GemFire : OQL problems - gemfire

I want to perform this query in GemFire
select a from /regionA a,/regionB b where sqrt(sqr(a.x-b.x)+sqr(a.y-b.y)) < a.d
but some operators are not supported such as +, - ...
is there any solution to perform such queries ?

This is a really old question but, still, is good to have the answer in case anyone else is searching for this...
GemFire OQL doesn't support arithmetic operations (not even in the latest version), the list of supported operations and literals can be found in Supported Keywords.
That said, and as a workaround, you can write a simple Function to filter the data and execute the required arithmetic operations on the server side directly.


IGNORE CASE query problems saving to a table and using Allow large results

I need case insensitivity in my queries so I found IGNORE CASE which works superbly when used in queries that target the browser (I am talking about BQ web UI). If I choose a destination table (an absolute must for me) and select Allow Large Results (with unchecked Flatten Results) then I get a cryptic error like this:
Error: unexpected LIMIT clause at: 2.200 - 2.206
Even though this Official Google BigQuery issue and feature request tracker post seems to speak of the same issue and even though the problem seems to have been acknowledged back in Jan 2015 the solution isn't apparent.
I could potentially use a bunch of temp tables with lowercased search columns as a workaround but that sounds awfully difficult with the number of tables and columns that I have and the complex queries that I intend to run.
Any other possible workarounds? Why isn't this working yet on BQ?
Yes, it is a known problem, and it has not been neglected. The code changes to fix it are (surprisingly) not trivial, but they are mostly done. Not team is carefully looking how to enable and deploy them. I cannot give you a timeline, but the fix to this problem is coming.
The only workarounds in the meantime, are to wrap all the string comparisons, string GROUP BYs and string ORDER BYs with conversion to LOWER() (or UPPER()) of operands.

Pure SQL queries in Rails view?

I am asked to display some sort of data in my Rails App view with pure SQL query without help of ActiveRecord. This is done for the Application owner to be able to implement some third-party reporting tool (Pentaho or something).
I am bad in SQL and I am not really sure if that is even possible to do something similar. Does anyone have any suggestions?
If you must drop down to pure SQL, you can make life more pleasant by using 'find by sql':
bundy = MyModel.find_by_sql("SELECT as id, my_articles.title as title from my_models, my_articles WHERE foo = 3 AND ... ...")
or similar. This will give you familiar objects which you can access using dot notation as you'd expect. The elements in the SELECT clause are available, as long as you use 'as' with compound parameters to give them a handle:
puts bundy.title
To find out what all the results are for a row, you can use 'attributes':
Also you can construct your queries using ActiveRecord, then call 'to_sql' to give you the raw SQL you're using.
sql = MyModel.joins(:my_article).where(id: [1,2,3,4,5]).to_sql
for example.
Then you could call:
Better, though, may be to just use ActiveRecord, then pass the result of 'to_sql' into whatever the reporting tool is that you need to use with it. Then your code maintains its portability and maintainability.

Hibernate and dynamic SQL

do you know anything about Hibernate and its ability to generate dynamic sql queries with HQL?
I you have any links I would appreciate posting, I can't find nothing about it in Hibernate`s documentation.
Best regards
so maybe I will precise what I mean. I am wondering if some HQL code generates SQL queries which uses something like EXECUTE (for postgres)
Not sure what you're aiming for here? HQL in Hibernate will always generate SQL, and you can put your HQL together differently based on input. It will always generate new SQL for each permutation and run. You can make Hibernate precompile/cache queries but that's just a performance optimization and shouldn't be your first concern.
I would also consider looking into the Criteria API which lets you stay a lot more object oriented instead of working with tons of strings.
If you're talking about static queries using dynamic arguments, the syntax is
select f from Foo f where = ? and f.zim = ?
or, with named parameters
select f from Foo f where = :bar and f.zim = :zim
If you're talking about completely dynamically created queries based on a set of criteria, then the API to use is... the Criteria API.
Both are largely covered in the Hibernate reference documentation.

Openbase SQL case-sensitivity oddities ('=' vs. LIKE) - porting to MySQL

We are porting an app which formerly used Openbase 7 to now use MySQL 5.0.
OB 7 did have quite badly defined (i.e. undocumented) behavior regarding case-sensitivity. We only found this out now when trying the same queries with MySQL.
It appears that OB 7 treats lookups using "=" differently from those using "LIKE": If you have two values "a" and "A", and make a query with WHERE f="a", then it finds only the "a" field, not the "A" field. However, if you use LIKE instead of "=", then it finds both.
Our tests with MySQL showed that if we're using a non-binary collation (e.g. latin1), then both "=" and "LIKE" compare case-insensitively. However, to simulate OB's behavior, we need to get only "=" to be case-sensitive.
We're now trying to figure out how to deal with this in MySQL without having to add a lot of LOWER() function calls to all our queries (there are a lot!).
We have full control over the MySQL DB, meaning we can choose its collation mode as we like (our table names and unique indexes are not affected by the case sensitivity issues, fortunately).
Any suggestions how to simulate the OpenBase behaviour on MySQL with the least amount of code changes?
(I realize that a few smart regex replacements in our source code to add the LOWER calls might do the trick, but we'd rather find a different way)
Another idea .. does MySQL offer something like User Defined Functions? You could then write a UDF-version of like that is case insesitive (ci_like or so) and change all like's to ci_like. Probably easier to do than regexing a call to lower in ..
These two articles talk about case sensitivity in mysql:
Case Sensitive mysql
mySql docs "Case Sensitivity"
Both were early hits in this Google search:
case sensitive mysql
I know that this is not the answer you are looking for .. but given that you want to keep this behaviour, shouldn't you explicitly code it (rather than changing some magic 'config' somewhere)?
It's probably quite some work, but at least you'd know which areas of your code are affected.
A quick look at the MySQL docs seems to indicate that this is exactly how MySQL does it:
This means that if you search with col_name LIKE 'a%', you get all column values that start with A or a.

Case-insensitive search using Hibernate

I'm using Hibernate for ORM of my Java app to an Oracle database (not that the database vendor matters, we may switch to another database one day), and I want to retrieve objects from the database according to user-provided strings. For example, when searching for people, if the user is looking for people who live in 'fran', I want to be able to give her people in San Francisco.
SQL is not my strong suit, and I prefer Hibernate's Criteria building code to hard-coded strings as it is. Can anyone point me in the right direction about how to do this in code, and if impossible, how the hard-coded SQL should look like?
Yuval =8-)
For the simple case you describe, look at Restrictions.ilike(), which does a case-insensitive search.
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.ilike('town', '%fran%');
List results = crit.list();
Criteria crit = session.createCriteria(Person.class);
crit.add(Restrictions.ilike('town', 'fran', MatchMode.ANYWHERE);
List results = crit.list();
If you use Spring's HibernateTemplate to interact with Hibernate, here is how you would do a case insensitive search on a user's email address:
getHibernateTemplate().find("from User where upper(email)=?", emailAddr.toUpperCase());
You also do not have to put in the '%' wildcards. You can pass MatchMode (docs for previous releases here) in to tell the search how to behave. START, ANYWHERE, EXACT, and END matches are the options.
The usual approach to ignoring case is to convert both the database values and the input value to upper or lower case - the resultant sql would have something like
select from f where TO_UPPER( like '%FRAN%'
In hibernate criteria
I'm more familiar with Nhibernate so the syntax might not be 100% accurate
for some more info see pro hibernate 3 extract and hibernate docs 15.2. Narrowing the result set
This can also be done using the criterion Example, in the org.hibernate.criterion package.
public List findLike(Object entity, MatchMode matchMode) {
Example example = Example.create(entity);
return getSession().createCriteria(entity.getClass()).add(
Just another way that I find useful to accomplish the above.
Since Hibernate 5.2 session.createCriteria is deprecated. Below is solution using JPA 2 CriteriaBuilder. It uses like and upper:
CriteriaBuilder builder = session.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Person> criteria = builder.createQuery(Person.class);
Root<Person> root = criteria.from(Person.class);
Expression<String> upper = builder.upper(root.get("town"));
criteria.where(, "%FRAN%"));
Most default database collations are not case-sensitive, but in the SQL Server world it can be set at the instance, the database, and the column level.
You could look at using Compass a wrapper above lucene.
By adding a few annotations to your domain objects you get achieve this kind of thing.
Compass provides a simple API for working with Lucene. If you know how to use an ORM, then you will feel right at home with Compass with simple operations for save, and delete & query.
From the site itself.
"Building on top of Lucene, Compass simplifies common usage patterns of Lucene such as google-style search, index updates as well as more advanced concepts such as caching and index sharding (sub indexes). Compass also uses built in optimizations for concurrent commits and merges."
I have used this in the past and I find it great.