GraphQL query using React Native AsyncStorage - react-native

I'm trying to build an component, using React Native and Apollo Client that execute the following Query:
query getTable($tableId:String!){
So, as you the query above have a variable called tableId and that value is stored using the AsyncStoragemethod. Is there a way that I can get the value from the AsyncStorage and use it as query variable.
I tried to do the following but it didn't work:
graphql(Query, {
options: {
tableId: await AsyncStorage.getItem('table'),

In my opinion, the preferred way of doing this would look like this:
Call AsyncStorage.getItem() in a parent component and then pass the result down as a prop to MyComponent. As illustrated in the docs, options can be a function instead of an object, in which case it gets the component's props passed to it as its first argument. So, assuming the prop is called tableId, your HOC would look like this:
graphql(Query, { options: ({ tableId }) => ({ variables: { tableId } }) })
Alternatively, you could set up the query with some default value:
graphql(Query, { options: { variables: { tableId : 'foo' } } })
You would call AsyncStorage.getItem() in your component's componentDidMount() method and assign the result to your component's state. Your component will have a data prop available to it when it renders. You can call{ tableId: this.state.tableId }) from your render function to force the query to update with the newly available id.
I think that's a lot less clean than the first option, and will require additional logic to keep your component from calling refetch or rerendering unnecessarily... but it should still work if for some reason you don't want to change the parent component.


Can we use props to pass variable in vue?

Slall question:
I have a 2 parent components nesting the same child component inside of them.
I use props so the parents can tell the child what title to show.
this child component is a photo gallery. It makes a query to the database, download photos and show them up. classic.
I need the parents to tell the child where to get the photos from:
Get the photos from All users, for the home page
get only the photos from a specific user for a user's page.
I'm wondering if I can pass this information through a prop.
Is that possible? Can we use the info from a prop as a varialble inside of the setup() function?
Is there a better way to do this?
Passing objects from one component to a child component is the purpose of props.
You can pass many items through props. VueJS has the following types built-in:
In the V3 VueJS guide it gives the following example of a prop being passed into a component and then being logged to the console inside the setup() method.
export default {
props: {
title: String
setup(props) {
However, when using props, you should always mark whether the is required, what its type is and what the default is if it is not required.
For example:
export default {
props: {
title: String, // This is the type
required: false, // If the prop is required
default: () => 'defaultText' // Default needed if required false
setup(props) {
It's important to note that when using default, the value must be returned from a function. You cannot pass a default value directly.

How to automatically construct watch property based on data attributes in Vue.js?

I have standard Vue.js component and I'd like to convert attributes in data property to watcher or in other words I want to construct a watch object based on data property attributes automatically
my idea looks something like this
watch: {
...(() => {
const watchers = {}
Object.keys(this.$data).forEach(key => {
watchers[key] = () => {
new ProductNutrientUpdate(this).run()
return watchers
the problem with this approach is that this.$data is not constructed yet
maybe there is some way how I can add watchers in created hook for example??
Vue already watches properties of the data object (note if any of these values are themselves objects, I think you need to update the whole object, i.e. change its value to a shallow copy with the desired nested key-values).
Refer to:
You can then use the update lifecycle hook to watch for all changes to data:
I was able to resolve a challenge using the following approach
created() {
Object.keys(this.$data).forEach(key => {
this.$watch(key, function() {
// ... some logic to trigger on attribute change

Tracking a child state change in Vue.js

I have a component whose purpose is to display a list of items and let the user select one or more of the items.
This component is populated from a backend API and fed by a parent component with props.
However, since the data passed from the prop doesn't have the format I want, I need to transform it and provide a viewmodel with a computed property.
I'm able to render the list and handle selections by using v-on:click, but when I set selected=true the list is not updated to reflect the change in state of the child.
I assume this is because children property changes are not tracked by Vue.js and I probably need to use a watcher or something, but this doesn't seem right. It seems too cumbersome for a trivial operation so I must assume I'm missing something.
Here's the full repro:
By clicking on Plan 1 or Plan 2 you will see it being selected in the console, but it won't reflect in the rendered list.
Any suggestions?
In your example, vm is a computed property.
If you want it to be reactive, you you have to declare it upfront, empty.
Read more here: reactivity in depth.
Here's your example working.
Alternatively, if your member is coming from parent component, through propsData (i.e.: :member="member"), you want to move the mapper from beforeMount in a watch on member. For example:
propsData: {
member: {
type: Object,
default: null
data: () => ({ vm: {}}),
watch: {
member: {
handler(m) {
if (!m) { this.vm = {}; } else {
this.vm = {
subscriptions: => ({ ...s }))
immediate: true

Watch for URL query parameter in Vuex store

I am using Nuxt.js with Vuex and I would like to trigger a mutation when somebody enters in my web with a certain parameter (ex:, and pass the parameter to a state.
I tried to check the documentation of the watchQuery property, but there’s no examples about how to do this, I just found this How to watch on Route changes with Nuxt and asyncData but I can’t see any way of how to write an action in Vuex store with watchQuery.
I tried writing:
actions: {
watchQuery: true,
asyncData ({ query, app }) {
const { start } = query
const queryString = start ? `?start=${start}` : ''
return app.$axios.$get(`apps/${queryString}`)
.then(res => {
But that syntax is not allowed.
Any help would be welcome, thanks in advance!
From my understanding watchQuery sets a watcher for query string, meaning it's waiting for the query to change while the page is already rendered making it possible to call methods like asyncData() again.
Since you only want to save a certain parameter when the user enters the page and then pass the paramater to a state you just need to move your asyncData method to a page from which you want to get the parameter, you will also need to extract store and query from the context automatically passed into asyncData and then using the store and query save the query parameter into your state.
Here is a simple demonstrantion
// Your page from which you want to save the param
export default {
asyncData({store, query}) { // here we extract the store and query
store.state.somethingForSavingTheParam = query.nameOfTheParamYouWantToSave
// instead of using store.state you could use store.commit(...) if that's what you want

vue2: can not find a proper way to initialize component data by ajax

I have a component whose data is initialized by ajax. I know vue.js has provide several lifecycle hooks: Lifecycle-Diagram. But for ajax to initialize the data, which hook(beforeCreate, create, mounted, etc) is the best place to do it:
hook_name: function() {
ajaxCall(function(data) { = data;
Currently, i do it in mounted, making it to re-render the component. But i think we should get the data before the first render. Can someone figure out the best way to do it?
If you want to initialize your component with data you receive from a request, created() would be the most appropriate hook to use but it is a request, it might not resolve by the end of created or even mounted() (when even your DOM is ready to show content!).
So do have your component initialized with empty data like:
data () {
return {
listOfItems: [],
someKindOfConfig: {},
orSomeSpecialValue: null
and assign the actual values when you receive them in your created hook as these empty data properties would be available at that point of time, like:
created () {
.then(data => {
this.listOfItems = data.listOfItems
* Notice the use of arrow functions, without those [this] would
* not have the context of the component.
It seems like you aren't using (or aren't planning to use) vuex but I'd highly recommend you to use it for for managing your data in stores. If you use vuex you can have actions which can make these api calls and by using simple getters in your component you would have access to the values returned by the request.