Update one from two of duplicates in Firebird – more rows - sql

How do I update one from two or more duplicate rows? I want to keep one and update the others with a new value.
Simple example tables:

Select *, RDB$DB_KEY from MyExampleTable;
Update MyExampleTable
Set Column=Value
Where RDB$DB_KEY=xxxxx;
Another approach would be using Stored Procedure (or Execute Block) and use SQL Cursor variables. But that would require careful loop management, so you would skip one row and change 2nd, third and so on.
Also see examples for UPDATE ... WHERE CURRENT OF ... at
But probably most proper way would be to add unique Primary Key column to that table and then use that unique numeric ID

Don't know which version of Firebird you are using (analytic functions are supported as of version 3.0) and if the following syntax is valid (I wasn't able to verify that at the moment), you could do this:
update table
set three='sugar'
where row_number() over (partition by one, two)=1
Otherwise, another, more convoluted way to do it would be: (untested)
select one, two, three
from (
select t1.one
,coalesce(t2.three, t1.three) as three
,row_number() over (partition by t1.one, t1.two) as row_num
from table t1
left join (
select one, two, 'sugar' as three, 1 as row_num
from (
select distinct one, two, three
from table
group by one, two, three
having count(*) > 1
) t2
on t1.one=t2.one
and t1.two=t2.two
and t1.row_num=t2.row_num


How to find duplicate rows in Hive?

I want to find duplicate rows from one of the Hive table for which I was given two approaches.
First approach is to use following two queries:
select count(*) from mytable; // this will give total row count
second query is as below which will give count of distinct rows
select count(distinct primary_key1, primary_key2) from mytable;
With this approach, for one of my table total row count derived using first query is 3500 and second query gives row count 2700. So it tells us that 3500 - 2700 = 800 rows are duplicate. But this query doesn't tell which rows are duplicated.
My second approach to find duplicate is:
select primary_key1, primary_key2, count(*)
from mytable
group by primary_key1, primary_key2
having count(*) > 1;
Above query should list of rows which are duplicated and how many times particular row is duplicated. but this query shows zero rows which means there are no duplicate rows in that table.
So I would like to know:
If my first approach is correct - if yes then how do I find which rows are duplicated
Why second approach is not providing list of rows which are duplicated?
Is there any other way to find the duplicates?
Hive does not validate primary and foreign key constraints.
Since these constraints are not validated, an upstream system needs to
ensure data integrity before it is loaded into Hive.
That means that Hive allows duplicates in Primary Keys.
To solve your issue, you should do something like this:
select [every column], count(*)
from mytable
group by [every column]
having count(*) > 1;
This way you will get list of duplicated rows.
analytic window function row_number() is quite useful and can provide the duplicates based upon the elements specified in the partition by clause. A simply in-line view and exists clause will then pinpoint what corresponding sets of records contain these duplicates from the original table. In some databases (like TD, you can forgo the inline view using a QUALIFY pragma option)
SQL1 & SQL2 can be combined. SQL2: If you want to deal with NULLs and not simply dismiss, then a coalesce and concatenation might be better in the
SELECT count(1) , count(distinct coalesce(keypart1 ,'') + coalesce(keypart2 ,'') )
FROM srcTable s
3) Finds all records, not just the > 1 records. This provides all context data as well as the keys so it can be useful when analyzing why you have dups and not just the keys.
select * from srcTable s
where exists
( select 1 from (
row_number() over( partition by keypart1, keypart2 ) seq
FROM srcTable t
-- (whatever additional filtering you want)
) t
where seq > 1
AND t.keypart1 = s.keypart1
AND t.keypart2 = s.keypart2
Suppose your want get duplicate rows based on a particular column ID here. Below query will give you all the IDs which are duplicate in table in hive.
HAVING count(ID) > 1

SQL Eliminate Duplicates with NO ID

I have a table with the following Columns...
Node, Date_Time, Market, Price
I would like to delete all but 1 record for each Node, Date time.
SELECT Node, Date_Time, MAX(Price)
FROM Hourly_Data
Group BY Node, Date_Time
That gets the results I would like to see but cant figure out how to remove the other records.
Note - There is no ID for this table
Here are steps that are rather workaround than a simple one-command which will work in any relational database:
Create new table that looks just like the one you already have
Insert the data computed by your group-by query to newly created table
Drop the old table
Rename new table to the name the old one used to have
Just remember that locking takes place and you need to have some maintenance time to perform this action.
There are simpler ways to achieve this, but they are DBMS specific.
here is an easy sql-server method that creates a Row Number within a cte and deletes from it. I believe this method also works for most RDBMS that support window functions and Common Table Expressions.
;WITH cte AS (
RowNum > 1

Joining Two Same-Sized Resultsets by Row Number

I have two table functions that return a single column each. One function is guaranteed to return the same number of rows as the other.
I want to insert the values into a new two-column table. One colum will receive the value from the first udf, the second column from the second udf. The order of the inserts will be the order in which the rows are returned by the udfs.
How can I JOIN these two udfs given that they do not share a common key? I've tried using a ROW_NUMBER() but can't quite figure it out:
INSERT INTO dbo.NewTwoColumnTable (Column1, Column2)
SELECT udf1.[value], udf2.[value]
FROM dbo.udf1() udf1
INNER JOIN dbo.udf2() udf2 ON ??? = ???
This will not help you, but SQL does not guarantee row order unless it is asked to explicitly, so the idea that they will be returned in the order you expect may be true for a given set, but as I understand the idea of set based results, is fundamentally not guaranteed to work properly. You probably want to have a key returned from the UDF if it is associated with something that guarantees the order.
Despite this, you can do the following:
declare #val int
set #val=1;
Select Val1,Val2 from
(select Value as Val2, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by #val) r from udf1) a
(select Value as Val2, ROW_NUMBER() over (order by #val) r from udf2) b
on a.r=b.r
The variable addresses the issue of needing a column to sort by.
If you have the privlidges to edit the UDF, I think the better practice is to already sort the data coming out of the UDF, and then you can add ident int identity(1,1) to your output table in the udf, which makes this clear.
The reaosn this might matter is if your server decided to split the udf results into two packets. If the two arrive out of the order you expected, SQL could return them in the order received, which ruins the assumption made that he UDF will return rows in order. This may not be an issue, but if the result is needed later for a real system, proper programming here prevents unexpected bugs later.
In SQL, the "order returned by the udfs" is not guaranteed to persist (even between calls).
Try this:
FROM udf1()
q2 AS
FROM udf2()
INTO dbo.NewTwoColumnTable (Column1, Column2)
SELECT q1.value, q2.value
ON q2.rn = q1.rn
PostgreSQL 9.4+ could append a INT8 column at the end of the udfs result using the WITH ORDINALITY suffix
-- set returning function WITH ORDINALITY
SELECT * FROM pg_ls_dir('.') WITH ORDINALITY AS t(ls,n);
ls | n
pg_serial | 1
pg_twophase | 2
postmaster.opts | 3
pg_notify | 4
official doc: http://www.postgresql.org/docs/devel/static/functions-srf.html
related blogspot: http://michael.otacoo.com/postgresql-2/postgres-9-4-feature-highlight-with-ordinality/

Deleting Duplicate Records from a Table

I Have a table called Table1 which has 48 records. Out of which only 24 should be there in that table. For some reason I got duplicate records inserted into it. How do I delete the duplicate records from that table.
Here's something you might try if SQL Server version is 2005 or later.
SELECT {list-of-columns-in-table},
row_number() over (PARTITION BY {list-of-key-columns} ORDER BY {rule-to-determine-row-to-keep}) as sequence
FROM myTable
WHERE sequence > 1
This uses a common table expression (CTE) and adds a sequence column. {list-of-columns-in-table} is just as it states. Not all columns are needed, but I won't explain here.
The {list-of-key-columns] is the columns that you use to define what is a duplicate.
{rule-to-determine-row-to-keep} is a sequence so that the first row is the row to keep. For example, if you want to keep the oldest row, you would use a date column for sequence.
Here's an example of the query with real columns.
SELECT ID, CourseName, DateAdded,
row_number() over (PARTITION BY CourseName ORDER BY DateAdded) as sequence
FROM Courses
WHERE sequence > 1
This example removes duplicate rows based on the CoursName value and keeps the oldest basesd on the DateAdded value.
This section is the key. The primary point you should take away. ;)
This article discusses how to locate
and remove duplicate primary keys from
a table. However, you should closely
examine the process which allowed the
duplicates to happen in order to
prevent a recurrence.
Identify your records by grouping data by your logical keys, since you obviously haven't defined them, and applying a HAVING COUNT(*) > 1 statement at the end. The article goes into this in depth.
This is an easier way
Select * Into #TempTable FROM YourTable
Truncate Table YourTable
Insert into YourTable Select Distinct * from #TempTable
Drop Table #TempTable

SQLServer SQL query with a row counter

I have a SQL query, that returns a set of rows:
SELECT id, name FROM users where group = 2
I need to also include a column that has an incrementing integer value, so the first row needs to have a 1 in the counter column, the second a 2, the third a 3 etc
The query shown here is just a simplified example, in reality the query could be arbitrarily complex, with several joins and nested queries.
I know this could be achieved using a temporary table with an autonumber field, but is there a way of doing it within the query itself ?
For starters, something along the lines of:
SELECT my_first_column, my_second_column,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY my_order_column) AS Row_Counter
FROM my_table
However, it's important to note that the ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ...) construct only determines the values of Row_Counter, it doesn't guarantee the ordering of the results.
Unless the SELECT itself has an explicit ORDER BY clause, the results could be returned in any order, dependent on how SQL Server decides to optimise the query. (See this article for more info.)
The only way to guarantee that the results will always be returned in Row_Counter order is to apply exactly the same ordering to both the SELECT and the ROW_NUMBER():
SELECT my_first_column, my_second_column,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY my_order_column) AS Row_Counter
FROM my_table
ORDER BY my_order_column -- exact copy of the ordering used for Row_Counter
The above pattern will always return results in the correct order and works well for simple queries, but what about an "arbitrarily complex" query with perhaps dozens of expressions in the ORDER BY clause? In those situations I prefer something like this instead:
SELECT my_first_column, my_second_column,
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY ...) AS Row_Counter -- complex ordering
FROM my_table
) AS t
ORDER BY t.Row_Counter
Using a nested query means that there's no need to duplicate the complicated ORDER BY clause, which means less clutter and easier maintenance. The outer ORDER BY t.Row_Counter also makes the intent of the query much clearer to your fellow developers.
In SQL Server 2005 and up, you can use the ROW_NUMBER() function, which has options for the sort order and the groups over which the counts are done (and reset).
The simplest way is to use a variable row counter. However it would be two actual SQL commands. One to set the variable, and then the query as follows:
SET #n=0;
SELECT #n:=#n+1, a.* FROM tablename a
Your query can be as complex as you like with joins etc. I usually make this a stored procedure. You can have all kinds of fun with the variable, even use it to calculate against field values. The key is the :=
Heres a different approach.
If you have several tables of data that are not joinable, or you for some reason dont want to count all the rows at the same time but you still want them to be part off the same rowcount, you can create a table that does the job for you.
create table #test (
rowcounter int identity,
invoicenumber varchar(30)
insert into #test(invoicenumber) select [column] from [Table1]
insert into #test(invoicenumber) select [column] from [Table2]
insert into #test(invoicenumber) select [column] from [Table3]
select * from #test
drop table #test