How to make imported target GLOBAL afterwards? - cmake

From the FindBoost.cmake module of CMake 3.8:
add_library(Boost::${COMPONENT} STATIC IMPORTED)
# Even if Boost_USE_STATIC_LIBS is OFF, we might have static
# libraries as a result.
and the corresponding comment from the docu of that module:
It is important to note that the imported targets behave differently than variables created by this module: multiple calls to find_package(Boost) in the same directory or sub-directories with different options (e.g. static or shared) will not override the values of the targets created by the first call.
I see the rational for having the targets not being GLOBAL.
However, what is the preferred way of making them global?
I'm used to defining the dependencies of my project in a sub-directory including any find_package(...) calls. Consequently, the Boost imported targets are not available in another directory, e.g. /tests/CMakeLists.txt:

There is a IMPORTED_GLOBAL target property for this in CMake >= 3.11:
set_target_properties(Boost::unit_test_framework PROPERTIES IMPORTED_GLOBAL TRUE)
For older versions: find_package() uses standard add_library() calls, so you can always change/extend its functionality to have IMPORTED targets always GLOBAL with something like:
set(_args ${ARGN})
if ("${_args}" MATCHES ";IMPORTED")
list(APPEND _args GLOBAL)
find_package(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS unit_test_framework)
As #CraigScott has commented overwriting CMake's build-in functions is dangerous:
[CMake] infinite loop when using function overriding
CMake Issue #14357: Defining an override macro/function of add_library more than once causes a segmentation fault
CMake Issue #1254: Add new target-property IMPORTED_GLOBAL
CMake Issue #1222: [Threads, Boost] Option to create IMPORTED targets with GLOBAL scope
CMake Issue #17256: Possibility to promote IMPORTED target to IMPORTED GLOBAL

I managed to workaround the problem of having the imported Boost targets not available in the global project scope by including 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt not by add_subdirectory(3rdparty) but via include(3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt) as this evaluates 3rdparty/CMakeLists.txt in the caller's scope.


target_include_directories - INTERFACE doesn't export an include path

I have created a very simple cmake project for testing cmake features. The project directory contains two libraries. I would like to export MyLibA include path.
The main CMakeLists.txt:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.11)
MyLibA CMakeLists.txt:
add_library(MyLibA SHARED)
target_sources(MyLibA PRIVATE fileA.h fileA.cpp)
target_include_directories(MyLibA INTERFACE "${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/MyLibA")
MyLibB CMakeLists.txt:
add_library(MyLibB SHARED)
target_sources(MyLibB PRIVATE fileB.h fileB.cpp)
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE /home/user/MyProjects/CmakeTestProject/build/MyLibA/
I have exported an include path using INTERFACE keyword but the following include in fileB.h:
#include "fileA.h"
is not found. What am I doing wrong ?
What am I doing wrong?
Several things:
Never put absolute paths in your CMakeLists.txt and always link to targets rather than library files.
# Linking to a target propagates usage requirements, like include paths.
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE MyLibA)
CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR is not what you think. It refers always to the top-level build directory, which is a bad assumption if your project might be an add_subdirectory or FetchContent target. Your usage can be replaced by:
# Not optimal, see below.
target_include_directories(MyLibA INTERFACE "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}")
Missing $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...> on include path, if you intend to export your targets. When targets are exported, their properties are copied verbatim to the output. Not guarding the local include path with $<BUILD_INTERFACE:...> will break users of the exported target.
Instead of
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE <path/to/MyLibA/file>)
target_link_libraries(MyLibB PRIVATE MyLibA)
This is how CMake is intended to be used: when link with the library target, CMake automatically transforms that into the path and actually propagates all interface properties of the target.

Cmake add_library ALIAS

I am trying to figure out exactly what this line is for in the cmake file of this github json project,
Specifically with this example, what does this allow in this cmake file that otherwise would not be possible?
I see no other references to ${PROJECT_NAME}::${NLOHMANN_JSON_TARGET_NAME} in this CMakeLists.cmake, so I am confused as to what exactly this achieves.
The key thing that this achieves, that the comment did not make obvious to me, is that it makes the targets work with the namespaces when the project is used through add_subdirectory()
Without the alias, you can still add the library via add_subdirectory however in the target_link_libraries command you would need to omit the namespace:
set(mySuperApp_SRC src/main.c)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${mySuperApp_SRC})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE nlohmann_json)
If you did that but then decided to use find_package to include the library (as opposed to add_subdirectory), you would need to change target_link_libraries to use the namespaced targets i.e.
set(mySuperApp_SRC src/main.c)
find_package(nlohmann_json REQUIRED)
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${mySuperApp_SRC})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json)
by adding the alias, the target_link_libraries using the namespaced version (i.e. nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json) will work in either case and not require a change if you later decide to switch from find_package to add_subdirectory).
It allows you to add the library with find_package OR add_subdirectory using the same target name for both:
# creates nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json
find_package(nlohmann_json REQUIRED)
if (nlohmann_json_NOT_FOUND)
# creates nlohmann_json AND nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json
add_executable(your_target_name ${your_target_sources})
target_link_libraries(your_target_name PRIVATE nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json)
Without the alias, you would need:
# creates nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json
find_package(nlohmann_json REQUIRED)
if (NOT nlohmann_json_FOUND)
# creates only nlohmann_json
add_executable(your_target_name ${your_target_sources})
if (nlohmann_json_FOUND)
target_link_libraries(your_target_name PRIVATE nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json)
target_link_libraries(your_target_name PRIVATE nlohmann_json)
This will allow using nlohmann/json project by adding it into your super project with add_subdirectory(...)
For example simple project structure:
<root project>\
\thirdparty\json <<-- git submodule to
In your project CMakeLists.txt
set(mySuperApp_SRC src/main.c)
# can under some conditions...
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} ${mySuperApp_SRC})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PRIVATE nlohmann_json::nlohmann_json)
Using git's blame function shows that line was added in this commit: 33a2154, which has the following comment attached:
CMake convention is to use a project namespace, i.e. Foo::, for imported
targets. When multiple targets are imported from a project, this looks
like Foo::Bar1 Foo::Bar2, etc. This adds the nlohmann_json:: namespace to
the exported target names.
This also allows the generated project config files to be used from the
build directory instead of just the install directory.

Add only headers of an imported module to a library in CMake

In CMake there are imported modules that are used to simply add external modules to local targets. For example if we want to use boost::filesystem library in our project we could have a CMakeLists.txt like this:
project(foo CXX)
find_packge(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem)
add_executable(foo main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(foo Boost::filesystem)
With above configuration CMake will add proper compiler options and include directories among required libraries to building process of the foo.
Now we have to build a library instead of an executable and we don't want to link boost::filesystem libraries to our library. We want only compiler options and include directories to be added to our target. Could we use imported modules concepts here? I mean that if we could use Boost::filesystem syntax for adding those options to our target?
project(foo CXX)
find_packge(Boost REQUIRED COMPONENTS filesystem)
add_library(foo STATIC foo.cpp)
# what should be wrote here to only add headers and configs to foo not the libs?
Turning my comments into an answer
add_library(STATIC) won't link the target_link_libraries() dependencies into itself.
In short, if two static libraries would include e.g. Boost::filesystem and then you link both of those libraries into an executable (where the external symbols get actually resolved) you would get duplicate symbol errors.
So CMake by default, does not add linker options like --whole-archive for gcc or LinkLibraryDependencies for VC.
target_link_libraries(foo Boost::filesystem) should work, it just describes the dependency resolved later when building a executable or shared library.
ld linker question: the --whole-archive option
CMake issue #9732: Cmake does not disable Link Libray Dependencies in the project settings

Why use add_library({tgt} IMPORTED) versus target_link_libraries( -l {.so | .a})?

What is the purpose of using the statement:
add_library(<tgt> [SHARED|STATIC] IMPORTED)
From what I have found even if you create an imported library target above you still would need to specify the specific location of the actual .so or .a. This would take at least 3 cmake commands to link to an executable and the compiler still would not automatically search through the common include directories on your OS.
cmake code to link IMPORTED lib
From the CMake documentation I understand there are really 3 ways to link a library that is not built as a target in a subproject of your overall application/library.
CMake target_link_libraries() documentation
Using a CMake package for one of the shipped package scripts.
Using a linker flag:
target_link_libraries(<tgt> [SHARED|STATIC|...] -lncursesw)
Or using the IMPORTED library method (showcased in code at top).
A major difference when using the second method is that it only takes a single line of code and will search through all of your compiler's predefined include directories on you OS. Could anyone help me understand why the add_library() method is used?
Additional Realated SO Posts:
Include directories for IMPORTED libs
CMake imported library behavior
You should use add_library(<tgt> [SHARED|STATIC] IMPORTED) whenever you need to set properties such as dependencies, compile definitions, compile flags etc for <tgt>, and/or by extension, any targets that are linking against <tgt>.
Let's say you have two static libraries; libfoobar.a and libraboof.a, where libfoobar.a requires libraboof.a. Let's also say that these libraries contain some features that are enabled by -DSOME_FEATURE.
add_library(raboof STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(raboof PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION <path-to-libraboof.a>
add_library(foobar STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(foobar PROPERTIES
IMPORTED_LOCATION <path-to-libfoobar.a>
So when you link against libfoobar.a:
add_executable(my_app main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(my_app foobar)
CMake will make sure to link all dependencies in the correct order and will in this case also append -DSOME_FEATURE to the compile flags when you build my_app. Note that since we added libraboof.a as a dependency to libfoobar.a, -DSOME_FEATURE is added to any target that link against libfoobar.a through the transitive property.
If you don't use add_library(<tgt> <SHARED|STATIC> IMPORTED) in a scenario like this, you would have to manage any dependencies and required build options yourself for each target, which is quite error-prone.
This method is also often used in Config-modules for multi-component libraries to manage dependencies between the components.

Are there other means of obtaining the properties of a target in cmake?

I have created a C++ static library, and in order to make it searchable easily, I create the following cmake files:
# The installation prefix configured by this project.
set(_IMPORT_PREFIX "C:/------/install/win32")
# Create imported target boost
add_library(lib STATIC IMPORTED)
set_target_properties(lib PROPERTIES
INTERFACE_COMPILE_DEFINITIONS "lib_define1;lib_define2"
# Load information for each installed configuration.
get_filename_component(_DIR "${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE}" PATH)
file(GLOB CONFIG_FILES "${_DIR}/lib-*.cmake")
foreach(f ${CONFIG_FILES})
# Import target "boost" for configuration "Debug"
set_target_properties(boost PROPERTIES
When I want to use this library in an executable, I can simply invoke it by calling find_package command:
find_package(lib REQUIRED)
message("lib has been found")
message("lib cannot be found")
It works and if I want to know the head file directory of the library, I will have to call it this way:
get_target_property(lib_dir lib INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES)
I was just wondering whether there are other ways of obtaining the properties of an target. In this case I expect some variable like lib_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES will exist.
No, CMake does not automatically define variables for the properties of a target (or of anything else). If you need the value of a property, you have to query it explicitly (using get_property or the specific getters like get_target_property etc.).
In your specific case, INTERFACE_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES is a property which I would expect you would not need to query at all. The whole point of INTERFACE_* properties is to propagate usage requirements automatically; their propagation is implemented in CMake itself.