How to set up an Amazon advertising API? - api

We have a client account of Amazon seller central. We need to pull campaign performance data from this account. With Amazon Advertising API we can pull this report.
Here are the documentation links:
I followed the procedure in Getting Started Guide
1) Created a developer account(Login with Amazon)
2) completed the sign up form as specified in second step.
I am not sure what to do next as I did not receive any reply from amazon regarding this. Does anyone faced similar issue before?

It takes two or three days from Amazon to reply in most case and as they are getting high volume of application it might be possible that they have rejected it so try more then once. And try to give some information to use in the comment section.
In addition, a business registration in either NA or EU is required before they can grant permission to the Advertising API.
After all this verification they can allow access.
Hope this help to you.

If you have already received the onboarding e-mail, and you are sure that you are sending the correct API communications yet you are getting bad scope errors, then you are not yet White Listed so your requests are all rejected.
For me and many others I found while googling for hours to find the answer, this problem was due to not yet signing a license agreement which is in a very easy to overlook link hidden in a paragraph of the e-mail which starts: "Before you can register your application, you need to agree to the Amazon Advertising API License Agreement" Hit that link and accept the agreement to become white listed.
As a last resort if the above doesn't work, Amazon support had given me a direct e-mail to LWA and you can contact their support: lwa-support at amazon com.


Whatsapp Cloud API can go live on production

I have successfully setup my account on whatsapp developer app by meta and can send messages to 5 free users. Now the question is how can I go live with the app. I have no verified business manager account, is that necessary?
What will I need to do after verification of business account? Do I need to generate permanent access token and it would work fine?
Plus I need to know how can I send messages to groups on whatsapp?
Yes, you need to become a verified business account and all would work as you saw with the demo account, with no restriction on the number of destinations.
First 1000 conversations/month it's free, you can check details here:
Bear in mind, you will NOT be able to message groups with the WA Cloud API. If you need to, you will need to rely on custom APIs that do that. There are some available, see the one shown here:

Amazon SES not delivering to fresh g suite address

Amazon gives 'Delivery Status Notification (Failure)'.
Important information:
the gsuite recipient didn't exist when the first 5-ish emails where sent.
The gsuite destination domain is mine, we're using ses to do automated mailings to our own students. Some users didn't get created automatically but were targeted by SES regardless.
However, even once the recipient is created, the problem remains. Same error.
Sending to recipient+blabla#gsuite works. So I'm assuming SES decides not to send to recipients that failed too many times?
If this is the case, is there a way to tell SES to retry anyway?
And no, I didn't ask amazon, apparently you need to pay for a support subscription before they're willing to help...
Thanks in advance,
There is also an account level suppression list ( [] ). I checked the 'global' suppression list before, which didn't help.
Why all of this information is this hard to find is beyond me. Or maybe it's just me '-)
Extra note for people fighting with aws cli: before you can list the suppressed addresses or remove them you first have to 'turn on' the management of the list:
aws sesv2 put-account-suppression-attributes --suppressed-reasons BOUNCE COMPLAINT
Hope this helps someone else...

MWS Developer access for PII personal identifiable Information Revoked - Buyersname, phone, Addresses are coming blank

We are using Amazon Seller account and have been using MWS API for last 10 months. However this is the first time we got this issue.
1. All of our API is getting failed.
2. BuyerName, Addresses, phone are not coming from the MWS API.
3. In the XML, The above tags are missing.
What i need to do now?
We faced this issue and we co-ordinate with amazon MWS operation Support team at They suggested upon checking, that role was revoked and due to which some Amazon MWS operations and reports do not return certain data.
They suggested to fill the below form from the given link in order to receive Personally Identifiable Information (PII).
But upon clicking this URL, we found access related issue and then the MWS operation team passed this issue to Developer Registration and Assessment forms team to help us in resolving the issue.

Instagram doesn't approve my app with some partly irrelevant feedback

I have written an app which notifies users when someone make them unfollow (As like as any other apps in this area). Then, I got my app approved by Instagram. After six/seven attempts, they don't approve the app till now. I followed their instructions as feedback and fixed any probable privacy problem which my app might have. But I didn't get any bright answer from them as far.
I throw my app on the following use case:
My product helps brands and advertisers understand, manage their
audience and media rights.
And I wrote my API use cases as follows:
Thank you for considering our request to approve our application. The
required information for enabling live mode for our application is
explained in the following lines:
Q1: How your app does use the Instagram API?
First of all, our user (i.e. brands or advertisers) selects the “Unfollow Finder Service” on our application.
We redirect the user to Instagram login page, as indicated in API documentation, to authorize his account to accessing required scopes.
i. Note that we already told the user everything that we are going to
We tend to call follow APIs whenever the authorized user clicks a button in our application.
Ultimately, we inform the authorized user with the information obtained from step 3.
Q2: How does it fall into one of the approved use cases?
The list of users who recently unfollowed/followed an
Instagram account are definitely crucial and beneficial for the brands
and advertisers on Instagram. In this way, they can get feedback
implicitly from their customers. Our service help them to manage their
audiences and provide better content for them. So, according to Q1,
our use case falls into “My product helps brands and advertisers
understand, manage their audience and media rights.” We never violate
the approved scopes and Instagram's privacy.
Q3: Who will be using your app?
In our region, lots of brands and businesses utilize
Instagram to publish their content. They are the users of our service
and can use it to improve their relation with their audiences. Kind
As you see, I'm trying to tell them everything in detail. But in my last submission, they declined me with the following feedback:
General issues:
Policy Violation ("Like", "Follow", "Comment" Exchange Program): Your
app shouldn't participate, enable or promote any “like”, “share”,
“comment” or “follower” exchange programs. In working to build a high
quality platform experience, we ask that you comply with our Platform
Policy (
I just want permission on follower_list scope from them. The surprising part is that they noted me with almost irrelevant feedback. It seems that they do not want to approve my app at all.
Do I violate their privacy?
Does anyone face this problem? How can I fix it and had my app approved?
Sorry for asking this question here since I almost googled entire web (+Stackoverflow) and find no helpful answer. All of my previous attempts were gone away.
Thanks in advance.

OmniPay support for 2checkout API token payments?

Does anyone know how / if it is possible to use token billing? The 2Checkout API supports it and OmniPay supports token billing, but I've not had much luck and a quick look at the Official Gateway code doesn't seem to show support for it?
Anyone doing this / have any idea?
I can categorically state that it's possible to use token billing, I do so regularly. I'm not that familiar with 2Checkout but I have used token billing on stripe, paypal, PaymentWall, MultiCards, Fat Zebra and other gateways.
Is there a specific problem you're having that you can illustrate with some example code?
Does 2Checkout support token billing? Yes, and it works. However, there are some quirks with it:
You have to turn Demo Mode off on the dashboard or the 2Checkout and OmniPay API doesn't seem to work properly.
You have to send a Billing Address in order for the transactions to go through. If that doesn't work for you, such as for digital downloads, then you'll want to consider another payment gateway.
The billing address must contain a customer email and cannot be empty. Again, if that doesn't work well in your sales workflow, then you'll want to consider another payment gateway.
The billing address must contain a phone number, but CAN be empty.
I discuss this here as well as provide an OmniPay sample code snippet:
Take a look at my project, TokenPay. I've weeded through the confusing docs and got it working on 2CO.
P.S. Don't ever forget your sandbox password -- they don't tell you this in the docs, but found out via tech support that their password reset on the sandbox login doesn't look disabled, but is disabled. (It would have been nice if they made that quite clear.) Instead, you'll have to create another sandbox account entirely when you forget a password there.