I'm aware that's the case. I can check with our
development team to see if there's another indicator. Would I be able
to email you back with any additional findings?
Of course my team is still waiting on an answer from them but I bet someone at SO has already been in this situation before.
Some might want to know why I need to know the order source. We are sending these orders from Shopify into Netsuite via a Celigo connector. Amazon orders need to hit a different GL account than the normal Shopify orders and my task is to code the correct mapping based on some differentiating element or name/value pair from the JSON response.
When an order comes down the JSON has a field called source_name and the value should be something like this: sell-on-amazon
I am trying to find the equivalent of FQP/FQD/FQN queries in the Amadeus SOAP service (Flight) API, but couldn't find one. I checked the API documents as well with no luck. There is command cryptic API to call the GDS commands, but the response is raw data as in the terminal, not a structured one. I need structured data response to precess data in the system.
Is there any SOAP APIs available to get the fare details and the rules?
This is a question best sent to Amadeus directly! It's hard to know exactly what you are after without more information. Also Amadeus offer a wide variety of doing basically the same thing and your business can be better off using one or the other - its really impossible to tell without background information.
Check out these webservice calls:
The function Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass is used to price itineraries.
It can return one or several fare recommendations for the passenger(s) and for the itinerary of the active PNR. Only booking classes present in the flight segment of the PNR are considered.
After calling Fare_PricePNRWithBookingClass function, the system keeps the recommendations stored internally for three minutes in a dedicated context. This context can be used to create a TST by using Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing.
The function Fare_PricePNRWithLowerFares is used to display the lowest available fare for a given itinerary.
"Lowest available" means that this fare is applicable in a booking class where there are still enough seats available for the passengers of the PNR. This class might not be the one currently present in the flight segment of the PNR. In this case, rebooking might be necessary.
It can return one or several fare recommendations for the passenger(s) and for the itinerary of the active PNR.
After calling Fare_PricePNRWithLowerFares function, the system keeps the recommendations stored internally for three minutes in a dedicated context. This context can be used to create a TST by using Ticket_CreateTSTFromPricing. Please not that in case rebooking is required, it must be done (for example, using Air_RebookAirSegment) before TST creation.
The InformativeBestPricingWithoutPNR function provided in the Fare interface is used to price informatively an itinerary without any PNR. If a PNR exists, it is neither taken into account nor updated. No pricing record (TST) is created to store the results.
The QuoteItinary transaction (FQP) quotes fares for passenger types without existing reservations (PNR). Pricing is executed according to the principles of IATA resolutions as well as according to specific user requirements, if industry conform or individual.
Most likely there are more options available (that I don't know about).
Documentation available at https://webservices.amadeus.com/ - login required.
I am not familiar with API's so I was hoping someone could help me with a question I have. My company uses Greenhouse as their hiring software for people to apply and we are redoing our career site to be more custom. They want a page where we can display each department with a text icon that has the number of positions open in that department that updates itself and when you go into that page it wants to display the positions for that department a long with the location they are in.
In the Greenhouse.io API section they say
"This is useful for reporting purposes, or for customers who have
built their own tools that they want to use with Greenhouse. GET
methods include Offices, Departments, Candidates, Activity Feed,
Applications, Scorecards, Scheduled Interviews, Offers, Jobs, Stages,
Job Post, Rejection Reasons, Email Templates, Users, and Sources."
Does this GET method mean I can pull those pieces from the API and display them where ever we need to in the site and it will update automatically? I'm primarily a web designer so this info is a bit new to me.
The GET refers in fact to the HTTP methods. Generally, you call the api with GET to retrieve data.
If you want to insert a new data with api, you will use POST for instance.
You can see those http methods here:
I'm retrieving the item info of many items using getMultipleItems in the Shopping API, and I need to find-out the items' root category. In the US site (0), the root categories are here: http://www.isoldwhat.com/getcats/fullcategorytree.php
How can I tell which of these an item belongs to (for example, "Computers/Tablets & Networking")? Can I do it within getMultipleItems (or getSingleItem) or do I need another call?
It seems like a short question, but this problem is shared with my use of the Amazon API to which I've been doing extensive research and I decided to resolve it on my eBay end. The "problem" is determining the selling fee, which can be done on Amazon's side, by getting the ProductGroup of the item, or by using eBay's root categories, and matching either one to the fee table Amazon defined for it's commission rates. In this case, there's not a lot of turn-out to refer to here to show I looked everything up.
The getCategoryInfo and related category-info-searching doesn't pertain to particular items. I get a <primarycategoryid> N/V pair in my item responses, but (I'm pretty sure) that's a leaf category (mapping 10,000+ leaf categories [even just the fraction I would use] to Amazon's product group-specific fee table would be a hell of a pain).
Again, how do I trace an <item> to it's ancestor/root category?
You can trace the root of a category via the PrimaryCategoryIDPath field that is returned when calling GetMultipleItems.
Keep in mind that this information is not returned unless you have specified Details in the IncludeSelector field as part of your request.
More information on PrimaryCategoryIDPath can be found here.
I am implementing Google analytics onto a ecommerce site. We are already tracking events like adding to cart, removing etc using the event tracking. I would like to know what is the ideal time to use the ecommerce tracking apis (addTrans & addItem). Here are my questions:
Should I call these functions for each product being added to cart?
Should I call these functions only when the payment is complete and them while displaying receipt screen?
What is the ideal way of implementation? please provide best practices if possible.
Thanks in advance
I would track few things,
1.How many got into payment form and failed to buy, which can indicate to you that something wrong with payments or page itself. Count number of visitors in checkout - number of orders.
2.How many users got into site and haven't added at least one product, which will indicate that something wrong with advertisement, landing page or website layout in general. Number of unique visitors - those who added at least one item.
Adding statistics for each product added to cart shows you what? If users buy certain product you can get that this product is most wanted but in cart means noting imho. As for your second question, i would implement my solutions written above.
I wonder if your customers should go to an externally hosted page to make a payment. If they do, then GA tracking will not show you the real source of your profitable traffic - it will show you the payment processor page as the source.
It is recommended, or at least suggested, that you place the eCommerce tracking that includes the _trackTrans call on the "Thank You" or "Confirmation" stage of your checkout process.
Also, it's worth noting that if the user refreshes that page that the tracking is on then the code will be fired again and you may see skewed figures in Google Analytics.
I was like you, I also implemented the event tracking first but I wanted to get a chance to implement the ecommerce tracking to get some $ data in there to browse. So, on the developers page. One of the examples is on the reciept page, but on my implementation that wasn't going to work since I am use a payment API. So, On my checkout page I setup the parent transaction. using :
'1234', // transaction ID - required
'Acme Clothing', // affiliation or store name
'11.99', // total - required
'1.29', // tax
'5', // shipping
'San Jose', // city
'California', // state or province
'USA' // country
Then when I am listing my items in the cart, I use PHP and a foreach to dump each item, sku, price per item and quantity into the parent level transaction like this :
'1234', // transaction ID - required
'DD44', // SKU/code - required
'T-Shirt', // product name
'Green Medium', // category or variation
'11.99', // unit price - required
'1' // quantity - required
For the last step in the process, I send transaction data to my merchant processing (paypal) via the SOAP api and get numerous responses back. I do different stuff based on the response I get back. If there is no error from the JSON response I get an COMPLETED response, at that point is when I fire the :
I'm not really sure if this is the true way to go about it, but it makes sense to me.